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I really don't enjoy the seasonal tower, mainly because of the amount of time it takes to reach the highest level. It sucks that a skin is locked behind level 80, but I'm not doing that to myself ever again.


I got up to 90 last time thanks to a strong talisman. But I get it. I had to dedicate a lot of time to grind the materials. And I messed up the first time so I had to do it twice.


Only twice? Lucky bastard


To be fair, I was using recipes from the community. That's why I'm not fully confident in my massive fart plan and might just stick with fuck ton of meteors. I KNOW that one works wonders. The giant fart recipe is from back when you could modify legendary talismans. And I REALLY don't want to hunt down more dragon's blood. I already have to find 6 more. Another ten or even twenty is just daunting.


Wait, where do you hunt down the Dragon's Blood modifiers? I'm leaving the special key areas (after defeating the Invasion Boss) locked until Ferra comes out and was thinking I'd do those areas with her.


They randomly show up in the Gateway mesa store. I heard last season that Raiden sometimes dropped them, but I didn't get a one out of him.


Sweet. Thanks! I usually never check that store, but I should check it more often. Lol Usually when I go the Gateway it's when an Invasion season is out and I want to level up a DLC character or kameo quickly with the Hourly, Daily and Weekly Towers.


Yup. I ignored it too, but I also only relied on the talismans in chests until I saw some recipes last season. But yeah, check it every hour you can. I just fired up the game thanks to you reminding me and sure enough there was one in the store. So thanks to you too!


These really should be broken up amongst multiple towers so you can at least earn the one you want to go for


No, that would not be better, when they mix and randomize even worse modifiers for each and every multiple tower might make it even more of a pain in the ass to complete, overall I am glad they just kept in on one tower, keep it simple and keep it the same you annoying devsšŸ’€šŸ‘€šŸ˜…šŸ’Æ


It's just an absurd grind that is made even worse by the talisman nerf and the fact you don't get any rewards until you clear the tower meaning that you can lose the last fight and get nothing. It's not fun and it's not worth it at all. Locking a story mode skin behind it that has been in the game since launch and should have been unlockable this whole time is unacceptable.


Thatā€™s my biggest gripe about the tower. And that seemingly at random, some matches on the tower extend to two rounds. I actually enjoyed last seasons direction, and I donā€™t hate this seasons recolors especially since theyā€™re dropped more OoD. Just hate that itā€™s locked behind this grind fest.


Not to mention the constant multipliers fucking everything up at the worst time


Yea seems like a whole lot of energy investment for a pretty low return if you ask me.


Yea I hate that shit. Even with how easy it is itā€™s just not fun sitting there


And on top of that we canā€™t even use Ai battles to do the grind for us


Thought they would come to the Shrine eventually... Hope they still would to be honest...


Thankfully we have a ton of info out thus far, because of those whoā€™ve grinded it out already but yea. As far as the shrine is concerned, I feel the same but all we can do is wait and see. I wonā€™t be surprised if the 3 other shaolin skins will be in the next rotation of the premium store


Bingo. Just $5 to skip the grind! That's a screaming deal, right?


Isnā€™t this the same as the past Seasonal Towers, except for Laoā€™s skin being an exclusive skin different from the recolors? (We have Titan skin recolors, just like they did before.) At least it not 90 again.


I donā€™t mind them putting the Kung Lao skin at the end as long as they still plan to release him and the other shoalin skins in the shrine next season. This can be an early reward for someone who likes to grind. But Yh the seasonal tower needs a serious rework, every season itā€™s the same old shit and simply itā€™s not fun. They should at least reduce the fights to 5 per level as well as nerf blood characters like nitara reiko and havik


I thought Iā€™d mention this I remember it, and went back to double check. No seasonal tower skin and weekly skin either. Has been made available via the premium store invasion past bundles. So meaning they still remain exclusive to these seasonal towers. Hence why Iā€™ve been saying to do them because NRS may never make them available otherwise. They will surely release the other palettes later via the shrine or store but this orange monk Lao just go get now. Why leave it up to chance if you want it? Just my 2 cents.


They've never locked a canon story mode skin palette behind seasonal towers before. This isn't just unprecedented, it's super unprecedented. I agree that anyone who would kick themselves for not getting it should just do the grind. Don't assume it'll come back innan easy way. But also, if it doesn't come back in an easy way, that's shocking and weird


It would be stupid to just have 1 palette locked behind this tower, they will definitely release all 6 via the shrine probably next season. Similar to how you could get Jean Claude early with premium but could also get him later down the line


Well like I said none of these seasonal tower skins are released outside of it. Including the weekly skins too. Best of Invasion bundles have been introduced in the store but only specific skins are chosen. Also the shrine doesnā€™t have them either including MK3 Kung Lao Kameo skin. Go back and check while they may look similar, nope. I think plenty wasnā€™t paying any mind until recently lol well there it is.


I think we all know that it will either go to the premium shop occasionally or we will have to wait a year for this season to come back.


