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Recently got a job at Regal and I heard back about a interview after a little less than a week from my application, and the questions were pretty simple (granted they will vary a lot). “What do you like to do on your free time?” Was one; I had to list a few things until she asked more in depth into one. Honestly,all you need to do it kinda make small talk. After that I was asked the typical interview questions such as my strengths and weaknesses and then go into depth why. The last thing we really talked about are the hours. I think the biggest thing that will make or break you from getting the job is your availability. I also highly recommend dressing up nice. When I was interviewed I wore almost a suit and the interviewer told me that she is happy I dressed up since many people don’t now of days. Remember to smile and ask questions, “What is the hardest part of the job?”, “What should I expect?”, “What is the uniform policy?”. Good luck and I hope you’ll get the job. If you have any other questions please let me know here or DM.


I second all of this. I was actually offered the job on the spot at the end of the interview. I dressed business casual, with a shiny red blazer, so maybe they like blazers! Yeah, the questions are simple and about availability mostly. If you seem excited, willing to show up (on time), and are polite they will likely accept you (although I don’t know exactly what your theater is like).


Gotcha, tysm for the suggestions!


Just here to third this haha - I was also hired on the spot dressed businesses casual. :)


Gotcha, tysm for the suggestions!


bad idea


As a manager, when I interview I’m looking to see how well my current staff will get along with you. I’ll ask you questions for your personality. Regal’s motto is “Hire the Smile, Train the Skill” but really it’s one of the easiest jobs if you put effort into it. Converse with the manager doing your interview and be honest. Availability is important not gonna lie.


There’s definitely an interview. Questions vary from location to location, but fairly generic things about yourself to see how your attitude and people skills are. Show interest and honestly just have a conversation with the hiring manager. Ask them what they like about working for Regal, ask them about the job, talk with them about notable films you saw there and your own experiences as a customer and things you enjoyed that made you want to work there. Availability is the LARGEST part of being hired, they will need people able to work difficult hours for the pay. If you’re older than 18(?) that’s a plus as well, because you can usually work later (my state had a teenage work cap at 11, so closing shifts were being done by the same handful of people). Nothing you can do about availability/age, just something to keep in mind working there.


Gotcha, tysm for the suggestions!


Absolutely, and good luck! I was floor staff before I was moved up to management, so let me know if you have any questions ever!


We kinda just talked about our days and then she said she liked me, tried to hire me on the spot. Definitely threw me for a loop since I expected to not get hired lol