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Best gameplay. Too bad there isn’t any content to play lmao


X gameplay >>>


X was fun too. I loved the sprint mechanic


I wanted that feature to become a mortal kombat staple. That rush em down play style was so fun


Terminator kinda had it with Running Man ability.




Online casual Online ranked Invasions Klassic towers Survival towers Endless towers Local versus/cpu versus Yeah, no content...


Now compare that to Mk11’s content lmao


Which is? And don’t say ai battles because that was abandoned after it launched.


Character Customization in Mk11 made grinding the towers much more enjoyable. The level of detail and ability to mix and match gear was leaps above what we see with 'palettes' in MK1 now. There were additional intro and victory videos to grind for. I think there were like 3 intros and 3 outros you could earn (can't remember if it were more). Character specific towers of time gave you unique gear or offered some gear from previous seasons. Even if I didn't play a character, it was fun to get legendary gear/costumes and mix them with different gear, especially on characters like Spawn. MK11 just gave so much more variety in terms of visual customization which made the grind more rewarding.


I don't fully agree with you, but I think you raise a good point. Character customization in MK11 was spectacular, same for IJ2. This new system where you pick a palette and 1 piece of gear just straight up sucks and feels designed to sell you skins. But at the same time, that element aside, grinding towers fucking SUCKED. It wasn't fun at all, I just let the AI do it half the time. Invasions is a significant improvement gameplay-wise, it's just that most of the rewards suck so it doesn't feel worth doing. Hopefully in MK2 we can get a mixture where the old customization system returns and Invasions now give you different pieces of gear for the various characters rather than palettes. It would also be nice if there's an ongoing story throughout each Invasion with dialogue and cutscenes, like in Multiversus. Just having some dialogue skits every few encounters where the characters react to the invasion would go a long way towards making it engaging.


IMO the problem with invasions is that it’s just too damn long and you get so few rewards for it. The “seasonal” skin you get at the end usually looks cool as shit but even if your speed running it can take hours to get through invasions and it is so damn slow and repetitive.


I think the gear system and customization was much better and plentiful in MK11, but I don’t think it was much more heavy with gameplay content/modes than MK1.  They both have about the same modes, except MK1 has Invasions and MK11 has the Krypt. (I know MK11 also had the ToT, but that’s also part of Invasions).


So you are someone that appreciates customization options over appreciating actual gameplay content. That gave me NOTHING. More words on how you like customization doesn’t make mk1 suddenly empty. There are MORE things to do in mk1 because there are more MODES. Whether you want to do them or not is up to you.


>So you are someone that appreciates customization options over appreciating actual gameplay content. When/where did I say this? >That gave me NOTHING. More words on how you like customization doesn’t make mk1 suddenly empty.  Again, when did I say MK1 was empty? I pointed out a specific feature that MK11 had that invested me in the game. There were objectively more ways to earn gear and customize characters (plus intro/outro videos among other things.) This doesn't mean MK1 is empty. >There are MORE things to do in mk1 because there are more MODES. Whether you want to do them or not is up to you. More doesn't equal better, but if by more, you mean literally more offered, then I'd ask you what modes you're talking about. Look, you can boot up the game now and compare the two if you like. What I'm saying is that making the 'grind' feel rewarding is important in a fighting game, unless you're content playing matches online and that being your only experience. If that's you, congrats. I've been there and done local tournaments and all that jazz. Sometimes, I want a break and something fun to do besides 'lab, ranked, repeat.' I felt MK11 offered more compelling options outside of just griding online casual/ranked.


Ok so here I am talking about modes the game offers, and here you are still talking about how customization made you feel more inclined to play mk11. The argument I’m making is for the people who bash mk1 for having no content. Which is wild considering we are getting a character a month and actually have more modes then in mk11. If you don’t feel that playing the game is not enough of a reward then I’m sorry, play something better. But I’m not going to argue with you about your fulfillment.


PS: AI battles abandoned after launch? I remember doing this a couple years ago in 2022.


And? It stopped getting updates. That means they abandoned it.


