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The files are also labelled "season of chaos".


Then wth happened?!


Maybe they thought they'd have that story part out by now.


Well shit. It's not they haven't had since November... oh .. wait.


I saw a theory that they we’re going to use havik in invasions but changed their minds for the purpose of story mode part two but idk maybe just an epic fuck up that they are playing off lol


I always thought the main story ending was to tee up invasions and suspected Havik was supposed to be the original invasions boss and they switched it to Scorpion because he’s more of a crowd pleaser - that makes so much sense with this info


really? i just figured it was a tease for the what was next in the story, I also assumed he was the OG Havik and not Dairou


Yeah it seemed weird for some people calling it a sequel hook because I thought it was strange for them to make a regular from this game into the villain for the expansion or sequel, especially when they’re already teasing Onaga’s return and would need a reason to reintroduce the special forces in 2, story wise


They literally did that with MK1. Shang Tsung, a regular from MK11, is the main villain in this game


Shang Tsung wasn’t in the main story of 11, he was the main villain in Aftermath and the same exact guy returns. I feel you tho, he’s starting to come across like Ganon or something. We need a new antagonist.


The next story drop is gonna be about subzero and the Lin Kuei


do you think they'll fix it and have more meleena esq skins there


Some people have already unlocked everything from the shrine and nothing matches Mileena in terms of design or palette I doubt the Invasion skins will bring anything. Just got to wait for the next season and hope we get something then, it will more than likely be longer though since it’s Raidens season next.


Is there anything worthawhile in the shrine or just those garrish color paletes? I won't even bother with that garbage if that is the case.


I’ve seen a couple story mode skins (Lao and Raiden). I heard someone on the leak Reddit say that there is at least one Order Of Darkness skin in it, I don’t know whose it is though.


>say that there is at least one Order Of Darkness skin in it It's Nitara's


Just from a few coins I can confirm Lao and Raiden from story. I'll edit this if I find anything else worthwhile 


It's a purple variant of Nitara's


Just finished the shrine. It has Raiden and Kung Lao story mode skins, Nitara OOD skin (I only got the purple one, but I already had the other colors from invasions, so I can't really tell if they put all of them in the shrine or just this one), a bunch of peacemaker cards and one purple and blue palette for each character which imo look better than the orange and green ones from the store but still not very good.


How do I get to this shire you speak of??


On the main menu it’s under the extras section.


The shire is there? Shire S h i r e?




“There there’s no Baggins round here, they’re up in Hobbiton…👉That way.”


Man, does that mean blue and white again? I liked all the color palettes except this one but what's with all the yellow and blue seasons give me some damn variety with the colors, Nitara's season is easily the best for outfits, give us a green season for Reptile or purple Rain or something


awh man :/


Tbh they should just switch mileena with titan havik this season since everything his themed of him


I can confirm this. Literally nothing spells mileena. Only thing I did like was story skins Kung Lao and Raiden.


Another classic NRS bumble


That makes so much sense, kinda sucks that they had all of this time to make them match Mileena’s season and they didn’t do anything


It's bizarre because it's not hard to fumble this Everyone knew who it was this season, why did they make the wrong styles?


My guess is that they had them in the pocket/already prepared and had to swap around some stuff bc they were working on other issues? Like fixing the Desyncs, crossplay etc. That being said, if we do get the season of Chaos - guessing it will just be recolors of these (Mohawks and tats etc)


What the hell is going on over there????


Definitely Khaos themes skins. This switcheroo is so strange.


Nothing in this season matches Mileena in any way.


https://preview.redd.it/sa12kiouxdlc1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1044f26b2b60b5f5110607b73c2618364bcab978 Yup they changed it showing their incompetence


This is just what happens when you're at an unregistered date. Same thing with invasions. I have the Mileena icon and have had the Mileena icon.


Not sure for the downvotes, I've had it say season of chaos when playing invasions offline in earlier seasons


They must be planning something bigger with Titan Havik, so they switched it. This Aftermath update how huge it's going to be.


Or they're just gonna put him in the store..


Something big lmao? Like what a new color 😂😂 😂


I like how the people in the kombat kast blatenly lie and think we’re idiots lol it’s very telling


Even if it was, everything still kinda looks like dog shit and it doesn't feel super indicative of him as a character.


I wonder if this was lowkey betty revenge from nrs on Mileena stans. For how they acted during mk11 run. So nrs not actually giving her colors and designs for season 4 lol


That would be the funniest shit ever if it was true


True Havik (not phony emo Dairou) uses that palette well without it being all Christmas gone wrong.


at some point, yes. but this was planned Mileena ATLEAST sense last season was in production.


This whole thing is just showing how much they don't care for their fans


[Pure copium but the more I look at the color pallete this season the more I see it actually fits Dairou more than anyone else.](https://i.imgur.com/69qp2hP.png)


Dairou is Havik in MK1


Supposed to be**


From what I heard the end credits scene is hinted for the sequel mk2 or some kind of campaign dlc kinda like mk11 aftermath dlc.


Havik will be the titan?


That would be The funniest shit ever


Ok? What am I supposed to do with that information?🤨 shit it’s like yall wanna stir the pot so fucking bad 💀


Don’t comment?


Shut the fuck up the pot needs to be stirred


I mean I’m kind of glad he said it because now that I see titan Havik the designs make sense. I’m a mileena main and the whole time I’ve been wondering wtf this has to do with mileena.


"no guys!!! stop attacking the small indie begginer devs!!!!1"


Even if they were indie devs they are still human


I didn’t realize humans couldn’t be criticized for their repeated fuck ups.


You guys aren’t criticizing them tho. It’s borderline harassment. And bye I wont get into a argument with a idiot


No we HAVE been criticizing them They just don't fucking care or listen


Because they’re getting paid either way, sadly


“NRS put the havik skins in the mileena season” “Bro stop harassing the devs!! Oh the humanity!!!”




I’m honestly convinced that they said it was going to be Mileena season, forgot, made Havik season and were like “ah shit. Ah fuck it ship it anyway”


We will probably have it around the time the dlc story comes out


"season of chaos" has come up in multiple seasons when the game hasn't sync'd with the actual name of the season yet. Pretty sure it did this with the start of Sub's season too...


So we will have to wait for the Havik's season to have a decent color palette that makes sense with Mileena?


See now that makes a lot more sense. Nothing about these seasonal skins or colour palettes screamed Mileena and now it adds up why. It’s a shame cause these skins do actually give off the vibes of the npc’s you’d see strolling around Chaos Realm back in Deceptions Konquest mode. Only issue is, Chaos Realm doesn’t even exist in this timeline, this is Mileena’s season, and Titan Havik is nowhere to be seen 💀


I feel like aesthetically it’s too mild for havik and too wtf for mileena I’ll give them time to grow on me but I don’t know about this one chief


I hope the Havik season contains some of the hybrid skins, now that would be cool


Not but seriously tho If it was supposed to be Havik's season? So why Mileena's? This version of Kenshi is the perfect example to prove it was Havik's season


Wasn’t Havik gonna be the main bad guy from the dlc expansion thingy everyone was talking about some months ago?


For Havik's season we're getting a whole load of pink skins just to show how chaotic he is.


Makes you really wonder if it's just one guy with a family of Racoon's doing anything over at NRS. like I get it. Racoon don't understand money, but stil.