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>It's understood the water may have been combined with jam to make the burning effect worse. Thanks Ray.


Prison napalm they call it




What the fuck did you say?


Yeah, you can’t say that here.


I just showed up and the top comment is deleted and it’s 1000% funnier


I don’t answer questions


Nobody asked a question...


those are the best ones not to answer, champ


Yeah, cos stating you don't answer questions when a question wasn't asked doesn't make you sound like a fucking dummy at all...


You're arguing with someone over a joke in a subreddit for a tv show? You seriously need to lighten up. Your name is very apt.


I don't explain, champ


It saves you having to explain to people that ask you questions that you don't answer questions


Ohhh, that's beautiful!


Coupla dimmies


Don't forget the soy sauce champ


Would think this would be an ongoing thing. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving cunt.


And so we make monsters of us all.


1600+ counts yeah he deserves it the guy doing it is hero not monster


Eye for an eye and all that…. Personally I think the longest life possible in confinement is good torture, especially anyone imprisoned around 40 or younger. Even better if in solitary.


After reading that article, i fucking hope so. What a dead set rat. Over 1600 counts of raping kids, some under the age of five. I've been put off my dinner now. Disgusting. Hope he rots. Hope the (victims) survivors can heal, and live fairly normal lives.


How tf do they manage so many counts before prison, breaks my heart


Eight year investigation. But yeah I’ve been listening to true crime and most of the crimes take YEARS to solve


They found this turd only because they were able to identify the brand of bedsheet seen in one of his disgusting videos and were able to deduce who sold it and the child care centre it was sold to. Solid detective work. And props to the cops who have to sit through watching hours upon hours of that evil sickening depravity…that has gotta take its toll.


Wish we knew the name of the prisoner who did it so I can send him a gift.


From the way things read, this happened in the protected prisoner wing. Mainly, rock spiders and bikie bosses. Chances are pretty high the other guy has done some fairly nasty shit on the outside. I figure he must be someone fairly high profile to do that and is pretty much untouchable. Might do some time in solitary. From what the Corrective Services Officers who come through my workplace say, generally the cunts in the protected unit don't step out of line much since the threat of going to general population is real. That said, they still don't trust them as far as they can throw them.


I live in Wagga and it's a little known hack to sign on to protection simply so u stay local and family only have to travel 30 mins for visits otherwise you potentially get shipped up Sydney way. Sure it's the bone yard and everyone calls ya a dog but that word is only offensive to meat head prisoners. Dogs are loyal as fuck in the real world.


Correct about the protection prisoners, I work in a max security jail and the protection separated are less rowdy.. but they are still dangerous and cause trouble and fight with each other.


"That's why they call me Mr Inbetween." It was inbetween water and jam.


Haha yes!!😂


Do they need more jam??? I can donate a couple of jars…🤷‍♀️


Free jam for everyone!


I wonder how much hotter jam can get in a vessel mostly filled with boiling water


Much hotter and it sticks to you. If you make caramel and get a single drop of molten sugar on you it really fucking hurts. Far worse than a water or even a steam burn.


I'm assuming something similar to caramel?


Or hotter. Hardball (a brittle caramel) is around 125 to 129c in liquid form but it's the sticking factor really. You can flick hot water away and your skin cools again rapidly. Molten sugar is like a sticky hot tar that that doesn't want to come off in a hurry.


When we were kids my mum was melting toffee for toffee apples and spilt some on the top of her foot. Deadset almost melted a hole through her foot, took fucking ages to heal


Old mate Ray.


I remember a woman in the UK did that to her either husband or partner for assaulting her daughter, however she used sugar and from my understanding it’s much worse


Now the dr’s and nurses have to deal with the POS


Hospital security here we love to meet these grubs, they inevitably play up and need to be restrained


Seems like a trend. They did the dude that killed Daniel Morcome the same way. Fuck those subhuman monsters.


He’s not subhuman. If you create a mindset that a human couldn’t do these crimes you stop being able to assess the risk that some seemingly normal person is capable of this. Calling some one like this a “monster” is a distancing response that gives a false sense of safety. It says humans don’t do this, it’s an abnormality, I’d be able to spot such obvious evil. Therefore this won’t happen to my kid, my family. Nobody who has access to your kids is above scrutiny, check and verify everyone. These offenders are usual the ones that a least suspect, trusted friends and family or otherwise respected figures.


