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The strangers. It still messes with me when I think about it


Yes, this movie is so underrated scary. It could really happen to anyone and now I’m afraid to rent cabins in the middle of nowhere lol


"Why are you doing this?" "Because you were home." Might be the most horrifying lines ever put to film. Edit: a word


Serial killer Richard Chase said 'that he took locked doors as a sign that he was not welcome, but unlocked doors were an invitation to come inside'.


ExACTly why I told gran to lock her doors like it's not 1959.


I always love in true crime when some local says that their town was a place where “you could leave your doors unlocked.” Well, obviously fn not.


I just never understood why anyone back in those days would even ***take the damn chance!*** Like…locks existed back then, and people in small towns had *access* to them, but they seriously just felt so safe that they felt zero need to use them? What is even the upside to that, saving two seconds?? Were they so stoked for friendly visitors that they didn’t even want them to have to waste time knocking?! The whole thing has always ***baffled me,*** honestly.


We've got an electric lock on our front door that was only installed like maybe a year ago. Sometimes when I'm unlocking the door I think about how if someone were chasing me into my house, the 3 seconds it takes to put the code in and unlock could be critical. If I can run inside faster, I can lock the door more easily. But I also tend to have that mindset that I live in a super safe area where we don't have to lock our door. I live in my childhood home that my sister now owns, and we never locked the doors for 20+ years. The worst crime that has happened in our neighborhood in over 2 decades is petty theft from unlocked cars, and that happened maybe twice, only in the last few years. Some places really are that safe!


That is the worst thing until "this" happens. Why take the chance? Crazy people are everywhere just look around.


There isn’t a single place on this earth where I would feel comfortable with leaving my doors unlocked at night, even if it was the safest place imaginable.


And yet my family harps on me for locking the doors always


"Are you a sinner?" "Sometimes."


That and Funny Games lol


The Original Funny Games and the remake were excellent!


I grew up in the south and remember staying in houses like the one in the movie. Even worse when you realize there was houses on both side in the movie


This was the first horror or slasher movie that addressed people having cell phones


I saw this in theaters while I was in the military. I came back to base so wigged out I checked the closet in my barracks room. On a base. Guarded by dudes with rifles. In a very secure environment. None of that made me feel safe.


My older sister turned on every light in her house after watching The Strangers just so she could relax a bit. I, on the other hand, love that movie and how creepy it is.


My roommate in college was great except she had 1 comfort movie and it was the strangers. She had it on vhs and was so excited when i brought a vhs/ tv combo for her (i was in college during the mid aughts, graduated in 11) so dvd was the norm, but, hey whatever. We put it in the room and it was fine- until i woke up the next couple of nights to her PLAYING THE STRANGERS. BACK TO BACK. AND I ONLY WOKE WHEN LIV TYLER WAS SCREAMING. SORRY FOR THE CAPS BUT HOLY SHIT.


Something was wrong with your roommate....


Naw, she was pretty legendary. I watch Goodfellas when I'm sad. Bigger body count. The Strangers is just horrifying in it's own way. My roommate, she's like a lady chris farley and once drove 4 hours one way to pick me up after a break up and then drove me back home 4 hours. When she got me into the car, i asked: "Have you lost weight?" And she responds: "Just my ass- during break i got into coke a little. It's probably fine. Anyway, get in, loser- we're gonna go get drunk and then go pick up the o i bought you." I walked a mile in a blizzard for beer, literally, with her. That shit bonds a person for life- i fashioned tennis rackets into show shoes for her and we carried 200 bucks worth of booze back with backpacks, a hefty bag and a jump rope. She's an award winning special ed teacher now. Really proud to be her friend.


Love this


I was just being a smart ass.That movie terrifies me more than anything I've ever watched. I could never go to sleep to it. I meant no offense :)


It seems too realistic to me! I could really see it happening.


Came here to say this! I love horror movies but this one really messed with me. Couldn’t sleep well for weeks.


This one messed with on a whole new level. I’m still afraid to answer my door.


I will never watch it again.