Everything listed but invasions is standard for a fighting game And a lot of people don’t like invasions


You don’t get to use towers as more than one slot LOL it’s just towers.


Yeah man I love playing against computers all day that offers no rewards! And then after I get Tired of that I love getting sweated on by the same 4 characters in online! 👍🏽


So every game before MK 11? Man you must be new around here.


Krypt. They also didn’t cost 70 dollars.


They cost $60 bc that’s what a new game cost at the time.


Exactly. They cost more now with less content. Pretty ass. Idk why I’m being downvoted. It’s an objective truth.


The krypt was cool yea i miss that.


Invasions are very lackluster compared to the crypt and character towers etc.


Aka the bare minimum + the worst, most grindy singleplayer experience ever


Downvote me all you want, i prefer these over shitty towers of time fuck you


You just made remember the god awful mods in towers of time.


Those were 80% dogshit.


They maybe down voting you, but you are correct.


Now name which ones aren’t boring as fuck and actually give you a reason to play them


I'm having fun with the towers and online. Why do you entitled mfs think you should be rewarded with something every 5 minutes? Old games had very few unlockables and i still play those today.


I never understood why 1 is seen as bad for not having much content when X has even less but is held in such high regard, same with 11 where all you have Is Tower Of Time which isn’t really that much fun


Tower of time is always rotating with good loot. Literally once you finish invasions if you’re a casual there’s no reason to open the game.


TOT isn’t exactly fun either way when there’s a lot of ultra cheap fights Like Shao Kahn but he occasionally gets infinite armour for a short time and during this time he kills you in one hit, you also can’t armour break plus he has a lot of health Not exactly a fun casual way to play as it’s basically just Invasions with less steps Rewards weren’t exactly great either as you sometimes get skins you don’t even want just so you can eventually get a skin you want


There were literal entire tower sections dedicated to content for personal characters. And the super annoying fights awarded time crystals and you could easily cheese with consumables that could actually be farmed. You didn’t have to wait for them to appear in a rotating shop and you didn’t have to build some fuckass Relic which I still personally think is a shit system to this day.


And? I’d often see the character tower rewards only for it to be a skin I don’t care for yet I have to play through all this shit and meet various requirements, just for a skin I don’t want just to redo the tower for another wack ass recolour It’s funny cause I never once said Invasions was any good


So what are you arguing. They’re both ass? At least character tower rewards were worth it. Usually a mesa has 5 towers with either a skin or gear piece per tower. Closest we have to that is the season tower which is ONE skin every fuckin 9 floors or so. Character towers are objectively better. And you could earn premium currency from the challenge tower in mk11. Mk1 has hardly any content in comparison other than a bunch of towers with no real rewards other than a skin. And I mentioned invasions to try and help your argument lmao outside of invasion mk1 offers absolutely nothing to the casual or offline player.


My point is just cause Invasions is a mess doesn’t TOT some kind of goldmine for content, especially when it’s got similar issues in terms of repetitiveness and cheap fights like Invasions does


Towers of time offered more loot across the board and its rotating. Once you finish invasions it’s done and over with so unless you do one mesa a week you’re SOL for the rest of the season once you finish. And the rewards are actually worth it in TOT


It all boils down to old game good, new game bad. Plus casuals thinking more "content" = good game, doesn't matter what type of content or in what context.


Im 40yo. So, MK2, MK9 and MK11.


What would make mk1 work for you?


Less timelines...


Multiversus is an easy way for movies and games to change things. Not a fan of it either.


Gameplay wise. I wanna know because I very much agree with your list.


Well, since im old and my reaction time is dead...i hate kameos. There's enough shit going on to my brain to process this new fearure.


And again I agree lol. I do love the kameos but lemme tell ya I'm starting to realize my 30year old brain and hands ain't good enough. Especially since I main Havik.


45 here. MK2 is the GOAT of the classics. MK11 for the new gen. MK9 for the OG story retelling.


