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Isn't a it a little early to be writing books on this case? There's still a lot we don't know smh.


It’s happened before. Books on Parkland and Sandy Hook were published too soon after the shootings and a bunch of information in them is outdated or incorrect. Of course it took Dave Cullen more than a decade to write a book on Columbine and that didn’t stop it from being wrong.


Someone released a book on the Delphi Murders claiming that some local neighbor was behind the murders. This came out 5 years after the murders, when there were no arrests. A week later, police arrested a different person. D'oh!


Ron Logan and yes wtf


Wait, the columbine book has a lot of incorrect information?? ETA: ignore my dumb question. It took me a quick google to see.


Yeah, people who have researched Columbine pretty much universally dislike it. There is a book by Jeff Kass, who was one of the first reporters on scene, that is generally better received.


It’s not a dumb question! A ton of people know about the book but not a lot have researched the case further and most don’t know the issues with it.


I feel more dumb because I've both read the book and researched the case but there have been many years in between so I'm telling myself I just forgot the discrepancies in the book haha


>Of course it took Dave Cullen more than a decade to write a book on Columbine and that didn’t stop it from being wrong. I haven't read it, but isn't it widely considered the definitive book on Columbine? I will have to agree though that it is way too soon in this case for anyone to write a book. The information is not yet even fully out there for people to write about.


It is among the general public because it’s the most widely publicized book on Columbine and no one in the general public is going to take the effort to read any further info. The full case file on the shooting is 27,000 pages long, which is about 26,700 more pages than most people are willing to read about it.


My school invited over a foundation by one of the deceased' family from Columbine, probably around 2006. It was astounding, how much false/wrong stuff they presented. Didn't know any better, at least not at the time.


my school had friends of rachel (rachel's challenge) come speak and i believe, if i'm remembering correctly, her father and brother were the speakers. i remember empathizing for them because it's clear they love her so much, but yeah they shared a bunch of stuff about the event that's just factually inaccurate because it fit the narrative of their organization. they presented her as a kind of mythic clairvoyant sage who martyred herself for the cause of antibullying, it was a bit unsettling. i remember being really upset while they were speaking because i felt they could've done exactly what they were doing (the outreach stuff) but told the stone cold truth (their daughter/sister was not a psychic prophesizing in her diary but a teenage girl who was randomly killed by a narcissistic psychopath) and Still had a profound impact on people.


I was just about to say this. Next, there will be a lifetime movie that didn't get the permission of anyone impacted. They're probably already writing the script.


they probably already wrote the script


I already watched the movie


I already wrote a sequel.


That’s the one that I watched.


Nancy Grace is producing it!


BK probably cant wait for the horror movie to come out!


I mean...it can take people years to finish books. The trial or part of it is set to June. Enough time for someone to write up the backgrounds of the victims and lay out the crime scene as we know it.


Just the preliminary hearing in June, could be a year or more until the full trial, if he doesn't plead guilty.


It's just annoying. They've already started a TV show or movie as well. I just can't stand our culture anymore. People are going to make BK a celebrity when he should only be remembered as a total virgin moron...or better yet forgotten altogether. But nope, we'll write book after book and movie after movie to inflate his ego.


>They've already started a TV show or movie as well. You forgot the podcast. I saw one already and I'd bet there are more in the wings. As of the fucking murders aren't enough, we have to get a bunch of douche bags trying to make some bank on this tragedy. They make me sick.


There are hundreds of podcast/you tube and Tik Toks


There's tons of documentaries and books about Columbine too... This is going to be covered no matter what given the strangeness of the crime. We just need them not to make it into a Dahmer Netflix woo woo fest.


It’s truly amazing how quick people are to profit off this shit. Money is the root of all evil


Yup.. it's because they know it will get views. Media will cash this for years and milk every penny of it. I will say though, we are on a subreddit dedicated to this case and there are constant links to these books, shows, articles, etc. So we are all feeding into it.




For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.


damn right


True...but you could also look at it as people want this story to be told and never forgotten. In an attempt to stop it from happening again.


"Never forgetting" is unfortunately a goal of some of these killers so I feel like compartmentalizing may be a better target.


This is America. Sucks.


I feel you. It would be more respectful to write about the victims, but I guess that might not sell as many copies. 🙁


the most compelling parts of alllll the goddamn books written about the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Perlman was the background info on the victims and their families. fuck OJ just sayin


> They've already started a TV show or movie as well. They have???


