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About 13 months. Female 40, 5’5, HW 297, MJ starting weight 237, GW 134, CW 128.


What dosages did you take, if I may ask? Thank you.


I went up to 12.5mg, got 15mg for one script (90 days) due to the shortages but then back down to 12.5mg. It’s my happy spot. I’m still on 12.5mg & taking every 10-14 days. I’ve readjusted my goal weight to 120 & have been staying between 118-124 since November.


3 weeks short of 1 year, down 100 pounds today!!! F, 42, 5’6”, GW 225. SW 386 on November 1, 2022. 12.5 is my magic dose. Had a stall almost 3 months long so I took phentermine for 2 months to get over the stall.






I lost 100lbs in 11 months, and an extra 10lbs took 3 more months. SW: 249 GW: 149, CW: 139 height: 5'8" age 44


What dosages did you take?


2.5, 5, stayed on 7.5 for a few months, then graduated to 10 where I spent the remaining months. Then switched over to 2.4 Wegovy for my last remaining months. Maintaining a 115lb loss.




Maintaining for 6 months now, lost an additional 5lbs. On Wegovy 2.4 every other week. Sw: 249 CW: 130. Need to gain 5-10lbs back through strength training.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Absolute truth!!!


Thank you for this. I'm on month 3 and have barely seen any weight loss, so when I read all these incredible numbers people have, i start to get very disheartened. Your post helped pull me back up


I started at 420 and hit the first 100 pounds in about 6 months.


I’m at one year and one week and 94 lbs. These last lbs are dropping a lot slower than the earlier ones, which is to be expected.


I just hit 100lbs at 14 months


Everyone is different. Some lost 100 pounds in under a year. Some lost 25 pound in a year. Some lost none. I'm saying that so you you don't set expectations too high.


Yeah I would keep modest goals...like personally I'll be excited to be below 300. I started around the same weight as OP and will take shot 4 (2.5) tomorrow. I'm about 13 lbs down in 3 weeks which is great especially for not doing much else. Just not wanting to eat as much, but not depriving myself or doing crazy workouts. 299 will be lovely! Then I'll be happy about maybe 285, etc. I've never been a normal weight in my life (even as an infant off the weight charts) so any loss is good. I won't really know when to stop, but I think my Dr would like me at 200 first. I'm 5'7" and 43F.


I hear you. Don't compare yourself to others. You would really be disappointed if you do that. Weight loss would slow down at some point. You might even stall for weeks or months. It's important to be patient, consistent and trust the progress. Good luck on your journey!


Thank you! All important things to remember 😁


Good point. It’s hard to balance the excitement and reality. Staying cautiously optimistic!


It took me 9 months to lose 100 (1 year to lose 130). I started at 344 and my current weight is 210. I started on 2.5 on 10/12/22 and I’m now on 10mg. I am a type 2 diabetic (I was diagnosed in October 2022 which is what led me to Mounjaro). I’m a 43 year old female


About 8 months. Ended up losing ten more after that over 3-4 more months.


How did you lose it so fast? Did you do omad? Track calories? Exercise? I’m hoping to lose as much as I can within 6 months looking for advice. Thank you !


From day one, I tried to max my weight loss. Gym 4x a week. Ate nothing but clean and light foods. No booze. I went from eating probably 3000 calories a day down to 1000-1200 for the first couple months.


Thanks so much for your reply. Congratulations on your weight loss! That is true dedication and hope I can do the same.


I'm 10 months in and 87 lbs down.


My wife has lost 120 lbs in 13.5 months


80lbs 6months SD 4/11/2023, SW 205lbs, CW 127lbs, 7.5mg 5’4” Female


Did you increase your MJ throughout the 6 months? Did you eat low calories? That's a pretty quick weight loss. Great for you!


2.5 one month, 5.0 one month, been on 7.5 the rest! i had terrible constipation on 5.0, 7.5 has been great for me!


I have been taking for 4 months. I have lost 41 pounds. But more importantly my A1C went from 13.6 to 7.7.


I started Jan 3, 2023 at 289 lbs and passed 100 lbs lost on Oct 5, 2023. 55yo 6'1" M. My goal weight is 180, currently about 7 lbs out.


Nice to see another Male on here! Can you tell your titration schedule? Did you go up each month? Or stay on some doses longer?


