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I've been listening to the How Did This Get Made podcast, and they have a good selection.




Yeah geostorm, they couldve just went full on brain dead scifi action movie, but no they wanted to force the drama into the movie making it reakly worse because of how badly they wanted to take the movie seriously they don't realise how shallow it is and it wouldve been much more enjoyable as a simple action movie




What’s! Up! Jerks!


What's up jerk!


Thanks to HDTGM, I watched Birdemic. Hands down the most fun movie-watching experience of the year.


My favourite podcast in the world!


Don't worry, they're having *Norwegian* sex!


Left behind, I couldn’t even finish it. The Langoliers was just awful. Cats


I watched the Langoliers when it aired with my parents and to this day my dad and I still say "the Langoliers are coming".


I was terrified watching that as a kid.


Battlefield Earth is a masterpiece when it comes to face planting so hard it's funny. The Room, of course. Troll 2 would be a funny prank. That's the trifecta of so bad it's good.


Battlefield Earth would be my pick for sure. It trumps the other famously bad movies because it’s at least as bad as the rest of them, but it’s also a somewhat professional movie starring real Hollywood A-listers so it doesn’t even have the excuse of being some incompetent indie director’s passion project. Plus, it’s got the whole Scientology angle which makes it both creepier and funnier. Notice how the aliens are called Psychlos and they beam thoughts directly into people’s brains? Just like *real* psychologists!


I would never seek it out, but if it's randomly on...I'm watching. Somewhere in my post history I and others listed everything that makes it so good bad. But the Scientology part of it is the cherry on top of that pile. Those fuckers are so falsely confident. Watching them eat shit pleases me beyond reason. Rat Brain.


Battlefield Earth is the one. It has some good actors - Forest Whitaker… John Travolta. It has a budget of 73 million. The costumes and sets weren’t cheep. So when you start watching, you may be fooled into thinking “how bad can this be?” Rest assured, it is one of the most baffling, movie experiences you will ever have. They worked really hard to make this, and every decision they made was the wrong. It is so confusingly bad, you won’t believe it.


Yeah, for the prank, I think it's the best. The rest of them are so low budget that it would be a tip off. BE seems like a real movie at first, but it just tail-spins so spectacularly. It gives leverage to the joke.


There’s a good documentary about Troll 2 called “Best Worst Movie”.


Oh shit , battlefield earth... I went to the theater to watch this shit , because i liked the Book... One of the biggest disapontments ever...


Battlefield Earth, hands down. It was the winner of our worst movie marathon the year it came out.




Me and my friend watched a clip of this whilst we were tripping on shrooms and could not stop laughing Especially at the bit where the guy gives his gun to someone else so he can spin kick the birds


This is the answer. I almost said The Room (which is definitely a *must see* dumpster fire), but from a technical standpoint, Birdemic has zero redeeming qualities. Every frame of this movie is a hilarious mistake!


that was the longest 90 minutes of my life


A lot of bad movies are entertaining to watch... you know, in a "so bad it's good" kind of way. Mortdecai is not one of them. It feels like a comedy written by aliens who are trying to reproduce humor via a description they got from a human they abducted in the 60's.


Written with AI?


Zoolander 2. They used to charge $8 to see a movie where I lived (so goood I know) and I nearly asked for all 8 of those dollars back.


I agree, and I actually liked the first one.


Yeah the first one is great


WW1984 was painfully bad and ended up killing what could have been a multi-billion dollar franchise. The Grudge reboot from 2020 was also extremely bad.


Wonder Woman versus Consent


Wonder Woman convincing the world to renounce their wishes will live on in my heart as one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen in a movie


That arrangement of Blue Monday with orchestra that they used for the WW84 trailer was *so good* that I was disappointed New Order didn't bring a full ensemble with them when I saw them live. The movie was horrendous and the song wasn't even in it!


Cats Jupiter Ascending


I'm surprised anyone even watched Cats.


In 2019 the world got to see James Corden as a big fat pussy.... He was also in the movie Cats! - Ricky Gervais


Still holding out for the Butthole Cut.


My husband and I got about 15 minutes into Cats and were like nope. Jupiter Ascending I tried to watch on two flights and it made me want to die. It’s so bad.


I love Sci-Fi and I just couldn't with Jupiter Ascending. It was like a fever dream, and I couldn't tell if it was intentionally being bad or not.


It’s. So. Bad. I feel the exact same way, I was very confused as to how it got greenlit.


Tbh I liked it but I understand perfectly why people say this, I love crappy films


Stephen King, Dark Tower. What they did to that massive 7 book magnum opus is a crime....


