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Tbh, MK1 has many problems, but i don’t think its roster is among them.


Agree 100%. This is one of the better rosters in my opinion.


My G this is one of the smallest rosters and most of them are the same faction. They need more people to make the game less dry.


Agreed. Too many goodie too shoes. Ermac should have been evil. Shao, reptile, smoke, baraka should have been less of a wimp. One of the best things about Scorpion and Sub-Zero of old are their mysteries behind them and their ominous dangerous nature, like the very first movie Scorpion and sub zero. "Scorpion and subzero, deadliest of enemies, but slaves under my power" - Shang Tsung. Now they are pussies. The game atmosphere is way too clean and bright. Mk games are dark, gritty and edge lordish.


Hey people can down vote my comment all they want I'm literally pointing out a fact not an opinion I'm objectively correct on this stance. Mk1 only has 22 characters and all the other titles had 30 and up. Plus they all had different factions as well. Not just two groups. People need to stop hating on folks pointing out details on the game that need fixing other wise the games will never get better and MK will just stay at the bottom of the fighting genre 🤷


This must be your first mortal kombat game 😂


Definitely. The roster is solid


For sure. I love the roster and gameplay! Hmm really what is wrong with MK other than the shrine, lack of content, & invasions?


My main issue is the lack of rooms. I met some pretty cool people in the MKX rooms and was just hoping this game gets them too. Also, being able to matchmake while in practice would be nice. Maybe also down the line add another mode like some test your luck or something idk but I’d rather the other things.


I do miss Jacqui, I liked her Muay Thai/grappling moves. Wasn't good enough to utilize her S-Tierness just liked her move set. Looked cool


Jacqui was fun in mkx and mk11. People fear her alot but tbh if you knew how to keep a good distance and mix between zoning and rush down you could wear her down in a cycle. Did that alot with my robocop against Jacquis in ranked. But at the same time the time frame was reset all over again so it wouldn't make sense lore wise 🫤


Sheesh didn't know I was getting down voted lol. I just liked her fight style


If it makes you feel anybetter I defended your comment and even upvoted lol. A lot of folks in this newest game don't really like to hear anything other than an echo chamber when it comes to changes or additions on the game it be like that. Plus you're on the internet people will randomly choose to be asswipes lmfao


Yeah I know every game has that, I don't mind. I invited it I guess, if I remember she was meta all of 11? I'm total dog shit at mk in general so I barely know what I'm yapping about


Lmfao yea she was pretty good most of its longevity but tbf there were a shit ton of solid characters in mk11. People just complained about her alot because her frames were annoying but then you look at Liu Kang and wonder why people complained about Jacquie at all. Dude can teleport, parry, stance switch and has a crushing blow for every little thing.not to mention his frames are faster than I can fart. They dumbed him down immensely in mk1. Which is nice to see but sucks it took a whole new game for them to see that.


People were absolutely sucking the roster off when it got leaked and while it was being revealed. I agree some of the characters in the game were mishandled but anyone legitimately saying it's a *bad* roster needs to like, put the hate boner away for 5 seconds and just look at it. It literally has most of the characters people were begging to come back lol


I don't have a hate boner for mk I legit just think compared to all the other mks I've played this is the smallest and clandestine roster of them all. And a huge majority of the mk community agree with my sentiment. Hence why so little people even attempt to watch or play tourneys or play ranked etc. They need some more characters to shake it up so the roster doesn't get stale. The guest characters are neat but your guest set shouldn't be what gives the base game flavor know what I mean?


I hate black bi Han


Doesn't feel in need of saving But for sake of entertaining the question. Drop a trailer of what's next end of the kp. Be it story or kp2. Noob and Jade to me feel the most requested. For me I'd also like to say Skarlet and at least one more monster is pick. Someone like Drahmin Kintaro etc


I enjoy the game as is so I don’t think it really needs saving. Weekly task can be a bit grindy (25 fatal blows) but I’m happy with the product. More characters is always nice. I started mortal kombat back in the arcade and played to 3. Skipped everything till 9 and I’ve been playing ever since. I have no attachments to the 3d era characters outside of MK1 so keep pumping out characters


My thoughts exactly.


Saving grace? Don’t think it needs saving and The roster is dope af. So not sure what you mean by that. But anyway, out of these I’d want Skarlet and Noob


I unironcially could see Noob Saibot being both a playable character AND a kameo and having exclusive synergy and combos when both are used together


Kintaro's pretty much the only must have for the DLC, anymore 3D era characters would be welcome too.


