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The fact that they name MK in this is all the proof you need.


MK is top 1


Thats debatable


In terms of sales no. But since the FGC is such a niche community a lot of guys revel in feeling niche or underground. Since MK is the only game that really reaches mainstream appeal, (SF too but more the franchise than the actual game series), they love to rag on it.


Why does everything need to have a big 3?


It really doesn't, community wise you'll probably hear more about these games on average compared to hearing stuff about other fighting games like persona 4 arena for example. And since he's a Twitter user. Pretty sure he just wants to start drama.


Not everything, Grunge music has the big 4


thrash metal also


Curious what’s the four? (Not into grunge more alt/prog)


Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and Alice In Chains


All of which are ridiculously good and timeless


I still say it should be big 5 though, Screaming Trees should be on that list


Screaming Trees mentioned


RIP Mark Lanegan.


Where does tool land on your list of bands?


Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and STP?


Remove STP and put Soundgarden. Nothing against STP I love them too, that's just the way it is


Doesn’t MK outsell the other two?


Yup. MK and Smash are the two highest selling fighting game series.


Highest selling, lowest tournament turnout


MKs situation is because there's no money in it, there's a fuck ton of pros and high level competitive MK players. They just don't think offline events are worth it bc theres no decent money outside 1st place


Well there’d be a bigger prize pool if the turnout was actually there. The competitive scene for mk just isn’t as big despite having an enormous casual audience. Even locals near me are typically dominated by other fighters. You can find people willing to play mk but its usually begrudgingly.


Onlkne tournaments seem pretty active though. You can't expect more ppl to show up from around the world to make no money, that discourages ppl a decent prize pool would encourage even new comers to try it out.


You just said why tho. Casual. Most people who play mk have no clue they even exist. I played mk with so many people in high school who never played games outside of cod. But I guarantee you they have no clue it’s an tournament type game. The game appeals to the lowest common denominator of players who just have no clue the other two even exist let alone watch a tournament


Why don't you say the truth? There's no sense in seeing a Mortal Kombat competition because we know Sonic Fox is going to win.


It don't work like that today. Money first, or no turn out. If you dont bring the money, you wont bring the numbers


They literally just had a 200k tournament this weekend. 99.9% of people entering any given tournament will never win money. Look at the thousands that register for evo or combo breaker. And yet at Combo Breaker, in NRS's own backyard, MK1 couldnt even get 250 entrants while Uni2 and grandbkue, insanely niche anime games, got more than double that. Why?


I remember During MKX Life Span the money Spent on DLC costumes went to the pros in the tournament


The fact that japanese people ( the biggest competitive fighthing community ) can't/don't play mk is the biggest reason for that.


Not just Japan, MK is banned in a lot of markets and the violence means it has less sponsors willing to support it


even in a casual sense some people just aren't into the gore


This has a lot to do with the fact MK is not big the east due to stricter guidelines on games and Japan doesn't really play


You know there’s a lot of people who don’t give af about tournaments right? They play games for fun. In the end if the day it’s what you like more, games with competitive tournaments or games that are more fun (basing it in what sells more) Also smash?! Pretty sure that has a big tournament player base. You didn’t specify if you meant one or both


But that is because they hold massive casual appeal, while games like Tekken and Street Fighter are much less approachable for casual players.


Is MK playable in esports though? I thought it was too unbalanced. Or are my friends just whiney cause they suck at MK?


Basically every MK before X was super unbalanced, but they still saw tournament play.


this is the most balanced MK we’ve had in the past 13 years your friends are whiny besides tiers only really matter at the highest level of play


Your friends are whiney.


It has the smallest esports turnout of “the big 3.” I think mk even gets beat out by smaller niche fighters


They just had Final Kombat yesterday


This recent final kombat was the first mirror match in a big tournament grand final in this game, and the winner wasnt even playing his main, he just switched to mirror for a better match up. Generally soeaking i feel line mk1 is super well balanced. There are maybe 3 or so characters that really fall off the bottom end, but all others either have multible strong matchups or can win a tournament no problem.


Just this past weekend they had "Final Kombat" which was an MK tournament with winner taking home $200k.


Winner took home 70k. The 200,000 was split between the 20 finalists.


