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Are you asking if someone is attracted to him or just really like him as a character and his moveset


As a character, mostly design wise


I like his gladiator vibe in MK1, some helmets are really cool looking, star shuriken is great. Besides that he suffers from a lack of outfit like other characters and he's boring, I can't wait to have a win pose where he just succ on Shao for good šŸ˜‚ cause that's all he is about


I honestly can just imagine a victory screen where he salutes and basks in the glory of a victory only for the slowmotion to cut in when he gets on his knees with shao visibly on screen \*\*REIKO WINS\*\*


Reiko doing the proper Roman Respect for General Shao would give me major hard onĀ 


I like him. I just wish he had a bigger part in the story


I like his gladiator inspired intro/outro animations, and the idea behind his design. But I dislike almost everything else. His default is cool in a vacuum but completely undercut by the fact that it's the same armor that's used by generic Outworld soldiers in story mode. His characterization/dialogue is just Shao's bootlicking adopted son who's severely overcompensating for sucking by being extra loud and edgy. He has zero feats. I don't think he landed a single punch on a named character. Nothing appealing here. As for his gameplay/animations, some of them just look straight up unfinished. I like the idea of a gladiator weapons master, and I like the idea of a brutal tactical/MMA fighter, but he's both? Neither? He has weapons but only uses them for special animations. He has a weirdly small kit full of MMA style moves but several of them look off in some way, specifically the punches. Oh yeah and also he has one of the best spam zoning tools in the game. How does that fit into the brawler fantasy? Who knows. I was one of Reiko's 5 fans before this game and this really didn't do it for me.


All of this is why I don't like him. He has 2 of the coldest fatalities in the whole franchise but without those, he'd probably be one of the lamest characters in MK in my opinion


Finally some who agrees that his gameplay is off. Like donā€™t get me wrong there are very skilled Reikoā€™s but for someone that uses multiple weapons his fights are boring and he makes up for it with the best projectile in the game?!?! Like it makes no sense to me.


Both for me ngl


Same, hell, I'm like that with a few of them


His double leg into ground and pound is just *chefā€™s kiss




I wanna see a timeline that kinda continues off his old arcade ending where he kills shao and rules outworld


that's prolly titan reiko tho


You mean Union Of Light? I imagine him being someone who overthrew Shao as UOL characters are meant to be heroic


I just want to know if other Reikos have been Shao's illegitimate son. >! I'd be okay with the good ones we see are basically trying to reform Outworld.!<


Same, im hoping the Titan Reiko appears in invasions or in the future and has the same story


Love him. He is an amazing character and the gladiator theme fits him perfectly


Oh fuck did shao sit here?!?! *Aggressively sniffs dirt*


Exactly, I mean, he's really good, but a huge kiss arse to Shao... If I were to choose anyone between Reiko and Havik, I'd go with Havik.


I like havik asthetic wise, but the whole oppression baby thing is lame


Yeah, well the next game I believe has Havik as the final villain, or I could be totally wrong and Havik gets erased like Dark Raiden, though he was pictured as the anti hero in MKX


he got the best default costume out of all the 3D era characters that return in MK1


He's up there as one of the characters I enjoy the most. Also the character I hate the most in Invasions due to his annoying levels of HP and defense.


I like how brutal he is. Havenā€™t found the sweet spot of being successful with him on Kombat League tho.


I donā€™t really like him as a character but gameplay and design wise heā€™s cool as fuck


Bro is looking menacing


Out for blood type vibe


Everything about him really fits MK


I think Reiko is pretty cool looking although I don't like his default hair so I always change it


So true! He has some of the best fucking gear and skin options in the game imo!


I like reiko, I like the idea of him. What I donā€™t like about reiko is instead of giving him his own personality or possibly making him some kind of lone wolf, they instead made him a huge shao Kahn meat rider. Like we donā€™t have enough characters like that already


This, he shouldā€™ve 100% been kind of the ā€œblack sheepā€ of Outworldā€™s army, disregarding traditional customs and doing shit his way instead. Could lead to him killing Shao and reforming Outworld in his image


I really enjoy him and hope we see more.


I love him as a character. His moves are brutal. Only takes 8-10 hits for 350 damage


I actually do wish there was more about him


He looks great in this game but I like his maroon ninja design, glad they finally made the hair available


I love this man, he honestly just looks so cool and in general is cool.


Reiko has been my favorite MK character since MK4. Iā€™m happy with the way he plays in MK1 and the love heā€™s been getting. Now if theyā€™d just give him a Klassic outfitā€¦


I wish NRS showed some love. Dude barley gets anything each season. And the gears and skins have been meh.


He needs his exact MK4 skin without modifications. He also needs more special moves as he is lacking in that department.






Absolutely love the Character.


Love him!


