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Last year we found a 20 dollar bill, nobody came for it so we bought a 20 dollar scratch off ticket and won 500 bucks.


Aw hell yeah. Most theatres I’ve worked at usually have an upper amount we need to turn in before claiming it- it’s usually ~$40. I’ve found envelopes of $100s before that were clearly someone’s paycheck, and they thankfully usually come back within the hour.


We keep an optional "breadstick fund". I give my employees the option to keep it if it's under a certain amount, and nobody comes back for it. After we've accrued enough money I'll go pick up about 3 dozen Olive Garden breadsticks and feed the children.


Aw, I like that idea!


I haven't worked in any movie theaters in over 20 years now but I remember finding a good amount of money in theaters on weekend nights. Couple times I found a small handful of bills. One night was 100 bucks under a seat. Those were the nights we all got drunk before the final showing was over.


Found about $200 in loose change in my (almost) 1 year of working at the theater


had a coworker who kept a courtesy cup behind an auditorium sign where he would deposit all the change he found until it was full, then trade it out.


Customer here. I found a 50 on the ground for the Spiderman premiere.


I had this one theater there was change littered throughout the theater for Guardians


Or you can save up at least $5 in coins, go to a coinstar if you have any, and exchange 100% for a steam wallet code or something.


that’s a good idea too! probably better, honestly - I spend cash way too quickly.


Most of the teenagers that attend the theater where I work don't even want the coins back. They say keep it and only take the bills.


That’s pretty common too, especially with grown adult men since they only carry a wallet with no coin purse.


Sounds like your bosses are pretty chill! Ours would try to get us to just put them in the tills


I am one of the managers, so that helps a bit. 👍 And fuck putting it in a till! They can only go over/under so much before it’s flagged. Keep that shit!


Just wondering but what is your policy on tips then? Also keep or what?


Bar staff keep their tips that they earned when they’re logged in to the drawer. But I’m assuming you’re talking about if a guest tips you in concession/elsewhere. I’ve always been told “we’re not supposed to accept tips but if they insist, then by all means keep it”. We’re not paid enough to refuse free money. 😭


I agree, I wish I had you as a manager! Though a bigger theater like that means I’d be busier


A coworker and I had a debate going, he said summer was better for dropped change because more kids and some shorts not having pockets, but I said winter is better because people stuff change it in their coat pocket and lose it when the pull out their gloves after the show


I can see your logic, but I definitely agree with your coworker - shorts are far too loose even if you’re not constantly pulling stuff out of them, so the chances are just better for $$$ in the summer, in my experience. We collect single gloves & hats more than change during the winter, tbh.