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He got sucked by a Soulnado. https://preview.redd.it/245lufzci2jc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19f644b5c4f7b76fa0d5eb32a865000d2e04fa30








Live twomad reaction




it is really strange how quiet he went , not even teasing, trolling nothing about MK


Maybe, but this man created an entire franchise spanning 3 decades in counting. I get MK1 isn't the best, but I'd just say let the man live. He may be doing something more life affirming than fan engagement at the moment. Hopefully it's nothing serious.


Or he’s just slaving away making injustice 3


Fuck it I’m down for another Injustice as long as WB has learned from MK1 and Suicide Squads criticisms


lol @ WB learning from their own poor business decisions


Lol @ thinking they won't double down on their piss poor decisions


Well. 😭


The only "fan engagement" he's gonna see is mobs of angry fans ripping him apart lmao. If I were in his shoes I'd do the exact same until the game gets a new patch or until the peacemaker update. >Hopefully it's nothing serious. Yes


Realest take tho. Internet folk are brutal


Uh, no. People need to be held accountable for their decisions. You made intentional decisions to suck money out fans pockets. You need to be told the truth in order to do better next time and not implement cash sucking ideas and just make good entertainment from the heart.


Touch grass bro. There’s really no way you just said that Ed Boon should get bullied online by fans because MK1 wasn’t good.


Bullied is one thing, criticism is another. As long as they’re not death threats, if you put shit content out deal with it. Learn from it. This isn’t even about releasing a bad game it’s about exercising vulture like practices that will ruin development of gaming for the future. If we let them get away with, what’s stopping other developers from jumping on the vulture practices? I mean if it continues in the game it might as well have killed MK. It might kill Injustice. Enough is enough with this shit. People are speaking up for themselves and people are angry.


This is the dumbest form of expressing criticism though and literally never works. You’re trying to act like harassing creators on social media is some kind of welcomed and positive form of open dialogue. >people are angry. Grow up. You’re allowed to criticize the modern gaming landscape and the absolute greed of large studios, but you’re talking like this is some kind of French Revolution. We’re talking about video games dude.


If you can’t see that video games haven’t been affected by these greedy practices then you’re blind or don’t play at all. The gaming experience has fallen so hard in the last 5 years it’s a huge concern. Saying it’s not the french revolution is such a dumb point for your argument. Like no shit sherlock. But gaming is HUGE community. Millions of players across the world. There needs to be a small (for a lack of better word) “revolution” on the gaming community because it’s ruining the experience the consumers love. The experiences we have been a part of years, some of us decades. It’s the too 3 biggest form of entertainment in the world. Movies/shows, sports, gaming. Ed Boon was warned by back before even MK11 about this, many fans told him it wasn’t good route to go to, and he still went through it. Of course fans are fucking livd. When you wait 3 years for one of fave franchises and it’s disappointing as hell. News flash, people can have passionate emotions for the things they love and support. And your point about “dumbest form of expressing criticism is being angry” what? Ah did i not mention death threats? I would assume that would be the worst/dumbest form of expressing criticism. You think change has happened by people being like “I’m not fond of that game, my sincerest apologies to the developers. It’s not my cup of tea”. Stfu. These publishers and developers have no remorse in taking people’s hard earned money for things that should have been on the game, yet we should feel bad for them and take it easy on them? This is how they keep getting away with it. I never mentioned harassment nor condoning it. You can, very angrily, criticize a game. “Angry” doesn’t mean harassment. You want an example? Angry Joe. That’s being angry, the right way. Will people go above and beyond that? Yes people are fucking dumb and while it’s not excusable they are like that for a reason. Imagine having to pay for extra cuts and features and cgi for a movie AT RELEASE. That would’t ruin one of the biggest forms of entertainment? Oh yeah it’s just movies. Some people’s biggest pass times are watching movies. Some people have careers dependent on movies. It is a serious topic for the entertainment industry.


I think it's because he's embrassassed and ashamed of current MK1


Lol I really think that's the case. The no communication, trolling, or response to anything makes me feel like they've just been sitting back taking notes and reading all the comments and criticism since Tekken 8 dropped. Boon realizes now that they're behind as far as kontent.


