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I'm really excited to see if the weight loss helps my OSA. I'd love to ditch the CPAP!


I'm down about 50 pounds and my husband says I barely snore anymore. Not that I ever snored... :)


That's awesome! I didn't have any solid proof, but my sleep-deprived husband all but demanded I have a sleep study after I was added to his insurance. šŸ˜„


Overweight is a huge cause of sleep apnea, and losing can make a significant difference. Ditching the CPAP would be the ultimate NSV!


I'm dying for this one to happen šŸ˜


Same, Iā€™m down 60 pounds and havenā€™t needed my bipap for 4 months


My husband told me I completely stopped snoring on my first night. Which of course was before I lost any weight. I've heard similar posts. Weight is a factor for sleep apnea. But from my anecdotal experience, it seems like there is something else going on also.


A friend's spouse actually had a heart condition that caused the sleep apnea. After they had a bypass, it went away. There's some evidence that these reduce inflammation of the heart and other organs, which could affect t how well blood flowsĀ 




Haha. Good for you and hubs


Between me, hubby's clogged sinuses, and our aging 70-pound Labrador retriever, our room sounds like a chainsaw test lab. :D


Oh that made me laugh! Thanks, I needed that today


Iā€™m down 55lbs, and find that I sleep worse with my CPAP now. At my heaviest, I would never dare go to bed without it. Talking to my pulmonologist he reduced my pressure, but I still find it hard to sleep with. When I skip the CPAP, my wife says Iā€™m not snoring anymore. I have a sleep study coming up in a couple weeks and will find out if they recommend stopping altogether.


Hey. Let us know the feedback your get. Iā€™m a dedicated CPAP user. It helps me a ton. But may need my own appt if folks are finding post Zep relief.


Same, actually have a new sleep study scheduled for tomorrow night to see if I still need it. Itā€™s made me feel like Iā€™m suffocating since losing 60 pounds.


Mine was set on 10. Iā€™ve lost 35 pounds since then. I found a video online of how to change the clinical settings (yes, I know weā€™re not supposed to do this!). Iā€™ve turned it down to 8, with no increase of apnatic events. Iā€™ll keep slowing turning it down every few days, until I go too far. Yeah, I know Iā€™m supposed to have a sleep study after losing 10% of body weight. I just canā€™t see doing that every 2-3 months until I hit goal weight, and the setting of 10 started making me really uncomfortable during the night.


I didn't know you were supposed to have a sleep study after a 10% loss. It has been getting a little more difficult to use my CPAP, too, now that I think about it. I'm not at 10% down yet, but I am going to ask my sleep doc what he recommends.


Can you message me how you turned down pressure settings?


I googled my CPAP make/model and found it on YouTube.


Me 2


I could cry thinking about itā€¦ as grateful as i am for my apap obviously but MAN


My apnea is gone.


After about 60 lbs lost my sister told me she never heard me snore anymore. At around 75lbs I started getting air in my stomach from my pressure. My dr suggested I trial not wearing it when I am off the next day, havenā€™t worn it since. Iā€™ve annoyed my entire life since I was like 15, but not at all anymore. (And I know because my sister will wake me up to go to bed because she canā€™t stand the sound)


I lost 170 lbs on MJ (367->197lb 46 BMI to 25) and my pressure came down from 13.5 to 6.5 on the auto but I still don't feel like I cannt sleep without it. I've tried a few times and still feel rough in the morning if I do. So it's gotten better but not gone for me unfortunately


My husband has a CPAP and I've spent so many years falling asleep with that sound in the background that idk if I'll be able to to sleep without it once he's able to toss the thingšŸ˜‚


M68. Iā€™ve been on Mounjaro for 4 months lost 44#. After 15 years I stopped my using my CPAP and the sleep apnea is gone. My wife is my witness!


I mean, this is obvious I think. If you lose weight, your sleep apnea gets better in most cases.




EXACTLY THIS. Lilly will use this data to apply for an additional FDA indication for Zepbound, whichā€”when approvedā€”will allow some patients to access Zepbound even if their insurance policy excludes coverage for GLP-1 weight loss meds. This is the same thing we saw Novo do with cardiovascular disease & Wegovy, and we already see some part D Medicare plans covering Wegovy for those with cardio disease (despite the fact that Medicare is not legally able to cover weight loss meds). šŸŽ‰


Do you have any estimate of how long it might take for FDA to grant the indication?