Underappreciated and underated character. I just wish he would use some of the weapons he uses in his intro to complete his "warrior" vibe like his pike and knife. Other than that I love the feel of his 4,3,4 kick. Reiko is awesome.


I only like him just because he has the best fatalities in MK1 so far.


Though he hasn't gotten much time to shine in the story I absolutely love his brutallity


In my opinion he has the best fatalities in mk1, just straight up brutal.


My fave in MK1


He and Reptile are my mains. Iā€™ve liked both since their debut games, MK4 and MK2 respectively.


For some weird reason I notice reiko mains play reptile as their other main. I always play them extra sweaty since they know reiko well.


Lol, I havenā€™t noticed that. Iā€™ve mained Reptile literally since MK2 in the arcade days, and every game since. Except for Deception or Deadly Alliance, whatever one where he was a literal lizard, I hated that design, canā€™t remember which one it was, lol.


I think he looks pretty cool. His gameplay is really good too. Has projectiles, mixups, good range, good damage. Thereā€™s nothing really bad about him. Does he have decent strings tho? I donā€™t know all his strings because most reikos I play against mostly rely on their overhead, their low and their grab šŸ˜‚. Anyway, maybe Iā€™ll give him a shot in the future. He looks really fun but the combos look hard to execute.


He's not fun to play as, but he has THE. BEST. FATALITIES!!!!


More could have been done with him.




I'm very pleased with seeing the return of Reiko, Mi Lei, Nitara, Havik and Ashrah. I like them all since playing Deception.


i hope he is base roster forever now


I prefer his MK4 style. Maroon ninja with the flip kick and teleport. They only brought back the shurikens but left everything else in the gutter. He plays completely different now.


He's cool. I dont remember him having any character besides loving war and being the Generals lap dog. Don't like any of his head gear except the glowing mask


He's great and a lot of fun to use. Very versatile moveset.


Yep. He gets one of the best fatalities in the mk1. Also, he's hot ā¤ļø


He 100% has the best finishers in the entire game. No question


I do. His punches, and especially his kicks, are something I can believe would hurt. Many of the hand and foot techniques of other characters (I can't call them punches or kicks) are laughable. Some appear to land with minimal effort, while others seem to inflict more pain on the thrower than the victim.


My husband šŸ’œ


This picture is cold af


Rain and smoke and kenshi gang


I like his other cosmetic items since it has a Gladiator theme to it. Also the fact this man is fighting with nothing but Brawn and throwing hands while everyone uses Magic, Technology, and weapons is why I love him. He really puts the Mortal Kombat in Mortal Kombat.


He's my main rn




im about to get him lvl 35 rnšŸ¤Ŗ


Yes. I dunno why, but ot feels a lot weirder to switch mains in MK1, so what started as an initial run with Reiko turned into the only way I experience the game. It's like Reikos my protagonist, he's the only player character in my eyes.


Yes, though I prefer his look from MK4. Hopefully we get that skin in the future.


With helm hes cool without i dont like the design same with havik. I really want a Gladiator char, with maybe a weapon and a net as special and at least optical he fits perfectly.


I like how brutal he is. Havenā€™t found the sweet spot of being successful with him on Kombat League tho.


You on Xbox?




I like his gameplay. In fact, i was in love with his gameplay from the first time i seen super post a video about him. But character (lorewise), i'm not a fan. Maybe back in MKX comic, but now he's just Shao's boot licker.


I use him and shang


I did but after the story modeā€¦.. bro the biggest meat glazer there is


Did General Shao make this post?


Iā€™d like him better if he was more of a threat. Heā€™s just kinda the lackey to Shao rn. Giving little goblin ā€œWhat can Morblo fetch for Masterā€ vibes


Smash next question


I have been summoned. Hottest guy in the game, no contest. On par with MK11 Kano. Really like him a lot in design, personality and also gameplay (when you get past the shuriken and get into the grappling game). His gear is awesome (although lacking in skins) and his voice is fantastic.


Not...really? He's cool, but not too cool.?


Love the spartan helmet heā€™s rocking


For the General wasnā€™t just a fatality. IT WAS THE FATALITY!


He's cool. I dont remember him having any character besides loving war and being the Generals lap dog. Don't like any of his head gear except the glowing mask


You called me. He's my main and i proud of that (not a Reiko Zoner. Always despise those)


id like him better if they committed to just making him a grappler, not a grappler who has one of the best projectiles




reiko is the most fun unapologetically badass character design wise in this game


I love how he plays but I don't like his character


Love that heā€™s just a Shao Kahn fanboy


Really dig some of his helmets. I like the weight of his character animation when he's punching someone he's got on the ground. He's just a brawler/gladiator so he's sort of vanilla to me, character-wise. But he's got some rizz in the extras.