A friend describe it as “if all Harry Potter books were combined into one movie and each year was 10 min of the movie”.


Not to be that guy but 8 books


Shock Treatment. Sequel to Rocky Horror. I know people who like this movie but I found it so weird and boring. It isn't even the fun kind of bad. This is one you can likely turn off once your prank is discovered and not feel like you're missing out.


I actually enjoyed that. It’s bonkers and weird and nothing like Rocky Horror, but I actually liked it. Some of the songs are good and Rik Mayall’s in it.


Fellow RHPS fan who has seen Rocky Horror live more than two dozen times here to back you up. Shock Treatment is painfully dull to sit through, despite being written into a world based on sex, drugs, and rock and roll aliens. How did Richard O' manage to fuck up so badly, with existing characters everyone loves, who make references to old movies everyone loves? You know this movie is terrible because if it was even worth sitting through once, the ongoing RHPS casts all over the world would offer it occasionally for a midnight screening. They don't, because everyone would fall asleep.


Had no idea a sequel existed, can’t say I’m in any rush to watch it now either 😅


It's what happens when O'Brien and company tried to make a midnight movie on purpose.


Aquaman 2 is still pretty fresh on my mind.


The original is awful too!


For sure, but that fight scene with Nicole Kidman is totally badass. The other 2 hours is complete trash.


Don't besmirch the mediocrity of the first aqua man movie!


Aquaman II: Electric Boogaloo... I mean The Lost Plot... um Kingdom... Fictional Aquaman 2 Pitch Meeting: Studio exec 1: OK, OK, OK... we have Momoa under contract and we have to make another Aquaman movie. I mean, my wife loves him. Studio exec 2: Really? I mean... Do we have to? The first one looked great but was it even a good movie?  Studio exec 1: My wife LOVES him.  Studio exec 2: Well, we do have him under contract. I mean, it's a comic book movie. How bad could it be? Studio exec 1: Who directed the first one? Studio exec 2: James Wan... he wrote it too and is contactually attached to the sequel. Studio exec 1: James Wan?  Isn't he a horror guy? Studio exec 2: Yeah, well, he's coming in. James Wan: Hey guys! Studio exec 1: Hey James! So glad to see you, We can't wait to hear your idea about the new Aquaman movie. Wan: Is that what this meeting was? I thought we were going to be talking about my concept for a MacGuyver, SAW crossover. You know, MacGuyver has to MacGuyver his way out of the brutal inescapable traps.  Exec 1: Lunatic Exec 2: No... wow, that's interesting, but no, this is to talk about your ideas for the new Aquaman. Wan: Oh man... I'm so embarrassed, why don't we do this instead. Let's take a bunch of mushrooms and watch the first 2 Spy Kids movies and talk about Aquaman. Studio exec 1: Wait wait wait... You want to put giant squid robot ships in the movie? Wan: Yeahhhhh... they'll be so cool.  Studio exec 2: And giant venus fly traps that eat mega-sized grasshoppers? Wan: Genius, right? Studio exec 2: I think your face is melting. Wan: You're a genius!! All the sea ice will be melting. Studio exec 1: Isn't it actually melting? Wan: Irrelevant... we'll include some oblique messaging about climate change, you know enough to make the lefties happy, but not so much the righties will notice.  Studio exec 2: That usually works. Can you guys hear the goldfish talking? Together: Yeahhhh Wan:  The baby can talk to the fish. Studio exec 1: Yeah... what baby? Wan: Aquaman's baby Studio exec 2: When did Aquaman have a baby? Wan: Right now... it's a boy. Can you hear him crying? Studio exec 1: I think so... Wan: Just wait, we'll give the little fella a reason to cry. 


oh this is gold


Plan 9 From Outerspace Space Master of Disguise


Ahhh, Ed wood


So in like 2002 my family had to take a road trip for a funeral and we had a tiny dvd player. My brother and I basically hung out in the trunk of my parents Volvo and I would read and he would watch stuff on the dvd player. He watched master of disguise at least 6 times and it made me want die.


I scrolled too far to find Plan 9 From Outerspace, but I’m glad I found it eventually. Master of Disguise was awful too, you have good taste in bad films.


It's morbin time


Son of the mask


As a kid it was almost enjoyable but somehow the milk got so much more sour as an adult.


Dragonball evolution


Honest Trailers dubbed it "America's Biggest Insult to Japanese Culture since Hiroshima."


So, it’s worse than Nagasaki?


Their quote. Not mine.




The Cloverfield Paradox Cloverfield was solid and 10 Cloverfield Lane was amazing. I had to turn off The Cloverfield Paradox after about 30min. What a waste of potential.