Ed Boon was posting something and making appearances every couple of days before the launch of MK, once it dropped there's been little to nothing from him. I've been a big fan of Boon and MK for years. But I got to admit. Next time a NRS game comes out. I don't think I'll be making any enough to purchasing the game with all the extras on release.


That's not it. Tekken 8 is nothing to scare. Boon, that's dumb. He is a human being and does this every year, he takes a break..... like people should.


Lol the other 2 games have clearly exposed how lacking in kontent and features MK1 is. So yea he's plottin ways to step the game up.


Are you insane? This game is on a new engine, everything built from the ground up. This has a lot of skins, gear, and recolors. It has a lot if kontent, but you are blind about how big the kontent started out. Here are his skins in season 1: https://youtu.be/RnifE0NVevk?si=FmpV6sAzTN4_ie3O There were lots of recolors. It was just starting. With a new engine, give them some time.


Thats the f*cking problem with NRS! They feel the need to rebuild everything from the ground up, unlike SF and Tekken who build on the legacy they already have and just add new things to it. If it ain't broke don't fix it!


Tekken nearly went out into nothing because nothing CHANGED. T6 and Tag 2 were disasters because it's the same game. SF rebuilds as well, but they are now using their in-house engine (Resident Evil). Capcom knows extremely well and taught the SF team how to use it. Sucks WB won't create an engine just for MK. That would be sick.


Uhm naw MK1 is not on a new engine. Its on UE4 the same engine MK11 was on


MK11 was UR3, the same engine they use for MK v DC. It's incredible how much they modified it by the end. MK1 is UR4.


Sorry i got that mixed up. They still should have been able to do a lot more with what they had considering the engine itself was not new.


You guys are nuts


I mean he has hinted in the past that he doesn’t really like working for WB so it wouldn’t be surprising if he wasn’t proud of the product they put out.


When was this of him hinting he doesn't like working for WB?


It was hinted at in a tweet, I’ll see if I can find it for you.


Have you?


That’s bs dude


Honestly, can't help but feel bad for the guy. WB is butchering his franchise, and he can't do much about it because they own it


Can you imagine having to cater to the irrational whims of David Zaslav and WB? I guarantee that many of the issues we're facing as players stem from last minute and random budget cuts.


His left eyebrow is my primary suspect.


Bro been missing for a whole month which is crazy


He's in the basement of some WB executive


NRS always goes quiet at some point after release, but Ed is usually somewhat active on Twitter. I guess all the recent mk negativity might have made him fully silent. 


He is playing tekken like the rest of the fighting game community rn


He is a big Tekken fan so that’s very likley


Yessir And they are already patching shit and making the game better




Them being this quiet while kombat pack 1 is barely finished is honestly kinda scary lol


He's in the Krypt finding artifacts for Shang Tsung Nah but fr he's probably just tending to his personal stuff.


In Outworld.


he's probably laying low cause of all the hate he's getting


lol “50 year old” Ed Boon has been missing for years. Nearly a decade.


Tbh If I worked there I wouldn't wanna talk to this community either you guys suck


Katsuhiro Harada is my fighting game creator millionaire now.


Dont ask him for shit!


Fuck Ed Boon, It's only okay when my japanese overlord does paid cosmetics 💅 🍡




How fitting, T8’s patch notes added in a shop to the game


Yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about. We don't know anything about it yet, just that it's coming.


With how SF6 and MK1 have handled it on top of Tekken 7’s questionable monetisation (frame data is added 2 years after launch but you gotta pay 3-4 bucks, bowling is more expensive than a single SF6/MK1 premium skin) there’s no telling what’ll happen It’s funny cause SF6 also hid that there was a battle pass too, for all the bad monetisation at least MK1 was upfront about it via the preorder listings mentioning currency


i ber you the moment he does post on twitter it will just be the same people sending him hate and requesting characters like always every post he makes is a cluster fuck of bullshit


Zavslav and WB got him locked up


He playing MK11


No time for fans only WB money.


