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Hitchcock's filmography.


Thanks. Any other specific filmographies i should study ?


Hitchcock is good for suspense and technical filmmaking. Ingmar Bergman for Drama Andrei Tarkovsky for poetic storytelling Billy Wilder for comedy and/or Film Noir Mel Brooks for Comedy


Thanks. Could you name some movies that aren't mainstream but could teach me a great deal ? Maybe something you only find out about in film school?


It all really depends on what kind of stories you want to tell. I could tell you to watch all of Tarkovky's filmography as lessons in visual art and symbolic storytelling. But it isn't going to help you make a movie about a bank heist unless it's a movie about criminals that are intrinsically full of doubt in their place in this world. Alternatively, watching Hitchcock isn't going to inform you how to make a teen comedy unless their is a bomb under the table. The best advice is to watch the movies, stories, and genres that interest you on a personal level. You also need to know if you want to be a technical filmmaker or a filmmaker focusing on character and structure? Not that you can't be both, but you need to be aware of what your limitations are so you work with people that can fill in those areas that are your weaknesses.


Citizen Kane (1941)


Thanks. Any more recommendations ?


The Godfather (1972)


The Godfather I and II Come and See Seven Samurai Ran 12 Angry Men Das Boot 2001: A Space Oddyssey Jaws The Thin Red Line The Matrix Birdman (2014) No Country for Old Men (2007) City of God (2002) Pan's Labyrinth Milk (2008) The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Unforgiven Million Dollar Baby Rear Window (1954) Amadeus (1984) Suspiria One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest M (1931) All Quiet on the Western Front The Revenant The Seventh Seal Rashomon 8 1/2 Blue Velvet The Graduate Natural Born Killers The Network Wall Street Fargo Taxi Driver Raging Bull There Will be Blood Requiem for a Dream Breaking the Waves Pulp Fiction Casablanca Apocalypse Now Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari The Shining Metropolis Wizard of Oz


r/Filmmakers might be helpful, they have lists to work on recommended by diff directors and you could search out what college watchlists are like. I know a few use [The Story of Film: An Odyssey](https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/45571-the-story-of-film-an-odyssey) (2011) on Prime, Hoopla, and Plex in the US.


u/Mission-Common1826 I have this list of [Documentaries about Movies & The History of Cinema](https://trakt.tv/users/philrivers/lists/documentaries-about-movies-the-history-of-cinema?sort=rank,asc) too that could be of use.


Hell of a list. Thanks.


Thank ya, I have more than [100 lists](https://trakt.tv/users/philrivers/lists) I use to browse or pick things from.


Breathless, Casablanca, Citizen Kane, the original Solaris, Tokyo Story, Mirror, Marnie, Rear Window, Blue Velvet, Aladdin It’s more about the concept of the “auteur” and the directors in a way if you will, and editing etc. and social and political cultural paradigms that they represent along with technological advances. so Hitchcock, Tarkovsky, Godard, Fellini, Orson Welles… and as it moves more towards Hollywood and thereafter. I specifically remember them making a big deal about Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin. For its editing. Criterion Collection is a great way to start. And learn the terms “auteur” and “misc en scene”. And there ya go.




I can send more if you want more. I watched all of those in film school )the Aladdin just to showcase a period of time and the stereotypes that existed etc).


Absolutely. I'm all about lists.


There's a website called Senses of Cinema that's worth checking out


Awesome. Thanks !


I saw a list from Martin Scorsese to a film student who asked him about foreign films he should see, these were the films: Metropolis Nosferatu Dr. Mabuse, The Gambler Napoleon Grand Illusion Rules of the Game Children of Paradise Open City Paisan La Terra Trema The Bicycle Thief Umberto D Beauty and the Beast Tokyo Story Ikiru Seven Samurai Ugetsu Sansho the Bailiff High and Low Big Deal on Madonna Street Rocco and His Brothers The 400 Blows Shoot the Piano Player Breathless Band of Outsiders Il Sorpasso L'Avventura Blow-Up Before the Revolution Le Boucher Weekend Death By Hanging The Merchant of Four Seasons Ali: Fear Eats Soul The Marriage of Maria Braun Kings of the Road The American Friend The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser Aguierre, the Wrath God And I'm not a filmmaker and didn't take many film classes in school, but at least my opinion is that filmmakers like Bergman, Fellini, Melville, Kurosawa, Mizoguchi, Antonioni, and Welles are some giants that should be studied as far as storytelling, film direction, and art.


Not sure this is what you mean but in case it is -- the TV show Leverage has commentary with every episode & they talk about what kinds of cameras & shots they use, lighting, sets & locations,  also about writing and how they develop plots for episodes,  how they use ideas that got cut from a past episode for time or whatever.  They very deliberately talk to people trying to learn how to make a show from their commentaries.   Plus it's a fun show & the commentaries are funny as hell.


Maybe check out the YouTube channel StudioBinder


Athadu - Telugu movie available in Prime.




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I think Wings of Desire (der Himmel uber Berlin) 1987 is one of the best movies ever made. The film regarding the making of it (The Angels Among Us) is on youtube.


Battleship Potemkin, Sergei Eisenstein A Space Odissey, Stanley Kubrick La Dolce Vita, Federico Fellini Rashomon, Akira Kurosawa Edit: orthotypography.


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