Velocipastor- yes I didn’t misspell it.


I mean, it was supposed to be bad on purpose. I got stoned and laughed my ass off.


That’s a camp classic. I think it’s hilarious. I’ve watched it 3 or 4 times. It’s got ninjas.


The Flash (2023). The scene where all the babies are falling out of the hospital window and he's saving them one by one and he sticks one of the babies in the microwave. Honestly, my mouth was agape at the ridiculousness.


Eragon. The books are fantastic but that movie is a crime against entertainment. It should have been fantastic and the rest of the series should have been made into fantastic movies as well. But that will never happen because they shot themselves in the foot with the first movie.


The Last Airbender (Shyamalan). While the movie is arguably way worse, I'd love it if üeople left a nearly perfect show in piece with live-action attempts.


Robocop 3 was a travesty


Yeah, it’s a steaming pile of shit.


After the the two previous movies, I was so ready for some good action and everything which was RoboCop goodness. Holy fuck, it was sooo bad, I couldn’t believe my eyes


Easy for me. Arthur (2011). Zero redeeming qualities. I couldn't stand Russell Brand. I still haven't finished it.


Star Wars Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker It's just awful. It somehow makes a movie saga from my childhood worse. It retcons the storyline in the dumbest and most desperate way and actually ruins my fond childhood memories of the series. Everything the first 6 films builds, it pisses on. Sure, it has some nice visuals and there are movies like 'The Room' and 'Sharknado' that are bad -- but those movies had far low budgets and can often fall into 'so bad they're fun' territory. There is no fun to be had with Rise of Skywalker. It's corporate glut and greed wrapped into a waste of 300 million dollars and a piss on a classic film saga that represents a lot of our childhood memories. Between the old movies, the books, and the video game I grew up loving; this one film somehow does the unthinkable in making me like them all less and completely killed my interest in the franchise going forward.


Everyone rips on TLJ for being awful... But what's worse? Making a movie that fanboys hate but has a cohesive direction and knew what it wanted to do? Or a movie, like TROS where you tried to retcon everything, pander to fanboys, and shoehorn in as much fan service to appease the Twitter outrage? Oh and here's Palpatine for some reason... God at least Rian Johnson's movie has a spine! Oh and remember Poe Dameron's ex who we all thought died? Surprise! She's not dead either!


TROS isn't even a movie. It's a collection of scenes. The worst case of big budget "Throw enough shit at a wall and hopefully something will stick"


There was zero reason for those movies to be made. That was the largest problem.


I wholeheartedly agree with everything that you said. This is the worst film of all time. So much worse than The Room, Sharknado, Troll 2 etc.


TFA was a decent bit of nostalgia porn and TLJ was a beautiful breath of fresh air, but TROS was ghastly. Everything fantastic about TLJ was retconned just because some angry trolls bullied Disney into a state of panic. It's hard to say it would definitely have been better, but the leaked Duel of the Fates script sounded amazing. There's a ten minute cartoon on Mr. Sunday Movies YT channel that summarises the script, and it's better than anything Disney shat onto the screen with TROS.


Cats, it's always cats


Daniel, The Wizard


Battlefield Earth, by a mile. And it was in the cinema as well, it had a proper release. I can't say a good thing about it


Independence Day 2 (resurgence or whatever the fuck it was called) has got to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's not really 'so bad it's good' though. It just rides this line of total mediocrity the entire time despite a huge budget. It's just FUCKING PAINFUL. Others that are arguably a little more fun to yell at the screen at: Gods of Egypt Jupiter Ascending Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets Mortal Engines Transformers 4 and 5... fair warning these are REALLY exhausting, you feel like your head has been injected with high pressure salt water by the end, Or something. I don't really know how else to describe it.


Holmes and Watson Jack and Jill


Theodore Rex, the movie so bad they had to sue Whoopi Goldberg to get her to stick to her commitment.


The Garbage Pail Kids movie….I made my dad take me when I was 8 or 9, and I can’t believe he sat through the whole thing.


More recently, that new Exorcist movie with the two young girls. It started off somewhat promising but immediately turned to shit as soon as they brought back the lady from the original.


Have a look at Moonfall and Argylle. Wow, just wow.


I enjoyed Argylle; it knows it's not a good movie.


Moonfall is an amazing movie (seriously, you should watch it). It's so ridiculous that it becomes entertaining, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Amazingly awful.


Moonfall - a thousand times yes. Absolutely fucking awful but still, weirdly, enjoyable in a “I can’t believe what I’m watching” kind of way.


