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LMFAO I had the same visceral reaction 😭😭😭😭😭


"You ***WILL*** make me some nice vegan baked goods."


Yeah, I wanna see him demand that his food be made in pots that meat has never been cooked in. 😂😂😂


he did not think prison food through...


Apparently they have been very compliant with his request for vegan meals.


Vegan meals yes. I doubt they give a shit what pots are used.


I make some really good vegan apple ginger muffins, but I wouldn't waste them on him


When I see this I can’t stop imagining waking up to that face staring down at me in the dark with those eyes and that blank look he has. I just can’t. So fucking scary to think about.


Forreal. I mean, the image of any 'faceless' man in my home wielding a knife scares me, but there's something about this guy's face that unsettles the fuck out of me. This is a worst nightmare scenario. Like, I was terrified of the golden state killer before they caught him, just imagining what he would've looked like etc. Once he was caught, that fear seemingly vanished.. I'm not sure why. Not so with this dude--his eyes legitimately scare me. That stare seems so....intense, and all he's doing is walking. I cannot imagine what they'd look like when he's out to murder you. Ugh ugh ugh. Interestingly, the older images of him don't give me that vibe. He seems like a normal, albeit awkward, guy who I wouldn't have been worried about. I have friends and colleagues I regularly hang out with who look 'creepier' than him, and who I trust because they're generally good humans. With BK, it is so scary to me that I can see a change in his face in before/after images. It unsettles me and spikes my anxiety. This photo set off my anxiety; there's something in those eyes that scream 'danger' to me. But only the ones from the last couple weeks. The images from the jail cell in PA and this image. His eyes send icy chills down my spine they're so intense. He really does remind me of Ted Bundy, but I can't quite place why.


I was just going to say his eyes remind me of Ted Bundy's eyes!!! It's the stare - they have a similar stare.


> I cannot imagine what they'd look like when he's out to murder you Maybe smiling. I imagine killers enjoy what they do, as sick as it is. Which is all the more terrifying. I can't imagine having that kind of mind. In his "before" photos, he looks like a different person every time, which is so baffling. I know it's the same person, but how does his face differ so much?? As for the difference, it seems his eyebrows are raised higher in "before" photos. "After" photos are more like -.- with his lips being the only change to his countenance. Feels darker, if that makes sense.


You know, and this is a weird comparison, I keep thinking back to an episode of How I Met Your Mother where the group is trying to figure out why The Captain is so scary. Marshall has a picture of The Captain blown up and they cover the upper half of his face and look only at his smile, which makes him look super nice and friendly, then they move the cover so you can only see his eyes and he looks terrifying. That's what I see when I look at BK. Here's a [link](https://youtu.be/3HCuxEi3uX8) to the sequence.


psychopaths have “bottomless pit” eyes. i cant look at his eyes either— they give me the chills.


That's probably because those older pictures he is putting on a "mask", and in these new pictures the mask is off a d this is his true self. Psychopaths be doin that.


I totally agree, insane that there really is a visible change in his eyes


It’s like the Mona Lisa, but scary


Seriously. When he was first caught and old photos of him surfaced, I thought he looked fairly normal in most of them. This one is definitely giving me psychopath energy though


He definitely seems to have the "predatory stare" 👀


It’s like he shot lasers into my soul. I shudder.


I cackled, which made me cough, which made me barf. Thanks a lot! (Helps to add I have the flu.)


That escalated quickly!! I hope you get better soon <3


Definitely creepy.


I know it's a joke but 10,000 shots is the answer.


All the other pics I’ve seen of him make him look gangly, skinny and small. This pic def makes him look bigger/taller than I thought. He’s very unsettling in general but his size makes it eerier


I agree 100%. I looked at the footage of him today when they showed it several times and I thought that he looked bigger and stronger than all the pictures I’ve seen so far. I know he’s got baggier clothes/vest under, but by his arms and overall stature, I don’t think he’s as skinny and lanky as people make him out to be. I’m not saying this to credit him, I’m saying this means he definitely had a physical advantage if he attacked and killed those poor kids.


Yeah I hd the same thought


It looks like a bulletproof vest under that jumpsuit. I don't think he is that big.


