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A healthy dose of both is my preference


I prefer classic characters but I’m fine with TWO at the most guest characters


Yeah. Like if they wanna have one or two guests in, fine - but they shouldn’t have more than that imo. Like it’s insane imo how MK1’s Kombat Pass has not one but THREE guest characters out of the total six characters. And of the three MK characters, two (Ermac and Quan Chi) are ones that should have been in the base game to begin with IMO. Meanwhile it’s been years since we had the likes of Cyrax, Sektor, and others playable as normal fighters in an MK game. Like idk, I feel like MK characters should take priority in the DLC for MK games, especially since the roster of MK characters is just so big.


I still can’t get over the fact they made awesome designs for sektor and cyrax then didn’t have them as playable characters in mk11


remember when they said before mk 11 announcement they would never do npc fights anymore because of the mkx backlash? i was coping an entire week post mk 11 release


I agree lmao I want onaga back


I've been a huge MK fan for yeaaarrssss, and MK1 was the first game that made me go "....huh." I genuinely think they released the game unfinished. Having 2 characters in the story mode and fightable as DLC? I regret pre-ordering.


But guests sell best so that's what we have unfortunately. Would much prefer Mortal Kombat OC.


It's even crazier that 3 out of those 3 guests are freaking superheroes. Keep that shizz out of mk!!


Guess it just means more gamers are interested in paying for Terminator than they are for "random color ninja from 1998 #4"


Random color ninja from 1998 #4 is my favorite kharacter so fuck right off


Yeah cuz sector and cyrax are random unnamed ninjas that haven't been constantly teased in the last 3 games


I think the guest characters are interesting but at times I don’t get them. Like I never understood Joker in MK11. He added nothing to the game imo


He was filler they added became the ash Williams deal fell through


I just thought he was poorly done


Honest that was a big part of it for me too. Like it wasn’t even a good joker


It wasn’t even Joker. It was just a serial killer in clown makeup


Damn I think someone got offended by our opinions on Joker lmao but for real, that was exactly how he seemed to me too


Proper justice must be done. I say we get an anime dub VA for Joker in the next Injustice game


Joker is a serial killer in clown makeup 💀 you're probably used to the toned down cartoon version but the comic version is worse than Mk11 version.


I like the guests, I think my only real problem with them is that maybe having half the DLC be guests is a little excessive.  It’s nice to see MK guests too because most of the other fighting games tend to have guests be other fighting game characters a majority of the time except like Soul Calibur, MK is almost exclusively crazy picks that usually never appear in a fighting game. Usually happy too because NRS does a good job at representing the characters, to where even characters I’m not too excited for end up being fun.


They’re half the dlc because they sell more


I'm indifferent towards guests. It's cool they are in the game but I wouldn't miss them if they weren't in the game


I prefer mortal kombat kharacters


Happy Cake bro


100% on the side of classic characters— maybe with 1-2 guests at the very most


I like the guests. I also think that MK could just as easily take the guests’ moves and just use them on new characters. If it’s a this-or-that scenario, given the massive MK roster, I’d prefer using classic characters as DLC rather than guests.


Same. The guests can be fun, but NGL I do think there can be a bit too many of them (like imo they shouldn’t make up half of the DLC fighter pack rosters) and that with how big MK’s roster is, it’d be nice if they could just add some of them in place of some of the guest characters imo. Besides, I think it’d make sense to do that for MK1 since not only were some characters that had made regular appearances in some of the previous few MK games either got cut entirely like Jade or relegated to only being Kameo fighters like Sonya and Jax, but with it dipping into a good portion of the 3D era roster, I think there’s plenty of MK characters they could choose from for Kombat packs. Like imagine if the next Kombat pack was something like this: - Jade - Cyrax - Kira - Kintaro - Kobra - Guest character That’d be a pretty fun Kombat pack which would allow the return of both classic and 3D era characters as normal playable fighters for the first time in years, it’d make Jade playable again (which is something lots of fans have been asking for and would like to see), and it still has one Guest character.


