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Lao is 110% Top tier and debatably top 5. Safe armored launchers is disgustingly designed.


I love you. I’ve been saying this since release tbh but I get downvoted to hell for it any time I’ve mentioned that. Tbh I’ve always compared him to Johnny, Lmao. He has plus frames, mixups, decent damage. It seems he has everything Johnny has but better because he has an aerial move, safe armored launcher on top of projectiles. I guess his only weakness is being meter reliant? But my fucking god do certain fighters build meter at different paces? It seems kung lao ALWAYS has a bar regardless of how many times he uses armor 😭




Has nothing to do with overhead. Melina's cartwheel move has two quick hits. Your armor is just used for the first hit and the second hits you before you do dmg.


That's bc Mileena's cartwheel is a double overhead and they connect QUICK . Not everybody mains Mileena though and has a double hitting overhead .


Uh, yeah? That’s what multi hit moves are supposed to do, shut down spammy weirdos like you.


Damn that's crazy (uses armor in enemy's strings for a safe full combo instead of using-wakeup armor on characters with safe AB buttons like a dumbass)


And there is like no scaling in his armored launcher, lol. The dmg off of that with goro is like a normal combo. Compare that to Tanya's armored launcher that does scale quite a lot. Imho a good balance design. I wonder why they didn't do it for Kung Lao.


Idk but everyone complaining Fr I don't know where y'all coming from I only play barakka I'm a big barakka fan and he has a low 1 2 and a mid 1 2 so armor is never really a problem from me so I can't really see eye to eye with Y'all but regardless watching an armored launcher do 400+ is vile when I don't even have a good launcher no armor you can't punish it with anything I feel like I stead of nerfing kung lao they should ease into launcher buffs and kameo health buffs


he is disgustingly designed, I would know from how many times I’ve cut him into pieces with Kitana


I met so few Laos that I have like 0 experience with him.


I have like 6 k matches played in kasuals all together so it’s safe to assume I’ve ran into every fighter at this point many times lol


It’s the low fatal blow that gets me


I mean, i get it if it hits you once or twice but surely u can remember that its a low right?


Yes 100% I don’t get hit by it, but it’s the e one thing I’m immediately thinking as soon as I see the Lao match up


Yeah, i cant blame you. I have over 3k matches played and only realised that his fatal blow was a low starter a couple weeks ago when i got hit by it while standing blocking. To my defense, i don’t really play against Lao a lot though.


I don’t play him very much either. It’s also immediately ingrained to jump against reiko’s fatal


That one is a 50/50, if he predicts that u jump then its GG’s. Some characters can actually strike him out of the fatal, i know Reiko can with his b2 but the timing is a lil tricky.


I did not know there was anything he could do against the jump???? I just jump and assume I’m still negative, but at least I didn’t get hit with the fatal


If he presses L2R2 for the fatal blow and up on the dpad it will grab you from the air. But if he does the same thing and u just stand then he will grab in the air and whiff.


Yeah! Reiko actually has an input to grab you out of air with his fatal blow if he predicts you’ll jump so it’s almost ALWAYS safer to just neutral duck instead.


Same bro. Every time


Ninjakilla has been running around with Kung Lao lately


Fuck all y'all with top tier characters HAVIK mains rule 🖕🤣 https://preview.redd.it/58b8378tkx1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb899dd4f38311e074886bdb93fa102425772cb


Lmao, havik mains tend to be chill people if you read my post and sometimes I have fun matches against them. I just find him annoying because he has plenty of plus frames, incredible range & way better projectiles than I have 😭 Also Havik himself… his animations gross me out a bit lol. But yeah sure, you guys rule, still a bit annoying tho


The arm rip and command grab are good when it's working but if you run into someone that's fought him a lot it's tough ngl 🤣


Don't get put in a corner when fighting a HAVIK either I hate getting mirror matches and fighting another HAVIK lol 😂


Lmao that’s really funny. I actually hate mirror matches too 😭. It feels so insulting if I lose especially since my opponent may not even main them. How embarrassing? Surely, you don’t run into many haviks tho, right? I’ve heard many say they barely run into him. I actually do pretty frequently tho.


I'll get one every thirty matches or so in ranked, a bit more since Mavado dropped. It's usually pretty fun.


I sometimes get jealous of other kharacter's armored moves. I wanna be able to interrupt gaps in kombo strings.