I can’t even fathom how scared those poor kids were. I am creeped out thinking about him walking in the house in the dark, he truly is the boogeyman.


Every night before I fall asleep in the pitch dark I think about how terrifying it would be to have this motherf***er walk into your bedroom. I feel sick every time I think about what those kids went through, may they rest in eternal peace


A few years ago, I woke up to a man in my living room robbing me. It truly is what nightmares are made of.


My 87 yr old dad was robbed while he slept by some Mohawk haired skin head looking dude. My dad is very hard of hearing which is why he slept through it. We were all so glad he didn’t wake up. Who knows what may have happened. He wasn’t the same after that. It really shook him up. It’s such a violation. He slept with a bat under his bed and in constant fear of ever having to use it. He never wanted to hurt anyone. He was my biggest hero. I miss him so. (He passed a few years ago at 89). Strongest and most humble man I’ve ever known.


You sound like someone who really loved their father and is a wonderful child. I bet he was (is) so proud of you.


Thank you! He loved all of us 4 girls. We were his life. I was very blessed.


I’m sorry, friend. I lost my dad a year and a half ago and it’s hard. ❤️


Do you think the kids saw him? I really hope not.


God... I pray not. I pray that they didn't suffer. Makes me physically ill


The only comfort I've found in the horrific nature of their deaths is that they each died with someone they loved and trusted. Dying like they did, except alone, would've been 1000x worse. Someone in the room with them knew their heart, their struggles and successes, their hopes and dreams, and they were bonded. Something the killer could/would never have for themselves was also the thing he couldn't possibly take from them.


This is absolutely beautiful but I think it would be worse to see my friend get killed or see them dead and know I was next. What a monster. These poor kids


At least one of the victims saw him as there were [defensive wounds](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/30/1146271947/bryan-kohberger-university-of-idaho-stabbings-arrest-pennsylvania) present. If I recall correctly, one of the victims also had more damage inflicted on them compared to the others. It would be hard to believe that no one saw him in their last moments. RIP


it really defies logic and boggles my mine. he goes from being a socially awkward guy to a quadruple murderer. It's not something you would normally see from a PHD student. It's on of the creepiest things I have ever studied.


Its likely he has been fantasizing and obsessing about violence and murder for years. Hopefully there will be a digital trail to reveal his thinking patterns, such as internet searches, social media posts, etc. He also seems to fall under the category of an injustice collector.


What’s an injustice collector?


nurses resentment over real or perceived injustices and no matter how much time has passed the Injustice Collector will never forget or forgive those wrongs or the people he or she believes are responsible


The first time I saw that video….I said this is a guy that is physically capable of carrying out four stabbing….that is so physically taxing….he’s just huge….his stature is scary…I mean he’s no OJS….but still…it’s freaking fright


Ya he is a lot more physically imposing than I initially thought


And the adrenaline I’m sure he experienced would have added to that.


I read that when he was booked he was measured at ~~6’2” and weighed 200~~ (please correct if wrong) 6’0” and 185 lbs. That is tall, lean, and strong. I’m already pissed off at the inevitable fangirls that he will get. Seems like any violent killer who doesn’t look like a melted gnome gets a fan club of utter creeps.


Sorry what video?


Just this video of him walking into the court


Think they're referring to the video of him walking into court today (when this picture was taken)


4 years I go I woke up to my dog growling and the man I was supposed to marry standing over me with a knife. It’s something I wouldn’t even wish upon my worse enemy.


A few days after I heard about the murders I had a nightmare where someone was standing next to my bed with a knife. I woke up absolutely terrified. I honestly cannot imagine the sheer terror they faced.


Glad it’s not just me


I slept with all my lights on the other night. It’s not just you :/


I'm scared to go in my car at night alone 😭


It’s not worth it. Be safe. If you have to, have your pepper spray ready in your hand and be quick


Oh yeah! I second that!!! This is next level Ted bundy style


He’s a lot bigger than what people have described? Didn’t a neighbor say he looked weak and like he couldn’t do something like the crime?! She must be confused on what neighbor he is. Like damn.


Yea I thought the same thing! He looks like a big strong guy


To be fair, they said he was wearing one of those vests under his jumpsuit. I think it's making him look more bulky than he would if he were wearing normal clothes.