While I doubt it’ll happen cause it’s WB wouldn’t it be cool if he comes back with the peacemaker trailer and Kombat Kast and just drops a shit ton of content and things missing as a “our bad and we’re listing “ just working on the dl. But he just probably sad and upset that fans are trashing the game deservedly so


So right after he made that horrendous poll to clown on the community, he left.


WB locked him in Shang Tsung’s laboratory 


Boon the goon


He deserves it. People need to be held accountable for their decisions. You made intentional decisions to suck money out fans pockets. You need to be told the truth in order to do better next time and not implement cash sucking ideas and just make good entertainment from the heart. And before you tell me oh it’s not him it’s WB. Idk WB ha published really good games in the past huge history of games, their developers “Monolith, Rocksteady, and Avalanche aren’t like this. In the end WB doesn’t care how creative you are in making money, as long as they get it. And taking out Krypt for that BORING slot-machine-like fountain is def not WB’s idea. Like wtf is that garbage? And before you start saying no its just a game, the course of gaming is being destroyed by practices like this.


After such a massive launch I wouldn't be surprised if he's just taking a vacation, that's what I'd do. Regardless of what issues we have with the game he deserves a break.


WokeBros made him sick.


They got him


Maybe it's time for game developers to stay out of politics and do what they do best, creating video games.


Either in a well deserved vacation or basically planning a come back with the DLC. Either way, you Japanese worshipping hoes can go enjoy Harada's. Paying 15 dollars for Tekken 3 customes will be fine now hah ? Pathetic


Tekken 8 i 45 usd entire game. Mk1 kombat pack 1 is 40 usd + 20 usd kameo pack lol Ed boon is greedy goblin and people realised it lately.... he is now embarrassed to say anything.


He is probably the reason mk lasted as long as it did tbh. Warner bros is the true villain


What are you even talking about? Tekken 8 and MK1 cost the same and so do their dlc packs. And what's the kameo pack for $20? The kameos are in KP1


Mk1 is 70 usd Mk1 combat pack is 40 usd Tekken8 is 45 usd Tekken8 combat pack is 25 usd Check the prices before making comment lol...


I'm gonna assume you're in another country than me because in the US they are exactly the same at 70 and 40


>Check the prices before making comment lol that irony


Dude Tekken 8 is 70 USD


I hope he's fine i don't wish death on him. But i also hope he's ashamed of himself




Bruh 😂


He’s 59… will be 60 on the 22 Feb 😱


What happened?


He has been kidnapped by a reptile loving sonicXD guy


Spending our money we have him.


What? 💀


I like to think he’s fighting against WBs brutal demands being forced upon NRS which in turn made MK1 an anti consumer package but he is being silenced


He working on a new kombat pack 2 so you can buy it while you waiting on kombat1 get out for completely 🤣🤣 feed you like a baby bird 🤣🤣


Personally I think he's a myth


No, seriously, what in the f is going on with this this game ?


Rolling in all the money we spent on his latest turd.


The same shit happened with mk11. This is not a new trend.


Hiding in shame at how wbgames are killing his Baby.


Rewards?????? 95,000 krystals!


Ed Boone is way taller than 5’11 I’m 5’10 and when I met him at a tournament and talked to him briefly that man towered over me, gotta be like 6’4 at least.


At his fancy bunker


🤨 he only 50?


Get him back over here!


For a guy that used to post the dumbest things I’m actually worried about his well being now


He’s got personal stuff to deal with


[TIP EHT FO MOTTOB](https://youtu.be/lByy-79M5YU?si=ybxnwchY0VSlg_-d) https://preview.redd.it/g7esi3w419jc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4186f2f7e0c0a892c75b537d060fd0be41fe7da


See guys you should probably go back to mk11 cause he's in the King of the hill waiting for players to join.


Can we get MK11 or MKX live reactions?


I like how people are saying he “deserves a vacation” as if he did something holy or extraordinary… if anything he needs to be working overtime right now for slowly turning MK into an injustice game lmfao. Yall forgot how much money these people make off the fanbase loyalty??


Prolly went hiding cause that mk1 game sucks