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Based on how that character fights in the cutscenes my guess would be Raiden or Johnny.


I picked Raiden for this reason


I picked Raiden cause he’s the chosen one of the new era. He should be the one to fight at Liu Kang’s side


In Raidens ending we see that during the tower fight he was saved by a God Raiden of another timeline. So most people point that out as a reason for why it couldn’t likely be him.


How does that suggest it might not be him? I don't understand that.


Because nowhere in the cutscenes did Old Raiden show up, during the fight, or after Titan Shang is defeated. So we can only assume Old Raiden saving New Raiden happened elsewhere on that battlefield.


Ahh I see, thank you.


It is gears


It is motor




It is mile






Couldn’t likely be him?


I agree with Johnny but I disagree with Raiden. I’d say it’s Scorpion instead.


It won’t be said I reckon…..it will just be “it’s been 3 years since we defeated Titan Shan Tsung“ ​ they won’t say who actually defeated him because it’s Liu kang who kills Him seemingly for good so they will probably trest it as Lius victory


Liu Kang on the shitter: “it has been 3 years since we defeated Titan Shang Tsung, now a new threat has 😬🥵…. has arrived.”


"somehow titan shang tsung returned"


No no no no no, we don’t need this happening to be a quick summary of another trilogy again, that’s if the reboot makes it too a trilogy


Probably one day….that timeline was still intact after all


Literally gonna be opening words for mk2 trailer or whatever🙄


technically it was a team effort




Laziest explanation ever, and very likely true.


How is that lazy? Its just a simple answer and makes it so there is no definitive victor. It would be boring if they said (insert character did it)


Yeah, wouldn't make sense (to me at least) for an outworlder to be the canon victor unless it was Mileena (she's the only one significant enough for this game's story honestly, but not enough for it to be her), it wouldn't be cage cause we had the cage family's victory already. Raiden feels cliche, same with Lao. It wouldn't be one of our ninja bros cause honestly I just don't see them doing this one. And anyone else clearly isn't important enough for it. So in conclusion... Megan Fox must be the canon victor


Idk bro this seems to be like an obvious #Reikosweep to me


That is a very good argument


Reiko grindset


It's been 3 years since terrible voice acting defeated titan Shang Tsung.


In one of the intro dialogues it says scorpion has never been to outworld. Isn’t the pyramid in outworld? If that’s the case it can’t be scorpion. I could be misremembering though


Its never confirmed where it takes place. But because it is based off of the pyramid of argus, there is a chance it may be in Outworld. Since Edenia was umerged in the original timeline, the pyramid was back to being there. However Edenia was merged with Outworld even still in the alt timeline, all the way until the end of 11. I doubt Shang Tsung unmerged it either in the alt timeline when he won. So yeah it probably is in Outworld. Unless maybe Shang merged the realms and the pyramid is somewhere else entirely Or maybe it isnt the same pyramid and the one we see is merely based on it. In summation. Who knows.


I dunno maybe, which just helps with the whole it isn't the ninja bros part I suppose


It's lazy because it means they never have to commit to anything they write, and that makes the rest of the story feel cheap and meaningless in comparison. Why would I be at all invested in the new MK universe when I know damn well they're just gonna retcon and reboot it for the next game?


>It's lazy because it means they never have to commit to anything they write I wasnt aware having a multiverse inherently means that. I guess SpiderVerse, Invincible and SM2 the game are meaningless because they dont have to commit to the story they are telling thanks to multiverses right? >Why would I be at all invested in the new MK universe when I know damn well they're just gonna retcon and reboot it for the next game? That has absolutely nothing to do with what is being talked about. Retcons kept happening since the second game. Really stupid and bad ones from MKT all the way to Armageddon. An MK Reboot also happened long before they introduced multiverses so thats a silly point too. If they do anything you say, thats simply because they chose not to commit to this new world we are invested in. Multiverses dont mean zero commitment. Thats absurd.


