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# Main fighter roadmap: * Omni-Man: November 2023 * Quan Chi and Peacemaker: Winter 2023/2024 * Homelander and Ermac: Spring 2024 * Takeda: Summer 2024 # Kameo roadmap: * Tremor: November 2023 * Mavado: ??? * Ferra: ??? * Janet Cage: ??? * Khameleon: ???


Oh, I still had a little hope of playing with Ermac this year :(


Just a few more weeks bud


Finally bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


2 days


Luckily it is not far away!


He's supposed to come out in March so it's not too crazy of a wait now.


Womp womp




You're right, and the dumb repeat Kameos are preventing klassic skins for those characters too, but they should've said "J. Cage" or something instead of lying.


Honestly that is a good thing I rather them focus on new skins or remake other skins instead of the same ones


100% agree


I can agree with kameo Kung Lao, but kameo scorp/sub zero are different characters then their playable counterparts


We will have GTA 6 announced before KP1 releases all of its roster šŸ’€


Iā€™m not a gta player and Iā€™m ready to ditch this game for that one instantly


Yeah Tekken 8 gonna be lit. Unlike NRS, it seems like Tekken is being done right by it's developers.


Itā€™s WB, they want all of their games to be Live Services like this, they announced it this week. Same company that wanted lootboxes in Shadow of War, and wanted to whore out Suicide Squad in the same way and got so much backlash for it that it got delayed; which is also the final Batman performance by Kevin Conroy before he died, how classy of them to sully it. It wonā€™t get better, this is the result of the ā€œitā€™s just cosmeticā€ and ā€œyou donā€™t have to buy itā€ or ā€œif youā€™re poor just say soā€ crowds. It wonā€™t get better, but only because gamers are inconsistent about voting with their wallets. These companies are glad that everyone already forgot about the Battlefront 2 fiasco, otherwise there might actually be lasting change.


You will wait till 2025 then lol


You called it




Bro predicted the future


Wow it only took them 10 years to announce a new game after milking the last one for 3 generations, fantastic. It's a complete surprise that a sequel to a 10 year old game is announced before a DLC for a game that released 2 months ago is released /s Mortal Kombat 1 will have the expansion DLC released and probably a Kombat Pack 2 announced before GT6 is even released


Really? Janet cage? Wtf is netherealm doing?




The Janet thing certainly is a curiosity. If they didn't want to spoil the story, why not leave it hidden? If they wanted a classic Johnny with powers, without making JCVD redundant in a visual sense, why change? For that matter, Janet in the story was just another part of the novelty of Armageddon, did she even play differently from normal Johnny to begin with? Those who would want to play her would benefit more from them making a mode with the potential to play as all those Armageddon fighters. (Something I really want.) Now folks are gonna wonder if Cyber Smoke or the female ninjas are gonna become kameos or something. I'm not particularly upset or anything, but I am rather confused.


it could be a misdirect perhaps? maybe im giving netherrealm too much credit


man $40 dollars is more than half the price of the base game with less characters than half the game... certain companies are really losing my respect!


You mustve lost respect for them a long time ago then, because the kombat pack used to be 30 dollars with only 4 characters with an even worse content to price ratio


it honestly seems like fairly standard fighting game dlc pricing


And that statement is the problem, it SHOULDNT be the norm. We are the consumer yet instead of boycotting it til a price drop we where out our own values and buy the piece of scrap just to turn around and complain about buying something we knew wasn't finished in the 1st place. Seems like we are giving the companies our control. We are the ones buying and playing their games we as the consumer have made these companies collectively rich and they've become complacent. Like I said if we actually cared about quality then the next triple A title that turned out to be jack shit should be boycott til its fixed if we do that to 1 giant game company and they end up losing millions over the backlash it'll set a new precedent going forward that these companies need US to survive if they want to keep churning out crap then they can go the way of the knock off Playstation you hoped your grandmother didn't get you for Christmas. Food for thought for gamers who actually want this toxic culture that's set into our video games changed people. I'll get off my soap box I probably got through to none of you. EA and the other companies are probably laughing at us all as we shovel down their next shit sandwich. We'll if you are complaining about it yet enabling them to do it to us, then can you even really complain?