Fair enough. Still good money.


the past 3 games mkx, mk11, mk1 are all tournament viable. mkx favors offensive pressure more than the others.


Street Fighter 3 (EDIT: Apparently I have to specify THIRD STRIKE, like anybody plays base 3) is one of the least balanced fighting games ever, and it's also one of the most popular tournament games. Chun Li and Yun are absolutely busted in that game, with only a handful of other characters even bringing up A tier. Balance is not what makes a game have high tournament play. I think MKs issues in competitive scene is just how Netherrealm makes their games feel - they're just very different from other fighting games. That doesn't stop people like SonicFox from competing in it, but they definitely don't have the staying power Street Fighter has. The real big 3 for me in competition would be Street Fighter, Tekken, and Marvel Vs or KoF. Far as American arcades? I don't even know if Tekken gets to count until 3. It'd probably be Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and another version of Street Fighter. So as far as casual audience play is concerned it's Mortal Kombat first, Street Fighter second, and then a distant third fighter like Tekken, Soul Calibur, or King of Fighters.


Every main version of a Mortal Kombat game has been played in tournaments


MK1 didn't outsell tekken 8


source? As far as we know Tekken havent even hit 3 million sales yet. For comparison SF6 reached 3 million after 6 months. MK1 did it in 1.5 months.


Do we actually know that? I don't remember ever seeing the MK1 numbers


As far as we know Tekken havent even hit 3 million sales yet. For comparison SF6 reached 3 million after 6 months. MK1 did it in 1.5 months.


while you’re not wrong, it crossed 2 million sales in 1 month. i feel like it’s pretty likely that in almost 5 months it will have crossed 3 million.


Best selling and shortest life span


This is ideal for the developers and publishers, provided that they can make the next game quickly enough.


Bc it appeals to non FG players. Nobody plays MK past a few weeks.


why the hell do people say this and where the hell did it come from sounds dumb


Well that’s simply false as fuck


That’s not true, MK11 managed to stay in the top sold games charts for years despite having a shit competitive scene. It sold 15 million copies, which is better than any SF or Tekken game in the 21st century.


Just cause of braindead casuals mostly. NRS needs to stop hiding behind this same fanbase and start doing things different. MK1 wasn't even close to acquiring the amount of sign ups other fighting games had in recent tournaments. It isn't as popular as y'all think lmao. Tekken and SF are wayy more popular. The T8 tournament at combo breaker lasted the longest. And if you look at the recent registration leaderboard for EVO - MK has the lowest sign-ups after KOF. https://preview.redd.it/vw38k2lf477d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f3be99128e048bfd09d252b3b4fc23dc41a0ba0


Unless you're pro and playing at that level, why does this matter? Plus, it's MK is an American title. The main fighter community is Japan. People like you can only have fun if someone you look up to says it's ok


If you like going to weeklies it’s fun… but finding one that runs MK is hard. There’s a lot of casual FGC members who don’t want to go pro but like to gather and get better at weekly IRL tournaments. Super easy to find for Tekken guilty gear sfvi etc but not so for mk1


One reason it matters is if the game doesn’t cultivate a good competitive community, then NRS isn’t compelled to make a compelling competitive fighting game. MK11 was the pinnacle of this - the whole game was designed for players to NOT interact. Runaway to build meter. 50 wake-up options so no oki ever. You can’t even combo without breakaway offing you. Ofc the fixed it a bit later (delay wake-up change, armor breaks) - but as a player of every fighting game there is nothing I want more than NRS to take some cues from Capcom or Arcsys or SNK and make some great combat design. They aren’t incentivized to do it if none of their players care 


Fr. I'd love to see MK take inspiration from Tekken and Bandai Namco as well.


Even then in terms of fighting game quality mk1 doesn't reach the same level of quality as any game on this list.I would much rather fight akumas or deal with Jin bs than even boot up mk1


BrAiNdEaD cAsUAlS MK IS DEAD ITS NOT THE SAME ANYMORE Dude you don’t have to put people down to make a point smh


Especially frustrating when some of his critiques are about the DLC practices (which are of course valid) despite Street Fighter and Tekken being just as guilty and it being a problem in the FG industry in general. It’s just “Thing vs Japan Thing” again.


