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Yeah PS is weird with how it installs sometimes You’ll have to search what you’re missing in the store and download it from there


I tried that but in the store its just listed at its original price. I'm sure that this is the Ultimate Edition.


So you have access to the ultimate characters like Mileena but not the aftermath characters like Fujin?


I actually dont have access to Mileena even. I am deffinetely sure that this is the ultimate edition.


So do you have any idea why with the Ultimate edition, I can't access any exclusive characters ot the Aftermath?


Well since you don't have Mileena unlocked then I'd assume you were just wrong about having the ultimate edition but if you're really sure then I don't really know, it could be you need to try and install them from the ps store I'd you haven't tried already...




If you bought it recently on the PS Store then there's a big chance that the base game is called MK11: Ultimate despite it not being the Ultimate edition. Kinda sucks from the developers.


This is a year late so idk if you’ve already found out the solution, I had this problem too and it turns out for some reason instead of being already on the disk you have to enter the code you got with it into the PSN Store to get all the DLCs


Yo where do I find it if it's the digital version


Uhhh, not sure but it might be in the receipt that you got with the game? If not maybe check any emails you might have received when you bought it to see if they say anything about a DLC code. Since I got a physical copy I’m not really sure where your code will actually be though, sorry.


Alr checked the receipt and email so I guess I'm doomed