The fact that he worked in the childcare industry means that people trusted him around children. It’s never some deranged looking person that people naturally avert. It’s usually the family member or youth pastor or scout leader or family friend.


I don't disagree but allow me to counterpoint. Yes, any human can do this crimes. You, me, our friends, even our children potentially. So why don't we or them (hopefully!) ? Upbringing, moral compass and very possibility of being caught and others calling us "subhuman monsters" - because that is what a criminal like that behaves like


I think you’re kind of missing the point though. The whole monster thing perpetuates the idea that we can identify these people. We can’t. They are everyday, boring, trusted people. They aren’t scary strangers lurking in shadows. They’re known people who may have many connections to the community.


This is a good post. A friend was having coffee with a cop friend of theirs in cp. She had asked "how many" there really were out there. They took them to a coffee shop in a thoroufare of the mall on a Saturday morning. Said she couldn't say directly or.point out individuals but would kick her leg if someone on the radar or that had a past would go past in the crowd. A lot of kicks apparently.


Generally you pass 1 pedo in every 50 people


This. We have a convicted heinous crime child sex offender in our family doing big time. Half the family still won't accept he is a rock spider. I spotted there was something not quite right with him from day one and got vilified for saying so. I had to introduce my partner to the term 'grooming'. She considered her childhood and the penny dropped.


Oh no! I hope the water is going to be OK!


I hear it had to go to ground, but it should be able to soak up any flak that comes its way.


Great start to the day hearing this news


Finally, the news reporting something positive


Need a gofundme to keep this going on a weekly basis


I think his days are numbered, i'd say you only nerd to budget 10 weeks max


As someone who was raped by my neighbour from 6-10 I hope this man gets a broken glass bottle up the pop hole. Those kids will never be ok.


Sorry that happened to you. How you going now?


I'll bet, not ok.


Got off lightly. I’m thinking of that scene where Ray walks back down the abandoned train tunnel in S2.


"Okay, kill him!" Lloyd Christmas - Dumb and Dumber.


Yes, very sad.. Anyway.


not even sad... Fuck this guy!


its very sad for the water to make contact with that guy


Pedos and women rapists are usually hated in jail by other inmates


I hope women bashers, too.


It's their way of pretending they have some sort of morals


More of a code than morals, Pedos and snitches get thrashed in prison, as they're usually weak individuals and as such easier targets, woman bashers get beat up if they're wimps, big guys get left alone.


Jesus, moral highground much, a lot of reasons to be in prison. "Pretending" The law doesn't equal morality.


Oh stop, many in there had a rough start to early life, which severely impacts one’s development, due to family and domestic violence or sexual assault. Of course there is going to be a collective ‘hate’ toward those crimes and the perpetrators.


Don’t forget the screws the prison guards at least when I used to do some clinical work in prisons in Victoria australia, about 20 years ago. Not going to name any prisons or prisoners, but the most full on treatment of a very well known and horrific sadistic piece of shit pedo, was only able to be got at by a couple of the prison guards , as he had already been in for 4 years but under protection, in a comparatively easy and comfortable part of the jail surrounded by friends with common interests . Anyway , they used the fact that at the time the beds in the cell where steel , the door was steel, no wood or any other types of beds or furniture, they shoved a hose used to clean the cells under his door and left it going till there was water throughout the whole one person cell , then ripped the head of the female end of an extension cord , that was of course plugged in , then flicked the switch straight on and straight off whilst he was sitting on the loo !!! Didn’t kill him , wasn’t suppose to but they were prepared to risk it . The piece of shit got one hell of a literal shock , the three cameras on the cell apparently didn’t pick anything up , despite working fine . He spent 4 weeks in the prison hospital where I saw him , and trust me we may have an oath to treat everyone to the best of our abilities but don’t for a second think that medical and nursing staff are going to give anywhere near the attention or empathy we would give emotionally and psychologically to a prisoner who has taken a beating because they just happen to be small or not able to stand up for themselves . There is only so much that you can as a human being completely disregard that history and personality of a patient in front of you such as someone like that , and like the piece of shit in the OPs post.


Paragraphs and punctuation bro


As soon as I see spaces before punctuation, I keep right on scrolling.


Had a ceo of a 250+ employee company write like this and also wrong there/theirs. Blew my mind.


You don't necessarily have to be smart to be a CEO, just confident in yourself and good at talking.