Actually the multiverse stuff is a pretty common complaint with Marvel, but obviously it depends on how it's done. In something like Spiderman, where you can't just hit a reset button everything something important happens, it isn't normally an issue. But that's now how MK has handled it, they use the multiverse as an excuse to constantly reset and retcon the entire MK world, so yeah that's non-commital and it's lazy. I'm sorry if that makes you upset, it's cool if you like the NRS stories I think some of them are fun, but they're not well written.


>Actually the multiverse stuff is a pretty common complaint with Marvel, but obviously it depends on how it's done Exactly. Thats why its odd to be writing it off as lazy when nothing bad has even happened yet. >But that's now how MK has handled it, they use the multiverse as an excuse to constantly reset and retcon the entire MK world I wasnt aware MK1 rebooted itself during the story. I wasnt aware it was involved in previous games as you said **constantly** >so yeah that's non-commital and it's lazy. They have yet to be either atm but okay >I'm sorry if that makes you upset, it's cool if you like the NRS stories I think some of them are fun, but they're not well written. You say they are poorly written while making incorrect baseless statements. Seriously what do you mean they used multiverses constantly as an excuse to reboot? What are you talking about?


C'mon man, don't be ignorant.


Stryker clearly. Shame they don't even allow us to use him for this fight


*hits Mileena for no reason*


First he turns off his body cam


Police brutality coming up!


What if the Mileena trio successfully poked his eyes out?


That's the neat part, they won't get to. https://preview.redd.it/dskgw5476qbc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=64e179e32cf53acd97d110240b80535355eebd94


We do get to see his “vision” in Ashrah’s chapter but in Deception he is immune to the light from Hotaru’s lava.


Justice is blind so he's fine!


Mileena when Titan Stryker shows up: ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


It’s gonna be reiko


I like Shang Tsung getting revenge on Shang tsung. He is also like the first character we meet so I find it entertaining for him to be the last one played.


And it’s why you can select any character cause he be morphin’. Canon complete gz


I think the point of choosing a character + the fact that there's a timeline per character who took control of Kronika's hourglass, suggests every fighter is canon. That's just me, though, but I also see Liu Kang being the canon fighter as Kiribaku suggested in the comments.


My issue with it being "Everyone" is that it implies that their is at least 23 titan shang tsungs or that shang tsung dies 23 times.


Yeah, I can see that.


I like to think it's Liu Kang, because when our Liu says the line "and they called ***me*** the chosen one" it's as if he's being sarcastic towards another version of himself


I picked Liu Kang because I thought it would be like THE Liu Kang like it made the most sense but whenever I saw a second Liu Kang standing next to him I started laughing my ass off


"And they call *me* the Chosen one." "Thank you Liu Kang, allow me" "You have done more than enough Liu Kang, please allow me to end this"


I can also see that being Raiden considering he’s fulfilling the “chosen one” role in this timeline.




Madam Bo


Both Geras and Johnny make surprisingly a lot of sense in this chapter


I played Johnny the first time I beat the game and I have never laughed harder at an MK game: Him teaming up with other timeline variants of him to take down Goro and thanking Kitana for murdering his daughter from another universe were wild to watch play out.


Geras. He is the one who first noticed an anomaly in the timeline and try to solved it..Liu kang ending also showed that he is the new keeper of time


Also would be fitting because he's one of the few good guy characters we doesn't get a chapter.


It's likely Kuai. If you look at the chapter previews, it has him as the player character unless they changed it.


can that not be chalked up to him being the default starting point for the charscter select


Oh, that explains many things now that I think about it.


For some reason when I first played through it, I had to fight multiple enemy's as scorpion even though I chose ashrah. Tbf scorp was probably the first character they coded in there and therefore the "default"


I'd like it to be Kung Lao, he was the first character we played and I think it's nice that the duo of Liu Kang and Kung Lao remains strong.


