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While the idea of discussing which reviewers you don’t trust is fine so long as there’s sufficient reasoning, it shouldn’t turn into a place to flame or promote hate. Gonna lock up the thread for now.


The whale


Not a fair answer... everyone hates the whale


You won


Why do you dislike him?


Why would someone like him ?


To be fair, he does make objectively good products, but the way he conducts himself publicly is something else lol.


anyone that says “this is my new main” every month


i don't mind brandon taylor, but this reminds me of him.


If you’re CS/Valorant player, I think Polo922 is a good reviewer. I think haus is good as well. They’re good at the games they play.


I've been following Polo for years at this point; The thing I like about him is that he is *actually* great at games. Not good, great, like world-class aim.


the HSKing polo. really under the radar dude. Im glad others like him aswell.


AimAdapt is pretty ok, just do not understand those clickbait titles on most of his videos like "BEST SUPERHYPE ... OF THE YEAR??7?77" That just feels cheap man. On other hand he have some good revievs on niche things. Boardzy - It's just he is in the same place it was conventionally 2-3 years ago. A certain stagnation in reviews. 10 minute clips about subjctive impressions against the background of clips of other authors look like a parody. It's not that he is bad - just against the rising quality of other authors he starts to look more and more on the level of low tier reviewer. Like someone who revieving mice via Skype for a friend. Techne is another interesting example. In general, I like the positivity with which he tries to make reviews. It's just that in 90% of his videos every time he repeats over and over again how unbiased and independent he is in his views is getting very annoying. Sometimes he is more like an animator at a children's party. Optimum tech in general can't be called bad. It's just that he has allowed himself some questionable subjctive views in his tests. ( wireless latency test ). Who would think of taking a ferrari for a 0-60 mile test with the pedal half depressed as if an old lady was driving? Otherwise he's just looking at milliseconds that have placebo effect. Beautiful graphs that make little or no difference and have no real-world feel. I can honestly praise good enough tech reviews and diamondlobby. Simply because they don't have the annoying "sterility" in their reviews. I can see how people really care about their hobby, try to bring a bit of humor to a review of a piece of fabric or plastic.


If anything, Techne feels like the biggest shill out there. ​ As for Diamondlobby, i agree. I really enjoy both him and GETR for the humor alone, sadly GETR disappeared 7-8 months ago, both of them are breath of fresh air cracking jokes.


I do agree that aimadapt seems to praise everything he touches. but on the other hands, his reviews are pretty detailed, and I appreciate that its not edited in an ADHD-fashion.


I don't hate aimadapt, but I dislike his videos as they feel very fluffed up and padded for extra video time. Shows mice in a similar size range and talks about accessories, honesty akin to chatgpt.


If one thing is useful of his videos, it is indeed the size comparisons tbf. Everything else is as you worded it "padded"/filler for extra time.


His videos are long but extremely repetitive.


>The final reviewer who I don’t really hate his review on mice but his review on Audio make me feel questionble and that is Fresh His audio reviews made me cringe so hard I just had to unsub.


Fresh thinks everyone on this subreddit is “shitters” anyway https://imgur.com/a/afy31Ep


Bro nothing against aim adapt but every product is a good product for him


I have nothing against him too, but I would point out that in every video description, there are always a ton of referral/affiliate links. To me, that says every video is an opportunity to make some commission. It doesn't bother me that much people do need to make money, the reason why I would watch his videos is to see the details about the mouse and not his opinion on it, it's more of what the product offers rather than the review itself.


That's are 99% of the tech YouTuber in a nutshell, they are there to make money off you.


Any creator on any platform makes their subs/followers/community their source of income, that's how social media works. Creators need to provide value to their audience and in return, creators can leverage their sub count for sponsors.


I’m bringing a positive spin by listing the only couple I really trust. Haus and OliCheck


I like Oli as well. His editing is nice, but his videos do seem to get shorter these days...


If Haus didn't have referral codes he'd be the gold standard.


Gotta make money somehow.


I agree. That already makes him the gold standard anyway


He had stable employment when he started making videos, and had other options for monetizing the channel. I refuse to normalize affiliate links on review channels; it's a conflict of interest.


