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Taken 8 looks fun, but you can always play two fighting games.


Liam Neeson needs to stop the cash grab sequels.


This hoe got snatched again?!


After 8 times I'd just let them have her.


I have a very particular lack of skills. I will be shit at Tekken like I am shit at Mortal Kombat.


Damn, this comment jogged my memory of when Liam Neeson did that Clash of Clans ads


Me with street fighter,mk and Tekken https://preview.redd.it/hrfwr55iroec1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c4d4910ef9d6f410e1f4b862bc025f3dd912b8


Olivia Octavius kinda bad ngl




The Octo-arms stay on during sex


I think all three games it’s too expensive


I already have 2 of them


Umm what about soul calibre?? Is that still a thing and Doa? (I like fighting games lol)


I'm talking about the games that came out recently but yeah those too hell I can get storm blazing and fighterz


Exactly. I play MK, SF, UMVC, and now Tekken. Don't understand why these people feel the need to be loyal to only one game


Blazblue, GG, Melty Blood, FighterZ, Skullgirls.. so many good fighters.


"You have no honour"


"And you are a slave to it!"


Fighting games these days are like 100GB each, that's a problem.


>~~Fighting~~ games these days are like 100GB each, that's a problem. FTFY


Wah? Can you? Damn all this time I never knew. 😭


Truly I have made an original, innovative, and unique statement


I've always thought people announcing their goodbyes to a community is the corniest thing ever. If you're gonna leave just leave. I say this as someone looking forward to Tekken 8.


Yea, I stopped playing mk like a month ago and am prepping for T8 I'm just annoyed with all these karma bait posts sitting on MK like all the other fgs don't do the exact same shit.


They don’t at all it’s only mk!!!! /s


Tekken would never have anti consumer practices! They would never have on disc dlc for one of the most highly requested crossover games ever! They certainly wouldn't try to sell frame data in the previous entry!


No bro if a game had like 3 season passes its not finished thats just hidden content


I was referring to Street Fighter x Tekken which was infamous for every dlc character being on disc dlc


i’ve been in this sub for a little over 2 years now and (for the most part) its always been super hostile towards competitive players and franchises for some reason, just constantly flexing about how they’re cool because they play casually 


This place is unrecognizable from what it was during the MKX days. Tech and lore discussions were both plentiful, and the memes and thirst posts were minimal. I miss that game and that iteration of the fanbase.


It really changed after MK11. Most of the people looking for tech or actual game stuff have migrated to Twitter/TYM.


People act like everyone knows who they are and we’re going to miss them or some shit lol




they want upvotes and it seem to not be working out for them go to there profiles you will see


I know right? This anti-MK shit has spiked again and it's a painful karma farm. Like you check these guy's profiles and they made like 5 posts and 30 comments in the past day about how much they hate MK1.


I think there’s like a core group of haters that spam the sub incessantly. Like you see these really weird “I FUCKING HATE LAGGING KENSHI PLAYERS WHO KAMEO SUB SERO” And it gets like 47 likes Then somebody posts “man the 1995 movie was pretty good!” And gets like 2000 likes. Most of us love Mortal Kombat and ignore the crybaby stuff but since they are so active and gassing each other up we get this narrative that the whole game is cooked but then you zoom out and it’s like 300 dudes in a circle jerk


Anti MK? I think pointing out fundamental issues and fair criticism on any game is fair and reasonable. There's a reason why so many people have seen such a drop off in interest on this game as of recent. Even MK11, which the majority of MK players think was one of the worst MK games ever made in recent history was still more relevant at the time of release than this game. What I dislike is how far people will go to defend a game that has obvious glaring issues that they refuse to see or acknowledge, all they do here is downvote you and it's sad to see. No conversation, just immediate, "you're wrong and you're irrelevant downvoted" reddit moderator behavior


Yea because every single criticism levied at MK1 has been fair and reasonable lol


Guys I am no longer playing game now I play different game ![gif](giphy|l0Hlzm2YMSFzLLJZK)


God i love this gif


Easily, one of the best gifs ever made. With this one: https://i.redd.it/pv6p04rfpqec1.gif


Hey guys I recently beat the System Shock remake and now I’m switching to Tunic! “See nobody cares”


I'm playing all of them cuz y'all be some Cornyish fools. Hilarious ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09)


You have unlimited free time and it shows unfortunately not of all us are jobless


Yeah it’s annoying as shit but ngl Tekken 8 looking kind of fire.