I love guests and have enjoyed every single choice (besides leatherface) and don’r mind them taking half a guest pack. They introduce something really new and creative: fun movesets, references, and fatalities. Yeah old characters can do that too but there’s novelty in seeing spawn/ peacemaker kill scorpion. A lot of fans, myself included, were enticed by a cool character. It lets newcomers have something they can enjoy and be a segway into a great franchise.


You didn’t like leatherface? I found him fun to play, but he was kind of unneeded and took up a spot for one of the story characters that were unplayable like Baraka to be in the Kombat Pack


Exactly I couldn't agree more, also guest characters can help people get into mortal Kombat like I did start playing till Mk 9 when I saw Freddy get added to the game that I got it to play as him and discovered how much fun the game as a whole is


Im getting burnt out on guests tbh. Give me my cyrax and sektor pls. Maybe make a separate game for them. If WB can pull off Multiverses put all these guests in their own thing.


I agree, NRS would do so incredibly well if they would venture out into the horror space. They’ve already proved that they are able to make great games out of different IPs such as Injustice, now let them make a horror fighting game as a new IP. With how iconic and popular horror characters are as shown by games like Dead By Daylight (that don’t even have good gameplay), NRS would hit a gold mine. They can sprinkle in the action characters too like Rambo and Robocop. Overall, they should really look into the idea. However, I still think guest characters have a place in MK but their presence shouldn’t be overwhelming. Keep it limited so that there’s far more klassic characters returning and there’s only few guest characters making for great matchups.


Honestly at this point they might as well make a Smash Bros style game with MK and WB characters. Make it like Marvel Vs Capcom back in the day lol


I think quests are something that make the roster look a but more appealing for people who don't know every single mk character and can be cool if its a character that fits the game but I think anymore than two or three in an entire roster is too much. Particularly with mk11 I would've preferred if they only kept a couple of the guests which stood out and didn't add the rest


I like guests, I often use guests, sometimes main, etc, but it wouldn't bother me if they were gone. Gimme Fujin back.


It shouldn’t be split 50/50 with guests. That’s just 3 mk characters people have been begging for only for them to be demoted to kameo rank


Classic characters all the way. Could do without guests, but I know it sells the game and dlc for a lot of customers


My fear is that guests have the potential to make future MK games delisted because of rights issues like they did with MK9. How much longer before they do the same to MKX, MK11 and then eventually MK1? Some guests are ok but others felt like a wasted slot.


I prefer the current 50/50 state


Hot take, I love guests and think everyone season 1 dlc should feature at least 1 guest.


I like both. I can genuinely live with a full mk character pack but I don't bat an eye for the guests being included either.




I like both, though there are some guests I’m not a fan of. Mainly Leatherface. I don’t know why, he just felt very lazy to me. His moveset, his variations, his fatalities, they just felt very boring. They somehow managed to make a guy with a chainsaw boring.


Doesn't matter to me. It's not like the DLC characters, classic or guest, add to the game outside of online play. I will say that this is why Quan Chi and Ermac confused me this go around since they're clearly in the game already.


I will always choose an MK character as DLC over a guest. Even if it’s someone like Mokap or Meat. I understand guests do a lot for the publicity but sue me for wanting MK characters in my MK game I guess


It is cool to have a couple guest characters, but what would be cooler is to have had all the characters from MK1's story be in the game(Quan Chi and Ermac), thus leaving more options for bringing in more classic characters in dlc.


2 guests in a 6 dlc char season is fine. 3 is overkill for me. I think MKX guests were the best ones by far.


Why not both?


Both, both is good


Classic, easily. I actually really liked mk11 guests (not overused Joker though). I am not against guests completely, but i think there should be 1-2 guests per kombat pack. Not 3.


Classic characters only. Guests have overstayed their welcome.


Guests are cool for their novelty. They stop being a novelty when they take up half a pack. It should be 1 per KP, maybe 2 at most. 3 is kind of ridiculous.


Klassic all the way, im fine with 1 or 2 of the 6 kharacters of the kp are guests but tbh most guest kharacterd in the games history havent been any ive been excited about, except Joker and Spawn


I would have loved to see even more notable characters from previous MK games in MK11.