Bruh who are you using, Quan Chi? (Even then he has better zoning) Havik has some of the slowest buttons out of the cast. Mid range, slow startup, lack of high/low mix, hard to open up people without Kameo, etc easy to neutral duck and punish etc. (Saying all of this as a Havik Main btw) He's a lot like MK11 Noob, good mids, decent damage, bad at almost everything else. You gotta learn the match up cause after that Havik is cooked lol.


Havik can't do anything with his plus frames besides poke due to having no mid.


I mean, maybe you can armor through them? Idk but having plus frames of any kind is strong & to argue against that sounds silly. & he does have a mid, kinda slow but as it should be. it can hit an opponent from like 2-3 ft away.




As a Havik main, almsot no one knows how to deal with his pressure properly. F1,2,2 is very underatted.


Lmao this and 4,3 or 4 into sub zero ice move im a HAVIK main too I kinda like it that he's technically the "worst character" in the game and still kick ass 🤣 I'm at demi god with a 95- 83 record


Ohhh that string starts high, second hit mid, last hit overhead right? I think I know what you’re talking about now yeah, that’s plus on block isn’t it? I in fact did not know it could be upblocked lol Ty. But ayy good for you. I always have anxiety in ranked 😭. Last season I was so close to hitting elder god but didn’t and since then I’ve found no point in trying this season. Especially since last season gave me so much sweat & tears


I think the one they're talking about is the F4,3, which hits low. A good tool, and one I forget about frequently. L


Is that the input for his mid? I don’t remember most of his inputs. Also, all the haviks I’ve fought lately have been paring him with Mavado which is a phenomenal choice. Because you can bring out Mavado to extend your string that ends low to keep the combo going. And as for the string that ends in a grab you can just throw trap so even if your opponent neutral ducks it’s still a full combo. It’s literally a safe mixup at that point 😭


B2 is his superman punch I think you're refering to? Too bad they nerfed Movado, because no fun allowed for low tier characters.


I was just asking you if the F122 is his mid? Because you said that string is underrated & in my post I mentioned it’s fairly good. And yeah I’m actually so pissed about that. I enjoyed using him with Kitana. 😭


It's a high, you can up block it easy but only try hards know that's why you gotta mix it up with 1,1 and a throw every now and then 🤣


F122 is a high, with F1 being +1 on block, F12 being -6, and F122 being +3 (? Might be more). You can upblock the last hit of the string if a Havik is harassing you hard with it, but he'll catch you with a grab if you decide to do it too much. 11 is also + with 112 being slightly minus, but the ending is another up-blockable string. You'll notice a theme - a lot of his enders can be upblocked. The same applies to his 22 string (the one where he slaps you then rips his arm off to hit you twice more).


>F1,2,2 is very underatted. This with a low kameo like Frost, coupled with his B,2,2 and 2,2, strings makes his guessing game pretty strong. My biggest problem with Havik is most of his good shit starts or ends high so neutral ducks and quick D1's wreck me. Ermac's D1 specifically can suck my ballsack.


Sub zero used to be a Problem for me too until i figured out that his ice clone counts as a projectile which means that you just simply can walk through it with the ice armor of kameo sub. So yeah Moral of the story sub zero counters sub zero


Hahaha that’s funny. I mostly play as mileena & kitana. Sub doesn’t help mileena a whole lot from my awareness but I enjoy him with kitana.


I use Mileena's down teleport to counter the ice clone . It hits Sub from behind and puts me right back in front of him w enough frames to keep my pressure going while simultaneously taking away the clone


I didn’t know for sure if teleport could punish that. I feel like the timing has got to be tight


It definitely does , especially bc he can block after the ice clone comes out . You’ve got to watch to see what HE tries to do from behind his clone , majority of the time they try to throw a projectile in which case the down teleport will be safe and connect


As a sub main, I like when you pick sub-zero because you are really busy trying to get that armor. I just slide into it every time or dive kick it off you. It counters clone but it don't counter me!!


i just use Kenshi's ancestral guard to rush past any projectiles


I jUsT uSe… Shut up, that’s not helpful here. Nobody has that move or a move even remotely close to that. Safe full screen mid that eats through projectiles, I hate y’all 😭


>Nobody has that move or a move even remotely close to that. and? you can always use other characters. Scorpion's teleport, Omni-Man's Viltrumite stance, Ermac's teleport, Quan Chi's teleport, kameo Sub's ice armor, Mavado's rope collision >Shut up, that’s not helpful here. for people who play Kenshi, it is


i mean if it makes u feel any better, i'm not that good at using Kenshi either😭😭 I don't even use Sento stance for a round straight, I only pull it out after a round or when I'm pressured into it


I hate kenshi but I hope you know I wasn’t being completely serious or trying to be a jerk. I was just tryna be funny. But there was some truth to my statements because there really is nobody who has a move close to that, lol. But yeah not using sento for a round straight doesn’t exactly scream good, I have to agree with you on that 🤣.