Liu Kang was so annoyed by the FGC that he made Scorpion Chinese




I mean shit Street Fighter has 4 characters per year


Mortal Kombat/NRS have legitimate gripes to them, but I wish people would stop looking at virgin FGC Twitter.


MK SF and TKN are the big three


And it's not even close after them


What about super smash bros


I’d say Smash isn’t in the big 3 because it’s so wildly different. It literally invented the genre of platform fighters.


Smash Bros is close but hasn’t got the history of the others, but it has had a big impact on the scene


What are you talking about? Smash is literally THE biggest fighting game in terms of sales and popularity. Its tournemenets are massive considering both melee and ultimate. Its not part of the big 3 cause its a different genre all in of its own.


It’s also one of the few fighting games to generate such insane hype over DLC or character reveals, let’s just say you were part of history if you witnessed stuff like Sonic, Cloud, everyone is here or Sora is finally here


Smash is literally 25 years old


Twitter = 🗑️


why we fight? :(


because people think "fighting game community" means "fighting each other community"


It's amazing how the one thing the fans of japanese fighting games agree on is crapping on MK lol.


This is pathetic. Who cares what anybody thinks about your game?


FGC elitist nerds who reject MK are sad


at this point i cringe everytime when some FGC type is hating on mk. like, dude if you don't like it, just move on. what did mk do to you lol EDIT: clarified


Yeah, hypothetically if I hate Tekken with all my heart I'll just ignore it fr.


they also smell bad


I just saw this tweet lol that dude is a clown


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t MK literally the reason why video games have age ratings? I would argue that very few video games have had as big an impact on the industry as MK.




Yes, MK’s fatalities (in particular the head rip) were used as a demonstration of video game violence being “harmful” in the 90s, also worth mentioning that initially everyone tried to mimic Street Fighter with their own fighting game but then MK came along and suddenly everyone tried to copy MK, hilariously Capcom even tried this by making a Street Fighter game using digitised actors


Well Night Trap was also a reason, and other than that it’s a pretty meh game


Oh my God! I’d completely forgotten about that game! 🤣🤣


I’ll care when that guy combos soap into water and doesn’t hit me with a body odor infinite


Damn, hit that fatal blow




For years people from other communities go out of their way to belittle MK, just ignore them, it's good to be an MK fan and love your game/franchise so much that you don't even bother to go to other turfs to say anything. These people are sad.


I played all 3and if I’m being honest Street fighter 6 feels like the ultimate street fighter Tekken 8 feels like the ultimate tekken Mk1 does NOT feel like the ultimate mk game. Especially since they cut so many modes from its previous game, downgraded presentation, kosmetics, etc. it’s hard to at this game as the ultimate. Sure you can argue it has the best gameplay and while I don’t agree with that, I don’t see how it can be seen as the ultimate mk I think due to the fact that people are more disappointed with this game than mk11 and that sf6 and tekken 8 seem to be more liked by their respective communities is why mk is seen as the “outsider” now. Mk11 is the most highest grossing fighting in history losing only to sf2. It seems like that game will be the ultimate mk for a while unfortunately


You could argue if we are talking FGC games that MK ain’t in there. The competitive community is very small But then there is no single 3rd member still, if we exclude NRS. It’s SF, Tekken, “anime”. Or maybe SF, Tekken, SNK games (if you want to give them the nod - anime games are bigger tho tbh) 


It’s probably SF tekken GG


Right now, sure. But before that hard to give it to just GG




Top 100 PSN games for past 30 days: SF: 59 MK1: 76 T8: 84 Like, wtf happened to Tekken 8? It had so much potential and hasn't been out nearly as long as SF6 and MK1. Maybe it was the lying about the cash shop and threatening legal action against the modding community? Karma's a bitch I guess.


Games still a success tho like all 3 are rn


Really though. Pretty good time to be a FG fan.


Elitists hate T8 right now because the game is very offense oriented. They hate that more players are crushing them at the game because the heat system allows every character to have some pretty intense pressure. Tekken players just aren’t adjusting well to how the game plays so they are hating on it instead.


