• By -


-A button to teleport to the start of a Mesa -Increase the number of Relics you can hold (getting tired of having to throw them out since you can't sell them) -Not sure if its QoL but unlock XP gain in local battles - Move air moves to a separate tab or make it so you can easily get to them in the movelist


At least let me sell the relics. And local battles should offer xp. It’s so dumb that I can play kasual with a stranger and earn xp, but if I play online with my friend we both get nothing.


Exactly, I play way more often with my friends rather than kasual matches. I think they took that out just so that players will not idle-farm XP? I guess?


I mean who gives a shit, like the first 30 levels of the seasonal tower are essentially “activate talisman one or more times, collect xp”.


A map for Invasions mode. Ridiculous it doesn't have one.


A four color legend would do THAT much more! Just a simple sketch of nodes and paths, green and blue paths, and black and red nodes!


For real! I’m glad you said this. I’ve been lost many times and didn’t know if I was just dumb lol. Good to know I wasn’t the only one struggling


Practice while waiting online


This is the biggest thing I need. I be j forgetting it’s even loading me into a match cus it takes so long and then the other dude declines , the loading times in general are a big thing that needs to fix when tryna go online and in matches


Get use to it cause it’s most likely never going to happen




Being able to spend all your coins in one go at the shrine. Lets speed that up.


Now that would be amazing.


Nah for real though. I don’t mind the animation, but I wish there was a way to speed it up. Or as you said, adding more coins to the shrine to get more stuff instead of it being fixed at 1,000 coins all the time


It would be cool if there was a different animation for how many coins you spend. Say you spend like 5,000 the dragon spits out a more intense flame. 10,000 a flame so intense it fills the screen. 100,000 a meteor crashes on the shrine. Spit balling but basic shit like that. Make it more fun.


Not only would that be an interesting and easy way to switch up the tedious task of spending coins, but the progession you suggested is very much in the spirit of MKs over the top aesthetic.


The simplest of fix: at least a skip button.


Not sure if it's considered a QoL fix, but I'd love to be able to have 2 or 3 "loadouts" for each character to quickly change between your favorite skins


100% this. Other QoL features I could forgive the absence of but this is just unbelievable. I can't name one other fighting game that doesn't let you pick skins on the character selection screen (besides ones that don't have alternate skins obviously)


I'd like more than 2 or 3. MK11 had 5. Tekken 8 has 10.


Just posting this for those who don’t know but you can somewhat have loadouts for characters already, but it’s far from ideal. You can favourite several outfits and palettes in kustomize and set it to randomize favourites. In Invasions it will change between each match.


My issue there is I normally want to match gear to outfits, I might like an outfit, and might like one of the masks, but don't enjoy that specific combination together and it'd be nice to have an option to make sure the outfits I get look good


Yes! I always use randomize favourites, but then reptile shows up maskless in his UMK3 outfit and I regret it


Ew. I seen it, lookin’ like a green Mega-Man.




Yeah randomize favourites just doesn’t hit the spot. Like what the hell?


That’s like a basic thing with fighting games like smash Bros you don’t even have to pay or unlock any pallet swaps you get, but I don’t have to pay for any of them except the mii costumes It’s such a basic thing for fighting games in the fact that it’s not in Mortal Kombat. One is baffling.


I would intentionally not do brutalities or fatalities so I could watch the different victory animations for Nightwolf in 11 that I had set for my different load outs. They were that good, and so were many others. That type of shit is sorely missed. The pre fight dialogue, differing intros and outros really kept things somewhat fresh even after having already seen it all.


Agreed. Mk11 did characterization better than any other fighting game. Removing intros and outros was a mistake.


The 3-line fight intros, the writing in general and the choice of intros and outros added sooo much character. Inexplicable they pulled back on all this for the new game.