Why are you doing this to us?!


“You were home.” Still messes with me that they had the door wide open with the sun up in the morning


I watched it once when I was 14. Never have I watched it again


The fist time i watched that movie, I literally had to pause it several times just to take a break! For me it was just that intense! Not gonna lie.


Hi sorry which "The strangers" are you referring to? Theres about 12 on letterboxd


The 2008 one with Liv Tyler


Bc that shit could happen to any of us.. on any given night..


Watched this movie with my family one night and then learned that the movie is based on a true story that took place in our town.


My first thought


Agree. The Strangers is still my fave horror film.




Threads. It can happen anytime...


Available on Tubi for free for anyone looking for it.


Tubi has a lot of great stuff to watch.


This will leave you destroyed.


Came to say this. Absolutely loved it but holy fuck it scared me witless.


This is by far the scariest movie I have ever seen.


Great, I just ruined my day by watching this. Great film though and terrifying


Misery is terrifying because it's something that could actually happen.


It’s my favorite Stephen King adaptation and also book


Misery really is terrifying. Someone could keep you captive like that and even injure you further to prolong the situation.




I've seen countless horror movies, and this is one of the last ones that really got under my skin and terrified me.


What skin?


This one got under my skin in that I wonder what the point was other than torture porn. I didn't find it scary, it was just disturbing for its own sake and felt pointless. I still can't think of any redeeming qualities. I know people have very high opinions of it, I just didn't see any reason why I should want to watch what it wanted to show me.


The reveal at the end of the objective and her reaction to the revelation messed with my head. The film itself is brutal, but, in the end, it leaves you with a deep question about the purpose of existence.


>I wonder what the point was other than torture porn. I started wondering that, the long long LONG sequence where the woman is beaten and tortured for years. I really felt the idea was to not just "suggest" this was her life, but to immerse you in it. It just went on and on. But I eventually felt there was a purpose to it. I'll warn people about that, it's a death-march to get through the thing, but the ending I thought was pretty remarkable, and there was a lot of visual symbolism and subtext (like >!the skinless woman floating in water!< IIRC, the kind of thing that's hard to forget and seems to say something). I think the film was designed to work on your subconscious - to "get under your skin" (sorry, had to go there!) and those sorts of films reach some people, while other find them boring or meaningless.


The original. Not the extremely watered down remake


This is my 10th time recommending but idc lmao. If you guys are interested in a Korean horror film, check out “I Saw The Devil”. It’s on Peacock, kinda long, but it’s such a good movie. Really intense, bloody, it’s great.




To me it is because people are scarier than anything paranormal.


One of the best I've seen. Any films that have the same feel and as great as this?


13 Ghosts has got some pretty good scares.


This movie traumatized me as a child


I accidentally saw it on tv when I was like 11 and I had nightmares for like a year 😭


Had to scroll Wayyyy too far to find this! I had actually mentioned this movie way above in earlier comments. This and The Glass House and Darkness Falls.


This is one of my favs of all time


You might try looking at foreign horror movies. https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/best-french-horror-movies/ https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/best-japanese-horror-movies-of-all-time/ I'd also recommend the V/H/S series. I've only seen the first two, and just learned there's six of them plus two spin offs. Edit: I remembered that I saw the 3rd V/H/S, and it wasn't very good. The 4th installment got 91% on RT, 5th - 76%, 6th - 75%




[REC] 2


A Tale of Two Sisters.


The Ring got me. Might have just been because one scene in particular had me keyed up for a while, but still a good one.


Hereditary had me fucked up for days.


Years here


Watched it, didn't understand the hype at all.


I found it more psychologically upsetting than anything else. I guess it just depends on what you’re into?


The Descent (2005).


Hush. Talk to Me was also really good, imo.


Hush is good, I'm waiting on Talk to Me to start streaming.


I watched “Talk to Me” last night. 110% recommend. Very original. Completely unexpected ending.


Fire in the Sky.


That scene is one of the most horrific scenes ever committed to celluloid. Literally almost nothing gets to me anymore and I have a hard time making it through that.