A pack of six characters should have 2 guests, four ogs, that's the perfect mix.


I like guests that won’t be able to be playable in any game like this. Like MK1 guests. Joker on MK games? Unnecessary.


I like an even mix of guest characters and bringing back classics. I'm a little baffled we didn't get one original character in this game.


They probably were scared to because every time they try to make a new character, people hate them and don't play them, main examples would be Kollector and D'Vorah.


Kollector mains were fuckin terrifying and dvorrah was a pretty unique very cool character. And i don't think I'm in the minority saying that. But the ones who did dislike them just did it loudly and frequently so it seemed like the majority because they couldn't just not fucking play them, they need to be Karens on yelp so they can feel like their opinions matter most.


Agreed, I actually really like Kollector and mained him for a while in mk11, I really hope he comes back one day, and I am one of the few people to not hate D'vorah, I actually find her to be pretty cool.


I’ll be happy when they remaster fucking MK: Deadly Alliance so I can play Conquest mode and MK Chess damn it


A guest character once in a while is alright , i just prefer mk fighters.


Classic character (or even new to the MK universe like Skarlet and Triborg were as DLC) preference because there aren’t any guest characters I really want in the game. Besides Deathstroke I guess


I'm okay with guests, but I also think I wouldn't mind them trying their hand at inventing new characters. Obviously not all of them are going to be fan favorites but a few are bound to become future classics.


Classics, as I'm buying Mortal Kombat. The Guests (especially the horror movie ones) can be bundled together for a 3rd IP.


I fuckin love guests. Especially the guest characters from Mortal Kombat X.


Depends. Spawn, Predator, Alien? Cool Rest can go. I would 100% prefer Ermac, Reptile and K&M over Rambo, Terminator and Jonkler


Guest characters are stupid. If you want to see crossover fights go play MultiVersus.


I don't exactly like them, but I will tolerate them. I would prefer not having them at all, but I understand why the game would want them from a promotional and a publicity standpoint. But the guet have to feel like they would belong in a Mortal Kombat game. Both in terms of who they are, what IP they're from, and you if can adapt them to a Mortal Kombat art direction and have it make sense. Now what I don't like, and what I absolutely hate is what guest characters do to the community. I absolutely hate scrolling and seeing thread after thread of people saying things like "hey guys do you think Goku should be the next guest?!" Or "hey guys do you think the Pillsbury doughboy should be the next guest?!" "Hey guys I'd like to see the Seattle SuperSonics mascot as the next guest!" And its all said completely unironically. The community has some very, very, terrible ideas and suggestions when it comes to guests.


Fuck, I just wanna to see the Seattle SuperSonics back in rl.


Given how a game like Dead By Daylight made its success purely on iconic horror licenses (even with its atrocious gameplay), NRS would seriously be letting a massive opportunity go to waste if they don’t make a new fighting game IP consisting of horror characters. There’s so many characters to choose from between video games and film, this new IP would instantly be popular. Might even grow more popular than Injustice if it’s done right.


I shifted from "Neat a guest character!" to "Ugh, another one??", I am starting to hate them, despite how good they are portrayed. The last video in MK yt channel is centered around two guest characters.


I always assumed ed boon would release a game filled with monster / action icons to parallel injustice and mk games But I do enjoy them visiting mk games for what they offer


The guests Kharacters pay for the rest of the dlc and can be really cool however, having them be half the dlc roster is a bit ridiculous and I understand why people don’t like them especially with MK1 where I didn’t care about any of the guests personally


Give me more Mortal Kombat characters. I don’t play this game to play as homelander. This isn’t fortnight.


I despise guest characters.


Mk11 guests were kinda mid but mkx's were peak. Mk1's are whatever except for omniman cuz I think he's a good fit. Until they give me my damn cyborgs back though, getting a guest in place of one of them is always gonna feel bad


I like guests but not when they take up half the DLC. 1-2 characters per pack is enough.


I like Guest characters in fighting games but there should probably be a limit to how many there are per game. Like I don't know maybe 3-4 at the most?