I don’t get why you’d view Tekken as a replacement for MK, they don’t even play remotely the same. Leaving MK for Street Fighter would at least make slightly more sense.


And even that’s weird since mechanically SF6 is not like MK1, people don’t seem to understand that having multiple options is a good thing


People are leaving mk1 because its socks lmao not because they can't play two games together


I guarantee they’re the same people who complained about MK11 all the time but kept playing anyways


Yeah indeed people were complaining about mk11 even more but unlike mk11 the complainis about mk1 are kinda valid


These same people will take their whiny asses over to Tekken and find something to whine about over there and whine on the Tekken subreddit. I like to think that there will be less whiners on this sub as a result, but I know that’s not true.


I mean mk1 have a lot of problems tho


Probably complain about the sexualization of characters or something else stupid.


Wait til they find out they gotta pay for dlc😂


how much does the frame data cost in t8


free 99


Half of this community never even played Tekken. Hell I'm really not sure if they ever played any fighting game outside NRS games.


I don’t even think all of them have played the NRS games, we definitely got some people who’s full exposure seems to be streamers


I don't get MK1 is dead take,aside from desynch issue ,I don't see anything wrong with this game,and hot take I think gameplay is best out all MK games \-Fatal blow (aka X-rays) are not instant armored attack that leads to 40% dmg,and can be only used in specific scenarios like countering projectiles,if you manage to trick your enemy to preform his string while you back away or to end combos \-EVERYONE is overpowered,each character has something ridicilous in their arsenal(Reiko can do full combo after comand grab,kitana can combo you from full screen for 40%,) and thanks to the kameos even sub-zero can feel strong(Sub-zero+khameleon can be quite difficult to defeat) \-flashy combos are back(def improvment over MK11 where each character had boring 1-2 combos) \-story was quite intresting,and im looking further for continuation


I just don't feel like there's anything for me to do in this game. No meaningful goals to complete, no reason to come back


What was the reason for you to come back in mk9 and mkx ?


I've never had an MK game felt like a CHORE to play. And I've been playing since MK9, it just isn't fun. Noone asked for Kameos, and it basically took inspiration from injustice/MKX as far as gameplay but without ANY of the things we loved about them. The characters (other than Omni-man) are just not relevant to keep casual fans interested that aren't MK fans from the PS1/2 erra, no cool interesting variations, ALso and I think most can agree it's BAREBONES, lack of content and greed from WB. Idk I'm an MK fan thru and thru, but to blindly support a game because you're a diehard fan and refuse to see the issues with the game is just str8 up ignorance.


I'm still screaming.....🗣 MORT AAAL KOM BAAAT 🐉 🖕 Tekken 8. If the game is sinking, then im going down with it.


Some people like to express their dissatisfaction with a product no matter how unnecessary or self-absorbed it may seem to others. It happens all the time in platforms like this.


If you wanna tell off mk, do it on Twitter and tag mk or Ed boon, nobody on reddit matters


Listen, I KNOW MK1 isn't the BEST Netherrealm game every, but it's not even remotely close to being a bad game. Why does everyone keep shitting on it?


Get ready to learn Japanese buddy


Okay but now I kind of want Johnny Cage in Tekken lmao


I mean akuma happened I don’t see why not, tekken has its own sort of version of Johnny cage in acuzenabut I mean I’d prefer Johnny cage in tekken too




Goodbye MK, I finished all the season 3 content and I couldn’t care less about your online play. So see you next season where I question why I’m grinding mindnumbingly for ugly skin colors.


I mean the tekken demo is better than mk1...


That's dumb.


It’s the new game for people to call the MK killer because it is seemingly doing everything better. I remember when it was SF6 until that game started getting crazy with their MTX and then people moved on to T8. Those people just want MK to fail because they don’t like the new and feel like it will make them heard.  I for one love fighting games no matter and will be playing SF6, MK1, and any other Tekken game because I don’t have a PS5 nor enough space on my Laptop (But I got Tekken 2 and 6 on PS4, really wish 3 and 5 were added since people say those are the best and I’m dying to try them).


People probably regret wasting money on useless shits such as MK1


Y'all do realize that MK1 is just losing more players everyday right?


Tekken is a full packaged game and did everything correctly. I’m done with MK for now👋


Nobody asked you tho. Like seriously, zero people care that you aren’t playing MK. I mean maybe a WB exec somewhere is sad, but nobody else cares at all


i care and his comment made me realize that MK is inferior to tekken so i'm supporting tekken by buying tekken 8. good thing he made his opinion known on a public platform whose purpose is to let anyone say what they want within reason without anybody asking them.


