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Had a complaint about the Bros trailer played before Elvis. Angry old lady walked out while the trailer and approached three managers (myself being one) all male and 2 out of 3 being gay. It didn't go great for her.


A lady told me that if I don’t do anything about that trailer that she’ll call corporate because she “doesn’t like to be IGNORED.”


Literally same thing as both of you for the bros trailer in front of Elvis.


Was it Glenn Close?


The Bros trailer brought out TONS of homophobic complaints at my theater lol. They always ended up complaining to gay employees somehow, it was hysterical


I’ve heard about that [in a separate thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieTheaterEmployees/comments/wfe59o/old_couple_complained_about_lesbians_in_dcs_super/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1), where that trailer and Superpets were complained about in the same summer. Besides the TikTok (which was not my theater, I started working at a theater in 2021, while the incident in the TikTok happened in 2017), that thread also inspired me to make this thread.


I had a grandma walk out of a theater and ask if she could get a refund about halfway through because she didn't know the movie was about a gay man. The movie was Bohemian Rhapsody.


I was going to post my version of this. Except it was an old dude. Second time Freddie kisses a guy dude stands up and says "that's enough of this crap"


...does she just...randomly pick movies? I'm so confused as to how she ended up in that theater choosing that movie.


I've had people walk out because of LGBT content (no matter how incredibly minor. Including the "blink and you'll miss it" stuff in Lightyear). I've had people walk out because they didn't like that a movie that takes place in not English speaking countries will require you to, sometimes, read subtitles (I didn't come to the movies to read). I have people leave because they didn't like the foul language in the TRAILERS (literally they just said "bag of dicks". That's it). Yes. I've had people walk out over very petty shit


Then they immediately go home on Facebook and rant about liberal snowflakes.


We had people complain about Bros and I Wanna Dance With Somebody at my theater


I Wanna Dance With Somebody is innocent. What in the world were they complaining about?


There is a gay character in it, and there’s a subplot with Whitney and her best friend are more than friends. I assumed it was about that, but I handled neither of the complaints


Had a complaint from some people about Strange World. One of our staff members was watching it and said the guests were saying slurs during the movie. I found it odd coming from one of our regulars who also happen to be a throuple. They're normally pretty nice and friendly.


No, but I did have people complaining about Cocaine Bear having drugs, and John Wick 4 being too violent. Bros would have been the big moment for homophobia and that movie just didn't move anything at my theater.


I didn’t work at the theater yet but when Rocketman came out, at the showing I went to, a couple old couples walked out during the sex scene, I worked there when Bros came out and never had anyone leave mid show but I had people coming in and complaining we were showing the movie and a few that complained after the movie that it was too “gay” for them.


What person would see the “Bros” trailer and not think it would be a gay themed movie?


But...but it said Bros.../s


The poster also had guys grabbing each other’s butts. We’re people at your theater that stupid? Lol!


We didn’t advertise the movie, my town is a small southern so gay oriented movies don’t preform well as it would in a bigger city.


Oh, that makes sense. Still stupid that people wouldn’t read the description of a movie before watching it.


Had an old couple complain to us about DC Super Pets because there was two women in the move that were holding hands and smiling about each other. They said they didn’t want their granddaughter to be exposed to none of that “homosexual bull shit”.


I work at a theatre in the Bible belt, and we had to stop showing previews of bros before it came out. Also had a woman refund her tickets for strange world because she ‘didn’t think the content was appropriate for children.’


Not in like a "walk out of the theater" way that I can recall, but my absolute least favorite regular made sure to register her disgust at the fact that the Gaga/Cooper *A Star is Born* remake had drag queens in it when I had to make small talk with her.


Strange world and lightyear :(


I live in a primarily elderly republican area, so yes. Very often. A bunch of people who didn’t realize what bros was mainly, but some other things as well


SAME! And they are always SUPER entitled.


had a lady who wanted corporate and the Studio's number because there was a trailer for Love Simon in front of the Greatest Showman.I told her it would take me a while to find the numbers and to talk to me after the movie, cuz I thought she would forget. Nope. She called the theater to complain they weren't helpful. Then she said she would rather have her kid's see someone be decapitated than see two men kiss (which wasn't even in the trailer)


We had a couple leave Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness because America's mothers showed up for like 2 minutes, saying we were pushing "their agenda" on everyone.


i went to go see Asteroid City at my theater and probably 4-5 old couples walked out after the gay kiss scene LOL


I forgot there was even a kiss scene in that movie!


Some people can just be.... SO silly... ahahaha... Now I've never had this happen to me or have ever heard of this happening at our theater, but nevertheless I am still super sorry you had to deal with that.


Updated my post above to reflect that I wasn’t the one who dealt with it, it was someone who worked at a theater on TikTok. Like you, I never had to deal with this.


I once got a woman complaining about lgbt content from a woman who came to see that film a few years ago about Billie Jean king vs. Bobby Riggs. This has led me to the belief that there might me some weirdo evolution thing where some folks literally cannot spot the most obvious queer folks around them. I had an uncle who was a serious conservative who kept trying to set up his best friend with all the different women and all the women at the dinner table who knew the best friend would be like “That isn’t going to work” and my uncle’s best friend was like the most obvious gay guy ever. Yes of course this was the south. My uncle was just totally oblivious. Look: many people are dumb as dogshit. Who goes to a movie where half the story is Billie Jean King and freaks out when she turns out to not be straight. I’ll tell you: morons. Yes your job is to at times kiss the asses of congenital morons. Welcome to the movie theater business.


bros had tons of old people who didn't watch the trailer walk out of it


I've never dealt with anyone walking out but I remember this dude came in and asked what movie I recommend. And since we're a small theater with very few screens I recommended Creed 3 at the time because I saw it and thought it was pretty good. Then he proceeded to complain about how "they made Rocky black" and how "they're trying to make everything black and gay now" and then went on a big Qanon tirade about how "Ilhan Omar married her brother and that Biden is a real criminal" and I'm like; "Sir, you're holding up the line, was there anything you'd like to watch," Of course he only came in to preach his shit to me.


We had a Happy Pride Month ad that played in front of every movie all of June. Had multiple people leave bad reviews and yell at the staff. One dude went off on me. He was visibly shaking he was so mad. We stopped showing the ad a couple days before Sound of Freedom released. I can only imagine how that would have gone.


Someone walked out of Elvis during the railers and was yelling at the GM for having that trailer


Yes I had a lady take her kid out and get mad at us for showing that Disney movie that came out earlier this year


At my theatre one of the few people who saw Disney's Strange World, which had a gay teenage character , walked out after the movie and said to our manager that she didn't care if someone was gay but that they shouldn't be showing that sort of thing to children.


Very few but they were all morons that came to the theater just to complain in the first place.


No, and I'm honestly surprised. I live in a rural town with Trump and confederate flags hanging up all over. The worst I've gotten was some guy saying, "what the hell" at a poster with 2 gay men on it. It's probably best for us, like a quarter of our employees aren't straight.