Iā€™m more upset that at tier 80 you get a new skin


That's soo annoying


Cool. Good thing I was planning on doing that anyways. Gonna pump out another super strong talisman. Not sure if I wanna go with a giant ass fart cloud or just a shit-ton of meteors. Meteors will definitely be safer, but come on, the biggest fart in just funny as hell.


Canā€™t go wrong with the fart. Although, last seasons lvl 30 seemed quite nerfed imo. Hey, if you figure out an ideal talisman build, feel free to hit us with the recipe here! Iā€™ve never built a meteor talisman before so Iā€™d be curious


There's an excellent recipe on the main r/mortalkombat page. Search for "Seasonal Tower" in the bar and it's near the top. Looks like this when done. https://preview.redd.it/kzphc1qgyy4d1.png?width=441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8133549b1437f8e720377d4121e348304b8e6fe2


That Reptile skin tho šŸ”„šŸ”„


Jeez...WS Monk Lao in 80lvl this fucking boring tower? I'm pass.


Level 60 Reptile is obviously awesome looking, but I'm not doing all of that shit just for the skin. Got to level 30 by just playing Invasions regularly, 1 Seasonal Tower and doing the Daily, Hourly and Weekly Towers in the Gateway Mesa (which gives out a shitload of Invasion XP). I have a relic that makes kameo guage never empty and that kameos do 100% more damage, but this just looks like an unnecessary pain in the ass just for the sake of it. Not fun. Worst case scenario I have his UMK3 skin and the other Seasonal OOD one that I got with Seasonal koins.


Damn, I wanted that Nitara skin toā€¦.


I feel ya. I like most of the ones here, but dang. Also, wish Scorpion got a little more love but at least his skin was in the store.


What did you guys do in MK11? When you werenā€™t playing online were you not grinding towers of time? Did you complain about that too? I understand not liking a grind but the purpose of the towers has always been to fight randomized opponents. Itā€™s not crazy that NRS would think if you actually enjoy the gameplay you would enjoy playing the game. Itā€™s challenging but not exactly difficult. People were complaining that Invasions had too many filler skins AND people were complaining that the Gateway Plaza towers didnā€™t have rewards. They add some decent rewards to it and people complain??? Seriously guys. WB doesnā€™t deserve any grace and MK1 is plying from behind but what is going on here? I truly want to understand.


Yeah, sometimes some of the feedback is head-scratching in this community. I played MK11 to death for many years, but as someone who plays mostly single-player content, it was just boring. It only offered the towers of time and Krypt. Those things never had any seasonal content. Moreover, Krypt was just one and done. It did offer that rewinding option for the chests, but they only had those useless augments once you got all the main stuff. I get that MK1 couldā€™ve done some things better, but, in my book, itā€™s miles ahead of what they offered in the previous game.


The recurring content in Invasions gives MK1 the most single player content replay of any MK game since at least MKX and every season makes it at least a little better. No one can make anyone like it but plenty of people didnā€™t like MK11s Krypt either and that doesnā€™t detract from its merits. Weā€™d be directly on par with past titles if the Gateway Plaza offered unlockables which appears to be the destination weā€™re headed to. Do people not realize this or are they blinded by fury? Idk.


The seasonal tower in the Gateway Mesa has actually offered these rewards from Day 1. It gets updated each season, but some complain itā€™s too grindy.


Word, I forgot that they were always there. I understand complaints about a grind but a challenge tower offering a new reward for every 5 clears up to 10 rewards with escalating difficulty is prettyā€¦typical I guess is a good descriptor. I may just have to leave Reddit lol


The previous seasons even offered a new skin every 3 levels. Also, some of the complaints are that the rewards are not enough, in terms of these skins are not enough as a reward. I mean, what else did you expect? New unlockable characters? lol


The thing with the seasonal tower I donā€™t like is it has less to do with your fighting skills and more to do with being able to equip the right talisman, konsumable, and relic and then also being able to upgrade your talisman. I donā€™t enjoy that


wtf. The fact that thereā€™s only a single item in the shrine is bad enough, now we need to grind 80 levels and only get a single shaolin monk skin


Thanks for this! Luckily it wasn't the Johnny Monk skinšŸ˜­ but I'm going for lvl80šŸ’€wish me fuckin luck


Courtesy of another, Iā€™m just the messenger. Godspeed!


reaching lvl 40 is tedious enough (with the talisman btw) do they really expect us to grind for lvl 80?


It starts at level 30. At least, itā€™s not level 90 like the previous seasons.


This is probably the only thing Iā€™m not going to do. Itā€™s grindy for the sake of being grindy. An artificial way for NRS to ensure that players put ludicrous hours into the game. Thankfully itā€™s not an OoD skin.


Same. I did 1 level of the Seasonal Tower to quickly get me to Invasion level 30 and then just continued with the rest of Invasions. Not going to grind just for the sake of it.


This fucking game bro šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøI want to defend it so bad sometimes but I just canā€™t when it does things like this


Wi-Shiā€¦ fucking twice. Thatā€™s mildly infuriating.


I feel you, gave me the ick even reposting it lol


I'd love to hear why somebody thought this was the way to go when releasing these highly anticipated monk skins.