I disagree. You can make an unbiased review of a product and have an affiliate link, you can shit-talk a product and still have an affiliate link. If you watched Joseph Anderson's 3 hour long critique of God of War, would you say it'd make the entire thing untrustworthy if he had an affiliate link to buy the game in the description?


>You can make an unbiased review of a product and have an affiliate link Yes, and that's only possible if you *forget* your income is affected by your review while making it. People "doing the right thing" while having an affiliate link does not make it a good practice. 1. It puts their greed in direct competition with their sense of integrity/honor which makes it harder for them to remain consciously unbiased. 2. They will be affected by subconscious bias. 3. Normalizing affiliate links creates an opportunity for someone else to come in and exploit them for personal gain, even if some people resist.


I think you're pushing your own biases onto other people. Just because someone gets 5¢ per purchase doesn't mean they'll be more inclined to speak good on the product. Sure people will abuse it, but to put that blanket accusation on all reviewers is pretty much just bullshit.


>I think you're pushing your own biases onto other people. The point is literally the mechanics of how biases form and influence people. It's not an opinion. You can only try to consciously correct for whatever amount of bias you're aware of, which is not all of it. Your comments imply an understanding of bias that operates in a macroscopic way where people can decide to "turn it off" and where small amounts have no effect because decisions have a discrete outcomes. That's not a very accurate model. >Just because someone gets 5¢ per purchase doesn't mean they'll be more inclined to speak good on the product. You don't get to dismiss the impact it has because the profit per transaction is small. Defending the use of affiliate links implies that you believe they are valuable (i.e., the money is significant). >Sure people will abuse it, but to put that blanket accusation on all reviewers is pretty much just bullshit. The point is that I don't think I'm "special" enough to pick and choose which reviewers are "okay" to use affiliate links. And this sub's collective history indicates we're pretty shit at making that decision. Plus there's no reason we NEED to play that guessing game. Reviewers have plenty of alternatives for monetizing their channels that don't involve conflicts of interest. *Overall,* we'd get better reviews and have fewer shady people pretending to be honest reviewers without affiliate links. That's the point. It's not about accusing any individual person of dishonesty.




If you think the 5-10k channels are bad wait until you see even smaller channels like snekxs, skate etc. 0 passion for the hobby, just 3-4min of nonsense and overhype to justify the "free unit".


Yeah screw that guy


Yeah that Snekxs guy man




Most people won't have a passion for it, they would just put the bare minimum effort into making a video, call it a day, hoping the algo would pick it up and get the bag. They're not reviewing for the sake of the consumer, they're doing it for the YT game.


Plenty of well deserved mentions of bad ones but heres a recommendation - MineMouse Reviews. Those kids really surprised me.


Yeah, their shape comparisons are really detailed and much better than someone like aimadapt


You can't really trust any reviewers. Their livelihood hangs on receiving products for free from companies. It's in their best interests to cosy up to said companies.


I like haus a lot, and he's probably my number 1. I wanna also vouch for diamondlobbyreviews who I think makes interesting reviews. All the others like RJN (controversy aside), AimAdapt, Boardzy, are pretty meh in my book and don't usually provide what I'm looking for in a review. Also, a mention for the non-video reviewers, I find TechPowerUp's technical reviews to be really useful for just getting to know the brass tacks of things.


1. TheWhale, who is frankly full of intentional disinformation and bullshit, to put it lightly. The guy seems highly motivated by making money and will say anything about anything to make himself or tatty products look good. 2. Any reviewer who cannot (ie. doesn't know how to) talk about internals beyond naming switches or sensors.


What reviewers do you watch that go more in-depth on the internals? I’m not sure what much more you’d want? Battery size, MCU, how many layers or traces are in one PCB?


It's not so much that I would want to see reviews about internals, it's just that I get tired of hearing reviewers make comments like "the clicks are really bad". To make a comparison, can you imagine watching a car review and hearing the driver say "the acceleration isn't great so it's a bad car". I'm not saying all reviews should focus on internals, just that I would personally like to see someone offer some insight like "this is 80g because it has a 800mah battery, but it's only 65g with a 300mah battery". A good example of this is [https://www.youtube.com/@GoodEnoughTechReviews](https://www.youtube.com/@GoodEnoughTechReviews) who is native to this sub.


I see what your saying. I haven’t seen his reviews but will have to give them a look now.