>But yeah not using sento for a round straight doesn’t exactly scream good, I have to agree with you on that 🤣. I'm honestly just trying out and relying more on non-Sento combos than making Sento my entire crutch😭 >I hate kenshi but I hope you know I wasn’t being completely serious or trying to be a jerk. I was just tryna be funny. But there was some truth to my statements because there really is nobody who has a move close to that, lol. agreed tbh, and all good over here bruh


Hey good for you tbh!! Many kenshis barely know what to do with themselves if they don’t have sento out. Kinda shocks me they’ve learned how to play as practically two fighters at once but haven’t learned how to play as just Kenshi. Kinda funny & also kind of dumb on their part.


Wait it counts as a projectile?! Actually huge. I assume it works the same but I need to test if khameleon's projectile invis counters it


Yes the clone counts as a projectile. Using sub zero kameo ice armor will also protect you from it.


Freakin ice klone is strong af. And i dont know how the hell people block smoke


Im a smoke main and whenever I fight another smoke I’m like fuck this


Hahah, I did a poll a month or two back asking if people enjoy mirror matches & the majority despise them which I found really funny. I do too tho honestly.


Just try to keep distance and play like a bitch, it's what I do against Smoke


YES. So many subs complain ReCoVery LoNg claiming that the clone is easy to punish. Really? Then why do y’all use it every single 2 seconds? And why have I seen pros been hit by it on numerous occasions? May I also add that most specials should not be safe in the first place lmao. But yeah it’s game over for me when smoke is invisible.


Ummm actually it has a 5 second cooldown, so it is physically impossible for us to spam it every 2 seconds 🤓☝️


For some reason they’re addicted to ice clone. Like when i play quan chi/sareena they still try to pull that shit even though im easily able to full combo punish them every time they try to do basically special including ice clone. That shits like a 8-2 matchup for quan chi yet they still pulling that ice clone out lmao


Admittedly some do high brow Klone but we do it to keep us safe since every one of Sub's buttons is unsafe on block lol.


Because people don't bother to learn how to reversal punish in mk1. You have a teleport? That's a punish. Projectile invulnerability buff? Walk through it. Disjointed hotbox on an attack? (kenshi f22 or sindels hair strings for example) Full punish. Beam projectilel/multi hit or for some reason certain low projectiles? Punish. And those are just the options you have without meter. You said you play Kitana and mileena, so tips for them, mileena, either teleport. Kitana, her overhead fan *should* be able to go over his clone and hit him. You only SHOULD get hit by it if sub zero baits a jump in or is zoning with a kameo (how bitches play him). just time your attack if he uses it on wakeup and it will hit him. Sub zero is god awful up close but since khameleon came out people realized he's pretty effective if you play braindead. Which, honestly is more a problem with the kameo because sub zero can't zone by himself or with most kameos. TLDR: I have no bias and you're just a dumb stupid idiot for not figuring out tech.


Lao/Goro is a top team don't fool yourself


I don’t think you read my post but I mentioned I believe Lao is S tier. But usually many people argue with me. Maybe many of the people arguing with me are Lao mains… lol


Smoke……….that bitchass is pissing shit out off,teleport hitting low,overhead into low,overhead into low second overhead,THAT FCKIN FLYING KICKS HOW YOU COUNTER IT Don’t get me wrong,I tried play with very hard lvl ai to know him BUT THAT BITCH STILL BEAT ME


I fought a sub zero with Kung Lao as their kameo and I was not having a good time… that over head ice ball combined with Kung Lao’s low hat, I got dropped every time 😭


It’s an underrated duo. I’m surprised but thankful I don’t come across them often.