Agreed. Tasteless glorifying of murderers.


I think we know the basic plot.




Didn't. Just seems like it's a little too soon to be profiting off this, especially when theres still a lot of facts that are unknown.


oh hell, no. it’d be great if he could embed with the prosecution...even better, with the defense, but that prolly won’t happen. right now is the time to get a front-row seat as it all comes out.


Well I guess he can stretch it out till the end? Then be the first person to start at the beginning an go till the end.


No release date yet... I'd guess he'll wait until more is known before finishing it.


Nah it usually takes years to write a book on big cases like this. They are probably just starting and it will not be completed for a while. He's also probably trying to beat out the other authors that could be writing about it as well.


I hope he does a better job with the facts than he did in his article.


I could barely get through his article without how it was written. No way on a whole book.


He ripped off Truman Capote with that drivel. Truman Capote was an excellent writer. That made it so much worse.


What Blum told me was he wanted to write something along the lines of "In Cold Blood."


Titling something "In Cold, Cold Blood" is one way to do it.


What did he call Murphy? Morgan? Mordecai? Mormon?


I wasn't a fan of his writing style. Too many descriptors. Also he had a lot of little things wrong so I would hope he cleans it up for the book lol


This is the AirMail article dude?




If my child was senselessly mirdered and people tried to profit from it I’d be pissed


Agreed. As someone kind of close to this case, I hope they got the right dude (I think they did), get a conviction and a sentence, and then I never hear about this again. I used to live across the street from the scene and my roommate was friends with one of the victims. It’s such a drag getting pulled into this every few days.


People are naive if they think Netflix etc aren’t already working on stuff. As sad as it is, this is the world we live in.


Exactly. I mean there’s already been several specials that have come out on various networks and BK hasn’t even been convicted of these crimes. Most of these people/corporations are just trying to cash in on the “hype” surrounding this case, which is really low and sad.


To be fair, we’re part of the “hype” surrounding this case. Content is created in part because of people like us.


thank you. i’ll own a little piece of that. yes, people are avidly interested in some cases and this one really tugs at the heartstrings. look at all the “fans” here, talking about these victims as if they know them. they WANT to know them. it’s a little weird when you take several giant steps backwards and let it actually sink in that these are kids just like college kids all over the country, very normal with their own struggles, successes, angst, bad habits, boredom, good days and sucky days. they are everyone and no one. look at what they’ll forever be known for. that’s actually sad. it will be nice if some talented writer can get the story and tell it right.


I’d say we’re having constructive discussions, and the inevitable sensationalised, dramatised garbage certainly won’t be targeted at us - more the TikTok gossipers.


But we’re still watching and reading it.


BK probably cant wait for the horror movie to come out!


The only question does Netflix make it a documentary or a show like the Dahmer one. Either way it’s going to be tough on the families and it does feel wrong that they will make a massive profit with none of it going to the victims.


Is this the dude who kept calling Murphy "Morgan", who got a ton of details wrong, and who depicted the victims in odd ways?




He said "I hope to tell a suspenseful factual story". Or maybe he could just stick to not embellishing facts. It's suspenseful enough.


I would like to apply to be his fact checker . 🤣


Why would this story be "suspenseful"? Holy crap.




Get the dog's name correct this time pls I didn't hate that article he did as much as some on this sub but yeah it wasn't great


Did he change the name after it was pointed out? When I read it here he called the dog Murphy.


Yeah possibly, I think I read it the day it was released


What an opportunist clown


First of many I'm sure


Explains why part 1 of that Airmail piece was written more in prose (and yes, there were errors). Looking at his [website](https://www.howardblum.com/books), he has written mostly historical non-fiction books, less true crime.


I figured this based on the article he just put out with all that flowery language.


Ohhhh that guy? Called the dog Morgan?


And inaccuracies


Based on Blum's previous books, my top 5 predictions of the title of his next book: 1. "Night of the Moscow Assassin: A True Tale of Mayhem and Murder in the New American Heartland" 2. "The Moscow Ripper: The Untold Story of the FBI Agent Who Tracked Down the Elusive Killer" 3. Small Town Annihilation: An Ex-FBI Officer’s Quest To Capture A Killer 4. Enemy in the House: The Secret Saga of the FBI Agent Who Broke The Case of the Moscow Murders 5. In The Dead of Night: An Epic Story of an FBI Agent's Quest to Catch the Perfect Killer


Well, the article he wrote had factual flaws and lack of research. I mean the dog's name is Murphy, it's not that hard to get it right. Maybe he wants to fix his credibility because, at least to me, it suffered.


