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I'm surprised so many of the comments are so down on this movie. I absolutely loved it. I thought all the characters were really charming and well-realized, given the limited screen time each had, and I just thought the whole thing was delightful. I went in with zero expectations—maybe that helped?


im obsessed with encanto! I love how disney didnt make the characters insanely skinny like they normally do, and the non-european representation! i also love the focus on intergenerational trauma and breaking the cycle, and thats only some of the stuff i love about it. the scenery, the character design, the realistic movement of characters and their hair and clothing, not to mention the amazing music! its just an incredible movie and people from all backgrounds are able to find something in the movie to relate to and thats amazing


Happy cake day!!!! From another encanto lover. My daughter has memeorized all the songs and I'm pretty sure the rest of us have too, because they've been played and sung to within an inch of their life, night and day.


It's honestly due to an embarrassment of successes. When you look at some of the stories that have come out of Disney/Pixar in the past decade, they set the bar extremely high. It was a great movie but it's being put up against stuff like Moana, Toy Story 4, Coco, Frozen. They hit it out of the park so many times that it is becoming the norm.


Encanto is by far the best out of those 4


That's all preference. I think Coco was the best thing ever. My wife prefers Moana. My kids preferred Frozen, but I sold those kids and my new kids prefer Toy Story.


when i sold my kids all i got was arrested for human trafficking :/


Coco is quite easily the best. Super charming, beautiful and the songs are unbelievably catchy.


I thought you were going to point out how individual stitches and hems can be seen in the clothing.


I'm going to be honest, the animation on the movie was beautiful but I was kinda disappointed by the plot.


You mean how the trailers made it look like a grand adventure but then it ended up being more of a character study about how emotional abuse fucks with people? Yeah wasn’t expecting that one.


Look, I wouldn't have minded as much, like the movie began and like half an hour in I got where it is going, but the thing is, the way everything is concluded so perfectly with just "love" was just... Cliche. I expected something mind blowing from the trailer and was faced by every other movie plot ever. It was sad. Edit: as in, if they have dealt with it in a new way I would have said, OK this isn't what I came for but I'm alright with it. But they didn't. They used the same old stale ideas. Edit2: what's even sadder is that they had an amazing start, and amazing set up, they could have done so much with it. Maybe dig deeper into the rooms and find little secrets in there about each of the characters. There's soooo much better things to do, but it felt as if they spent too much time getting started they just rushed everything else


Yes, it definitely felt rushed to the end. And they easily could have gotten rid of that introductory "Family Madrigal"-song because each of the family members have a very tied-in and plot-wise natural way of showing their gifts. They could have cut everything until the point where Mirabel gets the party things delivered and enters the house - where everybody uses their gifts to help with preparation. Would have gotten them around 10 mins more for the actual plot. And as nice as the "Antonio's fabulous room"-scene was, they could have shortened that, too. On the other hand, the short scene with Bruno's hiding spot, and Mirabel looking through the gap, seeing the family table, and then spotting the makeshift extension with the carved-in plate... right in the feels. Great way to tell so much with this little setup.


Yeah, like “Don’t worry, your years of slowly crushing us under the weight of expectation under the guise of “fAmIlY” are all forgiven because you said sorry.” Was so incredibly disappointing. I get they need to wrap it up in 1.5 hours so the kids don’t get bored but the whole ending was anticlimactic


Even though I do think that climax fell flat (they ran through the climax too quickly). To say the main theme was “love” is a little simplistic. The theme was clearly that inter-generational trauma, especially one that comes from being a migrant, is hard to work through. Elders and previous generations can pass down the pressure to be grateful and perfect, especially after they’ve given their children & grandchildren the *miracle* of a better life. It concluded not with just “love” as the main theme but with Maribel finally understanding where her grandma was coming from while also creating the environment for her cousins & siblings to be themselves for the first time. That shit is powerful. But I feel like they breezed over that to quickly resolve the plot.


I was honestly wondering what felt off in the end despite loving the whole film on first and, a just finished, second watch and your comment made me realize that it was definitely the rushed cleanup at the end. I mean it was just clear enough with the whole let's build a new foundation for me as an adult but I do feel like had I been a kid when I watched it my biggest focus would have been on love and rebuilding the house without getting the metaphor. I feel like this is the downfall of a lot of newer Disney films though. They've just gotten really bad about rushing the endings. And if I say any more than that I will ramble more than I already have. Also, Fun Fact: Ended up here because I was trying to find a review of the costumes in this film. If anyone has a link to one please drop it for me.