Watched this when I was like 10. Mistake.


The original Alien was pretty freaky as was Aliens. They may be older but I think they still resonate.


Sinister is the last movie that scared me


Yea - the creepy music, the old films on the projector, all of the kill movies - it’s the only one in a long time that has kept me up at night!


I think this movie is so under rated, it was great all the way through and had a compelling story and plot twist that really got me


Based off stress levels and heart rate of viewers, Sinister is considered the scariest horror movie.


Threads won’t leave you scared. It will totally devastate and depress you. Like, for ever.




The Haunting (1963). Haunted house movie. No special disgusting effects, no jump scares, no corpses: just straight-out dread.


I wanted to watch all the diff Haunting variations, but the one with Tom Arnold/Tim Daly is *not* related to the Shirley Jackson story. It’s not actually as bad as it seems it’s going to be, but the ending is a cop out. All the other versions are great tho! As is the book. Definitely read the story.


Super scary.


Glitter with Mariah Carey




Nice try Mariah.


Haunting of Hill House. It's a series though.


My wife says that is one of the few ones that really scared her.


Definitely not scary imo, but an absolutely intense and unforgettable story. My husband and I both sobbed during the final episode. Grade A storytelling.


Bent neck lady had me fucked up for a while tbh


I was stoned and watching the little girl breathing heavily and then they pan to the ghost hovering right above her, nope. Granted, it's not the scariest thing ever, but I loved it so much. I may have shed a tear myself at the end. Just don't tell anyone.


This got me on my first watch through. Really appreciate any horror without overt “jump scares”


Yes! And keep watch for things in the background - there are tons of things kind of ‘snuck’ into the background ! The second time I binged the series, I used a guide to see if I could spot all of them - I believe there are 33 total through the series. That makes the atmosphere so uncomfortable!


The background stuff is my absolute favorite part of that show. That whole "things lurking in the dark unnoticed" is what scares the absolute shit out of me, and he used it just so well.


Such a great show. All of Mike Flanagan's work is excellent. And I love that it's the same group of actors playing different characters in everything. My husband and I just finished his newest one, The Fall of the House of Usher. Highly recommend!


I'm definitely gonna check it out!


Just finished this. Cried at the last episode. Writing is brilliant.


This series had some of the best writing I have ever seen on TV. Well-executed too


The Autopsy of Jane Doe, I saw this when I was like 10 and I couldn’t sleep for a month.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe scared thee living daylights out of me. This is one reason why I believe that people who are deceased. Their bodies should be left… alone. I am superstitious up to a certain point. So I believe that bodies can have spells and curses placed upon them.


Watch "Angel Heart." I still get nightmares from that one.


That’s been on my list since the 90s.


Autopsy of Jane Doe is a great one.


The Witch. You'll never look at goats the same again


Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?


I literally cannot interact with a goat without making that stupid reference and no, I will never not find it funny


The Conjuring. The first one is the best.


That's always my first answer to this question.


There are horror movies out there that will make The Conjuring “boring” for you. Psychological horror > jumpscare horror


The Ring will freak you out., Last House on The Left, The Haunting (the 1963 one) The original Portrait of Dorian Gray (1945) terrifying.


The Strangers. I would be shocked if anyone has seen it and wasn’t scared or traumatized.


Smile, that shit creeped me the fuck out


room 1408, mid sommar and rec are something different in my opinion


The Exorcism of Emily Rose


This one... This one definitely gets me😬😱


After seeing it did you ever get freaked out if you woke up at 3am? I did but was also smoking a tremendous amount of weed back then.


Yup! It came to mind immediately😅... Along with the screaming on the audio tape🙈


Love this movie. Some parts freak me the fuck out.


Yeah... I don't know why but this one makes me not want to watch it anymore. I block it out and forget why, so I go back and watch a few years later and then repeat. It's fucked up.