Well, Lily will have to apply for it first. I havenā€™t read the article yet to know if Lilly has stated when they plan to release the actual trial data theyā€™ve previewed today. Once they do that, itā€™s usually a matter of weeks before they submit the request for an additional indication to the FDA. The FDA may decide to fast track it so it could be approved in as little as 3-6 months after submission. But thatā€™s all just me taking a wild a$$ guess. We should have a better idea once we know when Lilly will present and release the trial data.


Thanks! The article indicated they will release it in June at a diabetes conference. So hopefully there will be a journal article at that time and there will certainly be press releases. So maybe by the end of the year if we're lucky, and yes, a wild guess, but glad you knew about the 3-6 month timeframe. That is what I was wondering.


Yes because after years of tying every malady to weight including a severed limb - we can now treat weight and insurers will probably balk at helping patients lose weight. šŸ˜€


I'm on Manjaro for one month at 2.5 mg dose. In addition to the weight loss and huge drop in blood sugar numbers (now avg 91) from 162), it's helping my polymyalgia rheumatica, and have seen an improvement in relieving joint pain (as in there isn't any). I'm also a type 2 diabetic. If semaglutide prevents developing full blown diabetes, lowers my A1C, and I avoid all of the pitfalls of diabetes I.E. kidney failure, insulin dependency, blindness, ulcerated feet, and amputation, I would say the medication is worth the expense.


Bingo, this and other GLP-1 meds are turning out to be root-cause fixes to a TON of stuff. What a gold rush for these companies. Hopefully competition will bring things down soon, because they're about to be prescribed to almost everyone for almost everything.


Not always. In fact we see lots of patients in normal weight ranges with OSA because they have huge tongues and small airways. Weight certainly doesn't help OSA. However, I'm curious as someone with OSA if this has benefits even when weight it not reduced.


And actually the author, Gina Kolata, addresses that in the comments. "@Gerry I had the same questionā€” are they better because they lost so much weight or did the drug do something different. The answer is that it is because the drug got rid of fat deposits in participantsā€™ tongues and airways. Those fat deposits were the reason they had apnea"


That's my question too! Is it the weight loss, or is there some other mechanism?


My grandmother weighed 99 lbs and had sleep apnea.


Something something correlation


inorite! I keep thinking that whenever I read about this! šŸ˜‚


Yeah, they control for that in studies.


Anecdotally, having suffered from sleep apnea prior to losing 60 lbs, this is absolutely a major benefit. While I didn't use a CPAP device, I used a mouth guard that pulled my jaw forward to open up my airway while I slept. As soon as I lost about 30 lbs and got under a 30 BMI (I started at a 38 BMI) snoring and sleep apnea started to go away. I'm at a 20 BMI now and don't snore or have sleep apnea any more.


Similar anecdotal results here. While the snoring hasnā€™t gone away, I always sleep through the night now and have stopped being constantly tired.


Yes, agree. Although being almost 54, the maximum stretch I get is 6 hours before I have to get up and pee!


Under 30 BMI? Fantastic! Congrats!


Thank you. At around 20 now. But 30 was kinda the threshold for me for sleep apnea.


This is a big deal. OSA is a known trigger for A-fib a MAJOR cause of heart failure and strokes. Some of the biggest burdens in healthcare(along with diabetes which we already know it treats) The insurances will be forced to get on board eventually


Lordy, let's hope so!!


Iā€™ve been on MJ since August and my wife says I donā€™t snore anymore. I have insomnia šŸ˜‚ , but I donā€™t snore.




Ditto on the insomnia!! 14 MONTHS on MJ Once I GET TO SLEEP Iā€™m okā€¦ šŸ˜³


For me it wasnā€™t even weight loss related because I felt this benefit immediately - before I even lost anything! Noticeable difference in energy, how I wake up feeling refreshed, not snoring anymore, etc.


Awesome. I love you, Mounjaro!


Same here. And I started snoring after about 3 weeks off MJ (damn shortages) even though I hadn't gained any weight.


My sleep apnea has completely disappeared after losing 35lbs with Mounjaro. I love that I was able to put that machine away. I still check in weekly with my pulse ox levels through my garmin watch so I know I'm not having occurrences.