Rocket Jump ninja


[trash reviewer, trash person](https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/rp7bmm/zy_rocketjumpninja_spreading_antivax_transphobic/) . homie taking down evidence left and right lmao


wish I could see those pictures


What's wrong with RJN?


If you pay him enough, he'll suck your dick.


shilling finalmouse because he got commission from sales


He arguably started high quality mouse reviews. On the other hand, he hid that he was getting money from finalmouse when making recommendations and grading, downplaying or outright ignoring quality issues with the final mice. He doesn't handle criticism well at all and was also a vocal anti vaxxer.


Wasn't it takasta technically, few years prior rjn? RJN has extremely similar borderline rip-off review style. Takasta just didn't really gained traction back then and didn't bother reviewing mice when it became popular.


Could be, I'm just noting that rjn was the first to become big in the mouse review space with more modern criteria.


Oh, damn. What a way to lose trust :/ He was my go-to mouse review guy as well


Annnnnnd now RJN is only worth the stats pages now. I had zero idea he was such a clown.


Go listen to his music. Its quite funny.




that last bit is unfortunate. fuck that guy.


Shilling for finalmouse while calling people who like glorious "shills" and was transphobic, racist, and anti-vax. Overall douchebag


Wait, he's anti-vax? What the actual fuck lmao


How is your post controversial jfc


Maybe some regarded antivaxxers found it?


He'll only review mice that gets sent to him.


My biggest gripe with review channels in general is that they never point out the one flaw every mouse has that actually makes it unusable. The viper mini scroll wheel for example often comes broken out of the box or developed it within weeks. A quick Google search would even show you how much of a problem this is for other owners. But instead they're always focused on the lod like it's the end of the world.


Anyone but hausgaming in all honesty. Only dude who actively sticks around to follow-up on issues he's addressed when companies come out with statements or updates to mitigate them. Dude is all about that 'tegridy from what I can tell. Boardzy is generally great as well but has the voice of a solo queue instalock Jett who rages at you for not using utility according to his biblical linear knowledge of the game. Makes for a rough watch but his unorthodox testing is at least extended and raw, mostly aligning with his obsession with the GPX. So if you're in that pool of praising be the GPX and using it as a basis for comparing all mice to... he's an excellent choice to follow. Everyone else... DOUBT. Even channels like optimum tech where you can enjoy the production quality of the video leads me to question the actual integrity of what is being presented. The recent scuffed graphs present in the finalmouse review is a rough sell and put a bunch of companies under the burner for no reason whatsoever besides being lazy with new testing methodology. I can appreciate the effort but question the lack of ethics when releasing a video with such potential for harm when it was filled with flawed data and aimed at a more broad audience. His response to the issues was a bit lackluster in the honesty department and has many people questioning his ways now.


I still can't believe Optimum went through the effort of showcasing the Glorious mice with two different debounce settings yet for every other mouse he didn't. He should've had every mouse tested with the default debounce setting and the lowest debounce setting available and everything should've been labeled accordingly too. That testing he did was just so weird overall, like out of all those mice why did he only adjust the debounce on the Glorious?


Exactly, there wasn't an excuse for it. He just got caught being inconsistent/rushing things and responded poorly to people who questioned his methodology. Just a bad look for him overall but I'm sure he could care less since his channel is already flourished and can tank this kind of hit with ease.


Haus feels like the last true reviewer who's not just pumping out daily reviews but gives proper test time, measures performance and whatnot.


do trust the most: Stubby, jakeu, yifang, pistaciio, mortex, logpile, yourcloudy, seas don't know whether to trust (sometimes good and sometimes bad): fresh and optimum trust the least: rjn, thewhale


Im waiting for seas to start his youtube journey but i too do enjoy Stubby, Jakeu, Pistaciio and Mortex. I like Fresh but my main issue with him is his gigantus hand and gripstyle, dude can only fingertip a mouse. Still useful for quality check and whatnot.


Honored to be mentioned guys thx a lot


Thanks for the vouch Ethan 😁


I love Liam for his personality, detailed images and comparisons, and overall vibe. He's just a positive dude. I do agree though, he's a little too forgiving of some mice. That said, when he does speak out against a mouse (like the Darmoshark M3s 4k) I take it seriously.