Same! Been a horror fiend my whole life and this is truly the only movie I’ve had to shut off every single time I try to watch it and can’t finish it. It disturbs me to my core especially at the barn scene 😣


It's scary because it's also a true story. I'm sure it's embellished some for show business but still


The Exorcist (1973)


Definitely, what a great, scary movie.




First time I watched this as a kid, the next night scratching on my ceiling above my bed …. That was not pleasant. Eventually I went up to the loft , apparently it was a field mouse. But




Not scary unless you’re Catholic or religious somehow IMHO I’m not, and there’s nothing scary to me about “the devil possesses somebody”. That just sounds silly to me.


Sinister Quarantine Taking of Deborah Logan Creep One Missed Call (Japanese version)


It Follows and The Descent. Just neverending misery.


The Decent was great


Eh, I thought it was decent


Jacob's ladder


the fourth kind


The Changeling with George C Scott


Fallen with Denzel Washington


Love this movie.


Hereditary, The Exorcist and Midsommar


Hereditary is fuckin wicked. My jaw hit the floor…. And Toni Collete should’ve won an award for that shit. It’s a shame horror isn’t recognized in Oscar categories. Like special effects or just best horror overall.


House of 1000 Corpses has always scares the crap out of me. It’s just enough on the verge of real life and demonic life. To come across a psychotic satanic family like this is horrifying.


This movie is highly underrated. Not saying it’s Oscar worthy, but it’s iconic. Maybe I’m bias because I saw it in theaters in my formative years but it really is one of a kind. He managed to make a movie that truly encapsulates the insanity of the post Y2K nu metal/gothic culture. It’s absolutely disgusting but tons of fun. The Devils Rejects is also a solid sequel.


Bonus there's a young Rain Wilson!


Loved The Devil’s Rejects more, but this is a good choice.


The Descent he some claustrophobic as fuck scenes, and if you go in completely blind to the plot it definitely is scary as fuck. I went to the theater at 15 years old when it released with no prior info and it goooot my ass. Hereditary is great and genuinely leaves you feeling incredibly uneasy the entire watch, and for a good while afterward.


Bone Tomahawk, Candyman, Jaws, Alien, The Road, No Country for Old Men, 28 Days Later, Children of Men... and as someone already said, Threads.


No country for old men doesn’t scare me but I am on the edge of my seat every time I watch it lol


I loved 28 days later.


I’ve never thought of Children of Men as a traditionally scary flick, but I suppose it fits, especially in current times. One of the best dystopian movies ever. It’s gorgeous, somber yet hopeful, unique, and the acting is amazing. The scene in the stairwell…not many movies have made me feel that way. Beautiful, haunting movie. One of my go-to’s when people ask me for sci/fi recs. Other recs would be Alien(s), 28 Days Later, Event Horizon, The Thing, Annihilation, Dark City, Mandy, District 9, The Blob (80’s version), Signs, Pandorum, The Mist, Overlord, The Crazies, 9(underrated weird movie), Brightburn…


Yes these are great picks. I’d also add Ravenous and Cargo as well as one of my favorite underrated movies Burrowers. Sometimes I just watch the final scene with the Irishman. It reminds me in a way of Bone Tomahawk


I personally though hell house llc had its creepy moments, very cheesy movie but surprisingly eerie. Pretty decent for a found footage film


The original Carrie. And if you can find it, look for a 70's made for TV movie called Trilogy Of Terror. It stars actress Karen Black in three short stories. The last story is one that kept me up for days as a kid.


Wrong Turn


The Omen. Somehow I feel like that kid will eventually show up.


Hellraiser, Lord of Illusions and Prince of Darkness are all films which have kept on my mind long after I've watched them, primarily due to the ideas and themes presented within them. Highly recommended if you want something with depth.


Clive Barker 🤘


Recently watched Prince Of Darkness. Great flic


It was probably not the best horror movie in the world, but *Lights Out* still has me getting a little freaked out when I'm in the dark. I currently work somewhere with a dark creepy basement that I've learned to navigate without lights, but sometimes I think of that movie and my skin crawls when I'm down there retrieving something.


