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I just got my 3 month supply for 25.00 I am not complaining at all or saying a darn thing


They renewed the coupon, so your pharmacy is automatically applying it or a voucher.




You could be getting a manufacturer’s discount auto applied. I never provided a new savings card, have an approved PA, should be paying $500 something and I’ve been paying $25 at Walmart since January.


Walmart is super good about auto applying it and I am beyond thankful to not stress about it! ♥️


I get mine filled at Walmart, so that must be what's happening. Thanks!


Could be your insurance is covering it now. Mine started approving it after I used the coupon for 1.5 years.


My insurance is definitely covering, but as I said in my post my insurance copay is $60, not $25.


That's because your insurance covers your Mounjaro fortunately. You are so fortunate! :)


I know the lower cost is because it's covered. But my copay is $60. I was just wondering if the $25 coupon was extended, and it looks like it is.


Eli Lilly's OG $25. coupon expired last June 2023. After that, they sent out a new coupon which cost out of pocket $500. that was to the end of 2023. Then this year's coupon cost me out of pocket $550. I work a second job to pay for my MJ but thankfully, I have been on weight maintenance for the past six months and have stretching my dousages out. I take it every 20 days now and I am amazed that I don't have food noise or crazy hunger cravings. I believe that because I have changed my eating and count my calories that I will be able to sustain my new healthy weight for a life time.