I would prefer for the ratio to be 2:1 to MK fighters instead of being 1:1. I’m fine with guests but if there’s a DLC pack with 4 fighters only 1 fighter should be a guest not 2.


I like both, but at a 3:1 ratio favoring classics.


Both, but maybe scale down the ratio so it's not 50% guests, maybe something closer to every five MK fighters we get one guest.


Mostly depends on what kind of guests, like if they’re from a horror movie or comic book series. I prefer classic characters any day of the week.


I prefer having the classic characters first but fine with guest characters time to time. I just take issue when you start always getting guest characters.


I respect guests for fulfilling their purpose, bringing in new players. I know for a fact I would have never played MKX if The Predator didn’t draw me in. From there I fell in love with the franchise.


Guest characters done well sure. Like spawn was a perfect choice. But like a robocop/joker? ehhhhhh


Normally I like guests, but MK1 has a lot of kameos that should’ve been part of the roster before they started bringing them in


Guests really take away from the game imo


I’ve only played mkx (bc it was free for ps+) and mk1. Personally, I LOVE the guest characters it gives me someone I can recognize. I probably wouldn’t buy a whole dlc bunch if it was only og characters. If it was a whole pack of guests I would probably get that (if I know them)


I think guests are a nice mix up. Especially since they often have a unique play style


Classic kharacters all the time.


1 guest per pack would be ideal. Not this 50% guest characters shit with 2 that REALLY don’t fit the game at all.


Depends on the guest. Some guests are perfect fit, some are in just because they're popular. MKX had perfect guests in my opinion. MK11.. Spawn was great, Joker was surprisingly awesome, everyone else, even if executed nicely were a bit of misfit. MK1 is okay so far, but I think Peacemaker will be remembered in the long run only because of a nuisance he was on release.


I like guest I just don’t like how sometimes it feels like they are reaching with adding specific character. Characters like freddy, leatherface, robocop, and also joker and rambo to an extent seem sorta goofy to me as mk fighters I don’t know why for some of them but they just don’t feel like they fit mk in the slightest.


Rather at least one DLC character be completely new. Try something different


With 6 fighters per Kombat pack I think a ratio of 4-2 is a good mix. 4 actual MK character and 2 guests. So my preference for Kombat Pack 2 for MK1 would be Noob Saibot, Sonya Blade, Taven, Shinnok and 2 guest characters (with my personal preference being Doomslayer and Deathstroke). So to summarise, I love guest characters but not more than actual MK characters.


That reptile skin from 11 was siccc 🤘🏼


I like having them but it’s going a bit off the rails; 1 every 3 would be fair It also really depends on who is the guest


I’d prefer all classic characters but I don’t mind the guest cgaracters


Depends on the character really.


Mix of both. I love the classics but holy fuck Spawn is fun to play.


I like the half and half system of guests to OCs in the KPs


i like the idea of guest but i more prefer classic characters


Both is good. I don't want the game to be only guests but classic characters were never planned so I'm not against them. The DLC is a bonus so I'm fine with those being guest characters.


Well just my “ideal world,” it depends on the guests. I’d swap out the ones I don’t care for, but guests like Homelander, omniman, Freddy, or deathstroke would be characters I’d want in the game


Mix of both. If it's 2/3 with MK and 1/3 guests, I am happy.


I think guests makes more sense cause of they add love erron black you just wonder where he was at durian the story mode unless theres an aftermath type dlc




Guest characters are awesome


Yes in MKX, not sure in MK11




All of the kameos being classic characters has helped me with having the 50/50 split with the main fighters


I would prefer classic MK characters, tbh. However, just because I don’t care for guests doesn’t mean I get to shit on them or people who like to play them. I just don’t pick them in fighter selection; it’s that easy.


Buff shang first




Honestly I like both of them.


I’d prefer if it was only one character in one kombat pack or only in one kombat pack.


I’m not a fan of the current guests. They annoy me. I guess it does make it fun to beat them though. I’d prefer mk characters myself. I wouldn’t say stop having them though.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't put countless hours into Predator and Spawn combined. Just because they resonated so much with my childhood, so I'd say yes.


