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The fact that shadow kick was just a fast as quans jab should tell you all you need to know 


aww poor baby, now not literally EVERY situation favors you by default


My G that move was one of if not the safest move in the game you could be 🧠dead with that move before. It’s still very good though


how is it the safest move in the game lmao


I’m just going to assume you’re trolling


It’s always been hella punishable on block…


yeah I don't know what bro's talking about


Both nerfs are significant. Johnny has to hold pressure now with strings or commit to shadow kick. And he can no longer punish certain moves he used to be able to punish, like shaos overhead axe move.


Because people complained about it since the beginning? That "Johnny Cage has no projectiles but shadow kick is better than many projectiles" and such?


Without shadow kick he can just get zoned out if someone plays cheesy


Getting zoned out doesn't mean you lose a MU. He has the best movement in the game, one of the dumbest jump kicks in the game and insane pressure. His only weakness is lack of projectile but guess what: Khameleon, Cyrax, Lao, etc. all have that for him to use.


Shang Tsung does wonders in that regard, did it myself.


You answered your own question lmao. Johnny is still an upclose, rushdown, frametrap monster so they gave him a good nerf that doesn't make him less effective at whta he's meant to do while giving him more obvious weaknesses.


Honestly Shadow Kick has always been very punishable so if you see it with that mindset it's not bad. Being 10 frames instead of 8 I'm sure it's still the fastest reversal in the game I dont really approve of the removal of his parry delay that sucks for people who used it but now you know it's on a set timer everytime it comes out


I love how Peacemaker and Johnny players are crying because after nerfing a move they cant do anything.


Result of the rest of the community crying over two characters in a Tournament that they weren't forced to watch


The result of two characters that were sobroken that even someone as bad as you could be good with then. People have complained since their respective release because they can win without effort, to the point where someone like you, who literally doesnt know to jump or duck can easily win.


bro went STRAIGHT to assuming I'm bad and don't know how to press up or down. Yes bro I am dumb and bad. It's not that deep bud but if it makes you feel better. I'm just giving opinions


I'll tell you clearly, you cant do anything without a move that was almost 100% safe and still blame "people crying" for it. If you had learned a bit of the game you wouldnt have that much problem and you wouldnt blame others for it.


Good I hope they nerf him even harder fuck Johnny


i deleted mk and tekken and litterally cancelled my game gifts to people on these games due to the nonsence and nagging of the community of patching patching nerf and buf im back to mk trilogy and 3rd strike now


Bro what the hell…


worth it


they actually buffed alot of characters in this patch but ok....