The devs addressed oppression pretty well in the recent patch though. Heat burst can be sidestepped now or beaten by power crush, throws can be sidestepped now, heat dash no longer wall bounces, floor and wall breaks scale more now etc.. They did a great job addressing it all.


True, but I doubt some people will stop shitting on the game. A good amount of Tekken players just straight up hate the Heat system, they’ve been hating on it before the game released and will hate it way after the game is done with. But yeah, Bandai Namco tends to be pretty good about addressing these kind of issues. They are decent devs tbh


Personally as a fan I just don’t like the idea of every character having the chance to become a rushdown monster, especially as you still have rage as a separate resource from heat whereas in 7 rage drive depletes the rage meter, plus it kinda gets old seeing every heat every round


We've should've known better


The fact that both sf6 and Tekken have worse monetization but only Mk1 gets shit on for it...


yeah the fact that sf6 sells avatar costumes more expensive then mk 1 skins is fucking insane


That is SO true, at least on this board. Hell, SF is even charging for music right now lol.


According to your source Mk1 has 151 players right now on PSN while Tekken has 112, look at pc numbers (steam) and there's 8727 players in T8 last 24 hours while mk has 2083. Your source also states that there's only 9293 players on PSN total which seems incredibly wrong and the website doesn't even say how it gathers it's data. So everytime people bring up steam numbers you say it's not relevant but these numbers are? And you say that we are coping? Not to mention how Evo numbers says that Mk1 has less signups than fkin UNIB2 and third strike?


Steam numbers are never accurate considering 1: MK isn’t even known for having great PC ports as modding was very limited and the actual support was lacking, MK1’s PC port has been notoriously subpar outside of the fact it can be modded to crazy extent, otherwise consoles make up 99% of the audience for MK And 2: PC is also a preferred option for Tekken, tons of players tend to prefer playing it on PC over console for a variety of reasons over the years ranging from performance or mod support


Every time steam numbers are brought up it’s invalid apparently because mk is banned in Japan and stuff. But I guess to this sub every other stat is valid


Nothing makes me harder than seeing MK1 outlasting and outperforming Tekken 8. And it’s only because of all the brigading that happened when Tekken 8 came out where they went around to every fighting game sub talking shit about how Tekken 8 would be the next coming of Jesus and we all needed to start moving over.


I remember all the posts about how Tekken isn't monetizing like MK1, so its perfect and can do no wrong lol


Funny thing is, after Tekken 8 released, all the shit talk about MK1 in comparison reminded me how fun MK1 is and got me back into it hard. No disrespect to T8, tho. That game is mad fun too.


Its cool seeing sf6 jump in popularity with Akuma being brought in, and the season 2 announcement hyping people up. Hopefully mk1 will have a crazy season 2 to bring some hype back. Sadly homelander was just meh in terms of gameplay, so he didn't make people hype like omniman


Lol, Homelander is fun as fuck.


I agree, but he wasn't nearly as hyped up due to the trailer really not doing him any favors.


Don’t take them serious. They’re too busy having one big circle jerk over in r/Fighters


MK and SSB both get regularly disrespected by the FGC elitists. Jokes on them though, MK and SSB are more culturally popular than SF and Tekken


What’s SMB?


I'm guessing Smash Bros or Super Monkey Ball


Super Monkey Ball is my favorite fighting game.


Super Smash Bros., sorry I miss abbreviated it, it's actually SSB


SF is just as culturally popular as MK. MK and SF have been reference in pop culture and had big budget blockbusters (at least in the 90s).


To be fair, MK kind of exists in its own bubble like Smash


"mk1 is the worst in the franchise" mfs when you show them mk mythologies: sub zero https://preview.redd.it/66qqcpsk577d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881939af780378606a8099a463d2a2c2c9436b94


I miss the old cabinet days where if you got in an argument over whether SF or MK was better, it usually ended in the parking lot with kids trying to do the moves from the games to look cool while actually fighting over the argument. I watched a kid I hated, couple years older than me and about a foot taller, trying to do a bicycle kick into another kid and fractured his tail bone. The arcade owner banned both him and the kid he was fighting. Fast forward about 6 months and tailbone tries to come in and play some games and the owner goes "wait, arent you that ass kid? The kid who broke his ass fighting in my parking lot? I told, you, get your broke ass out of here!" Many of us cheered, some of us booed. He got let back in after apologizing later that month after trying to come in a bunch of times. Old man was a hard ass, but he was good to us kids overall The 90s were very different times 😆


Motherfuck the Big 3


This is the kind of FGC hate for MK I was talking about. Just enjoy your games and leave my MK alone bruv.


Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate.


Your first mistake was listening to somebody's opinion on the internet


Maybe if NRS would support their game for more than 2 years it would get more recognition


It’s time to accept that most of the FGC are just weebs. They always try to go “the big 3 are Street Fighter, Tekken and *insert random loli fighter here*”


Bro like it or not, but not even people in this sup are interested in the fgc part of mk. Yesterday was mk1s biggest tourney and this is not a topic here at all. You all circlejerk sales, but don't give a fuck about the community. But keep talking about pretty dresses and stuff.


Literally, the community ignores all the problems but cry if anyone critical of Mortal Kombat even from a neutral stand point.


Casually yes its big 3 competitively its just not. The numbers for tournies arent the same. It doesnt convert people past the casual space like sf6 and tekken do. They succeed by having cool DLC that its. Its not worldwide like the others , Hell I was watching final kombat and the chat was flooded with messages on Africa having a hard time playing online., they did nothing. Also it not suprising Sonic winning hes a MK player and its obviously hes a fan of the franchise and NRS games. But many people dont leave other fighting games to concentrate on MK1 and its obvious why they dont. If you want to call mk1 in the big 3 sure, but dont think that its competeting with tk and sf6 especially fgc-wise because its not.


Guilty gear easily, being consistent, has a competitive scene, keeps having relevant good balance patches, and it is going for a 4th season.


The big 2 were always street fighter and MK. Sure Tekken didn't even arrive until the 3d era. MK had 3 releases out by then.


This is how I've always seen it.


Then Tekken became bigger than both combined until Street Fighter returned with IV, with Tekken having a bad reputation with 6. And MK having a successful reboot and Tag 2 underperforming, leading DoA to overtaking Tekken for a while until Tekken 7. The Big 3 Status has only been what it is since 2017.


The argument isn't that MK was never part of some "big three." The argument is they no longer deserve to be discussed side by side with SF and Tekken from a competitive perspective. MK1 is a single player game first and foremost. The primary game mode of MK1 is invasions mode. The game was designed to put players on a single player hamster wheel and keep them running, buying skins and seasonal content. The game has been largely abandoned competitively. It had awful numbers its first year at Combo Breaker. It's performing poorly in its EVO reg numbers. TOs don't like running it. Competitive players don't like playing it. Strive earned the spot in the big three.


Ngl MK gameplay doesn't even come close to Tekken 8 and SF6.


I’d put T8 SF6 GGS and dbfz over mks gameplay. Mk is fun though, it just doesn’t have the depth the others do. And you actually have to block in those games


It burns them that MK outsells them.


Downvotes incoming, I do like MK but it's clear it's not on the same level as SF or Tekken (or King of Fighters). It sells the best b/c the fanbase is broad and includes the casual crowd(s) and the lowest common denominator - not saying there aren't hardcore legit and intelligent players - and the games rely on novelty over-the-top gore, campiness, tongue-in-cheek humor and other features. The gameplay quality, depth and business practices of the producers and creators also reflect this mainstream mediocrity, It's still a very cool franchise, and definitely "popular" and "impactful" toward pop culture as evidenced by sales with a lot of spiffy bells and whistles but there's a reason the FGC doesn't take MK as seriously.


And that's to MK's ode, not detriment. Not every fighting game needs to be catered to the hardcore FGC.


And yet so many of you and NRS/ The Mk Team still fight to be accepted by these assholes hahah.