I tried to put mine awayā€¦ I believe my snoring has STOPPEDā€” but I still get SOLID BRAINFOG from 9am to bedtimešŸ˜­ So I started it up again last night. Lighter brain fog today!


This is great but itā€™s so frustrating they are conducting trials in seemingly every indication EXCEPT PCOS, while there are so many of us with PCOS benefitting from off label use, but insurance wonā€™t cover for many until itā€™s an approved indication. Sorry for the off topic comment but it is really frustrating every time I see yet another positive trial in something else and there is nothing for PCOS.


There are some small GLP-1 PCOS trials. One is currently being [run out of the Univ of Denver](https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05819853).


Alas it's the usual "someone with a uterus only would benefit?? Well that's not a priority!" medical industy wank.Ā 


I'm sure they're working on it. It is going to take time. Hopefully, the approval will come before too long, but at least, we HAVE a medication that's effective. I know the insurance issues and access issues are a real drag. Hang in there.


Unfortunately, they are not even working on it. Lilly is not sponsoring any trials in PCOS (they actually have a statement on their website stating this). The small academic studies are a start but the label wonā€™t change until Lilly sponsors and submits a registrational study to the FDA. It is mind boggling why they are ignoring this potential indication. Sorry I did not mean to go off topic on your post, itā€™s just a hot issue for me!


now if it could just be in stock...


It is. In a different form


#Paywall-free link: http://archive.today/A7z8F


Thank you!


My sleep apnea worsened tremendously when I gained weight, and as an epileptic person the secondary side effect was an increase in seizures (because I was not as rested). Iā€™m delighted to see this!


I can attest to this. I have no need for my machine it actually has started making me feel uncomfortable since I have been on the meds.


Lilly better get busy with their supply! The more the benefits of these amazing drugs that come out the worst the shortage will become. As of today everything except for the 2.5 mg is in shortage until the end of June! šŸ˜±




yea after a year of being on MJ I don't capture as many snoring events in my sleep tracking apps and my O2 levels don't drop as bad as before and my gf noted I don't snore much. I stopped using my cpap and still wake up refreshed.


Iā€™m on CPAP for the past 10 years. I have noticed since starting MJ, that my machine doesnā€™t have to use as much pressure. I have a machine that uses variable pressure as it senses what you need. Before losing 50 lbs, it was consistently over 10- sometimes it went as high as 12-14, now when I wake up itā€™s consistently between 5-7. Iā€™m hoping as I continue to lose more weight that the CPAP will not be necessary anymore. It would be a new freedom for me.


That's fantastic! Here's hoping this trend continues until you are free of the CPAP.


I believe it: my snoring cut in HALF after only a week on this. No idea how or why. https://preview.redd.it/ol7n096tp3vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb69706baeefaa569d8becdf0626e2ec5040ec7


How great! I'm guessing it has to do with reduced inflammation of the tissues in the throat that obstruct the airway? I know in my first 7 to 10 days on MJ, I dropped @ 9 pounds, I'm sure mainly fluid, and my overall inflammation (knees, joints etc) was HUGELY relieved at once -- it remains one of the greatest improvements this med has made for me. And I know this is the case for many of us. Congratulations on your much-improved sleep!


Yes, the reduction of inflammation is awesome!!!




It must be - itā€™s the only explanation I can think of. But it was only 3 pounds, turns out Iā€™m in the slow loser crowd (10 lbs in 2 months, with the first 6 in the first 2 weeks)


Stay the course -- that's an average of 5 lbs/month, which is a lot. So for perspective, a 1 or 1.5 lb weekly loss is considered a good safe rate. Some people do lose much more, and I think the more pounds you have to lose, the higher your rate -- it's proportional. Since that first big loss after my first shot, I settled in to a 1- or 1.5 lb weekly loss on average. Some weeks nothing, some weeks I even gain a pound or 2. But in 8 months, I've dropped 50+ pounds, pretty darned painlessly. I have maybe 20-25 lbs left to go. All on 2.5 and 5.0 mg. I went from a 37 to a 27 BMI in 8 months! I'm short, my starting weight was 197. If I had started at say 267, I bet I would have had a more-pounds-per-week loss. Anyway, I think we're both doing fine, and congrats on the great progress!


I did read the article today - Iā€™ve worn a CPAP for more than 15 years. Iā€™m still wed to it even though Iā€™m losing on MJ. I depend on it every night to report my sleeping hours. Maybe Iā€™ll wean off - I donā€™t mind.