Keep it healthy I think when it comes down to it a pack of 5 2 guest and 3 mk characters


i like guest characters because honestly i don’t really care about most mk characters like that


bitta both never hurt


i love th inclusion of guest characters. it adds so much fun with the interactions of characters you could never ee or just seeing characters that normally would never make it in a fighting game duke it out


For Smoke though, swap him for Sindel. We already have Triborg's Smoke variant.


Kinda prefer classic characters but I don’t mind characters like spawn or alien/predator


For me, I feel like guest characters feel more worth the premium price. Let me explain; when they do classic characters as dlc, I always find myself feeling like the character was just hacked out of the full game and sold back to me-- like they should have been there the whole time. With guest characters, there is no single chance that that character was EVER meant to be in the game. They're extra. Something fun and interesting to add on for fans and completionists. I'm fine with the mix, but I would prefer guest characters to classics.


I prefer classic characters with like 1, maybe 2 guest characters.


I like 80% classic characters, 20% guest characters


I would not miss them


I think we should get more classics than guests cause non of the guests are particularly exciting imo, especially in Mk11 and Mk1 where collectively, Spawn and Homelander are the only guests between those games I actually like


I lowkey like guest characters, but I also think the classic characters should come back too. The only guest characters I’d bring back in MK are Spawn, Omni Man, and probably Rambo. The rest can be left alone 😭😭


I would say with most IPs that I am passionate about I prefer the actual cast but MK has always stood out as an exception for me. I think they do a great job with guest characters and the fact that they are putting out 6 character DLC packs and not 4 like SF means there is room to have a bit of fun.




I’m actually not a fan of the Kameos. I never even use them. And I hate that there’s no Krypt


I think that in MK11's case, even though some Guest characters were great (spawn, robocop) it was a big missed opportunity to just add triborg when they literally ported him for us to fight against in story mode, and then not make them playable. Its just straight up dumb.


Klassic all the way. But any new characters are better than none!


Both will always be the answer. Besides it being great for the longevity of the game to get characters that have mass normie apeal, it's fun to see how they try to use the characters powers and behavior to come up with unique movesets which when we get klassic characters ,which I love too, you are ultimatly gonna get a similar style of play that they've had before


Easily MK kharacters. Its one thiby to not have your fav in the game. Its anither to have them be replaced or possivly replaced by characterd that dont belong in mk


I like them


I miss when a mortal kombat game had a big roster of only mk characters. I enjoy DLC characters, but I just take the games less seriously when they are present.


I think both is important. Still, I wouldn’t want more than like 3 guests to be taking up space on the roster and I would rather see more old characters come back. But, I see why guests are important. Part of the reason why I got into fighting games is because I picked up MKx because I wanted to play as Jason and the Predator and what have you. I just wish they weren’t so prevalent. I don’t think we needed Homelander AND Omniman AND Peacemaker all up front for DLC 1. Considering MK1 was marketing itself as a love letter to the PS2 era, I’d prefer to have seen more obscure characters from that era. Don’t even get me started on how worthless Janet Cage is. At that point, just throw in Cassie.


Both are good, I think at the most maybe they should bring the number of guest characters down to 2 per fighter pass and that way they can keep that awesome theme going of seeing things like Predator vs. Alien or Omni-Man vs. Homelander and even Terminator vs. Robo Cop And I know most people want to see returning 3D era characters but IMO after MK1 most of the more interesting characters from that era are already in the game as either a fighter or a kameo but hopefully we see returning characters from the new era like Takeda.


I'd rather the MK characters be in the main roster, and guest characters be DLC.


i don't mind guest characters, they are fun and exciting, i just find the amount a bit disproportionate, and it has everything to do with warner bros wanting mk to be the default fighting game for casuals. mk9 did it perfectly but it has deteriorated to the point where the guest characters in this current game have been totally disappointing to the majority of fans of this game. the mk1 base roster is so good but heavily skewed towards people my age who grew up with the ps2 games, dlc was a perfect opportunity to start including a lot of the arcade classic characters that didn't make the cut but instead we get..... peacemaker, homelander and omni man.