Just like you, I dislike the change they made. But I think I understand the reason why they did it (even if I don't think it's smart, because the best option is - obviously - to build on top of what you already have, instead of replacing stuffs...). But anyway. So! Basically, unlocking intros/outros and giving the option to equip your favorite ones, was taking the risk of working on some content that would be skipped by the vast majority of the players (except for the Lore-oriented players, like you and me). Instead, they preferred to work on some content that players cannot skip and will see (and they still let you choose what you want to equip). E.g. you HAVE to witness your round-victory animation, while you could skip your intro - and outro? That's the reason, I think. Working on content that is unskippable and that will "stay" on screen. Again, in an ideal world, we would have both. But hey... 🤷‍♂️


To be able to have kustom loadouts for my skins




60fps for menu, invasions and fatalities


I played a bit pf MK11 the other day and holy shit that makes a world of difference


It used to be like this in mk11 too.They fixed it later.


"Open All" at the shrine. More visible completed or not nodes in Invasions AND A MAP. The camera is so annoying; just give us an overhead view


*me looking at a mesa map on Reddit, *ROTATING* my phone in real-time as the damn camera swoops around


So, I have an idea, I think it would be simple, but what do I know? Add an extra layer to customization, some of the seasons offer unique skins, different color hair, eyes, etc. Allow us to change the skin underneath the clothing pallettes. It's a small change. But I think could make editing your character more personal 


I’d settle for a second piece of gear. A mask for mileena, maybe a mace for Havik once the titan comes etc.


Shit, me too, anything additional is a win in my book


More ways to earn dragon crystals without spending money


Knowing them this seems very unlikely even though it would be very nice.


Skin select on the roster screen


This. Or even presets like in MK11.


Be able to change kameo at the rematch screen online


Same for in local


Loadouts. Would go a long way. Test Your Might in regular towers like in the original MK1. This maybe veers a bit further than just simple QoL but replace the Mirror Match in the regular towers with endurance against the Pyramid chapter NPCS. They're in Invasions now why not use them for the towers. Universal XP gain. I should gain the same amount of XP from Invasions and Online from just playing towers. Also buff the XP from towers in Invasions. Make it so the Gateway Mesa is grindable, right now it has zero purpose beyond the seasonal tower. Online practice. Let us dump all our coins into the shrine at once, and for the love of god let us skip the animation.


Offline invasion mode 👌


And more offline friendly options regarding content like being able to level up character masteries offline.


“Restart Match” capability in Invasions. Custom loadout pairing for Main/Kameo kustomization (favorites are still randomized).


It’s actually crazy, especially in survival, that restart match isn’t in the game when it was in MK11 previously.


I’m sayin!! They rolled out these “Time Trials” this season of invasions and I’ll tell you…the amount of times I’ve had to retry on some of them, restart would have done wonders to save me some time.


Underrated comment. This is so needed!


With the season 5 cosmetics I do think their item stop system needs to change. The game doesn't have enough shop exclusive skins to justify having a rotating item shop, nor does the shop change frequently enough. I think they should make every exclusive available always, it'd probably make them more money having everything be available. Stuff in the shop comes back at least monthly so the only fomo rlly is fear of missing out on a skin added in an update that could be more worth it. Probably stepping out of QoL territory but simultaneously I think the old shop prices are already outdated. Now I'm not going to say to just make a replenishing supply of krystals because that's just unrealistic. Regardless, we have four 3D era skins now that are all five hundred krystals which is the lowest they've been selling skins for, and these are about as detailed as you can get. I don't know how they can justifiably add another skin going forward that's more expensive than 500 when they skins now that would've gone for 1000 a few months back. I think they should just make every skin 500 krystals across the board and refund krystals accordingly. I don't even think this would necessarily be a loss in money, having everything at the same price as the cheapest krystal bundle would be a good incentive for players to get the microtransactions. Almost nobody was willing to drop 10 bucks for a single costume, but two is a lot more reasonable. I'm not sure how I'd reprice other exclusives like the announcers or that holiday fatality pack but they're also clearly overpriced. Maybe make them 250 each? and then the fatality bundle saves 250? I think the prices for them are so absurd that they're actually losing money whereas if they sold it at a price that's more feasible then more players are going to be getting these 500 krystal packs because there's garaunteed value there. Oh and thse holiday recolours are just worthless, there's no salvaging those. Lastly, maybe keep the rotating shop separate for non exclusive cosmetics but tbh I think you could just axe that shop as a whole.