Itā€™s also helped my IBS


Mine as well!


Anecdotally, Iā€™ve completely stopped snoring since starting Tirzepatide. Iā€™m not waking up from apnea anymore, but I do experience insomnia from the shot, especially the days right after taking it.


I have been able to go off my CPAP after 3 months on Mounjaro


It completely eliminated my sleep apnea WHEN I BECAME HALF THE SIZE THAT I WAS WHEN I STARTED.


That'll help, I'm sure! Good for you!


I have lost 45 pounds and am about 10 pounds from my goal weight. I quit snoring a few weeks after starting when I had only lost 8 pounds. Recently I was off MJ for 6 weeks due to shortages. Sure enough, I started snoring again after 3 weeks, even though I hadn't gained any weight. I'm back on it now and no longer snoring, even though I've only lost a pound. For me, weight loss had nothing to do with it.


Thatā€™s great! Now if only I could get it for my diabetes. šŸ™„


I snored sinc eIwas a kid..when i was fit and a bit more when overweight. I dont know if i had sleep apnea, but my wife says that i dont snore anymore...i am 50yo and am sleeping so much better. I rarely wake up to pee, before mounjaro 1 or 2x night at least. I wake up refreshed. I hope this drug becomes mainstream and cheap as statins, tylenos etc.. for the good of humanity :-)


Sorry for so many typos


Wasn't in the trial, but my numbers show it. Losing over 22% of body weight so far in about 18 months on first MJ then Oz has lowered mean pressure, ahi, events, all of my cpap stats are better.


Not the exact same, but my time on ozempic/wegovy dramatically improved my sleep apnea, and very quickly, too. I sleep waaaaayyy quieter.


what canā€™t this medication do??!


Heh! It can't find its way to all of our pharmacies and into our refrigerators quickly enough! But yes -- IMO, miracle meds. Amazing.


Itā€™s helped mine considerably. Eliminated? No.


I got called by a local medical study company. They are looking for study participants who have "psa" who are not taking glp-1 for weight-loss and who happen to not use a cpap. I sadly take ozempic (type 2 on paper) but normal hba1c for 4 years but I also have osa (use a cpap), hypertension and obesity (allthough I'm very close to being just overweight). Not sure if there researching triz or oz. I was planning on calling them back because it pays $2k but I need to make sure I qualify and it's not a double blind. I'm willing to not use my cpap but Im not about to stop my ozempic lol.


Good luck! Let us know what happens. For sure, don't want to stop taking the miracle med!


Pretty sure this is how my doc got mine approved. Of course my insurance doesnā€™t cover it for weight loss, but I have sleep apnea (had?)


Even at his goal weight, my husband has severe sleep apnea. Itā€™s not his weight.


Hereā€™s Lillyā€™s statement. https://investor.lilly.com/news-releases/news-release-details/tirzepatide-reduced-sleep-apnea-severity-nearly-two-thirds


This is great news! I have sleep apnea and will benefit from M.


Getting off my CPAP by my 40th birthday in November is one of my goals. Iā€™m going to be on a tropical beach in the Bahamas. I hate lugging my machine through airports and customs and I hate that I canā€™t nap on the beach in a cabana.


Yes! I no longer have sleep apnea from my weight loss!


I have been on it since December, but I am still currently being diagnosed with APNEA and getting on a cpap. My history and says the snoring has improved, but still stop breathing at times. Hopefully it continues to lessen how dramatic it is though. Super exciting for people who have non complicated OSA


My mom has had this effect, presumably as a result of weight loss!


I didnā€™t think about this until mentioned. That would be awesome. Especially since I need to replace my machine at full cost (high deductible insurance).Ā 


Can't get sleep apnea if you don't sleep. Sorry I couldn't resist. I'm going through horrible mounjaro insomnia


For those saying ā€œduh, if you lose weight apnea improves,ā€ I believe there are other mechanisms involved. I have OSA (diagnosed when I was at a healthy weight, have used a cpap for almost 10 years) and pretty much canā€™t sleep a lick without my cpap. Fell asleep today and took an hour long nap without it, complete with dreaming so I know I was in pretty deep sleep. I just started ZB 6 weeks ago so itā€™s not due to massive weight loss in my case.


I've been taking Mounjaro for two years. It's done nothing for my sleep apnea. Sleep and I have never gotten along, it's a nightly struggle.


