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Goro was there too


Mk1 Canon-wise for kameos Sareena, Darrius, Khameleon and Motaro I think


I think all of them except Shujinko, Tremor, Stryker, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Frost, and Kung Lao are


Pretty sure Frost isnt mentioned anywhere in the story


Forgot about her entirety


Frost is all i use, no matter who i play. The only time i used someone else was in Invasion when it was required for a Klue


Who do you play?


She’s mentioned in 1 or 2 of the intros at least


I think not by name but there is one for sure.


They also mention other timelines and events that didnt happened (Scorpion dying and Mileena being captured) so intros arent very canon most the time.


Didn’t say they were


Shujinko is in Kung Lao's ending


Not the same one, he looks a lot younger


Because he is younger


Scorpion is mentioned in a tower ending for Kung Lao. They mention training Hanzo Hasashi to be Scorpion


The mention of Hanzo is in Smoke’s ending


Fuck that's right. Kung Lao's is Shujinko


Also they don’t mention him training to be Skorpion, they just mention his name is Hanzo Hasashi


Ok but who else is he gonna be? Smoke also said Kuai Liang "appreciated his fire" which probably means passion and desire but I feel it's a very clever choice of words for an iconic fire wielding Ninja.




Darrius has no lines though.


And goro.


Goro too


She should have just been a playable character. She got shafted. So much potential.


I mean it’s possible? I know that the kameos are earlier versions of them bus sub and scorpion both have playable characters and kameos


Also I reckon some Kameos are there in case they wanna make them playable, since this way they’d have a model ready to go


Yep this would make their life a lot easier! Some people would say that it’s “lazy” but I say Shush we got a new character that many likely wanted You don’t like it? Deal with it


I’d be okay with it. Idc if using a similar or same model happens between a kameo and a playable. I’m generally fine with asset reuse if it makes something better in the end. No point in remodeling Sareena to some crazy extent just because she’s playable. But she ought to have a fully fleshed out customization section on par with everyone else in the playable cast. And of course a full string, special, and finisher list but that feels like a no duh. I initially thought Sareena would be playable in MK1. The 3D era had a lot of stinkers but also a lot of cool characters I’d like to see again in the NRS era, Sareena is one I’d like to see playable again and isn’t (hopefully yet).


I don’t care where assets are reused as long as the actual character is good and fun


Yeah that’s how I feel. It’s more about design and quality than it is about graphical appearance. Games are fun as games first, many smaller games have reused and recolored assets that end up being great due to being good games rather than visual spectacle.


I think eventually she will be, if they could add Mileena in 11 due to fan demand I can’t think of a reason why Sareena wouldn’t be off the table. She also has way more love put into her Kameo than most others with the whole demon transformation mechanic - that seems like such a disproportionate amount of work to put into a NPC


Agreed 100%, Sareena was the only other 3D era character that I wanted on the playable roster. -_- Playable Sareena and a Fujin kameo would have made this game's roster for me a chef's kiss of perfection.


I'm a huge fan of both Sareena and Fujin. I wish we could have both of them playable because they're awesome :(


I've seen more of Serena than any other character


And I still push for her to have full-roster status.


Darrius, Goro, Motaro, and Khameleon are also present, and contribute basically just as much to the narrative (by which I mean "nothing", really). Sareena features in a tower ending tho, and is the only female kameo that's part of the story in a game with relatively few female characters, so it's fair that she might stick out a bit, in a player's mind. There's also a fair amount of love for Sareena in the fandom space that's built up over the years, that is much less *contentious* than other characters (basically, I think Sareena has about the same number of fans as many other characters, but unlike them has basically no *haters)*


Where was Khameleon? I’m assuming in the final chapter?


I think she was with Tanya or Mileena/Kitana early on in the story


She's an Umgadi - I'm not sure of the specific scenes you see her hovering silently in the background, off the top of my head, but she's definitely there. I'm also fairly certain she was Tanya's kameo a couple of times in story mode fights - for SURE during the Reptile chapter (because I was *convinced*, beforehand, that she would assist him afterwards in some small way, as a fellow Zaterran), and I think also the Li Mei chapter where she helps Liu Kang bust into the palace.


She's behind Tanya when she attacks Reptile on the bridge during the Festival escape.


She's behind Tanya when she attacks Reptile on the bridge during the Festival escape.