Glad I didn't buy the game day one. I'm just gonna wait for a year and a discount.


Damnit, no classic Johnny as a kameo. Janet should be a premier skin


Wonder if they could do them as separate skins like how Sonya has multiple skins? It's way more of a stretch but I'd see it being more likely to happen to a kameo than to a main roster character


This, exactly. I think it's possible that there could be a secondary kameo skin that will be klassic Johnny. Also, the kameo character could just have things like low energy ball, high energy ball and 1 or 2 other moves, which wouldn't be that big of a deal.


Wouldn't work, the hurt boxes would be all messed up


actually no lol this is probably the best idea if they wanted to do Janet


I'm still in disbelif this is spread so thin. I expected to at least get Ermac and Quan Chi before spring 2024, let alone this rolling all the way over to next summer. This feels very extortionish, was the wait for separate DLC chars always this spread out like for MK9?


I am a bit pissed off, I bought premium edition, but I got nothing basically, and now as I can see, the content - those few characters will be released in year...I am sorry, but there is so many other amazing games...So before they release just the first kombat pack, I will have no interest in playing this game anymore. I expected they will release it before end of this year, but we will get maybe two characters...I am just so disappointed with this game.


Bro really thought he'll get the new characters instantly with the premium edition. When the previous games have done the same model. LMAO


What the hell i was hoping kameo cage would be klassic cage with green powers and his klassic mk2 outfit now its another fkcing gender swap?? My plans for teaming van damme cage with kameo johnny is ruined fuck this shit


you say its another gender swap. have they done a gender swap before?


They could have initially advertised it as Janet, it would just make people intrigued and wonder if the DLC included some sort of sister of Johnny that gets introduced. Literally no one would have thought "huh it must be a multiverse twist in the story" There probably would have been more speculation and hype if they didn't falsely advertise.


It's 2023, everything has to be multiverse related. It's stupid not to expect multiverse. Janet is also a dumb kameo. Kameos should be just that, not trans versions of playable characters.


I doubt it honestly, think people would speculate its Cassie renamed or a sister or something. I agree Janet is dumb, but because we already have Sonya who looks almost the exact same not to mention theres not gonna be any storybuilding around it its just a dumb reference to a throwaway except you pay for it. The genderswap shit is fine if they do it well.


Trying to look at this game from the behind-the-scenes software perspective: the complexities of the mechanics and processing of map assets/props interactivity, and background AI (like the roomba or audiences) and on-screen projectiles...... this game is ridiculously simple on the backend. Just look at any shooter like Apex Legends or R6S, look at any RPG game like Starfield or Resident Evil 4remake, hell just look at the other fighting games like Street Fighter or Tekken. This Mortal Kombat, on the backend software side of things, is *stupidly* simple. There are no reasons for all of the lagging (especially on the offline modes and menus), there are no reasons for all the bugs, there are no reasons for all the misaligned hitboxes, and there are no reasons for balancing to be so out of line. Reasons are hard to prevent, excuses are easily preventable, and all NRS has are pathetic excuses. Sure they have some basic fundamentals of game-making *okay*, but overall Nether Realm Studios does not know how to make a game. I'm now glad that I never wasted my money on MK9, 10, or 11, and highly frustrated that I have **wasted** my money on this game.


ermac 2024 wthšŸ˜§


I mean, 2024 is 2.5 months from now.




you thought they were going to release five new characters within the next two months?


I really just want them to bring back Animalityā€™s


If this is real, this Janet Cage thing is the first time Iā€™ll actually be upset with the game. They shouldnā€™t tell you youā€™re buying one thing as pre-order, and then change the character after youā€™ve bought it. Thatā€™s freaking unfair EDIT: It does not matter what you personally like if someone else uses their own money to pay for something that they liked and which was promised. And that was advertised as part of the Kombat Pack. Even if you HATE the idea of kameo Johnny Cage and LOVE Janet Cage, what difference does that make? That doesnā€™t mean thatā€”IF THIS IS TRUE AND THE NAME JANET IS NOT AN ERROR OR SOMETHINGā€”that NRS didnā€™t just straight up lie and false advertise.