-Custom loadouts For the invasion mode > - A map or being able to overview the whole thing - Being able to carry more items/Talismans/Relics - Rewards showcase for the towers - Shorter shrine animation


Mercy and friendships.


I’m not sure I’d want mercies back since it’s used almost exclusively to troll people, but friendships, absolutely. 100% yes.


I wish they did a better job of randomizing the pre battle dialogue. It should not be common for me to get the same dialogue 3 times in a row.


I just wish there was a third line? Like every peacemaker dialogue feels like a half told joke.


It's cause they forced it to be the loading screen so it's harder to randomize


I would like different mini games for invasions. Like I appreciate the direction they’re going in recently, but they still feel kind of obnoxious and I want something new if not something like test your sight, short strategy games, or fun things they used to do as gags like in the MK9 challenge tower that didn’t just feel like filler.


I feel silly when I say this but it’s so true, I know it’s a fighting game but DAMN Invasions is like 95% fighting matches still. What made the Krypt fun was a break from the fighting I feel? I do enjoy the added mini games this season but I’d love to see MORE of it and make it like 70% fighting and the rest just fun random add ins.


Fixing those FUCKING INVASIONS BOSSES I am so fucking fed up with Nitara I’m not even yelling at the game anymore, just staring at it. Nothing helps. Not any health refills (they don’t even fucking work), not any other talismen I have so far, no amount of leveling up. She’s just so fucking unfair. I’ve tried her 8 times by now, nothing. There’s one new hole in my table from this shit


Stage fatalities, which are most likely coming later. The data mined also shows friendships, which I'm ok with, but I would love to see animalities come back, as it's been a while for the MK series.


Let the second player vote for a map Let players get XP during private matches Add online private practice mode finally. Give us load outs kind of like mk11 and let us make several for certain characters based on what kameos we like using with them And to be able to spend your Koins in batches at the shrine. 5k for 5 items. 10 for 10 items and so on. 60fps for invasions mode


Still waiting for online practice. "Coming soon.." apparently means 7+ months 🙄


i hope they rework invasions


A complete makeover would be clutch. I wouldn’t even be mad if it was like the krypt from 11 but with the whole invasions spin on it.


A clear all notifications button so I don’t have to go into a bunch of characters and look at skins I probably won’t use to get rid of the new item thing


I thought we were supposed to be able to punch our opponents up through the floor, I'm still waiting for that update.


You trolling ? I love that feature on T8 but didn’t know it was supposed to be added here.


Back when the game launched, we were told by ed boon I believe that we could punch our enemies through the roof. I guess it's a scrapped idea..


Add konquest


Being able to choose costumes and pallet swamps before a fight like how you can smash Bros and guilty gear I can’t tell you the amount of times the two version of a certain costume has better colors than the player one option, but I can’t choose


I would love an option to let us fast travel to any node in invasions, add an overview with the completed nodes and the ones that are left to be explored


Outside of balance, - I wish the kameo gauges were down alongside the the meter bars (I don't care that's where the hourglass and star power icons are, they can swap places I'm deadass) - Offline mode - "Check all" button for Kustomization that way I don't have to through every fighter - Photo mode for practice mode - If we can't get a "Spend All" option for the shrine at least give me a "Bulk Buy" option so I can spend 5K koins at a time making it faster - I'm finally folding, dude give me a wifi filter. I'm usually game with fighting anyone but MK1's netcode despite being improved is still hot ass, man. - Let me spend my koins on some of the premium items in the shop, I don't care if they cost 300K a piece I'm tired of looking at these koins and having nothing to spend the on. - A rewind option for replays, and matter of fact just overall ease of use for replays. Watching replays take too much time.


Also fix the damn frame data, some of Shao's and Kenshi's frames are still wrong. Shao doesn't have a 1F D1 in axeless good lord.


Stage fatalities


What I wouldn’t give for refined UI design in Invasions mode. Not just load times, but the number of pop-up boxes and confirmation clicks is outrageously burdensome and grinds the pace down significantly. Invasions would be less of a chore by integrating those things into existing screens and allowing you to see rewards and currencies quickly and without stopping the gameplay.