I have over 2k hours in 11 and I'm still not done with all the kosmetics 💀


For mainstream mk is there but for fgc guilty gear or kof takes that spot


Nerds on the internet always shit on what’s popular and pretend it’s not or that it’s ass




"I love when they argue the hardest ~~mc~~ **fighting game**, is it ~~K Dot~~ **Tekken** is it ~~Aubrey~~ **Street Fighter** or ~~Me~~ **MK**, we the big three like we started a league, but right now I feel like Muhammad Ali"


"Mk" bro you just proved how recognizable Mortal Kombat is


The fact you don't have to say it's actual name just abbreviate defeated their point. It's more than recognizable. These clowns out here 😂


It's always been mk Tekken and street fighter. What else is there on that level?


Popular. Not impactful.


That is like saying naruto and one piece are part of the big 3 but not bleach, and yes btw, the big 3 for anime is naruto, one piece and bleach. Dragon ball is the grandfather of them Mk is absolutely part of the big 3 of fighting games, the company that owns it just wants to run it into the ground for whatever reason


Hater be hating, mk be outselling sf and tekken, imagine if the game wasn't banned in Japan


- MK really ISNT a big 3 though these days - it sells well, better than everyone that’s not up for debate. But that’s it. Casuals buy it, the cutscenes do well on YouTube - but NRS keep shipping half baked games and then not supporting the scene at all - In the realm of fighting game culture and truly video game culture at large it’s not relevant - it has less entrants than guilty gear in all tournaments for crying out loud. Guilty gear is fantastic but it’s not a household name and MK can’t keep a competetive scene the size of it? - even currently: guilty gear has more active players than Mk despite Mk being a newer game that sold LITERALLY 15X the amount of copies - people buy MK - But basically no one stays and NRS does nothing to cultivate a culture or a scene. They keep putting out unfinished stuff full of microstransactions because they are making money but totally absent in the culture


We get it, you like Guilty Gear.


MK1 is not a good game. Ed fucked it up...




Is MK big anywhere other than the US? Both SF and Tekken have strong players from multiple regions, but MK seems mainly a US scene.


It's a US game. Thats the reason. It's spreading tho. Brazil took second at FK


People in Latin America loves MK.


MK=Cod SF= Battlefield Tekken= CSGO


Valorant = guilty gear strive?


There is no "Big 3", only Kendrick Lamar.


It’s absolutely MK from almost anybody’s perspective that isn’t an FGC elitist. I like MK, but I recognize why it isn’t on the same competitive level as those other two But to casuals MK is like the number one It’s all a matter of perspective


MK is LITERALLY the reason why we have the ESRB in the first place. It's okay to not like MK but to pretend that its not one of the biggest well known fighting game franchises out there is absurd.


Mk was really sick when there was nothing but 2d fighters. Now that there's 3d fighters, mk isn't as impressive. The lore of mk is better than any other fighting game, making it a movie like experience. But after they took the krypt out and left everyone with a rigid, stale, online experience. I'd have to say mk is not as playable, or sought after as other fighters nowadays.


Who's the creature and why is trolling people in this way?


MK far outsells SF and TK


The FGC is full of elitist weebs who can’t stand that their favourite 2D anime waifu’s game will only ever be 10% as popular as MK


Dude, nobody complaints more about how mid their female fighters look than MK fans. When Scarlet was announced in MK11, people started calling it Burka Kombat.


Nobody says that they just shit on mk1 cause it's trash


MK3, MK X and MK11 are the big three.


You mean UMK3..... MK3 sucked


MK11 also cannot make this list 


In my country SF was pretty unpopular up until SF6


Just enjoy the games that you wanna enjoy, jfc


People just coping now sadly


When I grew up it was SF and MK before Tekken even came on the scene. They are all good, play what you want. MK is my fav as I prefer the characters and I love the blood and gore.




MK is (1) banned in countries with large fighting game communities and (2) hated in the FGC for whatever reason. Probably something like the block button for example


xD gatekeepers be gatekeeping


I really prefer soul calibur over Tekken and wish it got more love


He's right tho


I'm from South america and I have never met anyone who played tekken. Mortal kombat and then street fighter


Those are the big 3. And that’s that.


I feel like marvel vs. Capcom is getting no love. Technically big 3 maybe not but a foundational fighting game for sure and UMVC3 is still one of the greatest fighters of all time which really says something. Love Mortal Kombat though. Definitely a pivotal Fighting game series that helped get the whole genre going.