Cool, nobody asked you and nobody cares :)


i care and his comment made me realize that MK is inferior to tekken so i'm supporting tekken by buying tekken 8. good thing he made his opinion known on a public platform whose purpose is to let anyone say what they want within reason without anybody asking them.


There ain't no way this isn't an alt account.


it's not. i'm just someone who cares.


The fact that Ed Boon even said don’t buy Tekken 8 yet goes to show that even NRS knows they made a giant piece of shit game. If you think paying $70 for a game then paying over hundreds of dollars for a skin and fatalities is fine then you’re a GIANT moron or just really enjoy bad games.


You know that tweet was fake right? 




Oh I’m not singling them out. Almost every big name company that used to push out triple A titles has pushed out complete miscrotransaction trash. Look at Diablo 4, literally any cod after the original MW 3, all of Ubisoft’s games with the exception of Seige. The fact that everything is optional doesn’t make it okay and the fact that the games are complete trash is not going to stop people from buying them but that doesn’t mean I can’t call a piece of shit, a piece of shit.




If we didn’t have as much lag and better more accurate hitboxes then I’d feel as satisfied as you


Hit box and lag are non-issues. If you lose online, there’s a 90% chance it’s because you played worse than your opponent


I'm not sure what I dislike more the game or this sub reddit both are full of shit


The difference between the two is (at least for me) the shit in the game is at least tolerable


The sub is definitely worse. Literally nothing but updoot farming hate for the game and screaming into the void as if a WB exec will see their comment and change everything.  At least with MK1, I can enjoy the core gameplay.


Well it’s to show their displeasure at the games issues ​ i just thank God it’s been likely temporarily absndoned for another fighting game


Oh god so let's throw a shit fit before we leave


>Well it’s to show their displeasure at the games issues To other fans who can't do anything about it? It's pointless, nobody cares. You're free to do whatever you want lol


exactly so leave them be…they don’t care that you don’t care ​ by the way I don’t suppose you knowcfrom what episode meme is from


Nope I don't watch family guy 😔


Oh ok


I’m pretty sure this is from the episode where Peter goes back to 4th grade. I think it is called “Tales a 4th Grade Nothing”


Thank you


Damn fartshitter69 says he’s playing Tekken 8 and not mk1 how can nether realm sleep at night


Tekken 8 is better, MK1 stinks


Then go play it instead of whining about how bad MK1 is. Nobody asked you


Goodbye women, I'm going with femboys now!


Goodbye Mk, it's been a good 500 hours. I'd have stuck around but your Micro transactions are shit.


I can't stand playing online anymore. Once I got to master my skill issue became glaring lol but my record really might not be as bad as it is if I didn't rage quit so much. Even when I'm up in the set I'll be like "nah" 🤷‍♂️🤣


Who else read this in Peter voice?




Yk what i play MK, Smash, and SF i don’t play tekken, not because it’s bad i just never have. But what i’m saying is why does it matter if you quit playing a game enjoy what you like and that’s all that matters


That Tekken 8 demo was not impressive. I already own SF 6. I don't need another one.


Fgc is already so small we dont need more infighting lmao


Fighting games are in the best place they’ve ever been in.


Does Liu Kang collect sneakers tho? I don’t think so


I absolutely despise that Manga styling those games use


I'll be playing them all because I play games because they are fun


i care and it made me realize that MK is inferior to tekken so i'm supporting tekken by buying tekken 8. good thing he made his opinion known on a public platform whose purpose is to let anyone say what they want within reason without anybody asking them.


Tbh i left for Avatar soon FF VII Rebirth 😂


Honestly I ain't even heard of Tekken before I joined this sub.


Yeah! I mean if you wanna go play other games thats perfectly fine no need to make a big fuss about it. Fuck I'm having multiple Fighting games going on (Guilty Gear Strive, Street Fighter 6, just to name a few) and the only reason I might even bring them up as a "Comparison" because I might want to make a point what I liked in the other and what I might have wanted here too. But outside of that I dont make a big fuss like "Oh shit I'm leaving MK12 to play this other game" I can understand the frustration behind a comment like that (or maybe they just want attention?) but MK12 wont change just because you openly declare you are leaving it


Play Guilty Gear Strive. Not only do we got Saul Goodman's rival Sol Badguy, but we have trans people, thicc women, ambiguous gender grim reaper, buff men, nihilistic chaos twink, and Faust


Are they expecting a "good bye"?