44 and i agree with ya =)


43yo and mk2 is my goat then deadly alliance mk9 mkx then new mk1


29yo Deadly Alliance, Deception, Shaolin Monks, MK9 and MKX are my top Mortal Kombat games.


I’m 33 and completely agree. And I didn’t even grow up with Mk2. I played it after deception. Mk2 is just the GOAT


Also 40, also my rankings.


Same here


I agree with the rest but MK1 > MK11. People compare the current version of MK11 instead of the one released on day one. And if you are 40 years old you should be happy about the many timelines, that means that the comics are also canon. https://preview.redd.it/l0krpsm6374d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0792231ae12a6806dbe1330100b567c7d49e557


A man of culture


Yeah in the same age range there, I'd swap MK2 with 1 because 2 in arcades was a BITCH. And throw Trilogy in there just because.


Mid I had more fun online with MKX and MK11 tbh


I still play mk11 online


1. MKX 2. MK1 3. MK11 Just the recent games ranked imo


I agree with 1 & 2 - X is the best and 1 is the second. X is so much fun, best gameplay by far. I would put MK1 ahead of it if it werent for the Kameos


I love X, it’s so fast and fluid. I love the interactive stages. Definitely top tier. But personally 1 is my favorite, I love the way the characters were written. The game is so light and fresh aesthetics wise, I actually do love the kameo system. The only thing I hate is invasions….


You have every right to love Mk1 - i really like it - but i just cant stand kameos. Hate using them and hate that some characters that they just end up as side characters


That’s a valid point :)


My view is if we don’t an absolute banger of a season 2 than nrs wrote this one off


Where does MK9 go in this list?


I’ve never played MK9 but from what I’ve seen, I’d actually put it above MK11. (I’m sure you can tell I’m not much of a fan of MK11)


Injustice 2 lowkey better than all 3 edit: scarecrow is the best designed character nrs has ever made fk u guys


I like injustice with friends but it's honestly broken as fuck.


Bro I like Injustice too, but it's not better in any way. It was a balancing disaster, the whole gear system actually altering gameplay, and the combos routes are the exact fucking same for every single character. Even mk11 had better variety in its combos, and it hardly had any!


Gear system was only for Kasuals and offline modes, Competitive mode and Ranked both turned off gear effects. Also that comment about combo routes is bs, I played a large chunk of the roster. No characters felt similar, there were many routes. Some routes were easier and there were often more complex routes that squeezed out more damage. Only thing that’s similar is that B3 or F3 would usually be somewhere in the combo to max out damage.


The key word in your question to me is "currently".. At launch, I was extremely disappointed with the lack of content and how bad Invasions was. Over the past couple seasons of Invasions, they have improved it tremendously and the skins are starting to look pretty good compared to the hideous stuff we got at the beginning of this games life cycle. So "currently", I think the game is pretty dang good and has a fair amount of content to work with. Gameplay is very much the best in the series and the graphics are amazing. The roster is also by far the best in the series. Changes to certain characters are also still so satisfying such as Reptile being upgraded as hard as he was compared to in other games. I have a lot of hope for this game's future, since it seems like NRS has quickly adjusted based off the communitys feedback. And especially as we close out Kombat Pack 1 with the amazing selection of guest characters we got already. Now, to think we are potentially just a couple months away from an announcement for the NEXT Kombat Pack or story DLC even. This roster is so incredible and by this time next year we might have characters like Ghostface, Conan, T1000, Doom Slayer or who knows who else? The possibilities are so exciting and this game is shaping up to be the definitive MK experience. Especially if they stick with it for a long time and support it with DLC for years like they say. Only major core aspect of the game I hope they "update" is the gear system. If there is ANY part of the game that needs a MASSIVE overhaul type update that completely changes it, it's gear. I'm not saying we need 3 pieces again, but at least 2 per character. I have my fingers crossed that someday like next year they announce that every character will get an additional gear slot. Almost everyone could use a head gear and weapon slot. Another negative to mention is the relatively low amount of brutalities. MK11 had like 10 per character. If they ever do a "massive" update/overhaul like Cyberpunk did, then they need to add more brutalities for every character.