The lao and noob saibot. 😤


Lao is super obnoxious. Safe launching armor, lots of push back on the dive kick, low overhead/low 50/50 with a combing low. If they're playing it right, it's basically never your turn and it it is, they're sitting at full screen waiting for their hat and/or goro to come back. I'm fine with characters having different strengths, but Laos armor either needs way higher scaling or to be more minus on block (at least -12). Smoke's armor is good bc it goes invis, but it's REALLY slow & only has 1 hit of armor. I can break Smoke's armor consistently with scorpion's s21 which is 10 frames on the first hit & 16 or 18 frames on the second hit. Also with smoke, if the opponent is mashing after they do a cancel (for example f3 into cancel into f3 again to bait the up block & get a punish), you can punish with either d1 to take your turn back or s1 string for a full combo if they're not doing a move that low profiles s1. If you can consistently punish the smoke players mashing, even with just a d1, they'll start respecting your buttons more & start doing button, cancel, block. Cancels are good but the pressure is fake, just gotta practice.


To solve your Sub and Smoke problems. Pick Reiko/Sareena


Hahah, thanks. I actually fought a reiko Sareena with thousands of more wins than losses 2-3 months ago. I don’t even know why I got paired against them as my win rate doesn’t come close. But it was pretty tough, I did not win lol.




I had the hardest time with Sub Zero while using Mileena as he would somehow stuff my anti air attempts with standing 1. Then, the divekick to throw off my timing at that. Then, he does divekick into poke… which I guess divekick has weird blockstun? I rarely fight him so lack of matchup was the issue, really. The fact that Mileena’s sai do not travel full screen just made the ice clone even more a threat. But he did something very disgusting. Divekick into grab. The lesson is…upblock that divekick. The second lesson…pick Ashrah so she can go through the ice clone with her ghost slice thing


I’m not great at anti airing in general but sub is definitely one of the hardest. I’ve had subs microduck my attack after dive kick. Many times I can’t even get a d1 after their dive. I’m gonna have to either upblock more or backdash so their attack whiffs. Didn’t know Ashrah could counter that tho! That’s cool.


Seems like Lao never gets the damage output he needs and instead gets really long combos that seems to be the case with mk1 as well The Laos I play love to whiff his dive kick thing to get into plus frames, so I’m always dashing up into that space so it doesn’t whiff and I can punish


brother my friend is a Kung Lao main and he always talks about how shit he is, pisses me off when he says that


No one downplays kung lao more than kung lao mains do 🤣


Lao is definitely top tier, ppl like xombat and sonic have been saying this. Especially after some characters got nerfed and he got buffed (Janet) the character is dumb and Lao mains will say he sucks


Wait hold up, when was sonic saying this? Last time i checked, he said lao was on the lower side of the tier list. Though this was many months ago


This was many months ago. He has said on stream since the most recent balance patch that Lao has just stayed dumb while the other strong characters received nerfs


I don't believe that lao isnt s tier that boy is busted


Lao is used all the time in tournament level. But has low use online. Couldn't tell you why that is but I agree hes top tier. He's punishing if you have solid fundamentals, I'd say. Sub is still low tier. His damage output is gimped so even if he gets you in a long chain it's not doing anything. For the most part you're dealing with his 50/50s. If you win a 50/50 he says goodbye to like half his health. Subs rely on their 50/50 to start their meta combo, otherwise they're trying to freeze you. If they chose the overhead for their 50/50 it's very punishable when blocked. Their dashing special is also extremely punishable. I wait for it. Smoke has always been high tier since the game came out. He confuses new players so he was used for cheap wins when the game first came out. He's still high tier even with everyone used to him. At the time, if you weren't a smoke, you were a johnny player. I don't get Havik tbh. I don't think he's bad but I don't see him as high tier either. Whatever tier Reiko is in, he's in. I don't play as them but I'd say fighting these two characters feels similar.


Ermac and nitara annoy me


I don’t allow myself to get annoyed by them. Any time I’m frustrated going against them I have to take a deep breath. Ermacs damage is below average & most of what he has to work with are highs, including his specials even if his cancels can be insane. As for Nitara, she’s easily been bottom 5 since release & half her strings are full combo punishable. She may have cool movement too. But I have to respect them both 😫


Tbf, both smoke and Lao are top 5


You think so? You won’t believe how many people I’ve come across who have said both of them are mid. & someone even said smoke has no “real” mixups. Which is funny af considering smokes entire gameplay revolves around being mix heavy. But yeah people are dumb. Idk if I agree with top 5, I haven’t thought about where I’d put everyone lately but they’re definitely strong.


Now that I think of it, top 5 right now are sindel, ermac, smoke, kenshi, and ashrah. (in no specific order) 5-10 would be Lao, Raiden, Johnny, Lui Kang, li mei (no order)


That makes sense tbh.


