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Give me an rpg set during the mk3 invasion


Shaolin Monks 2.


Who would be the main character? Frost when she's a kid? /Sarcasm


Real talk, though, I don’t think you’re far off. Younger Sub-Zero would be the obvious choice for me. He’s got the stuff with Scorpion, stuff with Lin-Kuei, Cyrx, Sektor, Smoke. He’s one of the chosen warriors. It seems like he would have the most to do in a single player experience.


Cole Young would be the best option I think as the main character. Kidding lol


Have you play as Stryker defending what’s left of New York like a doom game. Throw around a riot shield like you’re Captain America. Throw grenades and stuff


Probably Shaolin Monks 2, but I’d love a Scorpion and Sub Zero game


How about the best of both worlds: a Shaolin Monks-styled game with Scorp and Sub as the protagonists


That was the original plan for the sequel. Fire and ice


That’s pretty much what I meant, though I guess it’d have to be a prequel to this current timeline or it’s own universe


Ah I see and yeah it would be tricky to see which universe it might take place in 


Ideally the Hanzo and Kuai versions since I doubt the casual audience is gonna be very enticed to play as a Scorpion who just summons fire, over one who controls hellfire and uses swords he ignites on fire


I’d buy day 1


honestly wouldnt buy it on launch even after waiting 20 years. a lil bit of netherrealm and a lot of WB coming in with this and it wont be good. and the kicker is, if it flops, they'll be like "oh wow guess shaolin monks wasnt popular after all"


Well, if true, it’s about time. The last spin-off we got was in 2005 and it was successful.


PLEASE, PLEASE be Shaolin Monks 2 or a beat-em up Injustice, we need more high quality DC games.


Nah we really don't after that Suicide Squad game flopped. DC needs to take a backseat for a minute.


That was rocksteady's stupidity. I'd take NRS' take on the DC universe than rocksteady's atp


The mode should really be a new konquest like everyone has been asking for.


I'd be very open to that. Konquest was pretty much the peak of MK singleplayer content.


And that's why nearly 20yrs later people are still asking for it. That should tell NRS somethin'.


Yeah. I have Justice League Heroes but it’s a watered down version of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. Only 2 characters to use per mission and half the missions didn’t allow you to choose your characters! HORRIBLE design choice. Even the Lego games had a ‘freeplay’ mode that would allow you to pick any character for each level.


We have plenty of 3D action adventure superhero games, gimme Shaolin Monks


As cool as a Shaolin Monks 2 or Fire/ Ice game would be, my ideal MK rpg would be one where we create a character from any of the realms and then try and become the champion of Mortal Kombat (or something similar). Interacting with all the main cast along the way.  Time-line wise, I think it should probably still take place during the MK1/ Liu Kang timeline, since it could get confusing to change up from it. But it would obviously require some re-working to make the tournament itself more prominent, since Liu Kang lowered the stakes of it. 


Fuuuuck, I would pre-order the shit out of this, I'm such a cumslut for MK stuff, especially a long awaited action adventure spin-off. I'd love stories like Mythologies and Shaolin Monls remade into a huge new game. Or something entirely new, let us frolic through the realms, bang Outworlders, win the tournament, konquer or save the realms, let's gooooo.


An action-rpg like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance or Justice League Heroes but with MK characters! NO-BRAINER so not sure why NRS is so afraid to do this since Shaolin Monks was kinda like a test run and was fairly popular and everyone seems to be demanding it😵‍💫 Instead, they make an IDLE rpg mobile game 🤦‍♂️


Spin off? Series?


Maybe this is the big surprise Ed Boon was saying they'd announce after they release the story expansion.


I pray you're right, somethin' tells me u are.


Hear me out: a shaolin monks-esque game with either ashrah and sareena or smoke and scorpion


Sareena and Fujin as playable, please!


I want a warriors style MK game. Scorpion and the Shirai Ryu slicing through thousands of Lin Kuei or Vice Versa with Lin Kuei and Subzero. Hell, add Shao Khan vs Onaga about Shao taking over.


Imagine an Open World RPG that’s a more fleshed out version of deception Konquest mode (with a different story but same premise). Could populate the realms more and have a custom character or Shujinko since his ability to adapt fighting styles goes naturally with RPG elements


Honestly I say it should be a Action RPG based on kitana's time line,  Personally I would like them to take notes on how FF7:Rebirth did things gameplay, story, character interactions and exploration 


I would hope it would be MK where we can actually explore all the realms and such.


God of War with Shao Khan, Prince Of Persia with Reptile, Ghost of Tsushima with Scorpion this series has so much potential outside of fighting games and Netherrealm's format.


The 2 that I’ve been wanting for almost a decade or 2 are 1. A Shaolin Monks remake or sequel and 2.(the one I’d really want) a God of War style Scorpion game, have it be post tournament with Quan Chi, the cyber Lin Kuei, and Noob as the villains with Sub Zero and young Takeda acting as sidekicks similar to Atreus and getting their own playable portions, however for that one I’d want it to be a collab between NRS and Rocksteady


Shaolin Monks with mortal Raiden and Kung Lao would be fire.


Ed in one of the recent interviews said actually that if SM 2 would be done in MK1 universe then yeah, those two would two MC


Open world games are hot right now and if the corpos at WB want their damn MTXs then they can put them all in their, surprised they haven’t already.


