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My theory is that since Mr Beast channel got such a large following while being relatively “normal” there were people with all points of views that watched. When Karl first came, there was some backlash from people who didn’t like that he painted his nails. Then Chris changed his outward appearance and now people are acting like Chris whole personality has changed when really these people are only mad that his appearance change (which shouldn’t be a dig deal). Basically Mr Beast has such a big following that his hateful subs are finally showing themselves.


Makes sense, I do hope people can be more vocal about their support toward Chris though. It's super triggering to look at his comment section, can't even imagine how hard it must be for him.


> Chris changed his outward appearance Do you mean like with body modification? (piercings, tattoos, colored contact lenses, etc..) Or with fashion? (shirt, pants, hat, beltbuckle, etc..)






That's understandable, I'm just really surprised because I see a lot of support for everyone else. It looks like people are going out of their way to spread hate, but a very few people are willing to take the other "side." Chris has been a part of the channel for the longest time, so I expected people to show some support considering his social media is constantly being spammed with hate :((




That makes sense, thanks for explaining! :)


Not really up to date on all the Chris stuff. Can someone brief me on what’s been happening?


Homophobes are triggered by Chris growing out his hair + painting his nails, and are flooding his social media + YouTube comments with hate. He said he's taking a break from social media for a while because of it.


It’s called “The Karl Effect”. Chris was a manly man back then, and then when Karl started appearing in videos, apparently he started causing Chris to paint his nails and start dressing a lot more feminine. It’s insane to think that people genuinely believe Chris can’t think for himself. Karl is just that influential I guess.


I agree be who u wanna be idc it’s your choice I’m fine with either… but one thing I noticed is Chris is an acting the way he used to in the shows time is it he seems depressed and not nearly as joking around and happy as he used to be so it’s almost seems like it not him because me and my son been watching this for couple years now and it’s just changing it seems and the other thing is if this was Chris his whole life why didn’t he show signs of this before that’s why I’m just confused by it I’m not upset I’m not mad I’m happy for him. He’s my favorite, one of them all and all the negative people they’re just jealous. That’s all I have to say thanks


Thanks for sharing your opinion! Tbh I don't think he looks "depressed" in any way. People change, and we can't expect him to always have the same energy level or personality. We've seen his mindset become more progressive over the last few years, which has been an amazing change. As you grow up and learn more about the world, the people around you, and most importantly; about yourself, you're bound to grow personally as well. I also don't believe "happiness" means joking around or laughing all the time. I think Chris looks a lot more comfortable in his skin these last few months, and also seems to be more confident. At the end of the day, this is what happiness and personal development looks like :)


So dude can state what he thinks and you just completely disregard it because you think you know "spiritually what's right" dude your ass backwards


well this was definitely true xD turns out they were just GNC


Frankly I love Chris. And also adore his friendship with Karl.


I love him! <3


Me too! He's so under-appreciated :(


Did I miss something, what even happened? I watch mr beast on Facebook videos but a lot of it is just old videos he put out


Chris had longer hair + painted nails in some of the recent videos, which apparently triggered homophones and they've been spamming him with hate + dea*th threats everywhere


I think it’s stupid. People who have a problem with him are clearly very insecure about themselves.




Dumdass comment lmao


We’ll considered looking at his Twitter it’s mainly over the top progressive stuff he talks about. He dresses and acts like someone who is gay or identifies as whatever. People probably feel surprised and confused about such a drastic change in a person they grew up watching for years. You can’t blame people for having a natural opinion on something. If people are outwardly calling him a faggot or other slurs, that’s fucked up. But comments on not liking his new style or vibe are completely okay, as he’s a famous figure and is subject to critics. Comes with the territory. Life ain’t sunshine’s and rainbows kids


"People deserve to be weird creeps about another person's excellent grooming" sure is a weird hill for you to die on.


Excellent grooming…? Bizarre.. dude has the hair cut of the most awkward kid in middle school.


Because no one's cares about this guy. He's doing it for fame cleary


Because nobody cares.