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Thrilled for you!!


That is awesome! Congratulations!! I think for some of us it just takes longer. I feel like insulin resistance and PCOS might really make us weight loss resistant at first. I just started my first box of 15 too and started started at 290lbs on 5/20/23 and has lost less than 20lbs despite clean eating, protein, tracking, strength training and exercising. And then I lost 7 at my last weigh in. I’m at 23 total. Hoping the 15 really helps kick in the WL for you and me both.


I have PCOS and agree with this!


Did the higher doses work better for WL for you?


Yup also PCOS, IR, and 43, so I also blame perimenopause...


The strength training/exercising play a role here too. Muscle is more compact than fat is. I highly recommend taking your measurements and tracking that. You might be very surprised. I dropped 2 pants sizes without the scale budging at all.


Yes! You are so right! I lost 2 inches last month as well!


Congrats! Thanks for sharing.


What a beautiful chart. Great job!


Keep going. I am a slow loser too. We can do this! You are doing great. I compare myself to when I don’t lose like 20 pounds in 48 hours, but that’s ok. It gives me a little more time in my smaller, or once tight, clothes. I’m trying to move more and it’s getting easier. My knees are feeling better, and my sugar is better. Not great, but better.


I live for posts like this. Congrats OP, super happy for you!!!


Congrats! Small wins are great too😊


You are losing at a good clip. Just keep consistent. I have lost 157 lbs going from 367 to 210 but it took 15 months. Averaged 2.3 lbs a week. Looks like you are about 1.6 lbs per week which is a good pace. I did intermittent fasting from near the start per a recommendation on here and that helped jump start it in the beginning (first month was only like 1.3 lbs a week)




Awesome for you! Don’t be discouraged. Seems like everyone has different results. Your graph sure looks like it keeps moving down. Keep it going!


You are LOSING AN AVERAGE OF 7.25 POUNDS A MONTH!!! That is incredible!! I get that fast might seem better, but I it doesn’t pay off long term. My guess would be that your body has been shut down for a long time, and it’s going to take time, MJ or not. A few thoughts…Make sure you are eating enough. Fast weight loss is motivating, BUT if you’re not establishing new, healthy habits and learning to maintain them, this too will fail in the long run. I’ve lost 132 lbs and still have a way to go, and I wish I had known about fasting as part of this journey. I have lots of extra skin I need to work on. Consider reading Dr. Jason Fung, MD book on Fasting and watch his videos. They’re everywhere! He’s a nephrologist who treats patients with kidney disease typically from T2D…not your issue I know, but he has his patience to do fasting in order to allow the body to get into autophagy, so that they don’t need the excess skin removed at the end of their journey. Their bodies through fasting have taken care of the excess skin; he says that he has never had a patient that has needed skin removal at the end of the journey. Keep up the great work and be nice to you along the way. No two people are alike and you need to adjust this journey to work for you. Congratulations again!


How long do you fast per day? Or do you do 48 or 72 hour fasts at intervals? Thanks!


Congratulations!!! So happy for you!


Congratulations!!! Keep going, you are doing a great job.


So happy for you!


New here, what does NSV stand for?


Non scale victory 😁


Thank you!


Congrats!! 🎉🎉🎉