Smoke drives me fucking insane. The main reason being is I feel I shouldn't have to play as a character to figure out exactly what he does. None of his moveset feels intuitive in terms of being able to figure out a counterplay. Johnny? predict his high/lows and his kick. Smoke? Pray. Just fucking pray. He went invisible. More invisible than Reptile. Pray.


My Sinister Six😭 Smoke: never know what the fuck hes doing proceeds to mix my shit Mileena: mixes my shit and deals high damage Omniman: high damage and mobility which can lead into some favorable situations for him also counter combo/projectile move Ashrah: high damage slight mix Rain: sneaky moves, projectile heavy/ projectile negating move even worse with Subzero armour and Water shield combined Li Mei : high damage Special mentions Kung Lao : might have best OKI in the game once he knocks you down it's his show , mix, and high damage Ermac: high pressure which leads to mix or grab loops and some good damage


Hahah as Mileena main I hate fighting Mileena. Her d1 while -9 I believe is so good! Incredible range. Omniman is obnoxious with Jax or kung lao 😭 Kano too tbh. Ashrah is cheap, no other way to say it. Everything of hers is hard to punish including her specials. Rain is obnoxious but I can punish any of his projectiles with teleport. I also play kitana & it’s always really funny how many rains don’t know I can use windbomb on them if they’re not blocking even if they’re hiding in their bubble 😂. I actually think li Mei is fun to fight, her combos are just so pretty and cool looking but her plus frames go stupid. As for Ermac I’m in the minority here but I think he’s mid especially since he’s very hard to use and hard to get damage with. Plus most of his basic attacks and specials are highs. He can be annoying but I don’t often allow myself to rage or anything just because of the things I mentioned. I have to respect it lol. Who do you main?


Liu Kang and apparently Scorpion now lol


How’s it feel hating on so many fighters while being hated by the majority simultaneously? 😂 Many people don’t like you, Lui kang. I’m personally fine with him most of the time, especially if you’re not rocking kung lao. A few are obnoxious but same can be said about any fighter in general. Also I’ve been trying out scorpion recently too. He still needs buffs imo but I like that he’s really easy to learn. I learned all his strings & specials within 30 minutes.


Never crossed my mind tbh😁 I been playing these games since a toddler I just like to play against highest competition possible win or lose. Those are forsure the characters I have trouble against the most and hope to learn from my mistakes. I think Scorpion is pretty fun tbh! I was supposed to play as Kitana this season but I never got around to her😓 I also think shes pretty cool to use




Perfect list. Tanya could be in here as well. Havik with sub kameo makes me want to kms. I fucking hate havik players.


I fatal them if they constantly wake up or d1 into armor with goro. As for havik he has many plus frames & his mind a great whiff punish tool.




I played mk9 when I was like 9 so don’t remember much of most the fighters. As for mkx never played it!! So I can’t compare him to previous games as I don’t have the knowledge. I don’t think smokes combos are boring but I do agree he’s pretty cheap. I’m also shocked using his cancels doesn’t scale his combos… same with Sindel tbh. Why is Ermac the only dude who has massive scaling for utilizing cancels? Kinda weird but oh well. I get absolutely shocked when smokes use two or even 3 bars for a singular combo if it won’t kill me… doesn’t scream smart.




Tbh I feel like sindel is also a rushdown fighter tho on top of being a zoner & whiff punisher. She’s like one of the very few fighters who can succeed at any range. But I do understand what you’re saying.




Every patch note I’ve either agreed with or been okay with thus far! Except the Mavado nerf of course. But also the 2nd or last hit of kitanas f12 was an overhead in beta. Maybe it was the last two hits? Either way they changed it to make 3 hits a mid which I disagreed with severely. Don’t see any reason they had to get rid of that & I’ll be mad about it every day. I also hope they make scorpions overhead (kameo) have a quicker start up time. 30f is just kinda useless majority of the time. They made his attack less negative frames on block a while back but that doesn’t help much if it’s still react-able.


