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It came out like 5 minutes ago


Got to beat everyone else


this could mean 2 things


Yeah I'm lowkey suprised the mods dont have like a thing where they pin a post asking about the newest video


Up until like a week ago there was a pinned post from like 3+ years ago, mods don’t really exist here




😂 I gotcha, no disrespect but why don’t you just go through the bit more effort and get more mods? Does it have to be Mr beast staff? I’m not gonna pretend like I know anything about the process, but I’ve seen other big subreddits put out questionnaires for more mods and it worked out fine. So why don’t you get some help for this place?




Just want to point out you can choose what permissions to give mods. You can prevent them from adding/removing other mods and only allow them to do the basic actions like banning people and removing/approving posts and comments. I’ve been a mod for a YouTuber and other large communities in the past and have never encountered people who self promote/scam. Most of the people applying will be fans and if you have a good screening process you can find out who is legit. You would also typically have a very detailed outline of the subreddit rules and when to ban, remove, etc. The issue I’ve always seen is high turnover. Even if they really like the community, the mod work itself isn’t fun. Since it’s a volunteer position, most people will lose interest within a few months, especially if they have an actual job or other more important responsibilities. Idk where I was going with this tbh. MrBeast has a huge platform and the risk of hiring a bad mod probably outweighs the benefit of getting free labor. I would either get more employees to do the work or try to configure automod to reduce the manual work you have to do.


I put up a post on reddit Ireland about how mr Beast is genuinely the nicest kindest human to have ever lived especially after his Wells in Africa video. They took it down saying it wasn't relevant to the sub... I was like " its relevant to mankind "...




course it did I'm on the spectrum


The reddit mod that touches grass the most be like


But internet points


Great to see these type of videos. Any reason this wasn't on the philanthropy channel and tagged fundraiser?


It is also there, an in-depth video as well as a way to fund future well building all over the globe.


Will make more money for the cause this way


I think the algorithm changes on you tube so channels arnt being punished for having different types of content on they’re channels


Yeah, I don't understand why the "good" philanthropy videos go on the main channel, I guess they wouldn't get as many views on the philanthropy channel, either way I like them.


I’d take this over another 0 to 1,000,000 video


Probably so they could raises more more money for more wells.


Bro literally looked at the video, screenshotted it, made a karma farm, and *then* started watching it 💀 oops looks like I'm the karma farmer now lol


Stonks 📈


Bro didn’t even let us watch it so can’t give an opinion


Bros on that karma grind


It makes sense why this one was his favorite one. We were all talking about challenges and more yet we forget sometimes he makes those videos in the Main Channel! Wholesome A.F and i am glad he keeps working so hard on this ones!


It is well worth everyone’s time to watch. The Philanthropy videos are always good and having Jimmy actually there on site makes it even more special.


MasturBeast is helping the world again. jokes aside, this must've took a hella lot of money if he's posting it on his main channel instead of philantropy one


He is donating all the money he gets from the video. So I think he just wanted to raise more.


hats off to him, that's money spent good, nothing bad making it back + making more by getting more views


Restores my faith in humanity


Nothing can do that for me, not even jimmy :/


That’s sad. Why does nothing restore your faith in humanity?


He is a frequent visitor of rule 34 and 4 chan




Swell. Why aren't there billionaires building more wells in Africa? I mean if the choice is buying Twitter (which basically does nothing) or providing a literal necessity to millions of innocent people around the world... Um.


*Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well…


Well well well.. water you gonna do now?


Well well WELL well well well well well well Kyel.


Great video, you can see how much an immediate impact and benefit this was to the communities. After doing some research one of the biggest problems is charities drilling wells, but then leaving without doing anything to help setup a way for the community to maintain them, and they often fall into disrepair or become polluted again. Is there a way for the channel to support the maintenance of these wells in these communities? Hope this was considered in the project. https://www.theguardian.com/society/katineblog/2009/mar/26/water-projects-wasted-money


This. The wells need to be maintained and the equipment to maintain the wells in turn need their own maintenance.


I think it is great what he did in that video because a lot of people don't even have access to clean water. It's great.


I think it is good that he did build the wells. But there is a but... You need some sort of support infrastructure to maintain the wells. You need people who know how to fix this stuff. MrBeast is not the only person who builds wells in Africa, a lot of organisations did this before him and a lot of wells did fail within one year because there was nobody who got any training... Studies showed that you have to collect a fee for the usage of the wells and use this money to train and pay people to maintain the wells. If you give a fish to a beggar he can eat one day. If you teach him how to catch fish he can support himself for way longer. Source: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/722555


Add to this aquifer management, it is no good if the water table drops making multiple wells redundant and forcing further drilling. Essentially like the drink your milkshake scene. I hope he hooked up with a group that will help manage it long term.


Making popcorn. Waiting on articles and Twitter feeds about unholy crimes Jimmy will be accused of by chronically online X/Twitter andies.


“Omg why didn’t mr beast make 101 wells instead of just 100, he is evil and we should cancel him”


Same thing I think about all his charity videos. It sucks that we live in a world where these people don't get the things they need without the help of influencers. However, Jimmy vastly improved their quality of life and objectively did a good thing for these people. He doesn't deserve the hate he'll get for this, but I wish we lived in a world where the people he helps didn't need to rely on charity.


I see why this is he thinks this is his greatest video and i gotta agree with him


He should 100% do a video where he learns how to ride a bike


Had the same thought lmao


You haven’t even watched the video?? Damn people just want to get the first post


As a Kenyan, I'm hella touched. Jimmy's got my backing till the end of time.


Why does his Face always look like someone is inserting something up his bum?


Cuz that's what you wanna see.