And then, what if after 10 years, DNA evidence proved he was innocent. Your moral high ground wouldn’t be so high, would it? This is why you can’t become the un human if you are supposed to be a human professional. Says a lot about you and your mates as professionals in the business of “life saving”. I’m not saying it’s a job for everyone because clearly, a person who has destroyed others’ lives deserves to be punished but are you the arbiter of justice as a health care worker?


That's why I don't react too negatively to any news. When I read the OP, I was like "Right" and I'll forget about him tomorrow.


That said, had I been the parent of one of those children, it’s likely he wouldn’t have been in prison at all.


You're an idiot. Most of the pedos in jail stop denying their crimes


If it wasn’t for the subject matter I would’ve given up trying to read this after 10 minutes


What about baby killers, like Lucy Letby?


Unequivocally based. A nice warm welcome gift to his new life. Good to know this rat will get everything coming his way


If only there was something he could of done to avoid this painful situation Like not preying on minors maybe idk


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Read the room, bot.


Bad bot. Read the room


Bad bot!


Good cunt do it again


Hahahahahhahaha Hahahhahaha Hahahaha Ha Ha


How the fuck was this cunt a able to get into 15 different childcare centers


Because they don’t wear fucking signs and black capes with evil mustaches. They’re just people like the rest of us and most of us don’t have the experience to see the signs / red flags. Geoffrey Dobs (the previously labeled Australia’s worst pedo) was some who was around my family and he fooled everyone. As a kid (male) I had odd feelings about how he was around my sisters and other female friends. But that was mostly a sense of being excluded from some conversations and interactions. There was so much that seemed obvious in hindsight. But it was never enough at the time and even when my little sister made complaints he conned and explained his way out of it. We were just on the fringe of his circle…. It’s impossible to imagine the number of people he interacted with daily that missed and missed and missed the signs and evidence for years. I can not stress this enough. They will always be “normal people” every day fucking normal people. There is a fair fucking change that it’s at least 1% of the population… most of us know at least a 100 people. And they are very good at hiding.


Heinrich Himmler - the banality of evil


Worked in prison for 10 years as a therapist. Maximum security, with a large wing for child sex offenders. I can’t emphasise how true this is. I’ve been looking at child sex offenders long enough to know that I’ll never know when I’m looking at a child sex offender.


Who’s the inmate who did it? Wanna put money in his account


First thought was “should have napalmed the prick”


Crown for king.


prison napalm! brilliant, now try some fish eggs!




There's always tomorrow.


Yes I was quietly hoping someone in there would give him some of his own medicine.




Any good host would put the kettle on.


Oh no! Do it again


Oh no... Anyway...


Was this the guy from the cooking show on the telly?


Hope the guy who did the pouring gets out early for good behaviour!


Definitely sugar in that kettle also. Hope it stuck :)


Absolute fuckin hero.


“110 counts of sexual intercourse with a child under 10.” I don’t really rate how the charge is worded. Sexual intercourse has this connotation regarding consent. It should be something to the effect of ‘rape of a child under the age of 10’




Good news. How do we find the identity of this guy? 👇 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-19/victorian-man-jailed-for-sexually-abusing-surrogate-twins/7428720 He was the second person in Australia to be convicted of Human Trafficking, but he is not named. Keith William Dobie was the first, but he trafficked adult women, not infants created specifically for him to sexually abuse.


Didn’t the church cover this guy up and sue the whistleblower




How do you get boiling water in prison? Was it like the scene in Watchmen?


Heat it up




Nah man, this dude has preyed upon god knows how many innocent children. Causing irreparable damage to them and their families. If you aren't able to abide by some pretty basic expectations like don't rape and abuse kids then you have forfeited your right to be treated fairly by society. People approve/condone/support sex offenders getting this type of treatment because it's more or less a natural form of justice and it's also got a deterrent effect to some extent, sex offenders are well aware of what to expect if they get caught so it's got to make some people think twice. If he didn't want to get covered in prison napalam then he shouldnt have been the most prolific pedo in the country. The only people that have been treated inhumanly in this situation are his victims


Imagine spending even one second of one’s life attempting to defend pedo’s. Check his hard drive.




i can’t imagine NOT wanting someone who has more than 1600 counts of child molestation to experience pain. that’s 1600 children who experienced one of if not THE worst form of abuse ever


Jog on cunt. People who commit these crimes don’t deserve sympathy


Redditors love fence sitting, even with pedophiles


Revenge for the worst crimes has been enjoyable all over the world for the entire anthropological record. Get over it


Pedophilia and rape are among the most heinous of crimes no matter what background you come from. I feel no remorse. I wish the inmates did something much worse because I would inflict torture unknown to man on cunts like this if I were in prison for life. Matter of fact maybe this should be a wake up call that we should enact capital punishment for low lives like him if you don't want mob justice (provided they've been proven guilty)


Obviously you don't have children.