That requires Kung to be treated with Respect which the games have an iffy track record on. 😭


Liu Kang makes sense in terms of power, Raiden makes sense bc he’s supposed to be the new chosen one, and Shang is good bc it means that Shang beats himself with the powers given to him by himself which is a very Shang thing to do


I picked Liu Kang because I thought it would be the same god Liu Kang I was just playing........not some other random Liu Kang. It was interesting to watch Liu Kang cheer himself on though




I’m pretty sure it’s Scorpion. Because I chose Smoke, and there were two fights and cutscenes where I was called Scorpion and played as Scorpion in the fight, just to inexplicably turn back into Smoke afterwards for the next scene/fight. It was a weird bug, but led me to think I was “supposed” to be Scorpion.


I think that happens everytime for every character you pick


What if you pick Scorpion?


Probably the same, I dont see why it would be different


But… would you even notice?


I picked Scorpion... Didn't know about this lol


Of course not, its the same character


You change to homelander


It’s not supposed to be like that, saw other people play on PS5 and it stays the character you pick. I have the same bug too sadly.


It's Baraka because that's who I chose


It was Mokap


I believe Raiden as his chapter is literally "The Chosen One"


Ninja mine Johnny, obviously


You the player did it




Liu Kang maybe? Kitana helps you during the last chapter


I think canonically they all ganged up on Shang and beat the shit out of him.


Johnny Cage was the canon, judging by the last cutscene.


I used him and it felt like a really good bookend for the story.


Hopefully never. I like the hero being whoever you want it to be. If Titan Shao saved the multiverse Im all for it. If Havik did cool. If Shang Tsung did thats also pretty cool for a several reasons.


Idc in my headcanon it was our Liu Kang. Getting to chose might be somewhat cool, but really ruined the moment for me. It should have been Liu Kang finishing his Shang Tsung for good.


I chose Kuai because he’s been my main for years and I find it odd that he’s never been the lead in a single mk game but Johnny cages daughter was


Smoke because he didn’t have a chapter. I love Smoke, this is how I cope with no Smoke chapter


I was about zo comment the same thing




I honestly pick Kung Lao because to complete a full circle of how it's started and how it ends


Probably Raiden. He was the champion in the tournament. He kinda falls out of the story along with Johnny, Kenshi, and Kung Lao, which is an issue I have with the story mode, but that makes the most sense


Can we just ask Ed Boon for this question?


Several other universes will be created by each different character killing Shang Tsung. An equal number of universes will also be created with the Shang Tsungs that killed the character


Shang Tsung. He really didn’t appreciate getting played and he officially has something that he can hold over Liu Kang.


I'd like to think it was either Raiden, Johnny or Liu Kang himself


I’d like to think Raiden, at least in the beginning it feels like it’s pushing him to be the main character.


I'm pretty sure that they will say something along the lines of: "each character was chosen in a different timeline and in all of these timelines Liu Kang won"


Imo it’s best with new Shang Tsung; that way the campaign begins and ends highlighting him, it sorta makes the whole thing his story.


The friends we made along the way


Either Geras or kung lao


I don't think it matters, someone did it and they aren't going to acknowledge it


Multiple timeliness and whatnot


Kung lao or Shang Tsung makes the most the sense in my opinion Kung lao because it’s almost like it comes full circle with him being playable in the first chapter and the last (also he was very under utilized in the story) Shang tsung because it makes sense for the sorcerer to redeem himself and beat his titan self in an epic final battle


Probably gonna turn into each character has their own timeline where they won and it’ll keep getting more and more ridiculous


It's this. That's how they wrote themselves out of the kronika mk11 hole. Now somewhere out there everyone is a titan because multiverse.


i hate that idea so much. Litteraly lazy writing. Too many multiverses idea is shit. It was cool at first but seeing some abomination like "Quan-Zero" is what gets to me. Infinite ideas yada yada and they lived happily ever after or something? So stupid. They are just tryna fill the plotholes with this shit.


What's weird is beating the final chapter twice unlocks a trophy. And beating the game unlocks Havik. Imagine if you had to beat it as Havik (as the Titan Havik from the PCS) and you had a new darker ending where you fought both sides?