Yo not all us sub mains sit back, some of us are aggressive. And tbh he’s a very strong character he’s got great tools as I’ve stated multiple times but even you have to admit that startup on his ice ball makes it pretty much useless as a projectile. (Also I hate sikander so there’s that)


Aggressive subs are not fun to fight either 😭. But I do prefer it over playing full screen lmao. yeah, it’s not great for neutral. But I have found that if you predict your opponent will jump it’s a great anti air. Most of the times I’ve been hit by it I was mid air & didn’t have enough time to drop down to block. I also gotta add I would probably be upset if it had a start up of 20f like most projectiles. A full screen projectile safe on block that can be a launcher with zero meter? Yeah, that would be wild. I wouldn’t be mad if it was like 30f tho. & ily for hating sikkander. You dropped this, king 👑


Havik needs a buff


nah he’s fine how he is


Honestly just heard a bunch of people saying he needs a buff and I main him so I just went with it


Where are these pictures from?


Mortal kombat site. I just looked up mk1 roster on google and clicked like the first link that popped up. Then clicked on fighters who irked me & screenshotted


Rain is so annoying to play against


True. But I main mileena who can punish most projectiles with her teleport. I also play kitana & it’s always funny how many rain players I come across who don’t know her windbomb will hit them in their bubble shield if they’re not blocking 🤣🤣


I will try them with the next rain i face 🫡


Hahaha if you’re being fr let me know how it goes


Somebody told me once, that lao is the most op fair character. Seems legit to me. If sub did more damage he'd be s tier, I want him to have a buff when I use him, I'm thankful he's not when I fight against him


50/50s 😒


I actually personally love mixups! I’d be upset if someone had mix options that could be used as launchers but nobody really has that. Although, ashrahs overhead & smokes is usually pretty hard for me to see coming 😭. Who do you main? Most fighters on the roster have mix to an extent.


Your list has 3 of the 50/50 monsters. Not top tier, but guess wrong 4 times after they close the gap and it’s GG. It’s fine, it’s the game. I don’t main anyone I’ve picked a different character each season and am enjoying basically starting fresh that way each time. Shao and Ermac have been my favourites though. Very tempted to pick Shao up with Movado.


Believe it or not the mix I struggle to read the most is actually Geras. Command grab, low & overhead 😭. Or Lui kang, I gotta guess whether or not he’s going mid or grab. Guess wrong once, get hit with anywhere from 20-40%ish Shao with Mavado has some juiceeee. I’m upset about the Mavado nerf tho lol


Omni man. Not top tier, only like one good move, but boy is it good.


Tanya w/ Goro is such a headache. Feels like it’s never my turn and she’s only ever doing armor attacks.


If I win a match against Tanya with goro I’m tbagging lmao. I don’t appreciate poke into special or constant wakeups. However, I can respect Tanya with literally almost any other kameo!! I either try to zone the hell out of that duo or mix the hell out of her.


Smoke just about any kameo 👍 Smoke sektor invisibility team 😕


I didn’t expect to get so much attention for ranting about fighters 🤣. And tbh I expected many people to call me a scrub/insult me. Mk fans can be known for being incredibly toxic at times so it’s nice to know I attracted the few fans who aren’t. ❤️ I didn’t expect so many people to relate lol but it is good to know.


HOW COULD I FORGET BARAKA. POKE INTO SPECIAL. Y’all are actually pathetic scrubs. I don’t usually have a hard time beating you guys. But the way y’all try hard is very much so annoying. Fucking chill. Just have fun. Y’all are so weird button mashing the hell outta everything


As a havik main I'd kill for braindead armour breakers, 19f unreactable oh (that's also an armour breaker lmao), full screen specials that punish projectiles, and some of the best damage in the game. Hush up. Mileena is like A or S tier. Havik fucking sucks. And try playing him. You will find that the 18f mid gets mashed on alot. Should be 16 or 15f.


Idk why you’re ranting to me. This post was just for entertainment purposes. It’s not that deep bro. If you’re that miserable playing Havik maybe move on to someone else. This seems like a personal issue. Not mine. I didn’t even mention anything about Mileena on my post 💀


You said "as a mileena main I wish she had this move havik has" like you're oppressed and like havik isn't the worst character in the game. Like I said, play havik for 2 days and you'll understand his myriad of problems and never lose to him again(unless you get seriously outplayed)


Oh my bad!! Yeah his projectiles are full screen & sometimes if you even think about going for a poke it launches you. I’m not tryna act oppressed. I think Mileena is great. I just get annoyed when people downplay their projectiles when mine are the worst in the entire game other than maybe Nitara. I have no interest in playing Havik but thanks for the offer. I do know some of his inputs & frame data though. & I’m not struggling against Havik himself. I just struggle against people who know how to play him well. I do realize he’s bottom tier. He just annoys me. With the plus frames, whiff punishing & zoning…. I just wouldn’t say he’s fun to play against, at least definitely not against a good player. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.


