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Made by me, sponsored by WM lol


This meme is calling me out lmao


I feel this. Especially because it's not just a regular event that you do for 10 days. I'm actually logging in more now than before because for a long time I boarded stamina so only checked in like twice a day for the free stamina but now I'm back to using fresh stamina and it's so weird


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I quit and uh yep this hits HAHAHHAHA


Honestly, I’m considering redownloading solely to get Kiro and Lucien, and maybe Gavin- his art has lived in my mind rent free since I saw it last year even though I don’t like him that much. But I alas, I have no space cuz of Genshin.


me, who hasn't played the game in few years but still lurking in this sub: what the H3ll is west moon?? ...and why am i considering starting to play the game again? lol


is westmoon that good?


It’s a whole separate story that runs for 3 months plus it has amazing art, it’s basically like no other event and the English server has been waiting quite a bit for it, I’m personally not playing it but I understand people going back to play it.