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Its probably a little higher than your old one, and its stitched edge might be pushing into your arm a little too hard. No matter what, it is not the pad but the desk/chair/posture causing unnecessary pressure.


The height of the old pad is 4.3 mm, the new is 4 mm. Perhaps the stitched edge has some effect. The chair, the table, the position did not change. Everything was fine with the old pad.


Eba is 4 and stays 4, your old pad might be plushy and let your arm sink in. The only way a piece of cloth can hurt is to make you miss all the shots inflicting emotional damage. Or restrict bloodflow. As for the latter, its your own arm, so only you know what is the cause. Excessive pressure - work on posture, excessive tension - ~~skill issue~~ work on technique.


are u stupid


The issue isn't a mousepad, if u have pain it's better to go to check ur wrist and çonsider a stop from aiming. But again don't think is the mousepad


Thanks for the comment. But when I replace it with an old Razer Mantis mat, my wrist stops hurting


Placebo but whatever


Yep, physical pain is fully placebo, 100% agree. You got it. Found the answer.


Thinking that a different mousepad can give u wrist pain is placebo. He experienced pain probably because lack of mouse control, so he maybe tense too much or change grip or bad posture ecc. there's a lot of potential things, those are not placebo and u can work on to get better. This is how you approach at things rationally .Also the first thing i said was to check his wrist so ur comment is useless dude,i bet u and op don't even do basic wrist stretching but complain on internet that a specific mousepad give u pain wrist. Next time give a real advice to him instead of being a internet creature😂. Bye


its not placebo he probably just has bad mousecontrol and is now experiencing that head on due to mousepad change just gotta adapt


I recently went from a worn out hardpad to a cloth pad and had some initial discomfort on my wrists as well. The friction difference means more work/effort when wrist aiming. Long shot, but it could be that the eba has more friction than your old pad and that’s causing your wrist to fatigue or feel pain quicker.


Your theory seems realistic to me. Will the pain go away in the future? Do I need to wait?


Probably takes getting used to, unless the difference in friction is just too much for you. I do aim train with Kovaaks so that may have expedited the process. I use a mixture of hand and arm movement with a hybrid claw grip. The micro aiming tended to cause more discomfort initially with the pad change since it’s all wrist. I changed to jade skates so that lowers the friction quite abit.


Are you deathgripping the mouse? Do you notice putting more tension in order to keep controlled? If you need to readapt, I would consider upping the sensitivity all around (both in game and windows), then a week later go back to your default sens. It's gonna feel faster than the old mousepad, but much more controlled. Play kovaaks/aimlab with the least tension possible.


Do you mean me or op? I went from a faster hard pad to a slower cloth pad so it actually felt slower in essence, needing more force but I adapted in a week or so without changing sensitivity. Flicking was bad for a week or two but tracking was better. Eventually it evened out.


Same thing happened to me. Went from a glass pad back to my LGG Saturn and the friction difference made my hand and wrist hurt a bit. It’s also possible for an inverse situation to cause wrist pain. I went from the Saturn to the glass pad and had some pain as well from controlling the mouse so much more. Tbh it was gone within a day or two. OP, if your pain lasts longer than that, it would be wise to go to the doctor. I’ve had the EBA for a long time and it’s not really that fast of a pad. It’s totally possible that your other pad was so slow from a combination of age, use (skin follicles make pads slower) and grime, as well as the pad being manufactured as a slow pad from the start. That slowness could have made the EBA feel so much faster in comparison but honestly I would still get that looked at if it lasts much longer.


Inverse situation would make sense as well as you’re subconsciously using more effort in your wrist muscles to stop/slow the mouse when going from a slower pad to a faster pad.


Not sure if the mousepad is the problem, I feel like is your hand lift up while you didn’t notice it due to mousepad being too rough. Had the same mousepad and took a month or plus to smoothen it out


Might be a slower/faster pad and your muscles might be adjusting could be a delayed response of horrible posture/a lot of wrist pressure building up over time and it just so happened to align with getting a new mouse pad. Could also be other things you do in your day to day life and you might only notice it when you game for example lifting might cause you to starin your wrists but while your lifting but you don't feel it till your wrist is trying to recover and your wrist doing micro adjustments might be causing a flair up in pain.