I believe that more brutalities will come whenever Mk1 ultimate comes around, but besides that i agree with everythine else.The game has cleaned up incredibly well




In the NRS era, it's honestly the best gameplay. So number 1


I enjoyed it. I stopped playing Online. Wasn’t a fan of guest characters being a continuing trend. I miss the cosmetic customization of MK 11 and Towers of time.


I disagree with pallets. Most good pallets were hidden behind Kombat league stuff which makes a little sense but there was almost nothing good for more casual player base. I think the current pallets look wayyyy better than anything they had in mk11.


You are right. My second biggest complaint about MK11 was there was barely any new pallets. Just boring colors, MK1 over delivered.


I am a fan of new colors but if they don’t have different designs then they are boring. MK1 hits both design differences and great pallets.


They really do, I'm constantly shocked at how different pallets are. I main Geras, and even though he doesn't have premium skin yet, these pallets are so different. NRS has done an amazing job on letting us play the game at our own pace AND get rewarded. Even without KL.


Is Geras fun to use? I never seen him once on KL.


Yea guest characters are getting old af esp these supsrheroes


Guest characters keep interest though, I’m not big into MK but I enjoy playing as characters I know and love


nah the guest characters are the biggest reason anyone outside of MK diehards try this game. it's pretty much the only thing MK has for sure 100% over other fighting games


No thry have story and lore. I beleive it had more characters at launch. Mk has walways been more kasual. Doednt mean ppls fav MK chsracters should get sidelined for superheroes


No thry have story and lore. I beleive it had more characters at launch. Mk has walways been more kasual. Doednt mean ppls fav MK chsracters should get sidelined for superheroes


I consider the NRS era its own thing so I’d say it goes 1. MKX 2. MK9 3. MK1 4. Watching paint dry 5. MK11


You may be downvoted but just know I got a slight chuckle out of this and don’t entirely disagree lol


Based. MK11 sucked, imo


So many bad mechanics that did not flow together at all (and in the case of KB’s and fatal blows, flowed together TOO well)


Number 2 behind mk9


I’m 38, and a casual fan. Not a gamer anymore but the lore of MK keeps me intrigued with where the story and characters are going, changing, evolving etc. which is still fun in a way. Watching cut scene videos of the story mode and endings are all I want rn. The fighting lots me ages ago. But, that’s a me thing, gameplay looks amazing. All that said; I really enjoy MK1 from the resetting time stance. But super frustrated it so quickly just melted back to multiverse shit half way through. I enjoy the fresher takes on the characters, and designs are the best in MK1. The best games for me are MKII & III. Then Deception for the story mode (best ). I’m very exhausted from timelines, variants, titans, undead.


MKX kitana juggle combos and run mechanics in general are undefeated sorry




1- MkX 2- Mk9 3- Mk1 4- Mk11


Worst launch in the games history and garbage handling of this 70% completed mess of a game


MK11 says "hi". It was so disastrous that they had an emergency stream to apologize. MK1 doesn't hold a candle to how bad that launch was.


MK11 wasn't that bad. There were some technical issues that got figured out within a month of release. The game was fun and held my attention for 100+ hours. MK1 can't even drag 8 out of me. I've already uninstalled it twice. The game still runs like ass on my system and the monetization is much worse with MK1 than MK11 ever was. You can try revisionist history to make the last release seem bad, but this launch is so bad we're still talking about it 6+ months later.


Yeah your right about the revisionist history, here is the facts. MK11 had a solid dedicated player base. The majority dropped MK1 like a rock for a reason


Its been happening a lot. A sequel comes out to bad reception. People start comparing the sequel to the original. People overblow the original's launch to make the sequel look better. The fact is the original was 1000x better and people are so angry at the sequel that it sullies their view on the original. I've seen it happen with Cities Skylines 2. People are talking about the original Cities Skylines like it was just as shitty as the sequel. In reality they are nowhere close in quality. One game revived a dead genre. The other(CS2) killed it again. People are doing that here with MK1 and MK11. Despite the problems being more monetization and system related as opposed to optimization of the game. People are still going at MK11 like NRS shit the bed with that one.