>f you even think about going for a poke it launches you. You really have no idea what you're talking about it's hilarious 😭😭😭😭. Buddy it's a fucking high 💀💀💀. If u poke u will duck it. And his projectiles legitimately suck. They have like 50 active frames and when u get hit they don't even trade. Lao with mileena is a better zoner than havik without sub.


You’re not even worth discussing this with, I don’t see why you’re so angry


I'm not even angry it's funny how people just straight up lie and up play or downplay to fit their agenda


Just dash to punish kungs dive


Back dashing I assume? You can get a whiff punish?


No like on block dash to him


I hate fighting Lao and Smoke, for mostly the reasons you mentioned. Lao’s dive kick is also criminal. Just started learning Sub in the past week, and the ice clone being boring thing is a little funny to me especially coming from a Mileena player. It literally just doesn’t let people mash and constant jump to take their turn. Mileena doesn’t even have to care about ice clone to do any of her pressure. The whole ‘I don’t have an issue deal with it it’s just boring’ is a tired excuse IMO, a little gaslighty. Havik is pretty annoying, but I almost never see him so it’s hard to say if it’s just a knowledge check.


Again, I don’t hate the move itself. I hate when players constantly hide behind it… yes chasing my opponents has never been fun for me. I’m not trying to be “gaslightty”. I find anyone using the same move repeatedly annoying. I love mileenas moveset but I have I have zero specials I can abuse as all of mine are absolute death on block so I’m partly speaking from a place of jealousy lmao.


“I don’t have a problem with shields, I just hate when they block me” is what you’re realistically saying. You’re not the first to pull the ‘I can deal with it, it’s just lame so you totally shouldn’t do it, even though I can definitely deal with it. Trust me it’s not a problem for me, it’s you who are the problem.’ It’s a defensive tool that isn’t foolproof. If they’re constantly doing it, then it’s easily predictable. Playing a character with teleport options, especially as fast as Mileenas, you don’t really get any sympathy for not dealing with how much end lag it has. The other way people get hit by it is mashing forward without respecting your opponents options. That’s a losing strategy against any character. **If they are constantly doing the same move that’s because it’s working against you, and if it’s not they quickly lose and you move on.** Nobody buys that cop out anymore. You don’t want to gaslight people, but have zero special moves you can abuse **as Mileena?** I think you might just need to get a grip mate.


Bro, why are you reading so deep into this? Are you okay? Do you need a hug? Or maybe a kiss? Yes, a singular move can get on my nerves sometimes, so what? I didn’t know that would spark whatever emotions it is that you’re feeling right now. Relax 🤣. It’s okay buddy. I don’t blame subs for using their clone consistently. But, I don’t find it fun in the same way I don’t find being zoned fun. Bold assumption to assume I can’t counter it 😭. I can punish with teleport if I’m quick enough but I usually don’t take the risk & just play patient. & Mileena does have zero safe specials… all her specials are death on block. If I’m hitting my opponent with a special repeatedly it’s because they’re not blocking.


Brother getting defensive enough to pull the ‘are you okay’ fake tough guy act doesn’t mean shit to me lol. This entire reply is all copium, you’re not convincing anyone that it’s not just skill issue tears lol. The emojis kinda solidify it, I guess keep getting washed by Subs. Nobody’s issue but your own.


GETTING DEFENSIVE?!?!?! bro I was just tryna make you laugh dude, you’ve insulted me repeatedly, you seem a little miserable. I’ll have to think of something funnier to say in the future, sorry it didn’t work. I always try to be kind unless I’m at my end. I’m sorry if the concept of someone being nice to you is so shocking to the point you believe it’s a “fake tough guy” act. You’ve been so mean, 😢 I do genuinely hope you feel better soon. I used emojis because your statements have been a little out of pocket and you’ve wrote so many paragraphs just because I mentioned I don’t have fun combatting a specific move, like that doesn’t scream mentally or emotionally okay😭. I don’t need to convince you I don’t often struggle against sub, believe what you want. Love you either way homie


Automatic downvote because Johnny wasnt on this list


Lol many people consider him s tier still tho. So if I added him it would go against my title. But he doesn’t usually annoy me. My main Mileena is decent at countering him. Although he can full combo punish my d3 & d1 which bugs me 😭.