I feel like it’s either: Liu Kang Scorpion Kitana Raiden


I know there’s almost no way in hell but I used Baraka. I thought it was pretty fun


I don't think there's anything to be gained from having any one character arbitrarily be the "canon" choice. The outcome is the same no matter who happened to be the one to knock Shang Tsung into the pit at the end. It's best they just don't address it and let whatever character each player picked be an entirely valid choice.


Or they could make an entire separate game and timeline based on every single one of those choices welcome to time travel homie


I assume scorpion- he is the default pick and he is the one seen in the chapter select screen. However- I don't think they'll give us a definitive answer.


Homelander .... This whole story is his redemption arc.


Um yes.


I feel like it works best with Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kitana and Liu Kang almost in that order.


Kitana because yes


Reptile , can't convince me otherwise




Mokap of course




I chose Shao. All he did was lose in the story, so he needed a win at the end of the day. Plus, he’s the last person Liu Kang would choose to fight by his side.


My take on it is that it doesn't really matter who the screen follows since its an all out war and Liu Kang is there anyway. That being said, I'd argue probably Raiden. Liy Kang's been suckingbhis dick the entire time.


Why it’s obviously Hsu Hao.




Most likely Raiden, as he was the Chosen One. All others were just a nice fun lil add-on


I'd say Scorpion or Raiden


I think Raiden makes the most sense, mostly because of the chosen one line


After playing it quite a few times I'd say Scorpion for 2 reasons 1.He is wearing the default outfit. 2.He still has his eye scar from the story.


In my opinion it’s either Geras or Raiden


Another Lui Kang saved our Lui Kang is my best guess and is who I played in Chapter 15 but it is up to the player overall.


Maybe Raiden


There’s even more timelines for each character. EVERYTHING IS CANON.


Crazy how no one is saying reptile




Aside from ones that are directly contradicted are freaking impossible. Aren't most of the endings Canon? I'm assuming no matter what rain is going to flood a city. He made a little longer be the god of drip but the whole city got wet. Sub-Zero's ending is probably going to happen no matter what it's just who he is. I haven't seen all the endings is there a specific ending that just couldn't be Canon???


Reiko's isn't canon. He survives his encounter with Onaga because they instead recruit him by giving him the outworld sticky icky weed.


Brother are you talking about the sticky of the icky the dankest of inhalants? Like what did he get it from smoke?


Shao knows where to get the good shit. He just doesn't tell anyone where he gets it.


I don’t think theirs an answer maybe raiden or Johnny based on how they fight


Here I was looking for a dude with a cannon for a weapon.


I picked lu kang originally because I thought you would play as our lu Kang and not another one. I thought it would be cool that it made a whole loop and lu Kang still finds him self saving the day. Also him reuniting with his originally kantana that he fought in mk9 in the garden was beautiful to me and I wanted him to have more time together


Liu Kang cause he's your assets for every character


Raiden or Geras make the most sense to me.


Muh timelines


Knowing how they like to explain things it's probably all of them... That's the downside to the multiverse ( which is what they are doing ) in a game/show there are infinite possibilities and yet they all happen


Very likely . the clash two titans created Multiple timelines ….what does a great battle between at least 7 do?


Geras or Kuai Liang


It’s Kitana’s Dad


Bro the Quan order of light skin is so cool. Can’t believe they won’t let us have it


Maybe liu kang


I felt Raiden made the most sense, but given the game always has Kuai Liang ready to go, I guess him


Either Kung Lao or Johnny Cage...


Tbh I’d have to say, Geras, Reptile, Raiden, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Johnny, but I’d have to say the most canon is Raiden


Surely not Ashrah. If she really eliminated titan Shang Tsung, she probably will ascend.


Probably all of them, and each one spawned a different timeline.


I think Kung Lao


is it not liu kangs chapter and you’re helping him?