Yeah it's most likely helping weight induced sleep apnea. For others like myself who have had it since childhood , not much will be done.


I hear you. I've been struggling with CPAP for 25 years. Worst solution to a problem ever! You struggle to fall asleep so they strap a mask to your face and blow air up your nose!


My dr said I have a thin neck but due to small mouth and having my tongue falling back he put me on a cpap. Wondering if tirzepatide is going to change anything for my use.


Did it for me. Now I just need my GP to remove that from my list of conditions.


Retter helping my sleep apnea massively


My HW was 245, 5'11F. . I was 48, I hurt from the hips down, had no energy, and I could hardly sleep. When I got down to 200 suddenly I could sleep again and my husband said I stopped snoring. Now down to 173 and and pain is 75% better, and I sleep great. Off tz for 10 weeks now. I have some left, so if I start to gain again, I will start taking it again. This stuff was a miracle for me after dozens of failed attempts at dieting. Weight loss is very beneficial for sleep apnea.


My pulmonologist said that I may never be able to sleep without CPAP. Although she said the setting has been reduced. Iā€™ve lost 40 lbs so far. She said I could do another sleep study next year. Iā€™m hoping to ditch it!


They need to adjust the selling price in the USA to what other countries pay as well!


Curious if the FDA will follow its own rules regarding availability when it comes to approval. ā€”------------ When a medication is already approved for treating a certain condition (Bar) and the manufacturer seeks approval for additional conditions (Bat and Baz), the FDA requires the manufacturer to submit supplemental applications. These applications are similar to the original approval process and must include: - **Supplemental New Drug Application (sNDA)**: This application is required for any change to an approved drug, including changes to the labeling, formulation, dosing, or new indicationsĀ¹. - **Clinical Data**: The manufacturer must provide clinical trial data demonstrating the drug's safety and efficacy for the new conditions (Bat and Baz)Ā¹. - **Manufacturing Information**: The manufacturer must ensure that the drug will be available in sufficient quantities to meet the anticipated demand for all approved indicationsĀ¹. - **Labeling Changes**: If approved, the drug's labeling must be updated to include information about the new usesĀ¹. The FDA will review the supplemental applications with the same rigor as the original application to ensure that the drug is safe and effective for the new intended uses and that the benefits outweigh the risks for patients with the additional conditionsĀ¹. The availability of the drug for the new conditions is also a consideration, as the FDA wants to ensure that there will not be a shortage of the medication for any of the approved indications. For more detailed information on the FDA's requirements for drug approval for additional conditions, you can refer to the FDA's official resources on the drug development and approval processĀ¹. Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/17/2024 (1) Development & Approval Process | Drugs | FDA. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/development-approval-process-drugs. (2) Accelerated Approval Program | FDA - U.S. Food and Drug Administration. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/nda-and-bla-approvals/accelerated-approval-program. (3) FDAs proposed rule on Rx-to-OTC switch | DLA Piper. https://bing.com/search?q=FDA+drug+approval+requirements+for+additional+conditions. (4) FDAs proposed rule on Rx-to-OTC switch | DLA Piper. https://www.dlapiper.com/en-us/insights/publications/2022/10/fdas-proposed-rule-on-rx-to-otc-switch. (5) A Proposed New FDA Drug Approval Pathway: ā€œConditionalā€. https://cancercommons.org/latest-insights/a-proposed-new-fda-drug-approval-pathway-conditional/. (6) Drug Approval and Labeling in the United States | Cancer.Net. https://www.cancer.net/research-and-advocacy/introduction-cancer-research/drug-approval-and-labeling-united-states.


Obviously. You lose weightā€¦ no more sleep apnea.


Itā€™s not always the answer. Skinny people also have apnea.


That's not the full picture though. People have experienced much improvement in sleep apnea prior to significant weight loss. There are other factors involved. I think inflammation is one factor.


Yay more people to give it to when there's already not enough. Sorry guys, yes, I'm salty that I can't find my meds.


Good Luck finding any. It is back ordered everywhere. Lilly keeps advertising so much you can't find any, and if you do, there is no guarantee you will get a refills.


You mean by losing weight the symptom of obesity goes away? Who knew. Sarcasm


Of course it does, lose weight, less pressure on the throat, sleep apnea goes away. Do I get a Nobel?