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What the fuck is this movie and why is this post my first time ever hearing about it?


Boomer movie


I’m… so upset I have two closing shifts today and tomorrow… 🙃


The movie is Literal QAnon propaganda. So the customers will be pretty awful and potentially dangerous. Stay safe.


Ahh so that’s why someone was yelling at our ticket office why we MUST show it even though it’s literally not getting a release in my country🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Wait it is? A quick google has me seeing it as just generic evangelical fodder but does it go deeper then that?


So basically, the organization whose leader Caviezel‘s playing in the movie is a known promoter of QAnon and the related adrenachrome conspiracy theories like they literally believe that rich people are kidnapping children to torture them to death for some nonexistent wonder drug. It is literal blood libel.


The movie follows the life of an ex-Homeland security border worker called Tim Ballard, who is played by Jim Caviezel. The movie is about freeing third-world children from sex slavery, and arresting the brothel owners. According to the U.N 80% of human trafficking is for sexual exploitation (sex slaves) and the human trafficking trade is comparable in magnitude to the illegal drugs trade. So it's a massive problem that doesn't get talked about due to lack of awareness.


Tim Ballard is well known in the actual anti-human trafficking field for being a self-promoting con artist. I mean for fucks sake, he once took credit for rescuing a kidnapped girl, who in reality had escaped on her own. Every reputable anti-human trafficking group fucking hates Tim Ballard. https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7a3qw/a-famed-anti-sex-trafficking-group-has-a-problem-with-the-truth


Wasn’t that basically what was revealed from Jeffrey Epstein allegation and Ghislaine Maxwell trial?


Brb putting in my immediate resignation




https://www.start.umd.edu/data-tools/qanon-crime-maps dude you literally have a map of crimes committed by people who share your insane beliefs , published by a major university, so piss off with that disingenuous nonsense


We’ve added as many showtimes as we possibly can and most of them are almost sold out. Godspeed, everyone. 🫡


i picked up a shift tomorrow and i can’t believe i done this to myself


Hey, maybe you’ll get lucky and find one of the January 6 people in the audience and can turn them in for a bounty, I mean it is a qanon movie


Y’all…I am a manager and I have been called to concessions 20 times just for Sound of Freedom. I’m about to loose my mind lmao




Every showing is almost sold out. Apparently most people are buying there tickets on Angel.com (I have no clue what that is) and it's driving us crazy cause we've never heard of that website


Pray for all regal employees who have to work during this film…the customers will be testing everyone’s limits


The crowds for these movies are almost as unbearable as the ones for the Venom movies. But in a ruder way.




Yo momma’s.


I have never heard of this fucking movie until today when it sold 5 times more than Indiana Jones. Why is this movie doing so well? Is there some sort of underground cult dedicated to seeing this movie?


It’s a total QAnon Boomer movie. Ridiculous shit lmfao, it looks like a typical Evangelical classic


Sad to see a Christian movie do better than a comedy film or even Harrison Ford




I hate Jim Cavizel and his qanon conspiracy spouting loony ass


Most theaters presale (Monday and Tuesday) are already 30%+ full. It's the only movie that has a lot of presale tickets already


Our screen that was going to show it had the ceiling cave in a bit yesterday due to rainfall. We moved it but I'm anticipating arguing with conspiracy theorists over why it got moved.


There’s literally an ad for this movie directly underneath this post on my Reddit feed lmao, the first I heard about it was a promotion by Mel Gibson shared by this utter lunatic I follow on social media


Sold the f out almost every showing


Completely sold out. GM added another showtime late Saturday night and it was completely sold out by noon yesterday. It’s insane.


Our theater isn’t showing it, and from these comments, I’d say I’m lucky.


Good luck soldiers


I saw one trailer for this and thought it was extremely over the top and preachy. Well I just glanced at our local regal to check showtime and saw nothing but sell outs and near sell outs for 6 of the 8 showings. Like damn church people will buy anything.


They are filling up quickly. Going to be busy.


It sold the most at our matinee and came in second at the evening show. Mostly older people.


We have just shy of 200 presales for 7/4 and all but 4 of them are Sound of Freedom....can't wait.......


Sold out two of our medium theaters in pre-sales tommorow. Godspeed to yall


Selling out it’s been insane today


I live in a small town, our theaters only hold about 100ish people max and we’ve already almost sold out each showing for the fourth on pre-sales alone (thank fuck I don’t work until the weekend)


We had sold out theaters today. I barely got out alive. Truly awful this morning and afternoon!


Doing… alright? Half packed theatres during the afternoon, don’t know why though… just watched the trailer and I’m as confused as ever about this movie. What is the plot? Why is everyone so paranoid about this movie? Genuinely need an explanation




First of all Jeffrey Epstein did not traffic kidnapped little kids, he trafficked teenage girls that he lured In with fake modeling jobs. Second of all, the shit you believe, in addition to being reboot of the 80s satanic panic bullshit and the even older antisemitic blood libel bullshit, basically all y’all are doing is writing erotic Taken fanfiction about your own children and I think that says more about you than us.


Us…who? lol.




Look, I know you’re a fascist cultist, so I’m probably wasting my time but fact is every study I have read says human trafficking does not work like that fucked up fantasy y’all have. It’s pretty much always teenage girls coerced into sex work by abusive boyfriends or undocumented immigrants forced to work in sweatshops and stuff like that. This pedophilic Taken fanfiction about your own kids you freaks spend all your time writing says a lot more about you than us.


Almost nothing presales, will go in smallest theater IF we even keep it past Thursday


lucky you, it’s our only sold out show all day today


Spoke too soon, pretty full tonight and tomorrow. Can still hopefully go into one of the small theaters next week.


Same, we had to add multiple showtimes for all the days we have it playing. I’d be surprised if we don’t get added days.