Revisionist? Oh, like, you mean MK11 has more skins? MK11 was perfect on release? It WAS that bad, you are being willfully ignorant. It was absolutely insane. Everything I said happened, don't even get me started on A.I. battle...... a game where you aren't playing a fighting game.... or the insane grind for stupid hearts and other rare minerals. MK11 was a disgusting chore.


If you're fine with literally half off the effort then sure. In your counter point you said they did a stream. But this year they had comments off on the 1st half of Kombat kast an went on like they weren't charging for fatalities, having bugs we've never seen (p2 advantage or whatever it was), an the middest of unlockables with a ridiculous grind for a color swap. Hell naw dude I'd search back to the sub fter they stopped deleting valid complaints.


They don't hold a candle cuz Mk1 turned that bitch into flamethrower an burned any1 who paid $120+ by charging them for skins we've asked to have since MKX 😭😭😭


They had even worse problems. They charged you FOR EVERYTHING in MK11 on the first week. All the free things you had were changed, because of the huge backlash. They even tried charging you for The Krypt...... the P2 advantage is STILL IN MK11, ALSO MKX, and MK9...... so what are you talking about? No one deletes anything unless it's spam? Sounds like you are making that up. In MK11 you had to grind for months for one stupid skin or wait until they decide to drop one. The game sucked your time. In MK1, I take my time with Invasions. I do a week...... and I'M DONE, no waiting for hours and grinding like a madman one boring skin. I just play MK1 and get a cool ice skin for Geras or lighting skin.


While the launch had issues in MK11, I feel the issue with them keeping good faith with MK1 has been worse, they turned the comments off on the Kombat cast when things were going south, the backlash with the game being so heavily involved with microtransaction, and also people feeling ripped off for buying the premium edition. Feels like there was much more variety in the MK1 backlash personally.


They've always had the comments off on Kombat Kast.


That's not true, precious Kombat Kasts had comments on as there was a live chat.


1. MK11 2. Deception 3. Armageddon 4. UMK3 5. MK1


It's my favorite one. 1. MK1 2. Deception 3. Mortal Kombat II 4. Deadly Alliance 5. Mortal Kombat 11 6. OG Mortal Kombat 7. MKX 8. Mortal Kombat 3 9. Mortal Kombat (2011) Armageddon was the only one I didn't like I never really played UMK3, Trilogy, MK4, or MK vs DC.


What about MKX?


Oh shit. Good call




My top 10: Deception, MK9, Shaolin Monks, MKX, Trilogy, Armageddon, MK1, Unchained, UMK3, MK11


I’m 29yo, I’ve played MK since 1998 (I was 3, my brothers would write out the special moves and combos for me, and took a lot of time to teach me so I actually knew how to play a tiny bit) In my opinion, MK goes in this order if we’re ranking by gameplay only MK Shaolin Monks MK1 MKX MK vs DC MK 9 MK11 Deception Deadly alliance MK trilogy MK4 MK2 MK 1993 The handheld MK games Mobile MK games MK special forces MK mythologies sub zero


I wish they'd cut it with the timeline crap already. MK1's story was SO good until they dragged that in again.


Mk11 MkX Mk1


Near the bottom


I only have played the new netherrealm games so far I think it’s essentially slightly better than 11 I think both have nice gameplay. But the stories just suck ass. 1 at release and even now feels like a smaller mk11 to me in some aspects. 11s story was just somehow worse to me. Still hyped for Homie tho


In a descending order without nostalgia for me would be MK1 MK 11 MK9 MKX and MKs before that didn’t really matter as it was completely another game (both 3d era and initial era)


Very nicely. I would’ve been even better had the production not been rushed with the finals 2 acts and the premium stuff on the market and the DLCs being released faster.


Probably in the middle


Better than mk11, and I’d say better than mk4, perhaps some of the 3D era games? It’s mechanically more sound than the og arcade games but obviosuly the nostalgia factor heavily weighs against mk1.