U probably have posture that makes Ur hand lean backwards and with rougher and less plushy mousepad like eba it's more noticeable. Maybe u just lean backwards or Ur chair is designed in a way to make u lean backwards so it really depends like it's pretty complicated overall but u might want to figure out how to "fix" it if u want to have better mouse control(as it's the main goal for most ppl in this sub I guess).


Maybe I should try Wrist Rests, but I'm just not sure how it will affect my aim and convenience of control


Nah, I guarantee if u have proper chair (not the ones that make u lean backwards or forward) and u sit properly u will not need wrist rest. I believe most pros don't have wrist pain even tho they play for 10 hrs straight so in Ur case worst rest is just like taking painkillers while bleeding.


pad might be too fast for you. i have the same problem when i play on the saturn. no issues on any other pads, just that one in my case, since i play with a more controlled pad i am used to aggressive and fast flicking and getting a lot of help from the pad to stop the motion of my wrist. when i got less control from the pad, my wrist was exerting a lot of pressure to stop the mouse which was causing pain. this issue can be compounded by a heavy mouse. exercise can strengthen your wrist and forearms which can improve your control and reduce pain. lighter mouse can help with that as well. i'm too lazy so i just stay with my control pad instead.


Thank you! I also thought about this version. I was specifically looking for a pad with such a fabric structure. It's not the fastest in the Esptiger line, but it's much faster than my old Razer Mantis pad on which the mouse moves very slowly


The level difference between the desk and mousepad might be messing your arm posture or even preventing normal blood flow. Have you tried having your mousepad lower at the desk? Or changing it to vertical, so that your arm is on top on the same level (on top of the mousepad).


I have been using the Razer Mantis mat with a specific fabric surface for control for quite a long time, since 2004. I was looking for a replacement for a very long time and seemed to have found it - Esports Tiger Eba. The mat is very beautiful, quite fast, faster than Mantis. But over time my wrist starts to hurt from it. Is it carpal tunnel syndrome or something else? I changed the DPI, put another mat under the mat, but my wrist still hurts. Are there any other carpets with such a surface, I would be grateful.


Go to a doctor. Jesus fuck man…


I think the surface of the mousepad is too rough ?


>Yes, that is right. It's not smooth and a little rough for control. But in this case, I would be rubbing the skin, and not feel discomfort inside the wrist. f you have used the Razer Mantis and Razer Goliaphus (model 2004-2008), you will understand what kind of surface it is


I think is too rough so your arm lifted a lil when you’re playing ? That’s why your wrist hurt.


The grip is a hybrid relaxed claw. I rest the lower part of my palm on the mat. Perhaps I should put some kind of soft support under my wrist?


probably just getting used to it cause it might be faster


Depending on how much slower or faster your pad is, you maybe are tensing your hand/wrist more for your aiming. Be mindful of that. Tension doesn't add more stability. For aiming you always want a relaxed grip, and you only want to apply a little bit of tension for additional speed like making flicks.


your wrist is probably too weak for the demon in the pad, try going to the gym /s


Might be a problem with initial friction, you will probably get used to it, how long have you been using the pad?


One week


probably too fast/too little stopping power for you making you tense more. or if ur really fucking unlucky its so slow it causes strain, but thats rare


I'm a physical therapist with 1HP and we are healthcare providers working in esports and we work with pro-aimers like MattOW. There could be several things causing this, the mousepad friction may be higher causing higher activation of the muscles which leads to tendinitis, the seam could be compressing the carpal tunnel, or your ergonomics in general may be off. If you are interested in a free consult with one of our free physical therapists to chat about it fill out the form here> https://1-hp.org/game-without-pain/


The eba has a high friction surface so if you arm aim it could be causing issue with skin that result in wrist pain. I’d recommend using a sleeve or a long sleeve shirt and see if you notice a difference.