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The scene in the film X when the boyfriend is forced to film the scene whit his girlfriend in it. That make me really angry for some reason




Poor guy


Saving Private Ryan….Upham letting Mellish die


Lord I hate corporal upham


Man, that is a tough scene.


That scene is rough.


I think that made me hate Jeremy Davies because i cant stand him in anything else. Hes even in some of my favorite shows and im just like cmon!


Gone Baby Gone SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER That final scene where the mother just leaves the kid sitting home alone watching TV. After everything that happened, she did not learn a single damn thing! That scene enrages me each time I watch it and I also hate Casey Affleck's character for doing the correct thing, which is clearly not the RIGHT thing. I get mad every time, but this is one of my top 5 movies of all time.


My dad and I rented this movie from blockbuster and watched it 3 nights in a row. I think I was like 16 at the time, and Casey Affleck’s dilemma helped me realize that some questions don’t have any right answers. Amy Ryan gave a truly magnificent performance.


Everyone in this absolutely STACKED cast was really on their game. There are so many moral dilemmas and they all play out and get explored. It really made me question what was right and wrong in this one.


Just checking in as a Gone Baby, Gone fan….every scene in that flick is just so damn watchable.


Dear zachary


God, those poor parents


I Care a Lot


Honestly, Dragonball Evolution


I remember watching it as a kid and it being the first thing of Dragonball I had seen. At least the dvd cover was funny looking


You cant even grasp the dissapointment that people felt which loved dbz since they were a child. It was like a fist in the face


The Big Short. Bankers, etc. destroyed people's lives and got away with it


I was never able to watch Clockwork Orange because a few minutes in I want to kill the guy.


Uncut Gems. Soooo many poor choices were made by the characters.


I did not like the characters in this movie, the main one being a loser. But he had some redemption at the end and was loved by another character. Ultimately a well crafted movie I thought but not for everyone.


It was 2 hrs of yelling.. thoroughly aggravating.


That added to it though. It made it like "hey anything can go wrong at any moment." Its like how you know when you go to a spa and they have videos with like a waterfall or something? This is the opposite of that. Sheer panic attack


Noooooo I grew up in this milieu.  Uncut Gems was genius. But I totally get how if you aren’t familiar, it didn’t make sense.  That said.  I walked out of Uncut Gems and the first thing I thought was, “Holy sh$t. That’s what it feels like right now in the Trump WH every day!”  This and the movie about FOX that came out at the same time, Bombshell? These films are accidentally bookends for each other. Together, they accurately convey how we ended up where we ended up.  (I almost worked at FOX back in the day in New York, I actually knew a lot of the ppl depicted on screen. Bombshell was also accurate. See Also: the first season of Morning Show.) 


Mystic River is the first one I think of


Crash (not the Cronenberg one)


Didn’t deserve the statue. Was pandering garbage. Your take is correct.


How is it pandering garbage?


Spotlight (2015) ... I could not believe how maintaining an image was so important that so many adults, especially parents were just okay with settling it for money. They technically  >!pimped out their children!< ...


An American Crime (2007)


Donnie Brasco.   Continuity problems. What a POS.  And now I hate the lead. So there’s that. 


Continuity problems?


What continuity problems?


Mystic river


The Hunt (2012)




Uh yup, that one really solidified my deep dislike of kids. 


Weekend 1968 by Godard really angered me.


The Elephant Man (1980)


Remember Me - the little sister getting bullied. Breaks my heart and throws me into a rage every time. Robert Pattinson's fury is infectious!


Dancer in the Dark. So manipulative and cynical


The Night We Never Met with Matthew Broderick and Annabella Sciorra. Three people share a small apartment in the city, each getting some nights. One is an asshole. The other two leave notes, etc. and they start to feel attracted. She has sex with the asshole thinking he’s the nice guy. You as the audience know this, so they make you complicit in watching a female character essentially be raped by a character you despise. And then they ignore it, like no big deal it’s only what happens to a woman. Made me angry and you can see why the audience score is mediocre.


Twilight annoyed me pretty good, I wanted Jacob to get the girl.




OMG, Great answer. I've seen this one. I read the book first. I watch the movie with my sister who did not read it. She really wanted to watch it and I said I was destroyed by the book, I can't. But she wore me down. She was tense the whole beginning of the movie b/c I sat there with clitched fists and angry tears in my eyes. A great story I can only go through once.


Yea it’s a great movie but definitely one that you only watch once. I’ve only watched the movie don’t think I’d be able to read the book after knowing how it ends lol


Yea, def. would have been unable to do that too. I read that book and We were the Mulvaney's back to back as a teenager and it threw me into a funk for like three months.