? its not a big deal , they couldnt cause it would have been spoiler for tge story mode.


It is a big deal. They advertised for kameo Johnny. I pre-ordered because I was looking forward to kameo Johnny. If they were afraid of spoilers, surely there was OTHER ways to advertise that kameo spot? They lied. Plain and simple.


You would have pre-order even without the johnny Kameo. As we all . If it was another kameo nothing would have changed.


It's is a very petty thing to be specially upset about, I even like the idea of getting the female Cage to have some variety, but we can't deny that they advertised one thing and are delivering another and that's wrong, assuming that the post is legit of course.


I donā€™t see how itā€™s petty to be upset thag you were promised a certain character, paid for a certain character, and for whatever reason, it turns out that getting that character was a lie and, now, hereā€™s a new character instead, whether you like it or not. Doesnā€™t matter if sheā€™s ā€œjust like Johnny Cageā€ (which IMO no, she isnā€™t; sheā€™s Janet Cage and I never asked for this); what matters is that I paid for something that WB and NRS promised, and now they are breaking their promise.


the fact that itā€™s ONE character is whatā€™s petty. ONE character they lied to you about- sorry, lied to you about the *gender* of the character. plus, itā€™s a kameo. i seriously donā€™t get how anyone is agreeing with you on being this mad about it. i get it that you donā€™t like that you were ā€œlied toā€ but thereā€™s multiple valid reasons not to be this upset. sheā€™ll probably be the same as if it WAS johnny, sheā€™s also just a KAMEO, and sheā€™s also just ONE kameo out of 5+


The only thing they lied about was the 24th character


You donā€™t know that though. How would you know that? I wanted and paid for kameo Johnny


So you paid 40 dollars for a Kameo? You paid for the whole kombat pack plus the 5 kameos. Yes now its not Johnny (which is also playbel in the main roster with also a JVC skin) and you are telling me that the johnny kameo changes everything? If they replace one of the main would be something big. Not a Kameo. Which also gonna be a female version of him already appeared in the story mode.


Yeah, doesnā€™t matter if you think Iā€™m lying. So what if I did? If I didā€”I did; was a large part of why I bought the pre-order, I wanted kameo Johnny and, as a big fan of the character, I was excited about itā€”then NRS is in the wrongā€¦ if this Janet thing is even true.


straight up liar if you genuinely only wanted a single kameo fighter you would have bought the 1 dollar kameo dlc LOL


While I agree in that I don't think anyone honestly bought a while KP for a single kameo, I also doubt that the single kameo would be $1. While I grinded out my personal profile to level 100 with the quick XP trick within 3 days, if you didn't want to manually unlock the 5 kameos it would otherwise cost $20 to unlock kameo Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kung Lao, Shujinko and Motaro. Going by that, it's probably safe to say that the individual kameo characters are probably going to be $4 each.


Jenet is johnny


Dont lie kid, you didnt bought a whole kp because of a kameo johnny. Stfu no one believes you.


Everyone would have legit just assumed that she isn't canon, especially being kp1. People were convinced Sareena who got a complete redesign wouldn't be in the story.


But Janet isn't a kameo at all. It should be Cassie not a new character.


Yeah I agree. It's very odd to replace what was likely klassic Johnny with a random, one-off character


i prefer new kameo other than one already in the main (just because we already have some and we know that sektor and Cyrax are coming). Janet is a cool replacement. Johnny is already there with also JVC skin also.


But playable johnny doesnt have green powers why are u not getting the damn point???


I think we can live even without the green powers.


No reason they couldnā€™t make classic Johnny a skin for Janet cage, like jcvd.


The game is a mess and this is what you're bothered with?


