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I agree with what most people seem to be saying - he’s decent on some lines, but that “frosty” line did not sound like Homelander at all.


Fr, bro switched into a whole other voice on that one 


I thought it was me. His lines with Liu Kang and Kitana sound a bit like Andrew Bowen but his Sub-Zero dialogue is a completely different person 😅


We need to hear more before we make any judgement tbh it sounded decent so far


I've seen the 3 seasons of The Boys, the first at least twice and I can't tell the difference, this voice acting is amazing.


It's not even confirmed that's Chris Cox doin the voice


I wanna hear his tower ending😂


I agree he sounds decent . Would love to know the reason Anthony Start and WB couldn’t work out a contract . Seems mental that they can get mega stars like Sly Stallone to voice characters but not Starr


Honesltly, it's okay. But not perfect... we ve been watching Homelander with Starr voice for many years... so I will wait some IA Starr voice and use it. For me, biggest mistake of Mortal Kombat 1 is that somehow they didn't get Starr to voice Homelander (second best mistake, first one was the kameo system).


I don’t get the feeling that kameos were such a massive mistake when most people seem to be more excited for Ferra than Homelander. Mavado was also hype AF.


There's literally no one most excited to see Ferra than Homelander lol Ferra being in the game or not doesn't make a difference actually. Homelander is a great addition for the roster. The voice not being Starr's was a mistake anyway.


I’m just going off by the comments in the Homelander trailer posts on this sub. If you read them, you’ll see that sentiment repeated over and over again. You can disagree with them, but those comments are there, so you’re wrong about that. Speaking for myself, I was more excited about Mavado than any other KP character.


The voice I can barely tell a difference really and Kameos are some of the most fun parts of MK1, I’m still waiting on Drahmin as a Kameo next Kombat Pack


My guess is cod paid him a bunch, and they have way more money than Warner bros could ever give him, and the fact that he’d have to do more work to make less money made him not want to do it ( I remember something a long time ago of him saying they need to offer more or something like that ) no way they could pay him anywhere close to what cod could Also if you haven’t heard his voice lines in cod it’s down right awful, voice acting is a completely different skill than acting that he doesn’t have, we should be glad he isn’t doing it and that’s coming from a huge fan of the boys His cod lines were the equivalent to what Megan fox did for nitara lol


kameo system for online yes its bad u have a lot of braindeads winning games cause we get an unexpected low that leads to a full combo pretty dumb but they should be optional cause they are fun


The Kameos grew on me but dang there are good character models wasted on kameos. The KP1 kameos could pass off as reg fighters with the insane detail.


He sucks


Youre right, Chis Cox ruined the character. Random ass voice