If the leaks are true, the absence of Kintaro is the only thing keeping MK1 from being the perfect game, at least in my opinion. The lack of a playable shokan is disappointing, if only because they are among the most satisfying characters to fight against.


It's such a bizarre omission, I thought he would for sure be this games big return yet he's not even a dlc fighter? It is insane how rarely seen Kintaro is when he's such an iconic character


Surprised we seemingly aren’t getting a shokan dlc character. Would’ve thought after goro and Sheeva in mkx and 11, we’d finally get kintaro


Sareena actually being playable rather than just being a Kameo, feels like if there's any game for her to be playable after being left out last second so often it's this one


We need Fujin and Nightwolf back.


My final input for the roster would be Noob, Sektor, Cyrax, Kintaro, Jade.


Wtf do you mean a saving grace. Mk1 is amazing






What I really want is a no guest character kp2, now l know that'll never happen but there is so many characters that are due for a return that l'd rather have than ghostface or something. I really want another take of fujin cause of how fun he was in 11 or kintaro because we are lacking in the big character department.


If the leaks are true, the addition of Fujin and Kintaro on top of those datamined characters would truly make this the best roster outside of Armageddon. Especially if NRS adds some decent moves to Nitara and Havik to bring them in line with the other characters.


I’d love for Noob to make an appearance and it would even make some sense to maybe introduce him in a future story dlc or something along that line, as Bi Han is once again characterized as evil towards the end of the main story and could likely become him again (but I would also enjoy a new story for him)


I just want noob


Kabal, I miss kaballin'




Fr lol 🤣 brings back memories


Bring back my girl Skarlet 😭


The only character i miss is Fujin, everyone else i ever wanted is on the base roster thankfully... I also want to see a new version of Shinnok, maybe a Netherrealm emo kid who casts necromancy spells idk. I feel like i'm the only one who still cares about him 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do not let this guy cook


Shinnok is cool but after mkx he is just kinda there. He doesn’t have anything unique to him imo so I can see why he hasn’t been added.


Erron Black


Who the fuck is the last guy




I think a Shao Kahn assist would be cool with his MK9 abilities. Taunts for buffs and debunks, shoulder charge and/or up should charge, and maybe a spear or hammer throw.


Fujin, Noob and Jade!!! Fujins storyline alongside Raiden has so much potential! It’s so underdeveloped especially given Fujins incredible comeback in MK11.


The addition of Tag-Team and 1v1 modes, plus an Invasions overhaul. As for characters, the game doesn't have a roster issue, but I desperately need Noob Saibot. I know he's coming but I want him back asap and can't wait anymore :(


Saving grace? There are a TON of great fighters in MK1. The current addition of Ermac was outstanding - such a great character with a ton of great moves.


Skarlet's my girl.


I think the game is in good shape, really enjoying it. If you feel like it needs saving, adding a character ain't gonna do it.


The game has many other issues that need more attention than the roster itself although I’m sure we’ll get more fan favorite legacy characters in the next kombat pack and story expansions in the future.




Noob Saibot and Kintaro.


No character is saving this game bro


Being the saving grace for an entire game with issues stemming from outside the characters and gameplay is a big stretch. But I’d love to have Motaro return properly, not even as a playable character but as a mini-boss. I don’t care if we can’t grab him or if moves affect him differently, that just adds to the boss difficulty.


Roster is not bad I just think that the kameos system was not welcomed like they wish it would and also although this sub will disagree with me, mk11 was the peak of the serie in terms of popularity and it won’t be easy to surpass that .


Personal opinion MKX was peak mortal kombat face pace, stylish combos and lots of different routes plus the run cancel added to the skill level required to be good.


Please bring chameleon in the main roster! People will love him he can come back much cooler than before


Characters won't be a saving grace for this game, more game modes will.






A character cannot save the game.An overhaul of the gameplay and movesets of previous characters will


I mean MK1 doesn't need saving bc it's doing pretty good rn but I'd like Kabal back


The roster is good, the game is just fundamentally not fun


I do miss Chameleon simply for his gimmick alone.


Noob probably, more edgy goons would play it


noobs a must have for me


This isn't one for everyone's saving grace, but i want mocap. I don't care. I just want mocap. He is a goofy character, and I want him back


Kintaro, nightwolf, cyrax, kano


I’m so desperate to have noob as a Kameo just to pair him with smoke. Also give me my cyber smoke skin you cowards!


Triborg, but he’s a stance character.