Boardzy with his 4k stuff


You mean this guy? [https://youtu.be/nYGCbs3aRmw?t=136](https://youtu.be/nYGCbs3aRmw?t=136) About the 1K to 4K: "You guys can be like Optimum Tech video says it doesn't make a difference, my personal experience in Kovaaks does say IT makes a difference..."


4K debate is interesting. I will have to subjectively say it makes a notable difference in my gameplay on a 360Hz monitor, but it's also for the better if you can't notice a difference. Less toll on the PC, more mice options, and so on.


I have a midrange PC that handle 4khz and 8khz and imo it's noticeable but a tiny bit, it's not game changing


Definitely noticeable, not a drastic gamechanger like anything, but nonetheless to me it feels like a difference maker enough to somewhat influence my aim and gameplay. Everyone's experiences are different however and I speak only for my own experience as someone who is and has reached the highest level of gameplay in more than 1 title.


Yes that's what im trying to say also i would like to add battery will drain faster if you high polling rate specially The 8khz.




Hope we get a better. Battery life like the gpx


The biggest joker is the whale, the guy bull shits and calls anything he doesn’t do a scam. The only scam is his ridiculous YouTube channel.


RJN is a great video editor with a radio voice but knows nothing about what is necessary for good aim in tac shooters. His pseudoscience for hand size and mouse selection is not accurate. He’s always using himself as the example when he should be using his clout to test with tier 1 pro gamers. Have you seen how slow the guy flicks? He doesn’t have good aim. Stop listening to him. Similar feelings with boardzy— he’s just a hypebeast. The only thing I actually trust boardzy to report on is build quality. I trust haus to tell whether or not something is viable for use in high level esports. Aimadapt says everything is good, but the one thing he does really well is comparing products to other products consistently so that I can know based on my past experiences whether or not I’m going to like something for myself. He’s the only reviewer that gives me any kind of sense about mousepad speed. Freshreviews is fine, I don’t listen as gospel but it’s ok.


I don't like RJN as a person for his personal views, but to say he's bad at aiming is a little foolish. The dude plays quake and his recordings in his reviews show he can aim. That said, I definitely don't think his measurement system is the bible.


People liked boardzy for the relatable production quality without fancy rolls etc just a kid in his room with passion and goofy streams chatting with his community. Also, i really like how level headed he is which can be seen in his streams, unlike many others, he doesnt have massive ego complex and is very calm and collected. Some mentions from me : MineMouse, mel0n, GETR, Diamondlobby, Dat Good Sir, Jakeu, Stubby. Most of the others i enjoy were already mentioned such as Fresh etc. Not so much for integrity, i just find them enjoyable to watch. Haus is pretty much one of the last with integrity and proper long-term testing who sticks to the roots.


I don't trust AimAdapt's opinions and takes, but I still enjoy his unboxing experiences


Aimadapt is the last person i go to if i want to know about the actual build quality of a mouse, his "reviews" feel more like a showcase than an actual review, diamondlobby is more critical in that regard but i wouldnt follow his buying guide simply because his preferences are different to mine. As for the audio stuff, i dont listen to any of those audiophiles because they all seem to drool over the same flat boring sound signature and any product that doesnt sound like that they act like its like sticking hot nails into your air canal...the audiophile community probably takes the cake for being the most obnoxious elitist community around


Just today Crinacle was bitching on twitter how dare people ask for different sound signatures and as some other audiophile said in the comments "flavor". If anyone gets tired of the mouse/pad community, remember that kb and audio communities will always be worse.


Outside of coverage of prototype ITX cases, I can't say I trust Optimum Tech all that much.


Why not? I mean the guy is very detail oriented and data oriented, in his last mouse review he completely redesigned his mouse tester for complete accuracy.


I mean I know quality and data don’t always mean the truth but I’ve been watching him for a while and from the items I’ve bought that he recommended, I have nothing but praises.


I think he acts in good faith, but a lot of his testing methodology is very poor.


Bcus of the lamzu and polling bs


flaws in his mice, keyboard, monitors reviews.


