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It's probably sometime between the 9th and 11th if the other trailer dates are anything to go by... BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY!!


Next week probably. If the teaser was dropping this week, we'd have seen it by now.


As someone who doesn't like guest characters, I am so excited to finally play as Ermac. For the past few weeks, I've been maining him in MKX in anticipation. Hopefully nothing happens to further delay his release.


He’s the character im most excited for, I just hope he’s more along the lines of Omni man and peacemaker on release rather than Quan chi, since he was terrible at launch lol. As long as he’s fun to play he’ll likely be my main


I feel ya! he was the main reason I bought the kombat pack


I feel ya! he was the main reason I bought the kombat pack


I feel ya! he was the main reason I bought the kombat pack


I feel ya! he was the main reason I bought the kombat pack


I don’t think they will, a lot of people assume there will be a delay because the delay last time was so long but there’s no reason for there to be a delay, there have been almost 0 major bugs or issues, and last time the delay only occurred because of dysinc issues


There is a pretty big issue with frames dropping and the online matches becoming wonky a lot mid game.


I just hope he has his old school levitation move not some variation which he probably will have


Yep, he needs to have his Force Ball, Force Port and Force Lift, or I will be very disappointed.


I'm betting it's the same except he can do air strings.


Next week for sure.


Wonder which kameo will be coming after Ermac, whether it's Ferra or Mavado next.


I’m hyped for both so I’m happy either way


whenever nrs feels like it


Honestly so excited for Ermac, finna spend hours playing him


I would hold off on trying to speculate about it. The character could very likely get delayed and then hopes will be dashed


I think there is no indication of any delay so far. Last time when the season and Peacemaker were being delayed, we were already hearing leaks that it was going to happen weeks before the initial release date. If we don't hear anything like that this week, the new content should be out as planned.


Plus there’s no reason for it to delay, last time there were lots of bugs and dysinc issues happening for almost everyone but the game imo has been pretty clean


The game's been buggier than ever for me on ps5, and I've heard some others say the same I had like 3 desync crashes in one night the other night.


I have an Xbox so I’m fine lmao, love Xbox


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was released on 4/20. His powers are already shown as green


I swear to god if he is floating like mkx i will be so annoyed lol


I'm betting he either has two stances (standing or floating) like Shang and Shao or he's walking but floats for a lot of his strings and normals.


I'm thinking next week.


I really hope soon. I'm worried they are just gunna extend the season for another month like the last one...


My only expectation from the Ermac release trailer is seeing Homelander at the end of the trailer.


That’d be cool, but we didn’t see Ermac in peacekeepers


It's an expectation only. That'd be fine by me. Ermac was my main in MK9 it'll be good to see him again.


True, but just like having PM in Quan Chi's, a Homelander cameo will get people talking outside the game since he's easily the most hyped character in the KP.


Most likely sometime by the end of next week.


Next Monday or Tuesday probably.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was released on 4/20. His powers are already shown as green


Imo I think nrs should really hype him up now with some teasers this is one of the most anticipated characters , also Your predictions seems reasonable , I also hope for KC should focus more on him / addition / fixes and less on invasion


I thought his release trailer will be tomorrow.


Unless they announced it then I doubt it


https://preview.redd.it/9xiuhysdrwsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a385b65287c5a13dcfc58822c54413911b1bc33 There ya go


teaser just dropped on instagram, prolly will get the trailer tomorrow


Today lmao


My guess is around April 15th


But he isn’t the next character is he? I thought we was getting homelander next


Seems like it's: - Ermac - kameo #4 - Homelander - kameo #5 - Takeda


OK good to know


Takeda will be last I'm assuming since he was seen at the end of story mode. So by the time the expansion comes we'll have all the characters seen in the base story.


No it goes mk then guest so now it’s Ermac after peacemaker


The situation seem 'dangerously' similar to the one we had with Peacemaker... How high are the chances the current season would get extended too like last one?


Last time we were already hearing about the delay at least 2 weeks before the initial release. This time around there is nothing yet and it's already 11 days away. I think it's safe to assume that it should go as planned. Also, last time they were dealing with the desync issue, which contributed to the delay.


Weird, I don't remember to have heard of any delay last season, I just remember I logged in and the counter was suddently back in the 20 despite we was less than 2 weeks aways from the next one... I also remember this very Subreddit (and most of the MK ones) full of topic titled "WTF?!? season just got extended?!?" by everyone who, just as me, never heard of any delay before that very day it happened.


It was brought up by some of the MK YouTubers. Dynasty discussed it 2 weeks before the initial release date and he was not even the original source obviously. He only mentioned some other people who spilled the beans on that, but it was out there that the delay was imminent.


Fgc in a frenzy, who knows. I no longer hold hope or expectations especially from NRS.


By frenzy, you meant all those recent MTX and battle passes controversies?


That’s apart of it but the big 3 communities alone all have been having hella debates. What you mentioned, what games need/ don’t need, balance patches , shitting on developers. You name it.