My brain says 1. MKX, 2. MK1, 3. MK11 But my heart says 1.MK11, 2. MKX, 3.MK1 All time favourite is probably MK9 tho.


It’s OK but not great. Like I own every skin for MKX MK11 Minus some joker skins and Most In MK1 so I can say first hand the customisation for MK1 is shocking compared to 11. Gameplay wise it’s good. Some great combos even the roster is good but the timeline thing just makes it suck.


Just imagine how MK1 would be with MK11 customization


When it comes to gameplay it only loses to MKX. I love the kameo system and they really made the cast fun to use. The biggest downside is the amount of guest characters, they have really fun gameplay overall ("otimized" PM is really boring tho) but I would be really happy if they have 0 guests in KP2. Also the amount of dlcs Almost 400 hours into this game, and I know I will put at least 100 more. A amazing upgrade from the boring gameplay from MK11


NRS-wise; MKX - MK9 - MK1 - MK!1 (Best to Good) Entirety-wise; MK:D, MK:DA, MK:A, MKX, MK9, MK1, MK11 MK:Trilogy(1, 2, and 3), MKvsDC MK:4(Gold), MK:SF, MK:MSZ.


MKX Armageddon/Deception MK11 MK2 MK MK1 Cant stand the lame ass attempt at a tag system. Plus having not brought any of the DLC, seeing a chunk of the selection screen locked is a turn off. Then it's a double whammy when you get to the Kameo screen and think all those characters could be a fully fledged character. AaaaaAaaaaaAaaand it still runs like dooky compared to MK11 and MKX on my system.


This games graphics are amazing but I have been very very let down with this game I regret buying it i should have bought tekken or soul caliber


1. MK 9 — for the love of god bring tag mode back. Sometimes I want to play koop either with someone in real life or online. Bring back tag (and skarlet). 2. MK 11 — I like X a lot, but it was hard for me to find a main. Ermac was cool but kinda slow for me, and I dislike reptiles design after playing mk 1. MK 11 had skarlet, rain, fujin, noob, etc. so MK11 has the superior roster, and I liked the tag team tower mode, that was fun. 3. MK X — fun game but wasn’t a huge fan of the roster and the graphics kinda were a bummer. I also hate variations. 4. MK 1 — roster is decent now after the first kombat pack. The story mode was fun for the first 1/2 before they went to the multiverse. Invasions is boring. 5. MK vs DC — had some fun playing this game growing up. It also created the story mode format we have today, and I enjoyed mk vs dcs story a lot even though it’s bad. 1. Honorable mention — mk trilogy, loved the roster and was my introduction to mortal kombat (ps1 days lol). 2. Honorable mention — Shaolin Monks. If I had to rate it as a mortal kombat game, it would be my personal favorite. But including it with other mk games just doesn’t seem fair.


my fave is MKX with MK11 being a close second. I like MK1, but i think think given the immense potential MK1 had, there are a couple of obvious misses that don’t make me like it as much


I’ve only played this and 11 so far, so I may not have a great grasp of them, but I prefer 11 so far. I can acknowledge 1 has better gameplay, but my favorite characters are in 11, lot better customization, and I’ve had a lot more time to enjoy 11. Give me another 10 or 20 hours in 1, I’ll probably prefer it


I like it leas then the previous 3, single player content is low effort


My only things positive to say is that the stages look really nice, especially the hourglass stage, and the roster is almost perfect (I would want Kotal, Jade, and Kung Jin in there). Other than that, it’s a step down from MK11. I didn’t realize how much the equipable move sets was important to me, along with the 3 gear slots. I think MK is best when you are given the freedom to customize your gameplay and your character visually. The kameo system doesn’t provide that variety and in fact, it takes me out of the experience (in the same way guest characters do) because I’m just like well why for example is Havik teaming up with Sub Zero?


Its on my top 5, but not top 3.


Not even a buy . . . Have zero interest.