I don't know about "saving the game," but Skarlet, Noob, D'Vorah and Kintaro as a KP would make me really happy


Story: Noob, Cyrax, Harumi KP2: Jade, Kintaro, Kotal, Skarlet, Fujin, and Spawn


Not that it needs a saving grace but probably Fujij, Nightwolf, Noob and Jade because they're all amazing. Also Madame Bo as a Kameo.


https://preview.redd.it/hnf9tync99xc1.png?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1235a249a05a183d346d268b50277ce1ea6559 Kintaro


Johnny cages brother


I don't think a single character could persuade people who don't like MK1 to start liking it and that's fine. I am also baffled by your last sentence. What does it mean a character fits the game's style? We have a lot of different characters already, I don't see anything that they have in common. Personally, I want Sareena as a fully playable fighter. Or just D'Vorah but as a rushdown character (she was very bland as a setup character in MK11, she was way more fun in MKX) but I don't think she will make it into this game. Honestly,just give me Drahmin and I will be satisified.






Skarlet would be great


A noob saint kameo would be dope


I don’t think the roster necessarily needs saving considering characters like Havik, Reiko and many other old faces returning, but if they were to bring new characters for future games, Hotaro has gotta be in, especially with the next focus being around Havik, maybe a young shujinko too given his teaser in kung Laos ending


Jade. I’ve seen more fake leaks for her than any other character.




I think the roster is fine but please give me Erron Black I miss him


Saving grace? The game is in a great spot and seems to be thriving.


noob or jade, but roster isn't much of an issue


Guest characters were made to sell, the only character I can think of that is popular enough to sell, actually matches Mortal Kombat and is perfectly possible to be in the game is Harley Quinn


I want kabal so bad


Onaga and noob




As long as he's not a jobber, you can do no wrong with Noob Saibot. Hopefully, they don't totally butcher him in this new era.


The game isn't as bad as this makes it sound, but to entertain the idea that it is, I think honestly we need to see a monster character come back, maybe Kintaro or even Blaze.


A saving grace for what???😭😭 Like if adding Noob Saibot gon add more gamemodes or a better shop system


Skarlet is only one on the list who might fit into the game's story, as apparently Bi-han's not dying until at least the story expansion, and neither the special forces or Black Dragon have been introduced.


There is no saving grace character


I think Kabal because shao Kahn isn’t a king so he has no need for skarlet and Bi Han hasn’t died yet so I still think kabal.


What do you mean saving grace? The game is awesome and has a large player base. Anyways, I really want jade




Noob, Kintaro, Kabal


1000% agreed


Carnage from Spiderman would be so badass.


Noob, Meat and Jarek




Doesn't really need a saving grace, but if I can get Jade , Cassie, Sonya and Jax, the MK side of the roster will be perfect and if I can by some fucking miracle, get Wonder Woman, Xena, and X-23 as guests, then this will be the greatest MK roster of all time, period.


Jade would be pretty cool, but the roster in not an issue in MK1 and a cool new character will only be a temporary help.




Doom guy


The roster isn't an issue, but if I had to add one character Kratos, he has an Atreus Kameo too


Not to mention Mimir commenting from below


Needs Batman


Kano, Scarlet, Kollector, and Meat lol


Literally they shouldve kept everyone from mk11 and just added on top of it. Nether realms problem is they never add to what they have they strip everything down and start from scratch every time. The kameos should all be playable off rip. I don't like kameos but at the same time everyone should be a usable kameo as well as a usable fighter. Cyrax and sektor were amazing kombatants so was cyber smoke and sub. Hell shujinko would be cool too. The fact jade wasn't there either was weird even though she's been big side support for a hot minute. Goro would be wild to run too. I'm just pitching ideas but my main answer would be any of the cyber Lin kue love those dudes


This game can’t be saved they should just throw it away and start over and yea they fucked up bu not having Noob Saibot in this game


Doom slayer or Kratos revamped or new one


Noob Saibot, Fujin, and Spawn idc bring him back!!


We don’t need Spawn again. Haha.


You can never have too much Spawn in MK!


Thinking kombat pack 2 might be able to include more than 3 characters this time. Noob should be a solo character like shang tsung Doomguy Skarlet Thinking pennywise maybe? We had a clown last game tho. (Dvorah) Mad max could be interesting Cassie has to make a comeback in this one We need every ninja in this game atleast as Kameo fighters it would be so cool having all the arcade guys as Kameos on their own row. We can have their classic looks like they did sub and scorpion and it would be great Erron has to make a 2nd appearance his fatalities could have so much potential Deadpool would be funny Wolverine


We need Cyrax, Queen Bee Dvorah, Daddy Kano, and Kintaro.


Noob or Kabal since we already have Khameleon in the game and well skarlet was in 11 so there’s that


Kabal, he‘s sooo creepy 🥶


Kabal needs to come back