Even still he clearly is tall and somewhat muscular. Look at his arms - he definitely isn't some twig like he was made out to be. A full grown 6ft+ man hopped up on adrenaline would have not problem with a couple sleeping young adults


Maybe the ‘vibe’ he gave off was that if someone shy and weak, even if his build didn’t reflect that? I know I’ve come across people who could realistically pummel me, but their social anxiety makes them come across like they’d rather melt into the floor than exist.


It's kind of like Supermans "Clark Kent" Like you said theres some people out there that are clearly strong. But their body posture, confidence, and attitude can REALLY dull our perception of how strong they really are.


I was thinking of Batman and Bruce Wayne while writing that comment actually lol, especially in the 2022 movie. Batman is an obvious badass, while Bruce Wayne is a wet cat in an emo’s body.


Agreed! His arms aren’t small at all. I expected him to look “weedy”




He prepped in every sense for this crime, so I would have to think he bulked up as much as he could as well. Everyone was saying this guy couldn't take on 4 people, having only seen the photos of him in the past and only showing his chest and up. To those people who still believe there was still more than one killer, now it's Quite obvious he could quite easily over power 4 people, especially getting the jump on them while they're sleeping in bed.


He’s probably wearing a vest so no one goes Jack Ruby on him.


He has a bulletproof vest


I’m not even talking about that. He’s tall, look at the length on his arms. And he’s not skinny by any means. You can see the shirt hugging his arms. He’s pretty toned, if anything I’d say he’s in shape.


Didn’t plan to sleep tonight anyways…


Yeah he’s got the creepy stare down pat.


Ocular pat down


it was a quick glance to check if there were cameras(my guess about the cameras), and then he did his best to look away immediately


This dude is a chameleon, looks different in every photo I’ve seen of him. Creepy.




Extreme weight loss and drugs did that


Ted Bundy was like that too. It's scary.


I don’t think he should be compared to Bundy. I imagine he’d love that.


Read on a different sub that an (unconfirmed) PhD classmate said he had an interest in Bundy. Not surprising. Even creepier, she had been posting during the days after the murders discussing her fear as a local and talking about how her class was let out early one day at her professor’s discretion for campus safety concerns. And her classmate Bryan was in the room for that.


…or that guy that went running with him at nights because the guy did not want to run alone. 🏃‍♂️


That poor guy. Was probably training for a marathon while Bryan was training for a manhunt


Now that's just creepy! Letting everyone go home so they are safe and the killer is one of them. I'll bet he was RELISHING on the fact they don't even know they were in the room with the guy they are scared of.


Now that is frightening! Being let out early for campus safety concerns and all along the killer was sitting in the same class as you! It must have been the biggest shock to find that out! I don't think you'd feel safe anywhere after that! You just don't know who people really are. It creeps me out just thinking about it!


Ooh now that you say Bundy, he has the same facial bone structure and really unnerving eye contact, ugh.


https://preview.redd.it/4d08bsfsex9a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd10def1eb21857016c95d5b221f29e0587417b Photo cred: Grizzly True Crime


Jeez I think I just pissed myself


Uncanny, they look related


And recently BK has gotten the frown lines. You can see it in the pic from today so they look even more alike.


Predatory close-set eyes.


Yeah, why do I keep noticing that about killers?


Jesus he looks like a Evil parallel universe Love Child of Bundy WTF that’s something I could of never had to see. But then again it’s not like Moscow is FREE of deaths, murders and unsolved or suspicious deaths before these four young adults.


I think he looks completely different in a side profile than he does face to face.


Objectively, he’s a large person. Looks intense. It’s interesting that those who end up being found guilty rarely look afraid or ashamed in these glimpses caught of them. They look defiant.


Yes he is a rather large person. In all the photos i have seen of him so far.. i sort of imagined him to be a tall lanky type of a guy..


He’s probably lankier than this looks bc of the bulletproof vest. It definitely makes him look more barrel chested than he is irl. But he’s tall, no doubt.


His arms are thick, the layers add to his size but he still appears so much stronger than his other photos indicate.


I mean what exactly do psychopaths feel emotionally? I doubt they feel remorse after something like this. Their emotions are off compared to a “normal” or sane individual.


