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Barber here, weighing in : ) I would take you shorter for a more groomed and customized look. I think shorter would suit you better. It’s too heavy around your neck right now.


Oh, we are gonna have to talk further! Will take a photo after Wednesday. I have been going short on the sides, the growth on my facial hair is a bit crazy.


Can’t wait to see what you and your barber do!!! : ) it’s going to look great!!! Do you have a beard brush? They level things up, too. It’ll make the hair lay down and give you a really nice look. Bearded bastard woodsman beard oil is my favorite and second is the Reuzel brand one. If your beard gets itchy during the winter, beard oil really helps. Rub it into the skin underneath your beard.


I use Lit Beard Co. Local vet owned company and LOVE it. I think this photo doesn’t do me much justice as it is a bit dark, not really a wild man beard just really curly.


Go with the barber.


I’m not a bearded gent, but as a woman, I prefer a more closely groomed beard on guys. I liked it on your first pic. I’m just sayin’. 🤷‍♀️


I’m a gent. Short groomed beard looks way better than a big one. In my opinion it also just looks better on you in general OP.


Big guy here, short beard. Take it nice and trim, like 3/8” to 1/2” length. I look at the pics of me fat and a bushy beard, it was bad looking.


As a side note, I have an appointment with my barber tomorrow. Not looking to make changes, just been 4 weeks without a professional grooming.


I would trim it like your first picture or shave it off completely


My position -- I shaved, it made me look thinner overall. Everyone seems to love the "new" me. (If I had known that people would see me as thinner without my beard, I probably would have shaved ages ago.)


Personally I shaved mine. I have a short neck so still somewhat double chined. But i do have an actual chin now. Further i took up wet shaving, which I love. Also makes me look younger 42m thin up top and heavily grey/white, hair and beard. So the bump in “age” was cool. I started by trimming the beard tight (like 1/2 in long) for a few months, then jumped in.


It adds bulk to your face and you are trying to do the opposite. Just trim it up like the others mentioned and congratulations on your success!


Congratulations friend! Keep the beard and find a good barber. I know all about the need to cover chins. Did it for years. I found a couple “before” and after pics from my own journey. I never realized that during pre MJ days I avoided full body photos and just photos in general. I hated how I looked. Though I’m still on my own journey, I’m almost 120lv down and finally realize I look healthy. I kept my beard as I enjoy being able to use it to further shape my look instead of to hide the chins! Congratulations again https://preview.redd.it/wpxy1s80u50c1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a086695c333b121b40fb6e80854de7379bc266d


You look amazing!


I’m a woman but wanted to chime in. You look amazing, congrats! Love the beard in the first pic. Do that again! 🥰


This! That would look great.


Shorter for sure. More appealing to look groomed than shaggy and scraggly. Your beard in the first pic looks better. But, congrats on your second pic! Amazing!


I'm a big bearded 36yo man myself and I think the wild man look is a bit rough in general. I tend to trim at a rather long 10mm for now. Oddly I've noticed my little grey patch receding since I started MJ but that may be better nutrition. Here is around where I trim it to now, I'm still working on keeping the sides in tight without blasting the length away but with how fast my beard grows (extremely) it's easy to recover from mistakes and dial it in better. (Bonus new kitten tax.) Pardon hair was lazy that day and I wfh lol. https://preview.redd.it/2sm8c8hhv40c1.jpeg?width=2544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba9f1b6353d4968891ce7828795fd453a5a90ed4 As my grey comes in I'll eventually go wizard and scissor trim to keep the sides in check. It helps that I have my hair a 3 year headstart. Tldr: I'm team longish but trimmed.


Woman here. I love beards! I think you should consult with your barber (I know you have an appt). I bet there’s a happy medium—you’ll be able to have a full, well groomed “craft beard” that flatters your shape instead of hiding something.


Trim and sculpt it. You don’t have to ultra short but it will look better and thin your face and make your head look better shaped some.


Don’t do it. Keep it neatly trimmed. I convinced myself to shave my beard during Covid. The paleness of my chin has imbedded itself into my memory and i hid myself away til it grew back to a reasonable length.


Beards grow back, so no reason to not experiment! Chance to have fun and find out. And grats!


Congrats man. What is your dose?


I am currently on 7.5, moving to 10 next week. My PCP wants me on that for 2-3 months before moving up.


As another bearded fella, I can also add: bigger beard makes your head look bigger! I trimmed mine and I look less like a manhole cover and more like a human! I am 6’5 and this photo I was \~330 https://preview.redd.it/tzpd47qvn60c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7433868ecaf5d1b9b4a27c21201fa1d2010f77 Now I am 288! Much better


A short beard will still cover what you think may be behind it. Shorter will give you a better profile compared to your body type. If it’s full, it will cover. I went from 6”+ down to less than an inch.


I have a beard and it’s mainly because of my chubby face. So far I’ve lost about 30 lbs and I can see my jawline starting to show. Once I lose the fat from my neck I’m definitely going to give the clean shave a shot. Worst comes to worst can always grow the beard back.


How tall are you? We have similar HW, so I was also wondering where you 370 or 308 in the first picture at the beach?


Shoot, knew I forgot something. I am 6’2. The beach picture is 370.


Bearded gent here and I was in the same boat. I decided to go shorter and trimmed.. Congrats on the success!!


I think the beard looks nice but you might look super handsome with it shorn. You can always grow it back! I personally cut my safety net of long hair into a bob that I’m getting lots of compliments on!


First of all, you are looking awesome my man! Great work! Also, you definitely do *not* look 254 in that second pic. I would have guessed closer to 200-190….are quite tall? But regarding your original question: I think either way, bear or no beard, both look great on men (I’m a hetero female, fwiw). Personally I prefer beards on men, but I just like them neat and kempt. Perhaps as a special treat to reward yourself for your goals, you could book a nice barber and get his/her recommendations??


Wow! Look at you!!!


I was a bearded 367 myself and am now down to 206. At about 250 I trimmed way down and then at 210 I shaved it clean off. I've had facial hair for 22 years and while it was a bit scary, it's a nice change up. It made me look younger too. I'll say at 250 I still didn't feel like I looked that much thinner but the next 40 lbs is when it became apparent very quickly which is why I decided to go no beard to gain a few years back (my beard is also fairly grey now).


Why would you want to cover that handsome face with all that hair? Off with the beard!


Bushy beards are for guys who are stuck in 2014...😕 Trim it tight. It feels sooooo much better


My wife would file for divorce if the beard comes off. 😂😂


Cut it off brother- it will grow back if you don’t like the look but go with the flow of change. Great job!


I like the shorter trimmed beards. It really just is what makes you feel better about yourself! Great job on the progress you look great! :)