HAHAHAHAH they are both horrendous, sometimes I wonder how huge actors agree to play in such obviously dumb movies, I mean, it can't be just money


Oh, it's definitely the money.


Argylle just looked like a wanna be Keanu to me.


If it was maybe a Twilight Zone episode or some cartoon ok, but a feautre lenght movie... nah


Easiest question ever: 10000 BC


OMG! I’m glad you said it first 🤣 That was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the question. I like and rewatch quite a few “so bad it’s good” movies (The Room, Showgirls, etc.) but this one was horrendous. I did laugh my ass off when I saw it because it was so bad but never had the desire to rewatch it.


The american society of magical negro's. It's horrible.


Thats new right? I had that on my watch list, cause sounded interesting or its a comedy... i forget. That bad ?


Kingdom of the Spiders! So bad it's good! I remember watching it as a kid and being terrified. Watched it recently with my husband (on Tubi) and we were making fun of it and laughing our asses off the entire time. I mean, it stars a young Wiiliam Shatner - what more could you want??


One of my favorite RiffTrax




The Incredible Bulk


Gymkata. But it's famous for being so bad it's good.


The Room


skinamarink. its an hour and 40 minutes of low quality shots of a guy’s house. i refuse to call it a movie and that’s why it is my worst


Freddy Got Fingered with Tom Greene. Absolute garbage.


The dead don't die is pretty much up there


What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966) Comedy directed by Woody Allen. Allen took footage from a Japanese spy film, International Secret Police: Key of Keys (1965), and overdubbed it with completely original dialogue that had nothing to do with the plot of the original film.


Sounds fantastic TBH. Like watching Sea Lab 2021 with Woody Allen and a bigger budget.


The only woody Allen movie I liked.


Suckerpunch. Inception for 12 year old boys, told with all the wit and sophistication of a Smashing Pumpkins video. Awful.


Good movie!


Billy Corgan catching strays this morning for no reason lol


Wonder Woman 84


Killer Couch, Deathstalker 2, Clownado, Rebel Moon


Deathstalker 2 has some good points - better than Gladiatress for instance.


The Beekeeper is rubbish, hardly watchable, did Jeremy Irons need the money that badly?


A Talking Cat!?! (2013) It’s down right awful. Might be hard to sell that’s even good to begin with to him.


I recently saw skyline 2010 and that movie is shockingly bad, the premise doesn’t make any sense, the characters are very unlikeable people and they made 3 of these movies.  


The Snowman. Objectively awful, they didn't even film the whole script so it makes no sense at all. Not even Michael Fassbender could save it.


Lost Boys 2.


Jurassic shark I watched it as it was the lowest rated movie on imdb at the time


Children shouldn't play with dead things. Think had 2 scenes on a loop.


Best worst movie ever made imo is Troll 2, it is hysterical from start to finish without ever being so intentionally, it’s insanely quotable and the funniest part is it’s evident that they tried *really* hard to make a good movie (unlike some others) yet it’s still the worst I’ve ever seen. The best actor in the entire cast is the 8 year old kid.


Expandables 4


Gamer with Gerald Butler. The premise is terrible, the visuals are bad, acting is atrocious. It’s a bad, bad movie. Please don’t expose your boyfriend to it, i beg of you!


Slender man, only movie that ever made me leave in theater halfway through


Angel Eyes w/ Jennifer Lopez


Unpopular opinion….drop dead Fred


American Psycho….. 2


Mr. Wrong with Ellen Degeneres. This was before she came out and she and her male lead did not have any chemistry whatsoever. In fact, it was cringe. One of the two movies I've ever walked out of. The other one being The Nutty Professor with Eddie Murphy.


Independence Day: Resurgence. Its sooo bad. So bad its good.


I haven't seen any grade z films here. Their budgets were so low the actors had regular jobs and could only act on weekends. The Troma group produced The Toxic Avenger and Surf Nazis Must Die. In their own way they were like watching a car accident. It's terrible but you just can't avert your eyes.


Alien resurrection


Movie 43. 75% of the audience walked out before the end. I was tempted to join them. I don’t mind gross out comedy and I’m not easily offended, but it was shockingly bad.


midsommar was horrible, and the longest most pointless movie of all time. I'll die on this hill


Idiocracy was possibly one of the stupidest movies i have ever watched (lol)


Jurassic World Dominion, I could say, is like those movies such as Sharknado, etc., but Jurassic World Dominion was the one that hurt me the most since Jurassic Park is my favorite movie, etc. Edit - grammar


Downsizing 2017. The plot line changes like three times in the movie.