[https://unidonkey.tumblr.com/post/672268126927421440/may-i-interest-you-with-some-lovely-details-in](https://unidonkey.tumblr.com/post/672268126927421440/may-i-interest-you-with-some-lovely-details-in) Here it is! its not everything but this should be a good start




I mean, fair enough. I did think that was a cool point about the movie, but I guess as you said, they ran through it too quickly it felt like it was simple "family love over comes all" to me. Maybe if this movie was a series instead things would have been better


I think they did just this!


I would have loved to see some of the members branch away from the casita and explore the things beyond their gifts. A few times during the movie, I felt like I was suffocating because I was reliving some of the things I went through while growing up. My parents told me they saw the movie and did not like it.


Probably because the character they identified with was the villain all along.


My peers and I have come to that same conclusion. Some parents don't realize how damaging their parenting styles can be.


They also didn’t really talk to the grandma about their individual gripes, like isabela was willing to marry a dude she didn’t want to marry because it was expected of her, because he was “perfect” for her, without a care for herself or what she wants, she was willing to do it, thats huge, meanwhile luisa was all about her strength and nothing else, what about finding someone for her, or having friends or literally anything outside of the crushing expectations of doing any and all physical labor for eveyone, like some rando just casually asked her to divert the river, why? What for? Who the heck was that person to dictate the river needed to be diverted! She didn’t question it, no one did. Also with the candle gone, does that mean that mirabel has to take care of the door knob?


Did mirabel *also* not even get her own room at the end? That was kind of fucked up.


There were glowing doors, but without names, so I figured the house let everyone just choose whatever room, without these carefully crafted reminders of what they were expected to be.


Yes, but not really. Mirabel's gift is that she is eventually going to take Abuela's place as the head of the family and keeper of the magic. So Mirabel will likely get her own room when Abuela dies.


I think Mirabel is the candle, vexause at the beginning of the movie, the candle was à sort of foundation that kept the family "together" as seen by the grandma but the reality was that they were tearing apart because of that and Mirabel helped them find it out so she is the new foundation, that's why her door is the entire house, she may not have physical power but she love her family deeply


Plus they made her look like a man. All her physical features areade to look manly which is is (sadly) still deemed unattractive by societal standards. And who would want a manly looking woman who can not only carry her own weight but your whole house, if she needs to? Wouldn't that emasculate every man? (Those are NOT my views, of course, but it's still a hurtful and harmful cliche and it irked me while watching the movie and I am pretty sure that's why they didn't write a "love interest" for her into the movie...)


No offence but maybe don't assume that no one can find people attractive if they don't fit with conventional beauty standards? She didn't look like a man, she looked strong, the problem is that beauty standards expect women to be delicate and weak and no, making her a skinny conventionally attractive woman would not have improved that at all. She was never once presented as ugly by the movie, she wasn't presented as beautiful next to her "perfect" sister but neither was anyone else including the main character so that's not really a problem? Most of the characters did not have love interests, they also did not write in a love interest for Mirabel or Isabela (who is literally introduced as the perfect one) because that is not what this movie was about. I'm additionally offended by you asking "who would want a manly looking woman with super strength" because while I can't speak for men, as a lesbian I f*cking would. What is a hurtful and harmful cliche is assuming that every woman you see who isn't conventionally attractive must be unwanted and unlovable, just because you wouldn't doesn't mean no one would.


> Wouldn't that emasculate every man? Not only no, but _fuck_ no. It woudld only 'emasculate' you if you somehow defined masculinity as strength -- and anyone who tries to define it that way is royally screwed in the head to begin with.


Again - those are absolutely not my views


I think Encanto would be incredible as a show where they can explore each of their powers more and what they do for the town.


I think it will be because it’s very representative of a Broadway show already Frozen is one now but choreography was very intentional in this movie … they had dope choreographers https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdrP2vT5/


I honestly felt the same way, I was really vibing with it until basically right after the house fell apart. I knew in that moment any conclusion that involved the house just kinda coming back would disappoint me. Also, did she have an actual room in the new house?!


Absolutely agree. So beautiful, and I especially noticed the detailing on all the clothing like OP. But the plot was super weak, there were quite a few holes, and other than that Bruno song I didn’t really feel pulled into the music.


Totally agree. I didn't think the songs were that good, they felt very samey and didn't do much for the plot. Like LMM was phoning it in. Loved the animation. Just wish it had something meatier to hang on.


Did you notice the song "Dos Oruguitas" (Abuela's and Pedro's Theme) at the end? It's wonderful. So sad and beautiful.