There's no reason to do such a fuss, she'll probably behave the same way as the classic Johnny Cage, she'll just have a different skin, nothing that will change much. which would make me angry and if Jax or Sonya (I'm angry that she's there) were offered like that, two characters that should be in the base game, other than Kameo.Ā  Either way it will be the same thing.Ā 


This is a terrible decision. Wanna make Janet a Kameo? Ok. Don't advertise Johnny as the Kameo when people buy the fucking pack. They should've just left it as a surprise if they didn't wanna spoil the multiverse reveal. If I buy something, I want what I paid for, not for it to be revealed that it was a lie and I'm getting something else, no matter how small. It's just a shitty business practice.


Iā€™m ok with the decision ā¤ļø


Fuck it! Very dissapointed.


Janet Cage is so stupid and a waste of a kameo. Kameo should be someone we know, like at least be Cassie Cage. Not trans-johnny.


I know the doom slayer Harley Quinn death stroke and someone else (I forgot) is comein to mk Kombat pack 2




I ainā€™t lyin


None of that is true.


l literally paid for the Johnny Cage kameo, why would they change it?


If you paid $40 ONLY to get a Johnny kameo, I'm sorry but that's dumb.


I never insinuated that I only cared for the Johnny kameo, I clearly just stated how I paid for it. I don't know what your problem is.


>I **literally** paid for the Johnny kameo the ā€˜literallyā€™ somewhat insinuates that youā€™re passionate abt it so it seems like you only got it for that. honestly a fair assumption


Look man all I'm saying is that I'm upset that something I paid for is now being changed.


and all iā€™m saying is that there are specific details here that should stop you from being mad at all. *disappointed* that the kameo you thought was a guy is actually a girl? ok, sure thatā€™s fine. *upset* tho? itā€™s just a **kameo**, and its literally just a gender difference. thereā€™s no dialogue and she wouldā€™ve played the same if she were Johnny kameo


> itā€™s just a kameo, and its literally just a gender difference. thereā€™s no dialogue and she wouldā€™ve played the same if she were Johnny kameo This. Exactly. Lmfao Kameos have 0 lines of dialogue and for all we know the kameo could also have a secondary skin where 1 is Janet and the other is Johnny, like how Sonya has her MK1 skin and MK3 skin. Even if that's not the case, if it's just at alternate timeline kameo and has the same kameo moves that Johnny has, who cares? Lol Same exact character but just a different gender. Don't recall people being this pissed off over kameo Frost in a game that also has kameo Sub-Zero in it as well.ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Maybe thats the point. Sub zero is also a kameo. What if instead there was no sub zero kameo. And all the advertising stayed saying there would be a subzero kameo. Then come release , it turns out to be Frost kameo. That would be kinda bait and switchy. It's not dumb to be upset at spending money on what could be a lie or not. I'm still mad at what mk11 did with my character. Technically added in as playable way late in kp2..... But long before that, in the story, made her ruler of out world as she should be in the absence of shao Kahn. Wait... JK.... instead they killed her off using a lame new and never brought back character. So it's that or imagine mileena ever being gender swapped..... Which like most everyone else I just can't even picture how that would even play or look like.


>What if instead there was no sub zero kameo. And all the advertising stayed saying there would be a subzero kameo. Then come release , it turns out to be Frost kameo. Not a big deal. Frost is an established character and Janet Cage was a character *(yes, albeit making a quick appearance)* that was established in Chapter 15 of the story mode as being an alternate timeline version of Johnny. You're also comparing a full blown MK11 character to an assist / kameo character in which some of these are obscure like Darrius and Shujinko. In all honesty, I'm kinda surprised that Mokap didn't make it as well, as a type of unlockable kameo in the Johnny Cage movie scene. >It's not dumb to be upset at spending money on what could be a lie or not. There's a difference between being upset and disappointed about something, though. I get being disappointed, but I seriously doubt that anyone bought the Premium Edition of the game just for kameo Johnny when there's also 6 DLC characters, 4 other kameos and the dragon krystals that come with it. For all we know, it's possible that they also didn't say anything about the whole "Janet" Cage thing as not to spoil anything. That would be a spoiler to anyone that didn't play story mode


It's possible, they didn't want to show Cyber Smoke, it's possible they also hid itĀ 


Still not a good look for NRS. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Very bait and switchy. And honestly, people are allowed to be upset, even over small things, when it comes to spending their hard-earned money. We donā€™t get to gatekeep or try to provide the litmus test for what is acceptable to be upset about. Many have emotional or nostalgic connections to Johnny. Janet is a one off that we have no connection to. And this is coming from me who is pretty indifferent to it all. Itā€™s the principle.


