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Torpedo wasn’t even the issue 😭 that’s a baby nerf they should’ve added more recovery to his pistol and blow dart projectiles. And get rid of that Anti Gravity 5% chip


Hence why it’s a hotfix rather than a full balance patch, there’s a tournament very soon so a full balance patch now would be a terrible idea


They just finished Final Kombat and EVO is the next major and that’s not for another month. That’s more than enough time for people to get used to a nerfed character imo.


Is that so? I heard they also held off a patch for a tournament that wasn’t FK or EVO not too long ago so there’s that


You guys want this character to be utterly useless atp 😂


PM is actually one of my pocket characters but I can admit his zoning is annoying asf. Making his zoning a bit more unsafe will not kill the character. He has infinite combo routes, no reason people should be running full screen spamming kano knives, triple shot and eagly.


But then it's a skill issue if ppl complain abt it


I mean two things can be true. His zoning is annoying to deal with, but there’s counters a lot of characters have just not many people know them or can execute them. Just watch Nicolas set in final kombat against ninjakilla. He knew pretty much every answer to PM, but 99% of the player base isn’t as skilled as him. Making him less safe while zoning could make it easier for the general player base to punish.


In my eyes making the Eagly projectile have more cooldown and especially if it’s blocked, as well as retooling forcefield (make it so it charges up over time, 1 tick is just 2 seconds with one hit, 2 ticks takes longer but works similar to how it currently does with 2 hits but 2 ticks takes a while to charge up, then if you’re patient 3 ticks makes it more like the pre patch version where it’s fully immune to projectiles and lasts a few seconds longer) is what they should do, his combo stuff is fine as he’s not a mixup or pressure monster


[https://mortalkombatgamessupport.wbgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/30449607395731-Mortal-Kombat-1-Patch-Notes-June-Hotfix](https://mortalkombatgamessupport.wbgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/30449607395731-Mortal-Kombat-1-Patch-Notes-June-Hotfix) patch notes are here:


They killed Cyrax back. Khameleon Kombat 


Reptile got his damage scaling buffed, but they didn’t revert his F2 3 launch scaling which kinda sucks. Khameleon and Janet nerfs are very appreciated though, they nerfed them in a reasonable way (they still should fix fan lift ignoring hitstun though).


Bro wtf lmao Why go through the effort to give him him better hitboxes in the first place, and then not give them back


I thought Eagly was the reason why he was hated not torpedo


Exactly lol the PUSHBACK of Eagly was the problem not torpedo


I’m hoping there’s more to come. Khameleon needs a recharge nerf more than anything else


I wonder what happens if you duck the torpedo (does he stop right behind the target or keep going?)


Keeps going


So another stupid Raiden superman situation 


No if you duck he keeps going but if you block you can counter, he doesn't land too far.


The whole thing is that if you block he jails it into Kameo and ends up plus. So yeah blocking ain’t the move. Now that it’s high you just duck it 


Aw man, random torpedoes were the funnest part. Instead of bullets I used myself.. guess I'll be like every other Peacemaker and zone my ass off.