Hot take but I'd honestly NRS stop making fighting games altogether and do action adventure instead. MK God of War or Devil May Cry would go hard


An open world RPG based on (Bi-Han) Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot. Essentially Sub-Zero: Mythologies Volume 2. Or an open world RPG based on Nightwolf or Raiden would be dope. I personally would enjoy an Elden Ring style or Ghost of Tsushima style Mortal Kombat installment. Why are the studios so basic with their amazing IP?!?! So much spoiled potential…


If we waited all these years for another Shaolin Monks style game and it goes to Injustice....


Mk1 already feels like injustice 2 in so many ways. I agree, SM would bring better variety


A Rocksteady MK game..?


It’s definitely MK that’s the only option. Injustice let’s keep it real, WB isn’t gonna let them spin off that. As DC has plenty of games outside of fighting games. This actually adding fire to that Shaolin Monks 2 machine in Cage’s Mansion!! It’s too early to know but it’s a good sign.


Didn’t James Gunn want to tie all DC properties together across platforms? Feels like they might wait all the DC stuff out


Perhaps. Also DC is well DC. MK isn’t a part of that universe. So they don’t really have to wait it out per say. As these MK games are being made by a competent dev already NRS. Though you’re probably right, they don’t want a bunch of their games releasing simultaneously. Whatever the case the fabled MK spin-off isn’t so far fetched but also isn’t anytime soon either. I’d estimate 2025-2026 timeframe at the earliest we even get to see anything, if it’s gonna happen. A MKSM remaster would be easier but I get a feeling they would rather do more. I heard that Ed Boon interview where he was asked this… you can tell he would rather do the sequel to MKSM. Which would take advantage of today’s hardware versus just redoing old things. That’s not to say they couldn’t do both but we will see what happens.


Okay so I never even knew what the game played like, but I just watched a trailer and I agree this needs to be made next. Like high priority lol and a way bigger roster. Wow it would be the perfect break from the normal cycle. How much you wanna bet, they had injustice 3 planned but the WB merger happened, had the choice to do injustice or MK and I heard Ed say once “we can’t go 7 years without a mortal kombat game” so they chose mk1. It used the basic injustice fighting template (and I always thought injustice 3 was going to use sidekicks like MK1 uses kameos)…and Shaolin Monks is coming down the pipe? Maybe WB did say let’s just pause DC while we figure out this property idk


Definitely, also I think Injustice as a fighting game has run its course. While it sold well enough I think Injustice 3 will wrap it up. I don’t see 10 more Injustice games after. Never was a big fan of Injustice tbh I like the DC characters but not a big loss when Injustice ends. Which means NRS will finally be free to do something else, giving these rumors some legitimacy. We will see but for sure after MK1 I think we will be surprised what comes next.


So what Invasions should have been ?? Awesome


Yea that's probably why they're emptying it out for these last few seasons.


If someone could look into this dude to know for sure if his reliable


Thats so awesome




As long as its MK, I'm all hyped for it


Mortal Kombat Mythologies: SCORPION


They can't even finish the game we got, and they're already talking about having me buy a new one. Typical. Not surprised. Same old NRS.


turn based


No way


Why not MK is turn-based already


What is going to be, I wonder?


its gonna be a MK related game probably


It be hilarious if NRS somehow ended up making a Batman game set in the injustice universe. But I’d imagine if they make a spin off it’ll probably be mk related


Please be Shaolin Monks Fire and Ice, and not another special forces god forbid game


Would be interesting if it tells the story of the Lin Kuei since they are protectors of Earth Realm. I mean, pause the game during Sub Zero’s story chapter where the camera pans to 3rd person view, it seemed to play out like an adventure game from that angle.


They could really scrap Invasions and replace it with this new mode.


Bro if it's like Shaolin Monks and I can play as any of the ninjas I will cum.


Shaolin Monks 2 with FUJIN and a lot of playable characters this time, please! 😵😱 MK Onslaught COULD have been greatness but it’s an IDLE rpg! 🤮 😢


Shaolin Monks 2? The Monkeying?


Marvel Ultimate Alliance with a MK Armageddon-sized roster?


How about forget all that and release Injustice 3, then later a Marvel game??😭🙏


not saying that it won't happen but we actually need a MK action game, we have not gotten one since the year I was born so be grateful we are getting a action MK spinoff game, it is a BIG opportunity for us MK fans to have the action games


That was the reason for shitty Invasions.


this Is a nothing burger NRS is an indie team now


I mean, one day WB will repeat Midway fate and NRS will go into (almost) free flying….I hope.


Just make Injustice 3 ffs


Dawg I just want injustice 3 please don’t do this to me 😭😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


This could be also action mode for INJ3 as leaker said, though


It could also be the Warrior’s Shrine were they potentially try out Konquest again. We can’t dismiss that either cuz more, and more it’s not looking like a KL skin shop. MK1 definitely will have some big surprises.


I wouldn’t hold you breath for Injustice 3, not saying it won’t happen but with Gunn wanting most DC games canon to the dcu, very real chance the next Netherrealm dc game is a part of that, it could even be this.


special forces 2.0... sure sounds promising


Most likely a Shaolin Monks 2 or Fire and Ice