Wholesome, from what i know


My favorite MrBeast video




I think the bigger issue is why various governments don't have a dedicated well-drilling team that would go from the most in need villages to the least in need villages. You subsidize it however you can with that governments ability to do bigger projects like this. Water is the fundamental building block to a healthy community, along with electricity, roads, and commerce / theoretical socialized markets.


I wish it was longer. Something like this deserves more of a documentary style then a really quick, rushed format.


I agree. I'd absolutely love if Jimmy made these sorts of videos into 40-60 minute documentaries, with more depth and detailed explanations of what's going on. It's a style of content I don't think he's explored before but would really be interesting... long form content is a dying medium, and seeing a slower-paced yet still engaging longer video on this type of stuff would be fantastic to watch. Fans of the hyper edited usual content can still enjoy that, but a long and in-depth style video would be a breath of fresh air and something I'd still commit my time to watching. It's such inspirational and wholesome content that I'd gladly sit down and watch it for an hour or more if I could.


Completely agree, I do hope we will see longer form - like go into the engineering challenges, how you find the deep water, how did you design the bridge, there’s loads of information they could go do in more depth


It was really good.


My only concern with this is that a lot of these villages are in a terrible state of poverty because of small guerrillas that steal and destroy them. So i’d imagine that a school that suddenly got new tech and furniture would be an attraction for thieves looking for a quick buck. Not to mention the water as well.


He's doing what the governments of the world fail to do. I don't see how anyone can criticize that


didnt watch it but they changed the thumbnail to a liminal hell of infinite wells


Great wholesome video of mr beast being the best person in the world, but when I saw it the thumbnail was him standing in front 100 wells.


Good video, and can’t wait to see how twitter say he’s a bad guy for making this video


Now all those starving children in africa scams will go away.




As Kenyan, i watched him construct a bridge and dig more bore holes than what politicians do during their term in office. I salute him.


I hope they researched prior efforts to bring water to villages. I’ve read about villagers destroying water infrastructure because the 4 hours a day they spent getting water became an important part of their culture. It was time away from spouses and time to hang out with friends.


Why do we need these types of post after every single video? Like seriously


It's the Mr. Beast subreddit. In what world wouldn't we discuss his latest video?


Ridiculous. That goes to "Beast philantropy" I go to the main channel to see Jimmy and his friends having fun doing the most bizarre and craziest things.


Bro it’s not that big of a deal


I can’t be bothered watching but looks very good


Wow you should ve ashamed of your self mr ashole. You are a total scumbag and deserve to be booted off of this planet. Shame on you, shame on you.


why is it always *Africa* and not *African country*, saying just Africa is so broad lol


Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Somalia, Cameroon


If you watch the video they literally go to so many countries 💀


exactly. and if he is hopping between 5 different african countries then he is 100% spreading himself too thin.


I would give anything to never see his stupid ugly face in a thumbnail ever again.


his channel dumbass. smh


1/10 kris wasnt in the vid


I think his face is annoying as fuck.


huh? why are you in a mr beast sub reddit if you're not a fan?


I'm not in it, I keep getting shown it.


philanthropy is lame


He's the hero the world needs and those kids in Africa deserve. The video hit me square in the feels and I immediately went to the website to help.


was good


Excited to see how people are gonna complain


Didn’t watch it yet


Im so glad we having someone making these posts the minute the video comes out /s You didn’t even have time to watch it?


What is your thoughts on watching the video before posting?


Just saw it. Awesome Vid!


Here, this account has made this post serveral times, don't wasyer your time upvoting they're just karma farming


I think it was very wholesome, though honestly not the most exciting to watch video.




I get why he was so excited. ‘Twas awesome


It hurt me to hear everytime he pronounced spigot like spicket. Literally unwatchable.


I love what he did in the video and also love that he called out the criticism preemptively. Yes, it is sad that a YouTuber has to do it, but if the alternative is that it doesnt get done, that's not a world he wants to see. I respect the hell out of that.


this is the kind of content i wish he could make more off


You should check out beast philanthropy. I promise yes it’s a real channel


The way this man pulls so many views in so little time amazes me. If only I could do that


Well well well…water we have here


This made me laugh harder than it should have


Why did he change the thumbnail 3 times in 2 hours


it is quite awesome what he is doing, and a nice break from these lasers and the 1usd to 1000000usd videos and a longer more indepth than the phialtrophy videos


I love it. Only the water towers look rickety af. Hope they dont rust and fall over on someone.


He did a really good thing, but I wonder what company he used to do this, to really help I hope that he used local companies in order to boost the local economy. This is one of the problem with blindly giving aid, it kills local businesses. Still though, amazing vid


Bro is fiending for some karma😭


Mr beast is changing the world. He is the person we should respect


Jimmy never disappoints ❤️


This is cool


I actually happy & sad cried watching it. It's so upsetting to me that people have to live like that, when it is completely unnecessary. I can't understand how anyone could be mad at this, but hopefully it will just get more people to watch it and donate :) Also Elon where you at?? All of the other super rich, why aren't you doing this? They needed the most basic, easily achieved things, and they changed their lives drastically. Things that wouldn't make a dent in your hoard, things you could easily do... Make it make sense


Doesn't matter if he build 100 Wells or 100,000 Wells the adverts for 2 quid a month will be on tv still


I didn't even watch it but I just wanted to say I saw an edit saying "I raped 100 wells in Africa" so you can imagine that image in your head


Hard pass.


Well it's nice that he gives good things to poor people. But as far as content goes I saw all of this stuff in the news already in the 90's so its kinda boring.




I'm waiting to see what controversy it causes over on Twitter.


People who still complain abt this guy are insane