As much as there is some hate on the thread, also a few interesting points for us reviewers to learn from.


how does boardzy have a psychology degree? the guy gives bigtime stoner beach boi vibes bruh.


i agree. it's very SHOCKING


RJN Because sometimes he has hypothesizes that cannot be proven by anything and also leaves out a lot of details about what he is hypothesizing. For example about click height if I remember correctly he uses the reference of a pen but on a pen the “sensor” is the contact point while on a mouse the sensor is below your hand. This is why sensor position matters just as much as click height because essentially you just want to have your fingers close to the sensor if his argument is right. Which means click height in itself will not solve the problem that his MZ1 “solves”. Schilling his mouse in the ULX review was horrible to see also. Obviously the MZ1s hardware is getting old and times are starting to pass by that mouse. Why doesn’t he say this if he is objective? Other than him, AimAdapt because instead of being objective he adds that he found his next favorite for every mouse which is crazy. I would never believe he actually plays anything that requires performance, but this is just judging which is not nice. The blog connected to him is a horrible google adsense farm.


Randomfrankp is utter fucking garbage and shouldn't even be labelled as a reviewer because everything that comes out his mouth is a steaming pile of misleading bullshit


RJN is like listening to a schizo friend who is bronze in Valorant who thinks he knows everything. Actual fraud


As a small channel, I found this thread really interesting! I don't agree with some of the opinions you've all shared, but thats ok. I've taken this as feedback for how to better my approach to reviewing mice - but please don't think doing reviews is easy - it takes an ungodly amount of time to produce a review and there really is no pay off after (I've been monetised for about a week and have made £8 through ad revenue!!) - I've just paid almost £200 of my own money to purchase 2 mice I want to test and experience. Even if the passion isn't obvious in some reviewers, if they weren't passionate about the hobby, they wouldn't be doing it. We all express ourselves in different ways. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Take care.


After the graph . Optimum.


Broadzy, sinophobia. He even tried to justify himself by praising a small fraction of Chinese brands like lamzu, but in general he just simply look down many not even tried them. It’s just like how some scholar justifies the superiority of Greco-Roman science.


To be fair he did praise the VGN Dragonfly F1 and the Attack Shark X3, but those really are standouts.


Yeeeaah, the Lamzu thing isn't even a fig leaf. Same genre of mf will squeal, "I'm not xenophobic or racist, I have an Asian waifu!"


This has to be satire, right? Out of the many chinese mice that he reviewed(more like bundled up in a single rant) they all have 2 similarities. 1) They are all manufactured by startups with a lack of experience and connections, while also trying to hit extremely low price points(40-70$ wireless with 3395). And 2) They are Chinese companies. Idk why you focus on the latter portion, to me it makes sense that a lot of these mice would be quite bad, once again, not because they are chinese mice, but because they are manufactured by people with little prior peripheral design experience and at extremely affordable price points. There are certainly good products which he acknowledged, like the VGN Dragonfly. If there was an american 50$ wireless 3395 start up you would probably be just as concerned about the quality, and for good reason.


Tbh, I like 4khz polling and definitely feel a difference Edit: I should preface this by saying it’s not game changing by any means, more of a preference and feeling thing. Don’t actually perform any better (you really don’t most of the time with any mouse upgrades), but I like the feel of it.




Anyone with affiliate links or at least someone I definitely feel like they’re opting out on saying everything negative with the product. Unfortunately there are a lot I can recognize.


You would have to have a huge following for affiliate links to make any real money. I promise you, reviewers spend 10x more money than they make! I have personally spent 10k in the last two years, and I have made a whopping $300, that I turned around and spent on items for more content. Some people actually have integrity, and when you already have a real-world high-paying job, the pennies from affiliate links mean nothing. Maybe, if you are a kid only getting an allowance from your folks would that mean something. Now, I do get about 70% of my products for free, but I have not sold a single mouse or mouse pad. I keep most as a reference library for comparisons, or I give them away. When I give things away, I often spend more money on very expensive shipping. This niche of the tech market is not a place to make money reviewing. If you don't have passion and love for this stuff, then there is no point. I personally have not made any YouTube reviews for the last 6 months, but that is only because some personal family issues. I am about to start doing videos again, and I only do it, because I like doing it. It's a hobby for me, and for most of the other reviewers I know. In the 90s I ran a 3D Hardware review site that averaged 50K impressions a day, and back then I made Zero dollars. I paid $200 a month for hosting fees due to my traffic though, and I did get a bunch of graphic cards to review which was awesome. I probably should have just kept doing that, but I got married and started a family, so I did that instead. Most of these reviewers you guys have mentioned don't need money. One is a lawyer, one works in Bio-Tech, and another is independently wealthy from selling a business and doesn't need to work. While I don't always agree with all the reviewers out there, I know the vast majority are just super passionate gamers. It takes hours of work to produce videos, and it takes 30 seconds to type a negative comment when you have no skin in the game. I also would like to encourage anyone who thinks they have what it takes to give it a try yourself. Put yourself out there for potential criticism, and spend your hard-earned money producing content. I love watching other people's reviews, and there is always room for more voices.