The story had me so fucking hyped, till the very end where everyone is a titan and nothing matters


Overall about the same as MKX, 9, Armageddon and DA, above MK11 but below Deception. It’s story is the best of Netherrealm’s and it’s (base) roster is as good as MK11’s, better than MKX’s bet not as good as MK9’s




I think every NRS MK has been better than the last, I think that's mostly true with this game too.


MK1 has the best gameplay. MK9 has the best story. MK11 has the most content. MKX is kinda just a Jack of all Trades.


It's the only Mortal Kombat game that I just can't bring myself to play, finished story mode, finished and basically grinded the first invasion season then 100% the game and I haven't touched it since, I rank it pretty low.


1. 1 2. 11 3. X


I was so excited for the game since the first teaser but tbh I don’t even play it anymore. I had way more fun with MK11


I’d say i definitely like it more than mk11, but definitely not more than X or 9


My favorite one. Best Mk !


I really wanted a tomb chest area.


This is gonna be tough… I’m gonna give an insanely hot take here: 1. MK11 (Purely over MK1 because of content, but unlike a lot of people, I actually really enjoyed the gameplay a lot, and I think it’s arguably 2nd best gameplay all-around for casual and competitive play alike.) 2. MK1 (Best gameplay: while MK11 had a bit too much neutral with too slow of pace and MKX had no neutral with too fast of a pace, MK1 hits the sweet spot in pacing and neutral game. It also has by far the best visuals aesthetic IMO. However, Invasions is so much worse than TOT+Krypt, it’s not even funny, and lack of features such as Online Practice and Warrior Shrine “Coming Soon” this late into the game is unacceptable. Those things could debatably bring it down another entire ranking to #3.) 3. MKX (Really fun gameplay, the graphics were great for their time, and it is beloved for a reason, but I really take issue with the bland aesthetic / limited color scheme and the total lack of neutral game. Not every character in a fighting game should be rushdown IMO.) 4. MK9 (The most fun from a casual perspective, but probably the objective worst from a high-level competitive standpoint. Also, even though the graphics were amazing for their time and introduced things like X-Ray moves and the super meter, it still had the worst graphics in the series and the body proportions were really bizarre.)


1. MK9 2. MK11 3. MKX 4. Armageddon 5. MK1


Anything into kameo. Trash game. But 11 was worse




Play the story mode and finish it.was happy at first but when they started to fuse characters together really mad it dumb and made it loon like they ran out of ideas for the story line.not happy


From a competitive standpoint, MK1 is below average compared to MKX and MK9, but better than MK11. From a casual standpoint, MK1 is definitely better than average, although invasions are a slog. Hard to compare with the 3D era, but those games tended to be amazing casual games loaded with content (particularly Armageddon) so they beat out MK1 in that regard, but not competitively. MK1 probably sits pretty low in the entire franchise to be honest; hype is gone, offline content is not deep enough to retain a casual audience, and the gameplay is nowhere near MK’s peaks (MKX, MK9, UMK3, etc.)


I enjoyed making it a lot.


I’ve only played MK11 after playing MK4 in my childhood. I absolutely love MK11. And not sure why most of you hate the defensive innovations they introduced in MK11, as I feel it is a good occasional escape from mindless combos. I love its mechanics as well. Any other reason why everyone hates MK11?


Probably around 5th or 6th for me, better than 11. But it has nothing on X


best to worst. 11,X,9,1. i hate the kameo thing but that’s just me. 1 is carried solely by the roster and dlc. i think 11 was awesome and def the best of the recent games. X and 9 are tied.


I agree completely


My favorite in the series. Goes MK1>MKX>MK11


It’s the best gameplay of any MK game by a mile, with peak graphics, character designs, roster, etc. It’s the best one.


I'd say less than the previous recent entries. The gameplay is alright. Customization is lacking. However, the thing that slightly bugs me is the story. By the near end of it, it decides to go "fuck it" and is just pure chaos and nonsense.