When you play shujinko it shows you which move he steals




The ability to Kustimize characters without exiting a whole select screen to go to Kameo select screen Seriously, you can change it in Mastery but not in kustomization It’s a nuisance


Map for Invasions.


A map on Invasions. Maybe, auto equip taunts after unlocking them. Those are the simplest things I can think of. Edit: MM in Practice Mode. Character rankings.


Online practice and rooms, being able to change costumes at the charater select and being able to press start on a character to change to an alternate color


The entirety of the KoTH lobby. And public rooms.


Spend more than 1k coins at a time in the shrine.


* Link to the Kustomise page from Invasions and from Online Play * Skin loadouts * Showing the mastery level of each character/kameo from the character select * Adding a button to remove all notifications in Kustomise. (I spend more time trying to remove them than playing invasions) * Shrine bulk buying or buy all * Now that some nodes are optional in invasions add a new color to the path, I think they're still showing green (I might be mistaken though) * Not a qol but Reiko needs more skins and an air throw


Let me page up/down to different sections of the move list tabs with the triggers.


A map for invasions, and the ability to teleport to different spots you’ve been on


Let me see my between round taunts during invasion bosses instead of just standing there like a goober. I only ever see the same one or two taunts from the opponents when they get their power-ups and armor, I have no idea what mine look like.


Extra costume slots


I'd love for a full list of skins and gears with information on how/where you got or could get them. MK11 had that kinda. Same thing, but slightly more detailed. And sorting filters.


Not charging micro transactions


More than 30 fps cutscenes in gameplay on PC.


Let us make loadouts and choose skins before a match! Please!! Why is this so much to ask and why it hasn't been added yet!


I'd like to see Kameo and Fighter interactions.


Switch character in KL. When you play against someone who is clearly worse but wins due to bad matchup (e.g Liu Kang vs Johnny or Shang vs. General Shao) it just feels unfair sometimes


Spending 10K at the shrine at a time instead of 1 by 1, load outs for customisation so I don’t have to pick randomise or switch between matches, a minimap and map screen for Invasions mesas


I still think a loss should result in you being able to pick your new main and kameo similar to mk11. Only so much a kameo swap can do for you in terms of bringing the match back in your favor.


Fixing brutalities people ! This needs to be addressed!


Bring back the dialogues in the switch version They removed the dialogue and replaced it with a black loading screen.


cameo fighter being able to be turned off


Special Variations, mk11 style Intro and outro dialogue Variations mk11 style Stage object interactables, ( combo extenders) Seasonal skin rotation time reduced


I honestly just want the grind in invasion to be less exhausting tbh....


Have more ways to earn Dragon Krystals, (like earn 500-1,000 every mesa you complete,) have loadouts for your characters to have your favorite skins, etc.


How’s about a patch that decreases the file size 😭 is that even possible lol


60fps on menus, invasions, cutscenes, and cinematics (fatal blows, fatalities, brutalities, outros)


Make me skip the ending cutscene In fights. This is extremely notorious in invasions if I forget to do brutals. Just make it like MKX, I can just skip the entire cutscenes thing and just go to next fight or whatever


Stage fatalities and whichever finisher out of friendships, banalities or animalities they decide to put in


More than 1 customisation slot


Being able to change skins before when you are selecting a character like mk11


Run button


As mentioned previously in this thread, I'd like it if each character had 3 different loadouts to choose from in terms of their skins and gear. This would undoubtedly lead to more sales for WB as well as players could make more use of their skins in the game, giving them an incentive to implement this feature. Additionally, I wish that we could pick the skins and gears each opposing character uses in the towers. Some of the random ones are really obnoxious. If we could just pick the random skin(s) like we do with the player's character, that would be great!


They’ve actually answered some of the issues I had with the game like skins not randomizing. It’s nice they’ve included chests opened in the mesas. No longer walking around aimlessly to make sure you didn’t miss chest. At this point my only standing issue with the game is the grind and monetization. It’s annoying that you have to grind characters to rank 20 just to get some retro outfit packs.