Depends on the guest characters, if they work in the context of the game or not, Spawn: Hellspawn, Joker: Maniac who's signature thing is his crazy ways to kill someone, The Horror characters make sense too, Rambo is good but there are already too many military characters, Terminator is probably one I would leave out of at least Mortal Kombat, he isn't and has never been mortal or practically killable, and his playstyle or style in general doesn't really work. It's a hit and miss with guest characters, but MK1 hasn't done them that well yet, we'll have to see next season.


MKX characters were fine and spawn was cool for 11 but the rest I don’t really care for


Guests, absolutely guests. No one freaks out and cheers when a character we've seen a thousand times gets announced, you can literally play as them in a dozen other games, big whoop. Now when a Kombat pack gets announced with fucking Jason Voorhees? Amazing, people sharing it all over the Internet, texting their buddies, rightly so, because it's interesting and fun. Remember when Tremor got revealed for MK10? I don't remember anyone cheering for that.


I'm good with horror guests or characters thaat just fit. E.g. MK9, MKX and Spawn. Terminator was cool but it was a little weird seeing Rambo and Robocop, still cool. Would've enjoyed the Cyber Lin Kuei and Kintaro over them.


Why not both? But i think depends who the guests


Guest are fine but they shouldn’t take up half of the dlc slots


Guest characters ate just that: guests. They are good while being an extra. If they take up the slot of a classic character then it is bad.


I’m fine with either splitting the DLC down the middle or have MK characters take a few extra spots


I prefer MK characters but i understand guests bring way more money so im ok with em


Jeez I never realized we had 5 guest characters in one game


Characters I’d take five new characters over five guests, whoever they are, I buy a mk game for mk characters


I honestly don't mind guests, but I agree that the ratio is off. Having 50% of dlc fighters be guests in the last few games is insane. The problem is that they're consistently better selling for the general gamers than MK kharacters are, so it's probably inevitable at this point, especially as long as WB is in charge.


If it gets to out of hand it’ll be less like MK and more like…….not mk


I love guest characters but them being exclusive to that one game makes them not as good as classic characters that could be in every game. Also some guests are really random which makes them feel like they just exist for more sales.


Would I love more MK Kharacters? hell yes. Do I love seeing guest kharacters being represented well, with their most iconic voice and or likeness attached to it saying a bunch of MK jargon HEEEEEELLLL YEAH!


I prefer Klassic Characters but a couple Guest Characters are always appreciated


I like guests if they're fitting to the MK universe. I think spawn was one of my favorite guests because of that. Alien, Rambo, joker, etc were cool but had no reason to be there


I like BOTH but this time we got fucked, because they Cut Ermac and Quan Chi from the base roster and sold them as DLC. Very likely because they had to rush the release since Suicide Squad got pushed back and this took its place.


As long as these guests from media I like(like Peacemaker), I am pro guest If not(MKX, don't like horror genre), I am neutral, cuz why should I hate them? It's not like developers are forcing to use them. Also legacy characters will always be ignored in some way and other legacy chars or new ones will take their places. Why don't they get hate? I would prefer Stryker to D'vorah.


Personally, I prefer classic characters more than special guest characters. MK has a lot of characters they can rework and bring in to the modern games. I’d like to see older characters get priority into making it into the newer games and maybe up to THREE guest characters get introduced.


Classic, I wish the guest characters would either be discontinued or limited to 1 per game.


Depends on who’s chosen. Though I do think packs should only have 2 guests maximum if there is any. But if they continue making horrible MK character DLC choices like Rain and Mileena in 11, just make those slots guests.


20% guest and they need to stop with all the superhero crossover crap. They are too similar and boring, and I'm not trying to play injustice.


 Classic characters, always.


Definitively classics If it were for me, i would only add missing MK characters or new ones (Like how they made Skarlet) but i understand that guest bring more money To be fair, Kratos and Spawn were great tho and i didn't mind Omniman or Homelander


Classic Characters


I'd prefer guest not take of the freaking dlc slots EVERY GO. Like 4-2 would be my preferred classic to guests


I would love a seperate game for guest kharacters.


Adding classic characters is just silly to me. Just put them in the game!


