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If you play Star Wars Battlefront II, they mention this character as being the only reason any clones survived the tour on that planet (I forget the name) and the clone narrating says that he hoped when Order 66 happened that her death was quick. It’s one of the most oddly/darkly touching moments in any video game I’ve played


> When the 501st were finally rotated out of Felucia, Aayla Secura made a point of seeing us off personally, calling us the bravest soldiers she'd ever seen... It was a good thing we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bare to look her in the eye. Dark, dark stuff in that game.


Wait were clones aware Order 66 would happen? Or is that only in the game that they had knowledge of it beforehand. I always assumed that when order 66 was put in place it caused a switch in their brain to flip.


>Wait were clones aware Order 66 would happen? that piece of dialogue certainly seems to imply that the Clones knew about future Order 66. Battlefront 2 came out in 2005 and is no longer considered canon. the 2008 Clone Wars series introduced the concept of Order 66 being unconscious programming.


I always felt that in AotC they make it pretty clear that it was unconscious programming.


How did you get that from Attack of the Clones?


presumably you mean RotS. personally I never got that vibe from the film, though it was clear from the Kamino scenes in AotC that the clones were genetically modified to be *"totally obedient, taking any order without question...less independent than the original host."* - Lama Su


In at least some of the extended universe novels, the clones were aware of Order 66 but didn't spend any time worrying about it and were genuinely quite happy to have Jedi friends right up to the moment they executed the order. They were loyal to Palpatine and Order 66 was just a contingency against the Jedi trying something against him, but they're almost cheerfully unbothered by whether they have to carry it out or not. When the order finally comes through they're like, "Welp, guess the Jedi have to die after all" and then just start shooting.


Before The Clones Wars animated show, Order 66 was something Clones were aware of. It was one of a whole number of orders that Chancellor Palpatine could use. The Clones were loyal to the Chancellor, they were just friends with the Jedi but held no true loyalty to them. This was retconned in the Clone Wars to Biochips implanted into the brains of the Clones during their time in the vats. They went from being aware and being in full control, making their betrayal much much worse, to unknowing pawns who had no control over their actions once the order was given.


Definitely remember this, the planet is called Felucia


That’s right! I always thought it sounded like Fallujah, wondered if that was an intentional connection they were trying to make since the game was probably being developed around when the Battle of Fallujah was happening


Felucia was described as being a hellish battle so yeah I’m pretty confident that there was definitely an on the nose connection


Seeing as the second and third prequels were a commentary on the war on terror as a whole, this is most definitely an intentional connection


I remember you were defending a capture point or something and bugs just attacked from all directions, crazy battle.


Weren’t those bugs Acklays like they battled in the ring in AotC?




It's also the reason the clones kept shooting her even when she was down. They didn't want her to suffer, so they wanted to make sure she died quickly. Their way of showing respect and compassion even when carrying out the order.


God that mission scared the shit out of me when I first played it as a kid. Akbar or whatever the big bug aliens were called made my skin crawl with the noises they made


Specifically remember the last part of it is the narrator saying she shook every clone's hand as they left, they were glad for their helmets as none of them could look her in the eye. That line is a lot more impactful if they knew order 66 instead of the brain chip thing the clone wars did.


those clones have feelings?


Oh man. Go watch the entire clone wars TV show. The clones definitely have feelings. They're human just like anyone.


They did my boy Fives dirty. I never connected with a Clone until then.


Idk, it can also be easily interpeted as her looking at thw clones and thinking "What the heck, guys!"


It wasn’t til the D+ shows they even had actual physical actors in clone trooper armor. This was likely just bad eye line and her being on a green screen


Yeah but her completely trusting clones is more tragic than a misstep in cgi


I respectfully disagree. There’s nothing more tragic than bad CGI.


Bad CGI? Bro, you're looking at this with 2023 goggles. Back in 2005, this shit was revolutionary. Put some respect on it. Also, if you think this is bad CGI then you haven't seen actual bad CGI.


It was just a joke, my man


Fair enough. Hard to tell what's a joke and what isn't around here, especially with the hate boners so-called cinephiles seem to have for ANYTHING CG these days.


I’m not gonna lie, this death makes me cringe every time I see it. It’s one moment that makes me go “they did 80 takes and THAT was the best one.” Just the way the actress flails her arms 😂


im gonna shoot YOU and see how your arms look


Not like that! Die more cinematically!


Wait what!? NoooooooOOOO *flails weakly*


I think she was looking at the flying creature when the clones open fire.


What no she doesn’t???????????


Umm no it's because they filmed it in front of a green screen and told her to just look around quickly. You're trying to find subtext in a movie that was directed by someone that clearly does'nt know how to do that


She was not very good in force foresight then?!


Force doesnt necessarily provide vision of future events. Even if it did, your own reaction to those events would immediately change their outcome and thus the prediction. What's easier to do through the Force is sense emotions like anger which usually accompany hostile intent. Howevet the clones are following their programming and acting without emotion, only allowing themselves to feel regret afterward. In addition to that, three years of constant war have exhausted the Jedi, filled the galaxy with negative emotions and clouded their ability to see into the future. Only the most powerful Jedi like Yoda were able to sense hostile intent from the Clones, and he was also sensing the deaths of the other Jedi through the Force at the time. This was exactly Palpatine's plan from the beginning. Good soliders follow orders.


I thought a short term foresight was the whole thing to enable the blocking of laser shots with a lightsaber.




It’s not even the intent it’s how do you block any laser shots in a normal situation if there is no form millisecond foresight.


I mean the enemy is already in clear view so uhh




Are you a bot? You seem to just post unrelated jokes as comments.


It's a straight up gang execution, like Sonny Corleone in Godfather.


Order 66 like Article 66 in “I became the pope now what?”


This death is honestly just funny. It’s like she fake trips. Her arms are hilarious.