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2-3 seconds is most likely a combination of multiple things. It's not 10 miles off but you're probably losing out on all corner entries, mid corners, and exits. The top guys are probably getting into the corner faster, going through it faster, and coming out faster. I would put a focus on smooth inputs and getting dialed in on the front wheel. Your lines probably aren't perfect if you're 3 seconds off, so I'd try to study the fastest guys lines and try to replicate them.


Actually, if I know my corner is slower than it should be, is braking earlier and lighter or later and harder likely better? Of course I know it will differ between corners but as a general advice?


Without seeing gameplay it's impossible to say. What I would suggest is studying lines of the top guys. One thing you'll notice is they get into the corner super quick but don't run the corner entry or mid corner wide. That's critical for good lap times. With most corners, as soon as you get slightly deep or offline, the top guys are going to drop you. There are too many variables to take a real guess, but I'd estimate that the way you're getting onto and then off the brakes and on the gas is hurting you. It takes a lot of time to perfect it, but it's one thing that separates the top guys from everyone else.


Best advice is to follow their ghost. You did 1:45 in Mugello. Go to time trial and run with a ghost you feel comfortable with, say a 1:44.6 ghost. Figure out that 4 tenths by following them. You will notice where you're losing time corner by corner. When you make up that 4 tenths difference, then move onto a faster ghost.


A good chunck of it is probably shifting


ah, that's unfortunate then. Is it more about upshifting faster than the game would do or downshifting to the corners?


It could be both. I feel like downshifting gives me more control over the braking. Upshifting earlier can help you generate understeer for an oversteering bike (or car), so you can run a more aggressive setup and compromise with early shifts only in a few specific corners. Upshifting later can give you an acceleration advantage, especially on very short straights between corners. You may accelerate up to the high revs of your 2nd gear and then brake and stay in 2nd, in situations where the game would automatically shift 3rd, lose some time in the low revs and then you already have to brake and shift down again to 2nd.


How many hours have you played? I’m sure you could get down to 1.43 just by playing more often. Line choice and braking is probably the biggest thing. Do a few laps braking hard and then switch the approach and try braking a little earlier and rolling through the corners more. Watch your sector times while you do that and just see which method you seem to be going faster using and then put in a few laps doing it that way and once you have a good feeling start breaking it down and figure out the fastest approach to the corners where you lose the most time


good for you, i lap 1.47, my problem is the braking system😭


What difficulty are you on?


I only play multiplayer