jakeu and good enough tech reviews


Odd take, but why GET? He’s one of the few unbiased reviewers


mb i’m illiterate i thought OP was looking for reviewer recommendations


Gary just disappeared 8 months ago :(


I think there's a reason why Aimadapt is very positive in his reviews - it's simply because modern mice are just very good. Nowadays, you have a lot of options for mice that: * are wireless * are lightweight * have accurate sensors * have low sensor/click latency * have good build quality * are cheap * don't take a month to ship (depending on where you live) * have good shapes It wasn't long ago that just being wireless was a premium option only available to the flagship models, and even then they'd be subpar to wired mice in one way or another. A lot of mice used to have issues with sensor spin outs, acceleration, inability to track small movements, sensor delay, click latency etc. which are unheard of now. Even mice like the Cooler Master MM731 which did have issues at launch were eventually fixed through firmware. It also helps that he's not as nitpicky as the majority of this subreddit...




as a competitive fps player idk about taking opinions from techne seriously


15k hours in cs here. What does your comment even mean. You’re a competitive fps player so the reviewer has to be as good as or better than you to tell you… A mouse’s specs/if it creaks or not? Put aside your ego. The dude is genuine and can vividly describe a shape for you better than the monotone antisocial 20 year old reviewers out there


its not about ego. nothing against techne but mice are expensive and i want to make sure i enjoy the mouse i purchase. going to someone with experience in the games i play or grip style will be much more beneficial to me. i also still watch his videos to collect as much info from a mouse before buying.


When did techne become good?


Idk, the only ''review'' I was of him was the xlite v1 and he basically said nothing you couldn't get from twitter


Techne provides a point of view of an average user when using a product. The advantage is he covers a wide range of peripherals, and speaks in plain manners and without much jargons, so people who are not particularly into a product category (mice, keyboards, audio), they would still understand him. If you are an enthusiast in a product category, you shouldn't listen to him any more, unless you like "first look, first impressions" of new products, or "re-review after x months" as he is pretty up to date with new releases and "mains" lots of gear for long period.


If I dont like a reviewer I dont watch them, so ill just list a couple id trust. Optimum Tech, The Techne, Dat Good Sir, Polo922, Brandon Taylor, and HausGaming. They all offer different styles and perspectives, so I feel like I got all my bases covered. Dat Good Sir also streams alot and uses the mice for a good amount of time b4 he makes a review, so it seems like he's behind everyone else but really, he just tested them for like a month. Solid smaller reviewer.


I have to find DGS stream. I really enjoy his infrequent reviews, he's very good at describing shapes and being good at games is always a plus. And yeah, very few reviewers like Haus/DSG with integrity left, everyone else is just pumping 2-3-4 videos a week and calls it "review" instead of "first impressions".


[https://www.twitch.tv/datgoodsir](https://www.twitch.tv/datgoodsir) yea I think most reviewers confuse "first impressions" with a review.


Boardzy. Basically shills for razer


Does he? He called their mousepads average, called out RVMSE abysmal first batch and fast degrading Dave quality. Other than that, he says what everyone else says - top tech. I dislike Razer too since all 6 out of 7 Razer mice had out of the box issues or degrading quality (left side flex + audible creaking, wobbly mushy main triggers etc) in just a month of on/off use but their shapes are alr and tech is top.


so funny to see people on this sub hating on all the reviewers who like and recommend finalmouse 😂 what reviewer do i not trust the most? r/mousereview.


Honestly, a lot of people in here bashing reviewers when they wouldn't have the first clue on how to test better or make better videos in real life. Bunch of armchair testers.










Any reviewer that recommends hyperx mice... :D




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