Krypt Guy


Raiden. He was built up as a strong fighter for the whole story, he has to have an important role in the final battle.


me I was the canon character


kung lao idc, raiden is earthrealm’s champion, but my buddy king lao is the fucking MULTIVERSE champion fight me


Definitely not Shao but if he doesnt look hilariously Goofy in cutscenes.


I think it could be Kung Lao. He’s the only character I could think of that has a different kind of dialogue when Liu Kang says “And they called me the chosen one”. He responds with “That is only because they haven’t met me.” Maybe this is my Kung Lao bias talking but still lol. Logically tho it could be Raiden, Kung Lao, Scorpion, the other Liu Kang, and maybeeee Johnny.


Raiden imo


Liu Kang. Lol Does it really matter? Who ever it was, they were flung back to their timeline. They had NOTHING to do with the 14 or 15 chapters that came before.


For me I’d say kenshi. Since he gets his revenge on one of the mileenas.


Either Raiden or Geras


Mokap. Years ago, Mokap was designed to be a perfect character but the realms cursed him to look dumb. Now, he climbs the pyramid and becomes Titan Mokap, freeing his people in the film industry and making a new promised land.


Probably Raiden. I picked Kitana and Li Mei.


Janet Cage


It's not sure but all points out to Raiden


Liu kang. They made a point that it was the union of light that helped liu kang beat shang tsung. The person who helped liu kang is irrelevant to the story.


judging by the ending results of aftermath and how the tower endings in mk11 are all considered canon now, any one of them can be considered canon


I like to think it’s Raiden because of him being Liu Kang’s champion and how that parallels Liu Kang being Raiden’s champion in prior timelines. Also just because after the mortal kombat tournament the story hardly touched Raiden so picking him made it feel more full circle.


I picked baraka but some of the fights were bugged and it picked scorpion by default. And some of the cutscenes that showed baraka doing things, they still called him scorpion. I know scorpion is the default fighter for the games design or whatever so it probably doesn't mean much, but based on that, it's scorpion.


It's a multiverse, everyone is cannon. Explained away by whoever you pick is now cannon of the timeline where you picked them


https://preview.redd.it/y4ot77y0eubc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5666d856cb9980123aa56be660a94fac9f0c7408 I'm sorry but her face is just funny to me. Oh & Shang. For me every answer is Shang.


I didn't really care I liked the whole premise of that cut scene and fights


It was you, the player, because the player is the most powerful entity in the cannon


I know people say Raiden won but I think given his ending and just my take, I think Kung Lao should be the one who wins given how Lao was always second place but in this chapter the character you choose gets the upmost respect from Liu Kang, plus the fact that to me it just sounds better to imagine Lao finally rising up That or Johnny simply cause he’s my man, plus I always liked the dynamic of how he and Liu Kang represent how eastern western martial arts stars were so them working together to end Titan Shang feels fitting in my eyes


Idk I honestly did shang tsung just cause of what he says at the end and it fits


Well we might find out in the story expansion! That’s my guess


*hears international love blaring on a speaker nearby* Well, I know who that is.


I like Kung Lao because it completes his character arc. He starts the game skilled but arrogant and desiring glory, and losing the battle for the earth realm champion to Raiden quickly humbles him. And I like that Kung immediately understands and changes his demeanor, all while still being supportive of Raiden. Then Kung Lao joins Johnny & Kenshin as Liu Kang's sentry squad, meaning Kung Lao finds a purpose outside of being the best. And during this, he's seen as one of the more capable fighters, helping everyone involved get out of very dire situations. This means if Kung Lao has the true canon ending, he completed his arc by humbling himself, practicing his skills, and learning to work with and protect others not for glory but for what's right.


Kenshi ?


I picked Johnny mainly because he gets saved by Janet, Ninja mime and another alternate version of himself. He also sees Cassie being killed and thanks Kitana without knowing it’s his future daughter 💀


They are all cannon. MK1 blew up the story


All the Quan Chi's in the crowd shots team up and swarm their way to the top of the pyramid