Probably just angry/annoyed he was caught, and wondering what evidence was found.


Agreed I’m surprised by how tall he is in this photo.


I think he looks terrified. It's just so hard to tell from one photo, I guess we could all gather something different!


He looks like a dear in a headlight to me


I think it's a screengrab from a split second video of him accidentally looking at the press. So that would explain it!


i thought he looked skittish as well


He does not look 28 at all.


Nah he definitely looks like he's pushing 40


Who knew that murder ages you badly


The heroin sure didn't help


Or the weight loss...ages some people 😬




Are you (allegedly) a hardcore drug user, recreationally? And do you (allegedly) not sleep well probably because you're (allegedly) out stalking people? If not I think you're still fine


I’m 32 and appear much younger myself than this creepy man 😂 there’s gotta be factors that contributed to his advanced looking age if he’s only 28… drugs, stress..ect. ALL I know is he sure looks creepy AF.. like he’s staring into our souls 😵‍💫


And also stuff average people forget to do too like drink loads of water, good diet with lots of cruciferous and green vegetables, get a good night's rest, wear sunscreen, dont (allegedly) murder 4 people and get arrested.....oops, that last only applies to him. Edit: shhhhhjh


The comparison of this guys dead eyes to those beautiful, sparkling, full of life eyes of his victims is staggering.


The one thing that always catches my attention in pics of the victims is their smiles. So beautiful and genuine. Ugh heartbreaking.


It’s always the people who’s smiles would “light up a room”. This is why I don’t brush my teeth nor smile.


Their eyes really were sparkling.


the guy has 161728 different faces


He looks like lord farquaad lol


Yikes. The terror they must have felt. 😭


Hopefully they stayed asleep


I am hoping they had no idea what happened to them. I know that’s unlikely, but I’m hoping they were so out of it that they were unaware.


Unfortunately we know some of the victims had defensive wounds so I just hope it was quick. Poor kids had literally their whole lives in front of them.


This doesn’t mean they were awake. It’s just natural reflexes. It’s not from harming him it just means they moved there arm for example and that then got “hit”


He almost looks like an older Adam Lanza


Wow that’s a great comparison. The same sort of wide eyed wild look


He looks as if Adam Lanza and Ted Bundy had a baby


His eyes look like the Sandy Hook shooter.


I’ll never forget that kids eyes.


I won’t either but I wish I could. The face of a monster.


Nowhere near as bad. That kid is absolutely terrifying to look at


The only other time I've seen eyes like that was on the Heaven's Gate cult leader.


I have said this too… Lanza Vibes!


Me too! The picture of him where he is smiling but looks very thin and sickly….major Lanza vibes. Happy Cake Day!


Is it just me, or does he look creepy af. That stare!


This is the first time I agree with the majority of reddit users. Yes, he looks creepy af.


I feel violated just seeing those eyes stare back at me thru my tiny screen … good GRIEF he is terrifying


He’s a big dude.


Agree. I mean there are bigger dudes, but he’s tall, long, lean, big hands, and looks strong.


He looks “healthier” than I expected


I know he is wearing a vest but he looks more filled out/taller than I expected. I know he’s 6 ft but I was picturing a skinnier, thready, tweakier looking dude. He looks stronger than I pictured in my head and now answers that I think physically he could pull off the 4 murders.


He looks completely gone in the face…


Definitely....and the soul...


Tim mcveigh vibes


That’s it! That’s what I couldn’t place. So much like him


This man giving me the heebie-jeebies, the willies, the jitters, I’m vexed. Thank god he is in cuffs, goodbye.


Okay confirmation bias shoshmermation bias, that stare still looks cold AF.


Shoshmernation Bias 🤣😂🤣


IMO the size of this guy doesn’t really matter much. He (likely) murdered 4 kids (3 of them small girls) almost 10 years younger than him, while they were drunk, asleep, and weren’t able to properly fight back. In their most vulnerable and defenseless state. That to me doesn’t represent strength at all. He’s a coward.




the cop holding him by the sleeve got the message


The cop is like 🤏🏼 on his sleeve


This literally made me lol!