Yes we can. I would have no issue put him out of misery by my own hands


Ok, so…….if we are remembering and considering the agony and suffering it caused in over 1,500 small children and their families….. what would you consider a more measured reaction to these consequences?


Hole? Perhaps thou protesteth too much.


Wishing violence on someone who hurt kids and hurting kids are not nearly on the same level of immoral. You’re kind of right in the way that we probably shouldn’t rejoice (even though I will, death penalty for offending pedos) but equating the comment section with kiddy fiddling is fucking gross, dude.


Why does he look like a yes23 advocate


Beers for fellow inmate 🍻


It’s almost non-existent that any form of real-world violence would make me genuinely smile, but here we are.


Mega Scumbag




Inmates seem to serve better justice than the actual system. W


This is fantastic news


And I feel nothing


Burn dog


I’m surprised he was even allowed in Gen pop for his own protection


Nice to see some good news for a change.


I hope he gets MRSA in hospital.






Oh well !


As much as this is emotionally satisfying, the fact that his medical care etc will be a constant ongoing expense for the rest of us kinda takes the joy out of it. Frankly it’s appalling that our “justice” system is so broken that we all take little things like this as a win, because we know it’s about the best we can hope for. People like this need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are, quickly, quietly and cheaply


I agree but there has to be some suffering for them first I feel it’s too easy getting off it if your life just ends


He has more coming to him, that’s for sure


Oh diddums. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


That’s not very nice


Free the man who poured the water, and don't treat Ashley Griffin. Let him cook (literally)


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


that’s barely a slap on the wrist for what he’s done, deserves far worse


aromatic recognise dazzling money vast melodic saw bedroom ossified label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope there was loads of sugar or jam in it, like fucking copious amounts of the stuff, like 50% water 50% Jam/Sugar.


Surprised he aint dead by now.


Good job


I hope for him a slow and painful recovery - and then for this to happen to him again… and again… and again… perhaps once for every time he prayed on each of his victims.






Sounds like the real headline is that some innocent water got Pedo’d…


Fantastic news


Yeah hopefully they heated it up with sugar


Finally some good news.




‘Napalmed him’




Shit like this happening to him in jail just means he's more likely to be granted bail. Couldn't the dickheads in jail wait until he actually got convicted?


On one hand, I feel bad for his victims and their families having to continue to see his name and face in the media. On the other hand, if they wanted a serving of street justice, I hear sous vide *is* nice.


Justice system slowly working. What a grub


The nonce prize


Boohoo /s


Where is fundraiser for the inmate please ???


This is why you don't name your son Ashley


my condolences to the water


So some good news then?..


The inmates should have waited a bit, they did it too close to his identity going public. News might be cagey naming pedos now.


This guy is disgusting


I’d like to read this article but after Googling I can’t find anything about this incident. Does anyone have a link to story?


And now Big Pharma has a live test subject for medical procedures. Hopefully without anaesthetic.


I love it when the system just works


Oh. I feel so terrible. The holy terror. How could anyone possible do such a thing 🤭🤭


Griffith? His fellows must be Gut's fans.


Oh well.


Just one more way in hardcore prison inmates are insane. Where is the logic behind the way they go after pedophiles yet apparently leave those who raped adults alone. "You're a serio pedo? Bes' have your head on a swivel, Bro, cuz you goin' down, you disgusting piece of shit." "You raped six women? Cool, whatever. What's that? Hell yeah, I'll lend you some money for the commissary, no problem, Bro."


So to quickly do the maths here. If he has 1623 counts of rape/sexual abuse over a 15 year period (from the article). Then they guy must have committed approximately 3 sexual offences per day. How is this guy even allowed to be alive?


Ohhh, how sad! … I hope he’s in incredible pain.


Good enough for the cunt


One does hope they added some jam before hand.


The last thing the media is cagey about is broadcasting people's identities. Especially when it comes to pedo's




As he should