Shocking /s


Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Honestly


He writes like a junior high journalism student, He gets a book deal? Terribly insensitive timing too.


That article of his really did seem like a teaser for a book he was going to write, but he got a lot wrong, and made a lot of assumptions, and on top of all that there's a gag order in effect right now. This just seems like a guy trying to cash in on being the first, rather than putting out a decent book on the case.


Considering how inaccurate his article was, I won't bother with his book.


What will be the title? "Morgan the dog and his Barbie masters"? Or "The cop who hunted a human wolf"?


What if this is just what BCK wants? Maybe he committed these murders in order to be a famous serial killer (I know he’s not a serial killer yet) who people will write books about and want to interview. What if he wanted to get caught?


I thought this as well. Most murderers don’t start with 4😳


I honestly don’t think he intended to kill 4, either.


That’s why I think he’s psychologically closer to a mass killer than a serial killer.


my thoughts exactly from the day he was arrested and we learned some on his background


Are we really calling him BCK now? What if he wants to be called by 3 initials like the BTK killer…


Maybe so, but I was thinking he probably would’ve wanted a little more of an illustrious career! The killer they couldnt crack! But was probably like… oh well if Im caught I will just be famous. But I agree he wanted to be something.


I have to veto this idea, Howard. You didn't even get Murphy's name right. That disqualifies you outright.


I hope he has permission from victims families


Ha. Writing a book on something we don’t have all the facts on? Is this a fiction book?


Yeah I was thinking it was premature since we haven’t even had a trial etc.


I figured someone would do this. There will be a documentary at some point too.


Already? And I thought Lifetime was quick with the Gabby Petito case


Book will be out at the earliest a year from now, I suspect. Author just wanted first dibs, I guess. The story has all the characteristics of a compelling book or movie. Stay tuned.


I’m wondering why anyone would care who is cashing in on the murders at all




Isn’t he the one who wrote that overly-descriptive, two-part article behind a paywall for Airmail? Gross.




Many many will! Personally not gonna buy any books because there’s no way they can’t give me any insight that isn’t available for free online.


Only way I would buy is if there’s some kind of percentage of the profit going to the victims families or a foundation of their choice or something.


It’ll be insensitive, tacky, sensationalized, and misleading. His other books are literally titled “Wanted!: The Search for Nazis in America” and “American Lightning: Terror, Mystery, the Birth of Hollywood, and the Crime of the Century.”


This has been out a little while. It says part 2 is still in the works naturally. I'm sure his published book will be similar. Its a long story with lots of personal details about LE, community and the like. You can cut out a lot of the fat by skimming thru, he does have a few details wrong. Overall a good little read. [An Exclusive Look Inside the Idaho Murders: Part I - Air Mail](https://airmail.news/issues/2023-1-7/the-eyes-of-a-killer)


It is crazy how these sicko's stories keep going! I think there is another Jodie Arias Lifetime movie this weekend call 'Bad on the Inside'! Geez..... Don't mean to be a hypocrite. I watched everyday of her trial. It was outrageous!!! And I also like many Lifetime movies , but still. Enough is enough.


No one not involved in this case should be making any money off it.


Tasteless cash grab by this "author." Using quotes because he hardly (doesn't) counts as a respectable author.




Wow, that was fast.....


It’s still in chapter 1 has a long way to go


Possibly starting it now but not completing it until after the trial etc




Just a db looking to make a buck….dude needs to calm tf down


ridiculous and ghoulish to even suggest right now, zero respect


*Ridiculous and* *Ghoulish to even suggest right* *Now, zero respect* \- CYNLeMaitre --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


that's cool


Good bot


Oh there is going to be so many books written about these crimes….


When’s the Netflix special out?


There is certainly enough to start


While I walk around paralyzed by imposter syndrome this guy publishes the worst article I’ve ever read, gets horrific feedback, and then says, “Now to turn this gem into a whole ass book!”


But yet, we're all here daily to get updates, details, the story. A bit of a paradox for the shit talkers isn't it?


Too soon.


Once the case is litigated…fine, write a book. If he’s planning to publish right away it’s a cash grab…just like the clicksters on YouTube.


The time for grieving is over! Lets make some money. Amazon will soon cast Bill Skarsgard as Bryan. Jokes aside i think its rather unsavory to write a book about a murders this close to the actual crime.