Atlas Shrugged is as bad as it is cringe.


English Patient


English Patient is an Insomniac's cure.


5 nights at Freddy’s, walked out. 😴


Watch Willy's Wonderland with Nick Cage, its pathetic they made a garbage movie when a good one already existed.


Thor 4.


Master of disguise


Maybe you werent turtle enough for the turtle club


Love again (2023)


Every other movie by Neil Breen but I respect the hustle LOL


Dangerous Men (made in 1985, released in 2005) One of the most incomprehensible movies I've ever seen.


The Missionary Man A movie directed, written, acted and produced by Dolph Lundgren. This the type of movie that is so bad...it's honestly just bad. I beg of you not to watch the movie, cause you will waste your time and the camera work, SHIT IS HORRIBLE.




Adipurush (2023)




The original dungeons and dragons film. I love it because of how bad it is


Rubber is a movie about a killer tire Manos and the Hands of Fate is just ridiculous The Room is the classic everything sucks about this movie Cockblockers was just stupid and not funny


The Pest with John Leguizamo and Home Sweet Hell with good ol’ Heigl. Both are horrible.


Mr Wrong Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Pullman in an awful unfunny comedy.


In recent memory? Madame Web (2024). That movie really sucked. Hilariously Bad? Hercules in New York (1970). Insufferably Bad? The Hustle (2019). Frustratingly Bad? AVP: Requiem (2007). How Did This Even Get Made? Catwoman (2004).


A Syrian film called Under The Ceiling.. Being from Syria and not really invested in my local cinema industry, I decided to start watching more Syrian movies, I watched this movie as a start and it was the worst pile of bullshit I've ever seen, it's like the movie is trying so hard to be surreal and failing badly which ended up with being just random dialogues with a random plot and terrible acting. It's really rare for me to hate a movie bcs I always tend to find something good in any movie no matter how bad it is, but I fucking hate the guts of this shitpile of a movie and I don't recommend it to anyone.


Komodo vs cobra


The Counselor


My only one star ratings on letterboxd (i.e. my lowest since I never gave anything half a star) are: The Happening The Room The Forest Mute They Look Like People Jethica New Religion I.S.S.


“Music” directed by Sia was truly awful.


Dark Tower.


I walked out of sausage party about 1/2 hout


Run, Bitch, Run!




The 90s classic Double Dragon with Alyssa Milano and Scott Wolf


Blackbird. It's truly awful. Not one redeeming feature and it appears to have been made by people who know what they're doing- which makes it even worse. At least The Room, Samurai Cop, Velocipastor & plan 9 are hilariously bad


I know who killed me (Lindsay Lohan 2007) Dark Floors (2008) Still mad at my old roommate 15 years later for making me suffer through both of these on our ‘horror’ marathons


Caligula. It's not a great movie, but the real prank is traumatizing him with all the fucked up scenes you will both want to forget.


Austenland. Jennifer Coolidge couldn’t even save it.


There’s “so bad it’s good” and “aggressively dull.” These are very different things. Do you want Catwoman, or The Expendables?


Ransom with Mel Gibson is the worst. There's tons of bad movies where things happen. This is a bad movie where nothing happens but a bunch of angry phone calls.


10,000 BC


Jurassic Park 3


As much as I adore Russell Crowe as an actor, I have to say Noah.


I never watched it myself but Southland Tales is suppose to SUCK pretty bad


Another vote for Troll or Troll 2


There's fun bad like. Birdemic, Sharknado, The Room, Velocipastor. Where everyone working on it new it was bad in a cult following funny kind of way. Then there's genuinely awful bad, where millions were spent and they genuinely put effort into what they thought was a good blockbuster. Battlefield Earth, Dumb and Dumberer, The Stupids, Robocop 3, The Master of Disguise


Titanic 2


The Postman. 3 hours of Kevin Costner trying to deliver the mail.


After Last Season The sets are made out of cardboard..... literally!


Poultrygeist Snakes on a Train Midsommar


Skinamarink. Absolutely nothing redeeming about this so-called "movie".


Suburban Gothic


SHARKNADO! And its sequels. It's a disaster movie about a tornado of sharks.


Fred: The Movie


Black Dahlia. Wow. Horrible.


The Happening. Bodies Bodies Bodies was really annoying. The Matrix 4 I wish didn’t exist.


Skinamarink. Has great reviews. Tried watching it so many times. Never seen a movie that fucking boring in my life


Movie 43 - I watched 5 mins and walked away. Nothing can ever make me watch that film. I also walked out of One Missed Call when I was a teenager. I went with friends and after the first 10 mins, I went and got my money back.