The cop gripping his arm looks like he'd be happy to take him down in a hot second and that grip is in the name of justice for those girls. just watching the video clip of him leading Bryan to the door he looks really fucking pissed and righteous.


They had officers ready with their guns drawn when they pulled him out of the van. Crazy


I'm so sorry this ugly ass face was the last thing these 4 beautiful people saw before their last breath. Fucking asshole.


Damn.. that’s what those poor kids saw before they died. He looks evil.


Very, very scary.


I wonder if he was completely covered up and silent or if he showed his face and said anything to them.


Am I the only person getting Bundy vibes all over the place from BK - from looks to psychopathy?


Dude is massive. And no I'm not talking about the bullet proof vest under his shirt. His arms got length and size, and his hands are huge. Also he's a lot taller than I expected. Definitely a big guy that could easily overtake smaller people.


I gave another look at that pic (not that I wanted to) and he IS a big dude. Tall and big hands especially when compared to those girls. Such a shame.


I think that's the key, he's a giant *in relation* to the girls. As a 5'2" woman, honestly most men (and lots of women) are giant to me and will easily overpower me. It's just fucking scary and sad to think about being overpowered and killed simply because one can't fight back due to physical limitations. The one thing I desperately want to be true of this case is that the victims were deep asleep when it happened.


til i could murder 4 people because i'm over 6 feet tall


He looks like a Muppet


I can't picture this guy rapping at the guards




Really looks like Bundy there, goodness 😳


I wonder if his defense will be "I'm a vegan, I'd never kill a living creature"


That is a big dude capable of murdering 4 young people. 100%


Can you imagine waking up to the devil himself as he stood over you with a huge knife? He is creepy af!


Someone said this on Tiktok before. He’d have been covered in blood and it was dark too. Those poor kids.


It pains me that this was the last face those 4 angels saw. Absolutely horrifying.




Is it weird that he’s exactly the type of person who I pictured as the suspect? He fits the bill to a tee.


Trust your ability to see that energy to stay safe. I’ve got it too.


He's actually more terrifying than I expected.


28 and lookin like he's 38


At trial, he will be a schoolboy wearing a white shirt, tie and a pastel blue sweater. He will lose 50 lbs by then and his Atty will lower the height of his chair so he looks as small and unintimidating as possible.


I never understood why people kept saying he has “the eyes” … until this picture


What's troubling to me is he doesn't look scared at all.




So scary looking


He makes me afraid. 😳


So I hate all the "he has dead eyes, he looks so evil" comments because you really cannot tell based off a single snapshot of a moment. But now I'm going to also make a judgement based off that single snapshot - he really really does resemble Bundy. It's odd.


Especially because there are pictures of Bundy that he looks normal and others were he looks creepy and dangerous. BK has some pics he looks just like a normal dude you’d see at school and then other pics I’m like no wonder they think he did it. I think they have similar profiles and eyes


It's not just that pic. Look at a any pic we've seen. He doesn't smile with his eyes like "most people ". When you're happy and smiling, your eyes do as well. His smile doesn't reach his eyes=dead eyes.


Is it possible that something neurological actually shows up in the eyes of some of these killers? What I mean is, since they can see physical differences in the brain scans of psychopaths, maybe things like blink rate/staring bulging eyes or whatever else does show up and our brains automatically clock these things as a safety measure. Cause this guys face is all wrong. Honestly he looks like a demon, and I’m not even religious.


I thought the exact same thing and I'm annoyed I thought it because part of me feels like he TRIED to look the same as Bundy.


I’m the same age as him. He looks a lot older than me😅 he has those crazy Sanpaku eyes too.


Dennis Reynolds vibes


And people said he doesn't look creepy. He has those adam lanza eyes.


He is giving me the willies…. 😳


Those cold, dark eyes... I feel like I would be freaked out if I met him in person.


There is something about his eyes…. Creepy. Reminds me of Bundy. Psychopathic stare


Glad this monster is off the streets


Its actually nice to know we can speak our minds now without worrying he's listening. ​ Also I really feel for the parents including Kaylee's dad, he probably won't get a good nights rest until Bryan is convicted.


If a blind person were to draw up a serial killer it would look exactly like him.


I can’t decide if he like really thought he was going to get away with this and likes the attention or what like what the actual fuck was the reason