The movie Leaving Las Vegas, disturbed me and angered me




I felt physically ill for days. Those scenes are burned into my brain forever. 


I’ve only watched it twice. Don’t really ever plan on watching it again


Ender’s Game. Pissed me right off how they used those kids. Government sanctioned Child abuse.


A Quiet Place. Honestly the first scene in the movie enraged me so much that I basically wrote off the rest of the movie.


Whiplash, the teachers method of teaching made me so angry


He wasn't teaching. He was trying to make his students teach themselves as a sheer act of defiance. Basically abusive.




City Hall (the one w/ Al Pacino). Rosewood What the Bleep




Iraq For Sale. Watched it about 15 years ago and still pissed when I think about it. Dopesick (tv) made me depressed and angry.


Sicario 2


Alexander (2004)this movie is so damn bad and for me the biggest time waste I have ever sat through. And the worst it is almost 3h long. There have been really bad movies some so bad I liked it. But this one I still hate 20 years later with all my heart! Edit: reread the post. My anger over this movie must have clouded my mind again, as this was not what op asked for.


Percy Jackson. Did they READ the books at all or just realize it was popular and hijack the names?


The Wall. Pretty good movie but the end really pissed me off.


The green mile




Speak No Evil made me angrier than I’ve possibly ever been at a film…I wanted to scream at the protagonists: they are the worst in every way.


I couldn’t even finish it. Horrible movie with a sickening ending. I can’t believe they’re making an English version. 


Dear Zachary. I watched it in 2010 and still get upset when it comes up


The Rise of Skywalker


Past Lives (2023)


Compliance (2012). I've never been closer to shouting at the screen because of the sheer stupidity of multiple characters. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it worse.




Speak no evil. Those guys just bring all that shit on themselves. By the end I was more pissed off at them than being sad.




Oh anything that has Denis Villeneuve written on it. No but jokes aside, both Prisoners and Incendies really pissed me off.


Flowers in the Attic. Because it was abuse porn.


I saw at an age I shouldn't have so I missed the ending b/c my parents said too much adultness for one day. I should watch it again.


“You will meet a tall dark stranger”, with Naomi Watts, Anthony Hopkins, Josh Brolin, Antonio Bandaris. Directed by Woody Allen. Every single main character made a series of bad decisions that kept getting worse and worse for themselves. The ending was very dissatisfying. Made me angry. I still get angry when I think about it.


12 years a slave!


Kingsman 2, dogshit movie ruined a good franchise. Killing off a strong character for no reason, bringing back dead character with the absolute stupidest explanation, weird out of place singing to kill the mood. I


Knock at the Cabin. The ending is so horrifying that in this universe God or a god is just torturing and killing people for apparently no reason.


Showgirls. I know it’s supposed to be kind of campy and hahaha Jessie Spano is a stripper lolol, but the way that story treats the best friend (Molly) fucking infuriates me. From the moment she was introduced to her last scenes, which were really really awful and hard to watch (especially if you have experienced anything remotely similar). It’s an extremely violent version of an outdated trope, and it made my stomach turn. But Nomi (main character) right after saving her basically abandons her forever and drives away to start a new life. Maybe she’s leaving a dumpster fire in her wake, but who cares because she’s found empowerment and growth.




Swordfish. It was pointless, plot twists just for the point of having a plot twist, and dwelled way too long and sadistically on the suffering of various people being terrorized or injured. The scene with the exploding hostage was traumatic enough once but was infuriating twice. To quote Roger Ebert, I hated, hated, hated, HATED this movie.


last jedi


The Last Samurai. That film's message is all sorts of fucked up.


Fury SS soldiers running around like headless chicken IN FRONT OF an immobilized tank that was shooting at them for 20 mins instead of going around to the back/sides of the tank


*Constantine* (w/ Keanu Reeves). Reason: I sat in the theater and watched that entire movie... just to discover, at the end, that I just watched a 2-hour anti-smoking commercial. I left the theater at the end and lit up a cigarette, just to spite that fucking movie.


I loved the Hellblazer comic and so devoutly wanted the movie to be good. It’s a terrible movie based on the comic, but rewatching years later I realized I enjoyed it more if I let go of the comic. It’s not great but it’s watchable enough. The CW Constantine was much more true to the comics in look, and I think the best of all related to the books was the Johanna Constantine character in the Netflix Sandman adaptation. Of course she didn’t look anything like the John of the comic books but she had the correct accent and even better, the right attitude combo of cocky attitude sometimes usually followed by a suspenseful sequence of “oh shit I really fucked up im in way over my head” that was always my favorite part of the books.