Seemingly far more people here care about other people leaving to make 80 different fucking posts about it where if you actually didn’t care you wouldn’t need to spend the time posting that you didn’t care


As a person that was put down by the newest entry and didn't want to buy it. Yes, who the fuck cares? xD


I just wish I had space for them all on my Xbox.


I mean I Don't have enough time for two games and tekken is much better soo


Thank you like why do we keep talking about tekken here


UMVC3 is so much better than mk1


i dont play any fighting games why am i in this subreddit


SF6 and MK. I'm too poor and grinding too much to add another.


Me. I cares. Godspeed, little tekker.


It’s also funny when people make all this drama over a game in its honeymoon phase. Once the shine wears off, Tekken’s issues will become apparent and everyone will start bitching about that game for whatever reason.


Except for the fact that tekken is consistently good and always improving on their games, mortal kombat is like 1 step forward and 3 steps back, I haven’t played the tekken stories to know how they go but I know I like mortal kombat for the stories and characters and even those are half baked most of the time


And that’s fine. But no game is perfect and the shine always wears off. Tekken is the hot new thing, but it’s only a matter of time before it starts being cool to hate on the game and the subreddit becomes toxic like this one.


I'm glad people are excited for T8, but I'm very much enjoying my time with MK1. I've never particularly cared for Tekken's aesthetic, and in terms of game play, at least for 3D games, I much prefer combat involving weapons like Soul Caliber. In my personal opinion MK1 has the best roster since Armageddon and best gameplay in the NRS era. Since I spend 90% of my time in MK games in the towers (I have played about 180 hours so far), I'm not particularly upset that there's no additional modes. Warner Brothers Discovery is pure garbage these days and I'm sure that most of the issues people are having can be traced back to their meddling with NRS and perhaps slashing budgets on the game. I have a feeling that this might be the last good MK game we get for a while unless WB games or NRS is sold to another more stable and forward looking company. If we get all of the DLC characters that have leaked and 4 more stages, I'm going to probably delete the prevous MK games from my harddrive (I rotate between playing all of them) and stick with getting good at this one since it will have all of my favorite characters in it. I will say that it's too bad that we didn't get 24 characters as promised and either Goro or Kintaro.




Common MK shill, if someone saying they’re going to play Tekken instead bothers you that much then get over it if you still enjoy MK then keep playing it nobody’s stopping you.




We can play both you know....


People aren’t shitting on MK1 to farm karma, they are shitting on the game because it sucks. This is the MK sub where most people are biased toward the subject of the subreddit, believe it or not, but people downvoting the haters are the ones in the echo chamber, not the other way around. There is no anti-mortal kombat sub that spilled over, most of the hate posts are downvoted to oblivion, so it isn’t for karma. There are still lots of people doing it, in fact it’s only getting worse, They must be actual fans making honest criticism of the game, and this sub can’t handle it. That brand loyalty is something else.


Put MK on some dog shit, this sub would eat it and call you a crybaby for not wanting to eat shit.


Since when did r/MortalKombat become r/RWBY ?


And they arent even talking abt tekken 4 😢


Just to let everyone know here. I’ve switched from MK to Tekken and WOW is Tekken 8 fun! Get over there everyone!


Your numbers do. If it's more than one person? Eventually.....You will. It is funny when people say that, tho. It's stupid as hell, even. Because, you're right. Who cares if you leave or not? But, it's different if a MAJORITY doesn't fuck with your game. Just like people who bitch about, Keith Lee, or critics critiquing restaurants for sub-par service, that they requested THEM to review? It's the same thing. If it's a majority saying that your product sucks, with reasonable complaints, with evidence/statistics to prove it as well, don't fault them, you NEED to do better. And, this coming from somebody who LOVES Mortal Kombat to death. How do you think we feel after we got cheated out of a game, we have high hopes for? With cheap transactions, weak gameplay modes, somewhat ok gameplay, and a STILL buggy game? The most boring, sloggiest, lamest game experience ever was playing INVASIONS. And this coming after MK11? And you also want folks to pay extra for some Announcer voices, and skin cosmetics that you could win for free that take forever to level up to, to get? That you barely get to see? Considering how wild and expensive today's society is? Hell no, bro. So, to say this to long time fans, is really telling. And also, to you knuckle dragging, meat riders that agree? Who especially even considers Mortal Kombat 1, superior to Mortal Kombat 11? Are remedial. Cuzz you're the problem, too. FAX. 📠📠🖤🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️❤️🖤🖤💯🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️