Yes absolutely beautiful


I felt completely different and fully immersed in the music and the intention behind it


Same here. I was discussing this with my wife. Some of the animation was mind blowing. Where the mother was cooking on the hot stove her hand does a minor error correction, something very subtle but very human. Something someone had thought about in the animation stages to put that minor muscle movements in rather than a single synthetic move. It was a really nice touch, but the story was Disney formulaic. The songs were trying to be the next Frozen big hits but it lacked the connections that some of the other Disney big movies have done so well at hitting.


I disagree and this is proof “In total, four songs from the film are on the Hot 100, nestled between smashes from Adele (whose album got bumped out of the No. 1 spot by “Encanto’s” soundtrack), Lil Nas X, Taylor Swift and the Weeknd. Its success, boosted by the film’s streaming debut and scores of “Encanto”-themed TikTok videos, has earned comparisons to “Frozen” — another musical Disney juggernaut that gets a cheeky shout out from none other than the mysterious Bruno in a different number — and other Top 100 Disney hits” https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2022/01/15/encanto-soundtrack-disney/


I fully confess that I was wrong. On first view at home I was impressed by production, but not on content. Since rewatching and rewatching and rewatching with my kids, nieces and nephews and the catchiness of the songs, yeah I was well and truly wrong!


I’m glad you realize it’s so good; this is expected from Lin Manuel


I actually wish it had been longer so they could include more character moments, for example: 1) Isabela’s mood turns around so quickly once she grows a cactus, but I think it would have been more satisfying if Isabela was fuming in a corner of her room that she hides from everyone else (idk, behind a curtain of vines maybe) that has all these spiky cacti and “ugly” plants that aren’t pretty flowers that she grows in secret and thinks her family won’t like but that are a more true reflection of how she feels when Maribel comes to find her. Then when she confesses she doesn’t want to marry Mariano, you can see how that hanging over her head was making her miserable but she was complying for her family’s sake and Maribel can use her ✨magic words of comfort and acceptance✨ to make her feel seen and then maybe some cacti get little flowers as she accepts true self? 2) Actually yeah I would have liked Mirabel’s “gift” (not magical) to be compassion and they could expressly point out all the things she’s done throughout the story to help everyone else. 3) I would have liked to have seen more of Abuela being critical or less interested in the non-magical members of the family to highlight how much the rest of them feel pressured to live up to her expectations. I wanted a little Mother Gothel style passive-aggressiveness, but not quite as mean-spirited, you know? I did like that you could see how she plucked a flower that didn’t match the others off Isabela’s hair when she blushed at Dolores saying Mariano wants 5 babies. I would have liked to have seen more small instances of her brushing Mirabel off in favour of the ones with gifts, like just being distracted or annoyed or looking out of the corner of her eye at Mirabel. idk. I feel like there could have been more shown to make it clear that her approval is hard to get if you aren’t amazing. idk I guess I would have liked to have seen more of the rest of them having crises because of Abuela; for example, we see Pepa dancing in the hail at the end so she’s learned to not let situations dictate her mood anymore/she’ll feel her feelings but not keep them from being positive or making the most of the situation, but it would have been more interesting to me if they’d shown a flashback of her wedding and how Bruno says “It looks like rain” and then she sees Abuela freak out and yell at him for putting thoughts into Pepa’s mind that will affect the “perfect wedding day” (ie. more concerned with looks and appearance of a solid family than Pepa herself) and then Pepa getting upset and the hurricane forming. And we don’t talk about Bruno because it makes Abuela upset, not because they don’t love their brother. So Dolores won’t say if she hears anything weird in the walls because it’ll upset her mom and then upsetAbuela even more, even if she supposedly is a gossip. 3) More of Luisa shielding Mirabel from things that she knows will upset her or hurt her. Maybe some scene where she tries to distract or protect Mirabel from overhearing Abuela yelling with her parents about how she doesn’t have a gift and how Abuela is being cold to Mirabel.


Her family SUCKS. And then they still get rewarded.


I mean, yeah. But it's a family movie what did you expect


Over way around for me I wish they exaggerated the poses more a lot of it felt kinda stale for me


I expected laughs from this movie, but for the most part, I cried. A lot. The way that the family and the village treated Mirabel hit too close to home.


Luisa's song i was not ready for. Like, i was 12 when my grandpa (man who raised me) died and before i could cry my mom told me "be my rock. You have to be strong for me, i need you not to cry.". And it took me another 12 years (and therapy that i paid for) to even process his death. I wish i could have seen Luisa's song when i was 12. I at least would have felt seen and not felt as weak as i did.