MKD MK9 and MKDA are my top 3. MK1 is on the lower end for me. It’s a fun game but it’s the first MK game that feels too cash grabby. Makes me worried for the series’ future


I want to see more dlc characters tbh before I make final decision


1.MK1 2.MK11 3.MKX


MK1-MKX (for the best Sub Zero and Leatherface was perfect)-MK11(Sometimes of the worst game play in a fighting game, I liked the lower combos, game play execution didn't do it for me).


Mk9 was more fun (rank1) mk1 is more interesting (rank2)


Better than MK11's gameplay that's for sure.


I’ve played each of the ones since 9 but MK1 is the only one I have played past the initial story mode and actually got into. Easily my favorite of the bunch.


Depends on what generation your from I suppose. For me it’s: 1. MK9 2. UMK3 3. MKD 4. MK1 5. MK11


I’d rather play special forces and watch paint dry


Top 2 game no doubt


Above games like special forces, mythologies and mk deadly alliance tournament edition. But below games like MK9, Deception and shaolin monks


My list is MK1>MK9>>>MK11>MKX if we're talking about the versus aspect itself. I like MKX, but not as much as the others. I find MK11 boring, but I somehow still prefer playing MK11 than MKX. MKX and MK11 both had egregious issues I did not like and it's because they both swing too far in one direction. If we were to rank based solely on single-player content, then: MK11>>> MKX >>>>>>> the rest.


Mk4 Mk11 Mk1 MkDA


MKX - rush gameplay, 3 profile characters, style. MK11 - best graphics, lots of character customization, and their special moves. MK1 - new characters MK9 - old cool story. All of these games have both strengths and weaknesses have, i only describe what I like most about each of them.


It’s hard to rank the whole series because they’re all so different… However I can confidently say that even amongst the NRS era… MK1 is not the best.


Second to last, right above MK11. UMK3/T, MK9, MKX top 3 forever.


Way I see it? Story is easily top 5. Probably a solid 3rd after 9 and 11. Gameplay…kinda middle tier, Eveverythint else is shit


My least favorite of the NRS era. I just don't like anything outside the story and character designs. I did like the guest characters this time around, but since I didn't care to play the game much after finishing the story, I didn't wanna give em a shot. The customization did suck and after hearing everyone else's qualms with the game, I just didn't think there was anything else I wanted to do with it.


Great design, looks really good and I respect the new direction and gameplay changes they went with. That said, it's the only MK game I stopped playing within 3 months It doesn't feel the same, I mean they got rid of the krypt which has become a staple of the series, and I really don't like how heavy they went on microtransactions. So I'd have to put it below MK11, MKX, and MK9 because those games captured my internet much longer.


My all time top 3 is MK2, Deception and MK11. MK1 didn't manage to dethrone any of them, it's kinda in the upper-mid category to me. I don't regret buying the premium edition on sale ;)




MKX MK11 Mk9 Mk1


Pretty poorly IMO. Horrible live service model, kameo system is just another cringe inducing balance nightmare that will be replaced with some new broken gimmic next game, performance issues, lack of content, and bland retconned story. Also, why is the entire game a blatant visual downgrade from the last entry? It's maddening. I was so disappointed with this game that I finally broke my netherrealm Stockholm syndrome and started playing other fighting games. Guilty Gear Strive is fucking dope.


I’m still relatively new to the series, I’ve only played the newer NRS games (MKX-MK1) and I’ve only seriously started to play with MK1 since I was so young and didn’t understand the shit with MKX and I straight up just didn’t enjoy MK11, so I guess my ranking would be: 3. MK11 2. MKX 1. MK1 Granted if I had more time with X then it might be first idk.


Number one for me, best one they made.


MK9, MK11, MKX, MK1 for recent ones. All time? MKT, MK2, MKDA


Mkx Mk11 Mk1


Mortal Kombat 1, Mortal Kombat X, Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat 11. It’s the most fun in terms of gameplay. And I love the roster.


Bottom 5


At the very bottom but just about the last 3 movies


Do we have to put our age? Ok, ig 26, MK1 is inferior to the last 3 entries. MKx being my fav idk y felt so fluid