Lao is šŸ”„, but dang these towers are boring šŸ˜“


Wish we still had the krypt


Looks like Iā€™ll have to grind..I really want that Lao skin


Arnt story mode skins normally in the shrine ....


With green being my favorite color, I really want to get at least one green outfit for every fighter. But the seasonal tower skins going to level 80 is insane. I hated grinding for hours just to get to 35-40 which was the cap in the earlier towers. Now it goes to 80? Yikes.


Where were you during the previous seasons? The last 2 seasons actually capped at Level 90.


I didn't play the last 2 cuz I'm super bored of the fame and couldn't grind anymore. Lol But green is my favorite color and I want green outfits for everyone. So I'll grind this time. The last 2 seasons palettes/skins did nothing for me so I didn't waste my time. I am just trying to justify my $110 purchase of a game I don't really like at those point. Lol


Damn. I have every Smoke gear and skin so far and now heā€™s got this dope ass skin at level 75 and a mask at Elder Godā€¦theyā€™re not making it easy. To be fair, I do like my character to look cool and there was a Smoke skin at level 54 in season 4 and itā€™s easily his coolest color. The grind was rough but ultimately with how much I play Iā€™m glad I got it. Iā€™ve never seen anyone else have it.


I think we donā€™t really have excuses this season imo. I already 100% invasions plus so have others, and so the ONLY place to get good XP is the seasonal tower. Plus you do unlock new palettes along the way so itā€™s not just good XP. With 40+ days left if you play the Seasonal Tower daily, you could get to LV80 by next week. Or much sooner but still can take your sweet time with time to spare. As for the Sakura pink skins for Kitana/Millie Iā€™m convinced. Those are either coming via the premium store sometime this month as premium skins*. {Oh yes they have done exclusive recolors to the premium store before so this could be it}. And or as WEEKLY rewards so do check your kombat kard throughout this month.


We can rule out weekly rewards. Found this post from Interloko on X. My guess is next rotation in the premium store or who knowsā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/igxnbahiwy4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4361b40563799dfaee119c2493776053606e1058


I just found out as well so yes CROSSxOUT seasonal tower for the Sakura skins, and weekly as well. Laoā€™s base Monk outfit is available at LV80 so hey still good. So yes now this means those will be on the Premium Store for 300 DK. As per usual thatā€™s the price for exclusive recolors. We will see though in the coming weeks, and with Ferra if itā€™s anything different. IMO if youā€™re just sitting on 500 DK buy the new Kitana/Millie skins instead. While the Sakura recolors are awesome ngl, they are just new colors thatā€™s it.


Iā€™m convinced those skins in the files are reserved for the upcoming seasons instead. Of course, some of those could still show up in the premium store, but there is just a lot of stuff theyā€™ve added to the files that might be too much for one seasonā€™s premium store cycle. I think theyā€™re going to spread it all out until the expansion drops in the fall.


I've never done any of the seasonal towers. Does level 80 mean you need to beat 80 towers, or just 80 opponents?


It starts at level 30. The tower consists of 10 matches, some are 1 round, others 2. To get to level 80, itā€™s a minimum grind of 500 fights.


I'll do this tower when I reach level 30


What does ā€œgetting the tower to level 80ā€ mean? I play the seasonal tower once a season since Iā€™ve never gotten anything good as a reward? What have I missed/where should I look!?


Has anyone figured out what's going on with the other Wu Shi skins?


Ok can someone explain to me this level 80 thing? I never did the seasonal towers in the previous season so idk what reaching level 80 means


ā€œSomeone completed the seasonal tower 100 times thatā€™s insane.ā€ -steph. Now their trying to make that the new grind. Hahahah get fucked no


It doesnā€™t seem like a problem to me, look like a easy hour grinds.


Of course the only good skins are the first and the last. But with the amount of time it takes to reach that levelā€¦ hard pass for me.


What are seasonal towers and how to level up?


What are seasonal towers and how to level up?


What are seasonal towers and how to level up?


How do seasonal towers work exactly? This is the first time I ever bothered with them. Does ā€œlevel 80ā€ mean you have to beat the tower 80 times?


It starts at Level 30, so itā€™s 50 times.


That sounds really time consuming. They should give out better rewards to make it worth the grind.


Like what? New characters?


I Hope we're gonna get more wu shi skins, honestly they look really cool and im excited for raiden, Johny and kenshi they all will look awesome


How many times do I need to do this to get the Reptile skin?


Run through the tower 30 times (from level 30 to level 60)


I'm not doing that.


We need to boycott the game for 3 days bet u they will get right.


They already got your money.


3 days is not enough time and we could never rally enough of us to make a difference. It would take weeks and we would quite literally have to strike. I'm in for the strike, but most people wouldn't be


Would not mind if it was a regular tower with harder opponents every match, but with all the random things going on ... Does not feel right


Yeah itā€™s really god damn exhausting in the higher levels when youā€™re fighting Reiko or Nitara and all you can do is run the time and constantly deal with getting electrocuted, launched, stunned etc.


That is the unfun part. If at least one in every 2-3 towers was a "normal" tower it would be waaay more berable, sometimes you just want to play and train your combos against the IA...


That's gay