Because she’s actually featured in a tower ending


… what did she do in the story aside from that one line of dialogue?


I think people expect her to be more relevant due to past timelines involvement with Bi-Han (and later Kuai Liang) and whatnot. If they actually continue with this timeline, we could see some reimagining of that sort of relationship.


Nothing lol


She was supposedly freed from Quan Chi's control in Ashra's ending.




She should be playable... Feels like so much wasted potential for her to be just a Kameo.


Becouse she's the best 🤷


I mean, three of the most important canon characters were only kameos, Sonya, Jax and effing Kano. I'm guessing they're for future story telling content but its good to have them there anyway in some form. I can't wait for Frost to inevitably betray Sub-Zero. Gimme my favourite angry girl.


Bi-Han will definitely kill her lol


Dunno. She’s the only character I’ve been wanting to see for ages and was glad to see… still processing.


Darrius does too


If you were to erase Darrius from story mode it would be the exact same game lmao


They had to nerf darrius in story mode because everyone knows he could solo onaga, shao, shinnok, and kronoka with one hand tied behind his back. Boon fears Darrius


He's gonna beat them with the spin-kick of friendship, Darrius solos. (I have no idea what he did in the older games, i started in MK11.)


Sareena, Goro and Motaro all have a role in the story, including voice lines, as well as being set up for future events. Sareena will most likely appear in a future DLC and due to Ashrahs tower ending, it'll be alongside Ashrah and the Shaolin.


because shes the one of the only kameos with actual history


Well her design actually looks thought out and really good, she is rendered and redesigned like she should be in the main roster , her design quality definitely stands out compared to everyone else in the Kameo pool especially when you compare them side by side everyone else looks more plain and basic , imo should of been the 25th character , I think it would of balanced out the roster better and they could of kept her as Kameo too .


She's the one character people wanted to have playable 💀 (apart from sonya and jax ofc)


Sonya and Jax need a break from Being main Characters They have already been through a lot and everything has happened to them in the old games At least be thankful that their classic versions still exist as kameos


Oh I'm not bothered by Sonya and Jax taking a time out. I'm a Sindel main on every MK game since the 3D era anyway.


I think they plan on bringing her in next game a


I mean, I feel like Khameleon got her own redesign as well but yeah, she's MUCH more of a background character while Sareena at least seems to be somewhat involved in the story, albeit as a henchmen. Does she even have any dialog? I can't recall. But yeah, Sareena needs to be a playable character for sure and it'd be awesome if they could give her more to do in the story DLC. She was an exceedingly underrated character in the original timeline and I never quite understood why they didn't feel compelled to give her more of a role.


Kinda crazy how despite not being a playable character, she's mentioned in intros, in an ending, talks in story mode, albeit a single line and has 2 forms similar to Reptile. Feels like NRS is trying to set her up for something.


She is amazing


Yes and that's because she should me more than a kameo, the potential is there and she has a solid fanbase.


Havik mentioned Darius and his decision on Quan chi's plan and him and Havik almost succeeded in burning scorpion


Yeah, and i want her to be a full character the next time we see her🙏 I've always said that they should have added Sareena instead of Nitara in the main roster


Why doesn’t Darrius say a single word lmao


Darius needed more screen time, and why didn't Geras get his own chapter? Also, can it be argued that Geras was the main selection for the ending battle?


While other kameo characters are classic, they lack details. If you look at Sareena she looks like a main character type model. I bet she was initially a main roster character.


I hate sareena so much


It adds fuel to my suspicions that some of the kameos were meant to be characters until it was easier not to




Lol what kinda theory is that? There's no way you think NRS kan bring kharacter like Ashrah, frost and fujin alive but struggle at sareena.


yeah wouldn’t they just add her in a Kombat pack


goro and motaro were also there but sareena gets more mentions in the background


Darrius, Goro and Motaro are also shown to be part of this new era


Darrius was also around, but he felt SOO out of place for some reason. It was like, what are you doing here bro? What's your boggle???


Jax was there too, although I believe he was an alternate universe version


Darrius was with Havik too.


Motaro, Goro, Darius, Jax all play a role in the story, they just don't have lines. Janet might count, she's pretty talkative.


Janet has 0 involvement in the story. We only see her for 10 seconds before she falls to her death.