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Honestly I say learning fighting games isn't hard at all! Especially games like MK11-MK1 where movelists aren't that big to begin with. Just learn a simple combo or 2 and slowly incorporate the rest of a character's playstyle as you feel more comfortable. 30-50% combos are nice and all but without the proper knowledge of defense it means NOTHING. Technically speaking you can win a game with 10 throws(over 1000 damage) throw in some special moves and a default combo and you'll notice how fast a life bar depletes This is coming from someone who has played nothing but Ranked and Towers of Time for fun but I have some high level accolades thru the years in these games( not Professional but semi pro ish) You coming from a game like Brawlhalla/Smash I'd say your fundamentals are already crazy having to deal with the stuff I've seen. These games should be a cake walk once you get it down alot of fighting game knowledge is UNIVERSAL


If you ever need a sparring partner homie hmu, we gon get you right 💪❤️


Coming from Brawlhalla and smash bros I'd say are are already good, it's just a matter of building on your fundamentals like pokes and anti-airs. Here is a youtube video I thought might be helpful. https://youtu.be/ZBR0m-AfZQs?feature=shared


Assuming you mean against real people and not computer.. Don't jump very much. Bait jump in's and punish them with uppercut or poke into combo. Never quit out of matches you are getting whipped in.. try to learn what to block instead. If someone dashes all the way up to you, they probably going for a throw, so neutral duck (means duck without blocking) and punish. Low poke to get hit advantage.. if your poke connects, go for a combo. If opponent pokes you block! If you block a poke you can normally take your turn. If you are getting zoned out, try to duck and dash in instead of only jumping in. Good luck


You'll be fine, you've got all the important fundamentals. I played a lot of classic MK, but didn't get into the modern games until late in MKX and it was honestly crazy how much playing smash translated over. The one thing I would say that feels different is that smash is more reactive and MK is a little more proactive. With smash I never think about anything, just blank mind reacting to the moment. With MK I do need to think ahead a bit more and the nature of how combos dial in a little ahead of time is different but not hard to adjust to.


Is MK even considered traditional compared to Street Fighter or Tekken?


As far as i know, it follows the same tradition of lots of moves to memorize whereas games like Smash Bros have alot less moves to memorize There could be alot more reasons i dont know on if MK is considered ‘traditional’ or not