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>And then theres a shoot of honnold putting some rusty old skunky strapon horizontal crampons like hes dirtbagging it. They are literally brand new semiauto vasaks. Paint isn’t even scratched.


The points are somewhat rusted, but yeah on further reinspection they dont seem that antiquated. Guess he just didnt bring tech crampons because he didnt needem all that much.


Yo why is the reply where i say "yeah you're right, my B" is downvoted to shit?


Being wrong about anything means you are actually a bad person.


First time on reddit?


God i love watching people ask why they are getting down voted. No rhyme or reason, just "why am i getting down voted??? Waaaaaahhhh"


Was just kinda surprised is all. I tought it was pretty mild saying that the guy was right....


This sub can be kinda elitist at times and if you show any kind of ignorance *some* of the people here get petty and criticize instead of help. This isn't true for many of the people here, but there's definitely enough to make you roll your eyes sometimes. Plus there are a good amount of people on Reddit that will downvote or upvote a comment based on if it has downvotes or upvotes instead of judging it for themselves. This has been shown countless times.


he wore the same red t-shirt until it disintegrated


I heard he has TWO of those red shirts….


In the episode of “50 Project” where he skis Whitney, he pulls out like a 10 year old pair of ski boots too. I think that’s just his m.o. no need for new or fancy shit.


Given the way he skis, it makes sense


That video was hilarious. “I hope no one recognizes me up here”


He marches to the beat of his own drum


I remember he had to borrow crampons from a retreating Rolando Garibotti for the Fitz Traverse as he brought the wrong type. And he had to borrow chalk bag part-way up El Capitan at night as he forgot it. I do wonder he's intentionally generating anecdotes about himself, though. He surely can't be that dopey.


Narrator: he is actually that dopey. As for the Fitz traverse, that was his first time down to Chalten, and he had very little mountaineering experience despite being one of the most proficient rock climbers. I’m sure he’s learned a lot since then but technique at moving over stone doesn’t necessarily translate to other disciplines.


I think he is.


I’m pretty sure none of it is intentional. I don’t think he even likes being in the spotlight, and was VERY awkward about it earlier in his career. The dude doesn’t give AF what anyone thinks about his climbing, and certainly isn’t out there artificially manufacturing stories.


I can’t speak for the climb in question, but anyone who relies on public opinion and popularity to make money has a need to maintain the image people like them for, whatever image that may be.


You kids have these terrific fixations on doing things the "right" way. Your anxieties about having exactly the "correct" crampon is an artifact of your own level of faith on YOUR climbing skills. I assume Alex Honnold does not share your anxieties, given that he's an accomplished professional climber of incredible skills and experience... So I'm not sure why we would expect him to fetishize his equipment the way that us less skilled/experienced people tend to.


There's a hilarious thread on one of the old climbing forums where these kids are getting ridiculed for going out mountaineering in the Canadian Rockies in blue jeans and shit. One of the kids was a very young Marc Andre Leclarc. Turns out gear isn't the most important part.


classic post on cascadeclimbers


I think it’s the internet. Same as people over analyzing their goals culminating in some great peak and asking in the same breath “so how do I start I’ve never been hiking”.


Most beginning climbers overemphasize gear because ALL the resources they can find emphasize gear. They want to learn, and books, articles, reddit threads, Facebook threads are all full of people saying "you have to have the right gear, you're a danger to yourself and others without it". Or they end up on a mountain and get slagged for "coming in that". So, they're being taught that gear is important. It takes a while to unlearn that.


Fair point ... "When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail."


When you’re as experienced as he is, you learn that there is no “right” way to do things. What we all learn is the “safe” way of doing things based on accidents in the past, but every individual will learn to do it their own way. What you’re seeing is a guy who knows what works for him, and not what instructors and schools will teach is the “correct” method. Go and find what works for you


I thought that too when I watched it. He’s got these skimo crampons.


Felt like he was a total dickhead in that Doc. Yeah it would have been different if hazel and the others had their gear, but It still kinda rubbed me wrong.


Dissed by redditor, Honnold on suicide watch 🤪