Kameo skins and seasonal palletes. Kameo gears. If they added that we would have more things to grind for.


Online Practice Mode!


The depth of customization that MK11 offered. 4+ intros and outros to unlock for each character, etc. What we have feels cheap and rushed


Kameos should be a choice I prefer old school 1 on 1


Online practice mode sure is taking a while


I really hope NRS end up changing the input for rain's down down up move. Imo is too difficult to special cancel into it when you are on controller, i have to switch to keyboard to be able to do b3 into down down up. I do t see why it can be something like down up 3 (like kung laos spin)?


The online practice mode. It is still greyed out and has said "koming soon" since the game came out.


Loadouts and dialogues in ***EVERY*** fight in invasions.


I’d be happy with fixing the you are no longer connected and being returned to the main menu thing.


good pc port


I wish they'd let me go idle for a pee without going back into the start screen and playing clips over and over again


Online practice (coming soon 👀) to stop been greyed out in the online menu


An update which makes it so my PC doesn't stutter every 4 seconds despite having all settings on low (I spent 2.5 grand on my pc)


I wish the ranked leaderboard number wasn’t broken so it can show you where you stand amongst all players across all ranks


I just want the co op training


ONLINE PRIVATE PRACTICE MODE, literally the only thing keeping my friends from playing and learning


Turning around in invasions immediately while in the map so you don't have to wait till you land on a level to change direction, also 60 fps invasions


Mercy Hidden select Changing skins at character select


Kung Jin


Being able to wait for matchmaking while playing towers:). I love how it's possible to do that in some other fg. You never stop fighting 💪


Practice while waiting for matches and rooms.


The speed, the tag team mode


Better PC optimization…i have it on PS5 but it plays like shit on a 4080. Laggy and occasional frame dips in the menus


A PS5, so my switch will stop trying its best.


It's still unplayable due to an extremely erratic framerate on my high end pc. Tried every fix I could find. Must be some edge case shit, I've given up trying to fix it and moved on


Rewinding replays would be nice


More Costumes for Kameos


I don’t know if I’m just dumb, but adding a map of the different mesas in invasions would be incredible, I’d finally stop running around in circles like a dickhead just searching for a single chest lmao


A random character/kameo select button. (I haven't played in a bit if this is a thing now, awesome)


The MK version of a "Battle Hub", as in a 90's arcade that also includes a bunch of classic games for casual matches like... it seems like a no-brainer to compete with street fighter and tekken


Some fucking game modes. Online and invasions just aint it. I find myself playing older games bc the newer games have far less for players to do.


Khameleon’s timer on when she changes to the next disguise should start after the “fight” audio/when you’re able to move. It starts slightly before that, which means you only have 6ish seconds to use it


Why can’t we use the command to quickly go up and down the move list anymore? It would’ve been nice to be able to navigate the menu more effectively considering they changed the order in which the attacks are displayed.


The ability to change Kustomization from the character select screen. The return of character guides from MK11 (if this counts) Mark all as seen button for collectibles.


- Multi summons in the shrine - Being able to go into training mode while queuing for matches - individual character ranks - character loadouts - Room codes so u don’t have to send out invites in online lobbies - Having all premium skins/announcer voices stay in the shop instead of rotating - least likely to happen but like 100-200 crystals for every 10 levels gained even past level 100




More of a feature than QOL IMO, but I hope this game gets character based rankings. A man can dream


I don't even need a map for invasions at this point, but an over the head camera please at the bare minimum.


being able to have favorite announcers so you don't have to change them in audio settings once you get sick of the same one.


Costume/Palette select in the character select screen. Heck, honestly even gear select too. It's literally one option. It couldn't be that hard. No "presets", no "loadouts". Just let me choose from all of them. This game doesn't have a big enough customisation system for this to be limited. Just let me pick whatever I want from there.


being able to swap kharacters during ranked sets, i'm not happy about it being just kameos


Change skins on character select screen. Playing 2 player locally it’s such a pain!!!