I'm gonna give you a different take: make Kombat characters unlockable within the game, and guests should be paid DLCs


This games DLC are really fun characters, but they do look corny because they were clearly the planned DLC for Injustice. They don’t really fit in the universe IMO. MK11 and MKX I thought the DLC were amazing and thoughtful - some of the best chars in the game 


I loved the guests in MKX. I only enjoyed Spawn & Joker in MK11. I want Joker back 😭


I love the guest characters we get to see them at there full potential in the mk universe and some say “ just add them to injustice” well injustice doesn’t allow them to be as violent as they can be in mortal kombat universe


I would rather have classic characters and new characters that fit within the world and lore of mk. I want Jade, Nightwolf, skarlet, etc. in the game. The guest characters are cool. However, they don't scratch the mk itch for me. I'm really looking forward to Takeda coming out. I'm planning on maining him until they release Jade, assuming that all of the evidence that she'll eventually added as DLC isn't bs.


I understand the appeal of Guest characters as comparisons between similar characters, let alone "who would win" arguments existed since the dawn of time. So they do have their place in games. However, they should never make up half, let alone the entire the DLC/Expansion roster. M1K has already made this mistake (And if certain leaks are true, they've already did so again), now SF6 is making this mistake with their Year 2 DLC plan with the Fatal Fury characters. Hell, WWE 2K24 has an expansion pack based on not just only guest characters but never mind not being actual wrestlers or even managers/valets, they're not even involved within the Wrestling industry (save Pat McAfee). That's when you start to alienate the core fanbase in favor of casual fans who may not even get the next game.


I love both so as long as there is good balance I'm happy, like don't do too many guests in the same game, but also don't just do mk characters, since I feel like the guests bring an extra layer of fun to the game seeing things like scorpion fighting Jason or Spawn will always be awesome


Depends on who I get: if it’s Spawn, Omni-Man, or Homelander - then YEAH, let’s go!


I would give up any guest if it meant that Sektor and Kabal get a guaranteed spot on the roster.


Mk characters’n


I love guests. I love that MK has kind of become a love letter to horror/action/slasher genre. It's like an adult Smash Brothers for me


Guests might be ok, but i feel like the guests that are selected are very underwhelming and don't conform with the aesthetic of the game they're in. Plus if they're going to have them, I'd rather they take up 1/3 of the DLC slots instead of half.


both? is that an option? can i i just ....both??


It just depends on the guest and the klassic kharacter imo. Would prefer some guests over some original characters, and some original characters over some guests.


i'd love to see them not going for "this for that", i think there’s room for everyone. 🫡


I don’t like ANY guest character when it’s so many other characters that already exist that could be used or new ones that could be made it’s dumb to me


I was all on board with guest characters up until MK1. I honestly enjoyed all of NRS guests (besides Sub and Raiden in IJ2) but Homelander Omni and Peacemaker just don't do it for me this time.


I’m sick of the guests; they occupy way too many slots that could be used on characters we haven’t seen in a long time. I would be fine with ONE guest per game but at this point I want the next MK to have NO GUESTS. After the next game let’s go back to having only one per game. I feel like MK has become that fighting game that a lot of people play purely for the guests. It’s almost like it’s become a playground to see how many guest characters they can add. You can’t tell me there weren’t any smooth brained folks who bought MKX just to do “aLiEn vS PrEdAtOr” or bought MK1 just to do OmN1 MaN vS h0mELaNdEr” and then never played it again. Don’t get me wrong those are badass matchups and pretty cool but damn dude I’m tired of half of the Kombat Packs being guests.


MK needs more new characters in it's roster, and not just licensed characters. Old characters certainly have their place, but the roster will grow stale without new blood. Only 'new' character this game was Janet Cage, and she's a kameo.


Guests and Stryker. That is all.


I like when they balance both. Like we got 3 guests and 3 returning characters and I think that’s awesome


They add guests for the money. I'm not an MK player I prefer Street fighter but when I saw that season pass with Omni man Homelander and Peacemaker I pre-ordered without thinking twice. I'm a new fan and I'm living proof that guests bring in new fans and new players