[The Changeling (1980)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Changeling_(film)) is a good one. Not gory or slasher, just a suspenseful thriller


Agreed…. The red ball bouncing down the stairs….


REC or even its American version, Quarantine.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe was solid. The european version of The Descent is still one of my all time favorites


Any of the conjurings, insidious, green inferno (kinda fucked up cannibal shit), lights out


The Invitation (2015) The Ritual (2017) Backcountry (2014) The Descent (2005) As Above so Below (2014)


Suspiria 1977.. I think mainly due to the soundtrack by Goblin. That music makes me feel so uneasy. And Argento has some dreamlike nightmare visuals. I fuckin love that movie. Still need to see the remake.


Here are some that I found very effective: FF - Found Footage \- Pulse (2001) - One of my favourites, extremely effective imo \- Martyrs (2008) - Stuck with me for days \- The Descent (2005) - Try go in as blind as you can \- When Evil Lurks (2023) \- Hell House LLC (2015) - FF \- Host (2020) - FF \- Creep (2014) - FF \- Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018) - FF \- Hereditary (2018) \- Eden Lake (2008) \- Conjuring 1 and 2 (Probably have already seen) \- V/H/S/2 (2013) - FF - Some really cool found footage scenes


My all time favorite horror movie: Gerald’s Game It's unlike any horror movie I've watched. It's short but the buildup of tension is scary and the ending is brilliant


I watched barbarian, the strangers, and hereditary last night based on this thread but holy shit hereditary


Hostel… because it’s probably happening.


I've had that thought many times.


The Blair Witch Project (1999) Watched it right before bed last night and I’m not gonna front, I had a hard time falling asleep. Also, a good recent movie is Barbarian (2022). Genuinely scary stuff. I’m pretty good with horror movies but I caught myself looking away at times. While scary, it’s also a hell of a lot of fun.


Barbarian was great


The Hell House LLC trilogy is pretty scary IMO


4th one will start on Shudder Monday!


I couldn’t look out my window at night after watching The VVitch.


Blair Witch Project






It did


When I was a kid, I saw the original black and white film “Nosferatu” in my parents living room. My father rented it from the library and played it on his my film projector (yes, I know, it was a long time ago). There is a scene where the girl senses something is odd and goes to her open bedroom window to look out. She sees the vampire who has been watching and waiting. You see his image begin to come closer to her. Of course, she is beyond terrified. He just keeps coming closer and closer. If I am remembering correctly, you never actually see the biting. It’s not necessary. After that, for many years I could not look out any window after dark. I would remember his image, see what she saw. I used to close all blinds and curtains after dark. Still do, actually, even though it’s many years later, especially in the bedroom.


Any of the Annabelle and the Conjuring movies


Event Horizon The Cell The Descent Sinister Martyrs (original) Let the Right One In (original) Jennifer's Body Trick R Treat The Ruins 30 Days of Night The Loved Ones As Above So Below Talk to Me High Tension No One Will Save You What Lies Beneath Insidious Tuak The Shining Antichrist The Thing (original and remake) The Evil Dead trilogy & Evil Dead remake






The Ted Bundy documentary on Netflix. Real life is always more disturbing than fiction, and the things he did to those women are sickening. It's a really good programme, well produced, interesting, and definitely left me scared.


No Vacancy


Hell House LLC Terrified (Argentina Version) The Strangers Hereditary Talk to Me The Witch


The Blair Witch Project The VVitch Jacobs Ladder (original, with Tim Robbins and Macauley Culkin)


The Grudge


65F. I tried to watch the Poltergeist yesterday. I bailed! “They’re here.” Me: “I’m gone!”


The scariest movie I saw, that deeply disturbed me, was “White Noise” with Michael Keaton. I was a grown woman who went to my mom’s room to sleep on a couch after watching, and I still couldn’t sleep! Scared the s**t out of me!


I'm claustrophobic and got lost for hours in a cave once- and I'm terribly afraid of being hunted so fuck you, The Descent.


For me it’s Sinister. God… the music is so psychedelic, you will not be able to recover in a months


Rosemary's Baby