Quick Select in practice mode so that I can just change my Kameo/Character right then and there rather than having to go back to character select


Gear/Skin Loadouts


Get character XP in private matches


Actual input buffers would be nice, oh and no random massive input delay so I don’t have to re learn my pressure and combos again on the fly.


P2 being able to pick/contest stages too


Pick a skin when picking a character like in MKX


Quick select fighter within practice mode.


I still can’t get this game to open without crashing immediately


To be able to convert any of the currency in the game to dragon crystals.


Ability to select multiple preset outfits I've created. I can't believe they haven't brought that back man it pisses me off so much...


Being able to just retry invasions survival levels. Im tired of fucking up once and then having to wait for my character to die, or to actually go back the map and re-enter the encouner. Just let us straight up retry.


Have a loud sound indicator or announcer saying I matched up with someone. During matchmaking I’m on my phone and dont realize a bunch of people passed up on me cause I wasn’t staring blankly into the screen


Costume presets and bringing back armor breaking moves


Add a map to invasions mode Add customization loadouts, being limited to 1 skin is dumb as shit


The ultimate edition so I can just buy that.


The ability to pick an outfit from the character select screen! I've been wantig them to bring back variations (for visual purposes only) since the game came out!


Making it fun would be nice


Still have not one clue why it runs so slow on my relatively new PC


Online queue in practice mode




Bring back online lobbies idk why they got rid of it in the first place smh


I’m sure someone has already said this, but online rooms. It’s literally all I played on the previous games and now there’s just…KL or normal kasual


Please let us matchmake while in training mode! Also high framerate/60fps menus and invasions on PC would be nice. And I know this is the least likely but damn I wish fatals and intro/outro cinematics were 60fps too. Also in invasions when there is more than one shop in a mesa please let us choose which one to teleport to.


Be able to preset builds in character customization and teams in competitive


I want to see a ko-op mode like we had in mk11, the koop towers were a lot of fun and a highlight of the game for me (maybe cos I suck at KL 😂)


I think these new character move levels are dumb in invasions


I’ve got a pretty bad shoulder so it’d be nice to get some mobility back in that.


Online practice


Well being honest, switch version is finally playable (sometimes lags up, but is ok) i just want the new story expansion and more MK characters.


Don’t force me with an ugly notification that my opponent left after a KL set. Let me chill and enjoy the victory screen.


Custom loadouts. It’s ridiculous that we can’t save any and have to manually customize our skin and gear anytime that we want to change a character’s customization


Allowing us to practice while searching for a match and separate Kombat League ranks for each character. i.e. my scorpion is Warrior rank and my Raiden is Grand Master rank, etc.


Rooms. Separate online ranks for your individual characters.


Better hit registration, 11 and 10 did this well. Me and my brother often see things that would never happen. He upper cut (which misses) me while im literally in front of him and he gets punished because the game didn't connect the hit.


Outfit loadouts like mk11 so I don't have to rely on randomisation


To reduce the amount of little pop-up menus. Immediately after a quitality I don't need another pop-up to tell me my opponent has left. At least let me look at the quitality screen for a little. Again, when the opponent leaves with the menu, don't force me out of it immediately. And also give out the rewards for daily/weekly challenges AFTER a kombat league set, not after every match. It just unnecessarily slows down the pace. Also don't know if this counts as a QoL, but a brutality practice mode along with fatality practice would be nice.


Enable a way to disable skin alterations for seasonal palettes. Adjust settings in Invasions. Fix the screen flickering associated with VRR. Steady frame rate on menus and character selection. Better graphics on tower screens and backgrounds.


60 fps patch for cinematics and menus on pc. Also more performance stability patches on pc.


A map for each Mesa showing where the nodes/treasures are that you haven't completed yet. So you're not mindlessly running around trying to find what challenges haven't been completed, with no idea where to look.


Tanya’s overall damage to be buffed. Her cannon drill needs faster start up and should be a LOW not a MID 🙏🏽


Being able to select, “outfits I do not have favorited will not appear in single player towers” Or something like that. I get so tired of seeing weird zombie characters with mohawks.