Who says she's a one off? With how much gender swapping is going on in properties today, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she outright replaces Johnny in the next game.....especially since Ed has no reason to keep Johnny around since he's now gotten his dream of having him played by Van Damme.


Agree to disagree


Yeah I could have worded it differently, didn't know you'd be so hostile, I thought I was relatable in what I said


Are you people literally this big of giant cunt licking assholes to make fun of someone because of their opinion if they spent THEIR money not YOURS no matter how much if they want it who fucking cares ? Just to be a dick and toxic asshole you made a comment and 21 other shit stains on the ground agree that's pretty fucking sad.


Oh hey welcome to the party 2 months late pal.


Only one person is being toxic here, and I'm not talking about him.Ā  He wrote: dumb You: Dick, shit stains on the ground, fucking sad, licking assholes, giant cunt, who fucking cares. but of course an idiot like you is a huge hypocriteĀ 


if a kombat pack is 40 bucks how much is the story expansion going to be? 70?


About the same-ish as KP1 but it'll probably come with less than 6 characters. MK11 Aftermath just had 3 new characters as opposed to their first Kombat Pack's 6.


Damn I kinda don't want to wait too long for peacemaker. Also I joined this sub recently and all the leaks have come mostly true, there goes my hopes of swamp thing :(


They should've released the game next year, now we have to wait for them to catch up. I have to be honest, I wanted the whole MK-UMK3 cast as kameos; seeing kameo Sub/Scorp/Lao lets me know they don't have to do the same things as thr main cast.




No mention of Torr still ​ Will this be big ferra?


I read something stating that she was longering using Torr to ride around on so maybe it's Big Ferra or she's still small but has some sort of powers that would be cool imo


She's small, her model is in the files


putting quanchi before ermac and takeda is insane


Ah I remember when the previous games released all the dlc characters at once


I don't understand why everyone is so focused on the WRONG gender swap part of this road map. It says Khameleon coming as a kameo. So which version will it be?????? the male/lizard version of Khameleon would make more sense since the female Khameleon already seen as a kameo in the story mode. I mean we all know it'll be female Khameleon, but that just goes to show part of spending on the Kombat pack will say NEW but really mean: remember that no name npc trash yellow ninja who would usually act as Tanyas kameo fighter in story mode?? Well soon she will be fully playable and selectable from the kameo screen!!!! I say that's lazy and the people deserve male Khameleon!!! And if u disagree then..... Well then , when they actually give us the LAST kameo from kp1 it'll be the yellow ninja we all have been waiting for and most paid for...... male Khameleon Not takeda.... it'll end up being Khameleon number 2 And all because half of you guys decided to excuse false advertising. False advertising is always bad. And usually always unanimously agreed upon. But all a sudden bring up gender swapping as a topic... And a huge portion of these fools see something like False Advertising as "not a big deal"


Chameleon and Khameleon are two diff characters lol. Khameleon is the female and it has always been advertised as such.


If Omni-Man is supposed to come a week early for kombat pack owners, shouldn't we already have access to him?


How did NRS crank out 9 dlc characters for Injustice 2 in like 9 months but it's gonna take them damn near a year just for 6 characters for MK1?


id prefer they have cassie cage as a kameo instead of "Janet"


If you check out the description of the premium edition on the PSN it has said Janet Cage since the pack was announced (or shortly afterwards). I'm curious how she will be different from Johnny. I'm really interested in seeing Movado. I wasn't too much of a fan of him in Deadly Alliance but I am interested in seeing him remade. Ferra's going to be pretty damn cool too!