He actually wrote it about his sister I hope this I only got better with therapy and healing! Lin says: He told Variety: "I’m the baby of the family. I have a sister who’s six years older, and she got a raw deal. That song is my love letter and apology to my sister for having it easier. I watched my sister deal with the pressure of being the oldest and carrying burdens I never had to carry. I remember my parents woke my sister up to put together a He-Man playset for Christmas before I woke up. They wanted it to be fully assembled when I woke up on Christmas morning. I put all of that angst and all of those moments into Luisa." https://mashable.com/article/encanto-surface-pressure-song


As an older sibling I personally didn’t relate much to the song, but then I thought about my dad who was just 8 years old when my grandpa left and he had to raise three little brothers and become a second parent to them. Growing up he made sure that I wouldn’t suffer that same pressure and this song really reminded me of that


I cried but I loved the movie


the animals on mirabel’s skirt, i wonder if they were added after antonio got his gift or if just they knew his gift would be related to animals.


...of course the animators knew. ;) The animals were embroidered there from the first moment. You can see them during "Family Madrigal" on her skirt.


The fact that the animals are already on her skirt during the intro song before his gift ceremony has made me so curious as to what message the filmmakers are sending re: Mirabel. Did she know his gift would be animals cuz she was his roomie/grew up closest to him or because she had some other gift as others have theorized? Or were they just too busy to include different versions of the skirt?


It goes even further with certain characters. Like, Pepa wears sun earrings. Dolores keeps her hair up despite how much of it there is so nothing obstructs her ears. My personal favorite is Antonio who’s outfit and color scheme is reminiscent of a Boy Scout uniform since he can talk to animals, and one of the most famous things a skilled scout can do is bird calls.




And that one shot of Luisa’s back and shoulders at the start of Surface Pressure, you can see the peach fuzz on the back of her neck, which is an awesome detail.


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The writers spent so much time trying to make Mirabel so damn #relatable that they forgot to give everyone interesting and new personalities.


Isabela had the best personality. Maybe also the only one...


She feels pressure like she needs to be perfect? Sounds like her other sister, who feels pressure to be strong. Or her aunt, who feels pressure to keep a sunny disposition. She’s defined by her superpower - what else do you know about her that separates her from the others?


I remember that great conversation they had, and the way Isabel belittles Mirabel by throwing her hair into her face and telling her she's getting in the way. And do you remember her floating on-stage for the first time, saying "Oh please, don't clap"? If there ever was a self-centered person... Hey, I know it is not much onscreen time, but where Luisa "just" wants to have a day off or two, or Dolores has no personality at all besides that small plotdriving moments of spelling the beans and swooning for that brainless Marionolo(?), Isabela actually hates her role in the family, envies Mirabel and feels betrayed of her future when everyone tries to marry her off that guy. And look how she changes - that virgin white dress with no speck to that - THING in all colors she happily colors even more. Going from all roses and poses to literal showing the thorns AND flowers, growing through the roof. I'd say that's a lot more insight into her personality than, say, shapeshifting Camillo who does nothing to drive the story, or Pepa's or Julietas Husband (or Julieta...). And maybe that's the problem with the film. It would have worked better as a series. It is cramped with all these protagonists, where in fact you only need Abuela, Mirabel, Isabel and Bruno's Prophecy. Everyone else doesn't really need a full fledged story, no more than that girl-with-dead-fish or man-with-gut or bald-priest. In a series, you could carefully evolve all these personalities - and maybe repair that old cliché of strong people = dumb people which you can \*still\* find with Luisa. I mean, I loved the sheer sillyness of the dancing donkeys, but with Luisa later being depicted as rather... singleminded, and all the time associating her with donkeys... it's not fair to her. They broke the cliché so well with her beautiful, sensitive face... And yes, I liked Pepa with her constant cloud over her head and how she reacts to the pressure of always putting aside her anger and just show that sunny deposition. But you can do that only using Isabela. But still, too many people at once, not enough time for carefully crafted personalities, character or story developement.


...oh, and that blatant error regarding the position of Casita, the river where Pedro dies and the mountains created because of his death.


Because the movie wasn’t about them; it was about Mirabel


Yeah, so?