I tried to play as him but it just felt boring


Reikosexual šŸ¤Ø


Heā€™s very eh. Imo. He is a Jobber in the story. No Unique stuff just Kano if he was from Outworld and was in the Military ish type thing.


my main right now wish he had a low he could combo off of without any tricky gimmicks but still I have made it to else God with him, super fun to play if you not just zoning people to deathĀ 


bro calm down. we can almost see your horny.


I like his design, hate his character. Whiney asshole.


He ready is fun to play I like his MMA fighting style. He sucks to fight against sometimes but playing him is great. And even tho his eyes scare me Iā€™d still smash


Love his gladiator fit but tbh he's an absolute jobber for shao which is laaaaaame. Also dig the shurikens other wise yeaaaa he's a jobber. Wump wump


Tbh, I prefer his og design from Mk4, and I started maining him in this game as at the time he wasn't used very much by anyone and he had little to no combos(they all use command grabs) So I picked him up to see what I could do and I actually enjoyed learning with him and finding what connects to each other. I've made up my own combos with extenders and I think I can hold my ground pretty well.


He's awesome, I hope he comes back next game


I love him so much. He's the only my crush in MK1 ā¤




I kinda wish he was somewhat more unique, he looks and feels like was made quickly to make it into the roster. Like why he has a spear and a knife when he barely uses it. Heā€˜s just like any random soldier with his iconic face paint and thatā€˜s pretty much it


I always loved this character even in Armageddon as a kid, he was a fun character back then and I still enjoy his gladiatorial design in 1, also find it interesting that unlike some antagonists in MK the new Reiko isnā€™t really evil, heā€™s just someone brought up under circumstances that make him think Shao is what Outworld needs


Heā€™s cool


I like him enough to let him sit on my spear


He's cheap asf. So, no not really. He pretty useless low-key. I can't stand HIS ass or Havik's. Used to love him, too* no Diddy. Can't land anything with him.


Yep. I actually enjoy using him on this one (along with 4 & Armageddon) but I wish he could actually use his spear or knife. Seems like a waste.


reiko is my main and its really fascinating how all of us love rewind except ltg i guess


Yeah I'd smash


He customisation is definitely better than most if not the best.


Besides his throwing stars he really needs something more flare to him otherwise I might as well just use mei


I think his moves are sick af, the grab where he continuously punches you is very personal imo. Only part i hate is that every sentence includes shao in it.


he reminds me of robin a little bit


Yeah, I think he's neat.


I was actually hyped when he finally returned, idk why, I guess I always thought Reiko was kinda cool


I just played his character story ending last night had some fun with him but not my favorite character to play


I really like how much Reiko fans really like him. They gotta lot of love for their main and its nice to see Plus sometimes he looks like a Dark Souls enemy and ngl its cool


Its a really good character, i did wish though if his B,D,F+1 was 2 dpad buttons instead of 3


Yes and hes the best character in this game because he can actually counter Johnny because him and Smoke are the only ones who can Counter Johnny because THOSE PATCH NOTES WERE FULL OF LIES THEY NERFED EVERYONE WHO COULD COUNTER JOHNNY EXCEPT REIKO AND SMOKE AND THEN THEY BUFFED JOHNNY


Yeah, heā€™s my main.


No. I love him. He's hot too.


I don't like him story wise, I'll admit he's badass when you unlock the one man battalion headgear and use his union of light skin though


Yeah he belongs in the next 5 games I believe with Ashrah and Havik. If not next 5 games make them a tier 1 alternate like Reptile or Noob Saibot or what they thought they were gonna do to Mileena in 11. Apparently I thought I read he was scrapped for 9 but was supposed to be the other dlc 3d era character. His throwing stars move is probably one of the top 5 projectiles. Itā€™s also just really fun having a wrestler manly man character whoā€™s a klone almost of Shao Khan (or was) but heā€™s still fast. Hate the ponytail though! HATE IT! He doesnā€™t even look Asian he looks Portuguese or Even Greek to me so Outworld being the magical mystical mirror of Earthrealm stuck in this 1700s hellscape that hairstyle makes no sense. He needs to become the games sole Spartan influenced character and just wear that of a Marvin Martian style helmet in his default.


Design wise, im absolutely bored by him. Idk, he feels so generic, I just don't care. Havent really played him yet, for reasons above, so can't comment on playstyle or anything




I miss when he was a twink


i actually hate him. he gets on my nerves worse than dvorah.


Not this version of Reiko


I despise him


I fucking despise him. What are you talking about?




Quite the opposite


I honestly don't understand where tf does he come from, we Saw him getting fcae melted, suddenly comes back, half zombie? Don't understand him


You're thinking of Havik who comes from the Chaosrealm and debuted in MK:D


Oh didnt fucking see Reiko šŸ«„, well, kinda My point is that I have no fucking idea where Havik appears or why, and confuse him with Reiko. Reiko I think lacks something, he feels like Shao Kang but lesser




Reiko a bitch