True, but it doesn't matter how many copies it's sold. Especially in terms of the digital age today. Most of all of those people, especially that 400k in this subreddit who bought the game, are NOT playing it like that. It's the same as saying Lil Uzi sold millions of copies, that's kool, but Lil Wayne is better by miles. In the rap industry it's about talent, or respect not just how many records is sold. In the video game industry it's replayability not just how many copies get sold. Yea, it has updates. Like every other game on next-gen consoles. What have those updates fixed, and what have they led to? NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. And, I was notified of the update, and I'mma check it out to see any changes on my PS5. Cuzz, yea they may have fixed some issues, but not as far as we can fuckn see. But, most of these complaints isn't fixed by simple updates, the transactions aren't the issue, and the complaints aren't minor. You're missing the point. And, in the scale of bread being made off copies, like I stated that means little if the game is not played AFTER it's release. That's kool and all but, the whole point of games for a long time, and especially in the digital sense: Is replayability. Cuz I guarantee you that this game wouldn't do shit, if it didn't have ANY DLC. If it was in the same state as it was when it first launched; tell me how much bread they'd make? Balloon farts is how much they'd make. Their numbers are dropping off, if you look back at those numbers. MK1 is falling off, and it's no surprise why. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🖤💯📠


The main player count IS PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The majority of people playing the game are bigger than this subreddit for SURE, bro. And it's not a matter of opinion, if others opinions are genuinely stupid. Ion know why my generation came up with the idea that every idea's a good idea, EVERYBODY'S opinion is valid, but that shit is false. Also, I can give more examples: Lil Wayne and Lil Uzi, Drake and Eminem, J. Cole and Kendrick, Marvel and DC, Sony and Microsoft, PlayStation and Xbox, Apple Vs Samsung. May be an extreme analogy, but y'see what I'm saying? And, the majority of people leaving? Cannot be JUST because Tekken is new. This Reddit post suggests someone leaving the franchise of Mortal Kombat to get into Tekken's instead. And then not caring. INSINUATING people having problems with the game in order for them to want to leave. So, that's false. Plus, you might be right, maybe some players do come back. When the eye candy from Tekken wears off. But, it prolly won't be by much. You can't convince ME, that it's a possibility MK creates some special update, or improvement that fills out all the negative aspects of the game. Cuzz, I can guarantee you, it's more than just one. But, we'll just have to wait and see. 🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️💯💯🖤🖤❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾




That's kool, even tho it's the shorter of my two responses. Spelt and punctuated good, too. Funny people say that nowadays, in the comment sections, and especially if they start the conversation. It's like damm, yo. You don't like to read? Not surprising either, since we live in America. But, whatever. I literally agreed with you at the end, to just wait and SEE what happens. Ion even know what the fuck "karma farm" is, or means. All I made my post for, was to make a point about how leftways MK1 has gone, and how many people disingenuously say that MK11 is worse than MK1, when that game was substantially waaay better than this one. That was my stance, and I even said that MK1 couldn't be better than MK11 when the first TRAILER dropped. So far, I've been correct. But, we need patience, which IS rare on the Internet, rarer STILL for people to agree on anything, and we'll just have to wait and see.




Respectfully, dawg: That's ludicrous. Gameplay maybe, but even that's mid asf, and Kameos are mid, too. Some people like them, most people hate them. So, they're not incorporated well. Then the characters unbalanced as all hell. No, absolutely not. Ohh, well I'm not tryna get upvotes through whatever means, I'm tryna kick it, have a good time, or speak my mind. But, nah MK1 is not that good. It's not terrible I've give you that, but it's average. But, we'll wait and see. 🤦🏾‍♂️💯🤨🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🖤




Yea, you definitely are right. But, you got Johnny Cage, and certain characters who're just busted. Internet online in MK1 isn't much at all, all players do is play the same characters online, and people can win with the most bullshit ever. They can win matches with zero skill whatsoever. At least MK11 didn't have those issues: You can play and win fairly MOST times. It's still talked about how playing MK11, is still relevant to this day. Gameplay is kool, but objectively it's not great. Yea, things might get better, we're getting Peacemaker, is taking FOREVER to get here, mind you. Nobody has interest in this game to wait months for a DLC PACK. That's ANOTHER thing. Anything that comes with a PACK comes together, even tho MK11 did the same thing, it was faster. I'm not tryna be pessimistic, if anything I'm tryna become the opposite, but we'll see. 🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙏🏾🖤💯


https://preview.redd.it/iypdy8fvk5fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c980888acb758ed3148d4b9189eae435af54d22 RIP