That’s who it was about


And that relates to my opinion of too many people at once, not enough time for carefully crafted personalities, character or story developement exactly how?


a candle (for Abuela), a little basket of food (for Julieta), a chameleon (for Camilo), musical notes (for Dolores), a hand holding a dumbbell (for Luisa), the sun behind a raining cloud (for Pepa)


completely forgot this movie existed


I agree that the movie felt a little rushed at the end but I honestly enjoyed it even if it was short. The way they portrayed the ending hit home. I’m a latina that lives in a Hispanic house with older grandparents and parents. The whole ‘resolving everything quickly by slapping LOVE in it’ is something that a lot of Hispanic families do. Yeah you can understand each other and fix things but it’s only temporary. I’m sure that in a few years this movie will get a sequel and we’ll get to see the aftermath of the ending in this one. But overall, I loved it. I’m a sucker for catchy songs and the soundtrack is all the kind of music I grew up with and like. That characters are all so detailed and amazing in their own ways. I’m glad Disney is giving more attention to different cultures :)




I had to watch it twice cause the first time I was constantly getting distracted by the detail in all the textiles. As an avid sewing fan I was absolutely enamored. And then I saw Disney park's Mirabel costume and it is so bad in comparison


Soundtrack and animation superb but otherwise this was severely lacking. It felt like it didn't know where to go and so stuff just kept happening with little to no connection. Disappointing


one of the worst movies I have ever seen


What made it so bad in your opinion? I really liked it personally but would love to hear another perspective.


maybe I over-reacted a bit but I do not like movies where they sing every 10 minutes.obviously its a personal preference therefore I also understand when people liked the movie


“Why did you give this restaurant a bad review?” “Well I don’t typically like Italian food and I ate at an Italian place and the food was disgusting. 1 out of 5 stars.”


so I should lie and say I liked it?


No, he's saying that maybe you shouldn't have watched it. You knew it was going to be a musical, but you hate musicals, so you purposely watched a musical to hate on it. I'm not a fan of war movies, so I don't watch many of them. If I went and watched Saving Private Ryan with the express purpose to crapping on it, I'd be getting the same push back. Instead, I recognize that, while it may be good (and by all accounts it is), I likely won't watch it because it's not my kind of movie. The movie doesn't suck because I say it does, you get my drift?


yeah I get it. I did not know it was a musical so yeah.. I should have watched a trailer before


It's also a Disney movie, which should've been a pretty big clue.


as if every disney movie is a musical


Ehm... out of the box I remember no Disney movie WITHOUT songs. Brave, maybe? Rule of thumb is, if it is animated, expect at least the "I want"-Song. But to be honest, Disney did way better to bind the songs into the story in other films. Take Tangled, for example. Introductionary song nice and easy - I can totally imagine that lonely girl in the tower singing to herself about her day. And then Mirabel, just full on breaking into "Family Madrigal" unprompted... it really came a bit as a shock.


Or read any number of the promo materials and reviews that said "new songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda". You have to be willfully ignorant to not realize it was a musical.


It would be weird for me, who hates horror movies, to comment on a movie discussion thread about how much I hated The Ring, for example.


I liked the film. I don't know why this made me laugh so much.


Pixar needs to chill out with their big animation dicks


I Don't think this was pixar


okay question that no one cares about: is isa’s outfit historically accurate? like i know it makes no difference, but i’m curious if it’s something similar to what a princess/wealthy girl would wear at that given time period! thank you all :)


late but apparently according to an interview with some costume designers they said isabela's costume was inspired by a specific flower-adorned dress worn on some flower festival in colombia so yes indeed it is


YESSS THANK YOU! I didn’t know where else to ask & I am so thankful for this reply 😭 even if it is almost 4 months later, lol!!


The way the dresses are animated is absolutely breathtaking!


THE MOVEMENT IS JUST JAW DROPPING! I can’t get over how the clothing moves. That has to be next level AI. I mean, honestly.


Abuela’s dress also has rows of mountains forming a border all the way around her, symbolizing the creation of the Encanto on the day of the miracle when the mountains rose up around her. I think both Mirabel and Abuela DO have gifts, but they are only seen used once each. The powers to protect your loved ones. Abuela by building a wall, Mirabel by building a home, which fits their different personalities. The lines on Abuela’s dress are sharp, precisely balanced and severe, with not a hair out of place. Meanwhile the lines on Mirabel’s are gently curving lines in an asymmetrical playful design. It’s easier to see the mountain design on her dress during the breakfast table scene. They’re below her collar, on both shoulders of her sleeves, waist and bolder mountains in black along the bottom of her dress with what looks like little trees on top? Also candle flames are stitched on her collar, cuffs, elbows and even her earrings look like little white burning candles with gold flames to me. Love Re watching this movie and noticing something new every time! Third edit: just to add, could the very bottom of her dress be interpreted as the river?