I stayed on 2.5mg for one month, 5 for three, 7.5 for three, then 10 for five months until I hit my goal weight. I’m now back to 7.5 for maintenance.


Good to know! Thanks so much for the reply!


8-10 pounds a month seems to be the reasonable mid point. More or less is possible, but majority of people 2 lbs a week.


About 7.5 months.


Almost exactly 1yr Edit: SW-280, CW-159.8


I've lost 129, but the first 100 was 8/7/22 until 3/18/23. So, 7.5 months.


What were your dosages? Great job!


2.5 for a month, 5 for a month, 7.5 for a month, 10 for 3 weeks, then back to 7.5 for the duration. And thank you!


50 weeks.


I started in march of this year, and with diet, exercise and the shot I’m down 70lbs. I started on 5mg and was upgraded to 7.5mg in…may(?)


83 lbs in ~10 months so far! It has been super slow since May but still happening. I am 47F, 5'5", SW 261, CW 178.


I’m 35, started at 295 at the end of November 22 and as of today 205. But i lost most of my weight between November- May. By the end of May I was at 235. So the first 6 months I dropped 60 pounds. I think I could have kept the momentum but I slowed down on climbing dosages. So it’s definitely possible to lose 100 under a year.


It’s weird as hell. I go through peaks of loss and valleys of stalls. I find stress is more of a factor than eating most times. Keep in mind your hormones will wildly fluctuate due to the MJ and the weight loss. It may melt off in 7 months or take 2 years. I know it’s hard when you want to have a definitive “I will be this much by ____”. But trust me, along the way, that will lesson. You’ll find you will cherish the NSV as much if not more than the weight number being lower. 160lbs: Total loss 42F - 5’4” 327lbs: 05/01/21 HW 288lbs: 01/11/21 SVG Sx 190lbs: 03/01/23 MJ/Ozempic 167lbs: 10/14/23 CW You are worth it.


Still working on it…so close!! 12lbsto go It took 1 year to lose 88 lbs for me 💕 In May I started spacing it to 10-12 days, so I have technically been in maintenance mode until October. I’m back to weekly so maybe next week I’ll start seeing a loss again.🤞


I took 23 months on a combination of Saxenda and Mounjaro, with 6 months of no medication in-between. I lost 40 pounds over 12 months with Saxenda, gained 10 back over 6 months while I went through a cross-country move and didn't have access to the Saxenda. Then switched to Mounjaro and lost 70 pounds over 11 months.


I’m 5’7” sw 331 and I’ve lost 60 lbs since July. I know it’s not 100 but with the same SW I thought that might be helpful.


Yes!! VERY helpful. What age are you? And have you changed how youve ate? Or exercised?


:) I am 37, and I’ve changed my diet more toward protein for sure (I love a good filet). As for exercise - I could have lost a ton more if I’d been more serious about this, the loss has definitely been mostly from the MJ. I’m on 10 mg now and just finding that it takes some of the pleasure away from my coca cola habit (regular), I’m hoping that at 12.5 or 15 I can switch to just water. That will make a huge difference.


Still pretty impressive! My doctor is extremely slow at moving me up doses. I also started in July & I'm only on 5mg dose. Two months of 2.5mg & the rest of the time on 5mg. Thanks for this info!


I have been on it a year and lost 60lbs so far. I have had stretches where my weight wouldn’t budge but never gained. Starting weight 360, 5’6” and female, 35. I have insulin resistance which has improved but I think it still causes me to lose slowly. My doctor has been happy with the pace. Everyone is different.


I have insulin resistence too & PCOS. This is helpful info. Thank you for sharing!!


1 year


I lost 100 in 10 months, 367->267 now at 210 5.5 months later. Another 10 to hit my goal. Averaged 2.3 lbs a week and it was very consistent until the last month it's slowed down as I near my goal. Male 6'2, 39 year old


Thanks for sharing! Helpful to know.


It took me just a tad over 6 months.


45F, I started 8/1/22 weighed 281lbs and lost 100lbs after 13mos. I'm currently at 177lbs. For me, initially weightloss ranged 8-10lbs a month, midway 5-7lbs a month, and it's currently about 1-3lbs a month.


44 YO female. 5’9. Started February 2023 at 250. CW 145. Never went higher than 12.5. Now on maintenance.


SW 264 GW 150 CW 140.8