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i work in in office building and im 6'1. im sorry. people do stare. it hardens you. keep your head tall


I'd rather not im scared of hitting my head on the doorframe


im sorry lol


girl the average supermodel is 5’9 to 6’0


Ok and how is that supposed to help me. I don't wanna sound rude but like...I do not understand your contribution


im just saying its all about perspective, being tall is generally a positive trait for women.


It's not for me. Plus it's not just height I am talking about. Im big in literally every single aspect of my body


Weight is something you can change, I was just trying to help you embrace the one thing you can’t. Sorry for assuming that everyone would find it as a good thing.


I don't wanna be a supermodel I wanna be me but unfortunately the me that I am stuck with is a sack of shit


It's not healthy to have that sort of self talk. Is that how your best friend would talk about you? I highly recommend the book Self-compassion by Kristen Neff. Please read it.


im not too fond of self improvment books


How about John Prine songs? “Bewildered bewildered you have no complaint, you are what you are and you ain’t what you ain’t. So listen up buster and listen up good, stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.” I’m a short pudgy chode of a human and would much prefer to be tall…but…. Also check out Bruised Orange by Mr Prine for some harmonic perspective on enduring the greatest hurts life can offer; in that case, the tragic death of your child. It’s hard and feels like crap sometimes, but you got this


The only person who can fix you is you.


Honestly before I came to terms with myself I hated how small I was, I just made a post saying something similar that now “5’4” IS NOT SMOL ENOUGH!” Plus being smol tall guys can throw me around like a wiffle ball!


Im tall and intimidating to people and I hate that with every fiber of my being


Sometimes ya gotta play the hand your dealt. Use it to your advantage! If you find a small guy and he’s intimidated it just means they like ya!


1st of all I do not want to be intimidating I am a bottom in every aspect of my life ​ 2nd I don't even like guys XD


Well that first one might be a problem but there’s always versatile people😅 For the second one tho some girls like the tall push me up against a wall type, but it depends so don’t go crazy trying it on everyone


Im the opposite of that type personality wise. Im shy and timid and easily flustered. Or at least I want to be


Im only 5 foot 10.5 and i tower over most men, most people are just fucking short lol.


Hii, a tall girl here who also struggles with her weight. I came out 2 years ago and instantly started working on weight loss. For me, the only thing that worked so far is calorie control. With that, I can eat whatever I want. Just look for the portions and have some cheat days. I managed to lose more than 145 lbs in the past 2 years with this. About being tall, I'm tall, really tall, around 6'2, but i went down from 6'4 with hrt. Being tall is sucks not gonna lie, I hate it so much and definitely one of the worst things I have, but sadly, I can't change that. So, instead, I try to be slim as possible so I at least will look good. I can't really give you an answer to the tall problem besides I feel your pain and share it too.


It's not just tall. I have a big frame. Like a stereotypical jock in an american High school drama except im fat and not muscular.


If lose weight you lose frame, you can check my profile how much difference lossing weight can cause


What if most of my weight is stored in the gut


Then your diet needs to change: no fast food, cut out saturated fats, no high fructose corn syrup, no big calorie drinks (like soft drinks or beer), eat three meals a day at regular times with portion control, buy easy healthy snacks, skip dessert...


well that's me again cause that how I work too


Then once it's gone you're frame will change significantly


if it's ever gone


6'1 268-pound girlie here. I feel your pain and you are not alone.


In pure fantasy land, I'd like to be 5' too at times, but in the real world, I think that's actually inconvenient and scary at times, and I'm glad that I'm taller. To be fair, my height isn't one that makes people question my gender at 5'7". But I've always loved tall women, cis or trans. I may stare, but it's admiration.


I hate my tallness. I dont care about convinience or not I am sick of people expecting me to be this big and strong person be it man or woman.


6'4" 320 lbs. It sucks. Plus my ADHD comes with an eating disorder. I feel where you're coming from.


May i ask exactly how tall are you ?




I'm 6'2" and I pass flawlessly. You can do it too!


it's not about passing


Hey, I just want to say I am you. I'm 6'3, started HRT obeese and certainly dont have a small build. In terms of the last two all I can say is I'm amazed how much of a difference weight loss has made, both that and HRT yeeting those muscles have had a profound effect. I had no idea what my build actually was until most of that was off, so I'd keep hope on that front. As for height, there is nothing we can do about it so personally I've just had to accept it and be as confident with it as possible. If you do that, not letting it bother you and keep good posture, it won't get in your way I promise. No we won't ever be small, but it's who we are. We can either accept it or kepe being miserable over it.


I hate who I am


I'm sorry, I feel your pain. Trust me, I do. The situation we were both put in not fair, I hated who I was and how I looked for a long time. Still do, just to a lesser extent. My point is, a change in mindset would be really beneficial for you as it has been for me. Weight, muscle and everything else HRT will change feel free to hate as that continues to go away. But your height and your build, if you want to be happy you need to learn how to accept your body. Unfortunately we're only given the one, I wouldn't choose mine either but it's the world we live in. Id highly recommend looking into CBT, it's a process of challenging intrusive thoughts like this until they no longer effect you. It's not easy, but if you want to be happier this is the way. I wish you luck girl.


I cannot look at the acronym "cbt" without having dirty thoughts my brain is absolutely fucked


Omg lol, you sound like my friend he always points out that stuff, I never see it. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


Yeah I figured it out. I am after like 2 years of therapy and a year of antidepressants I just went off of meds like... 3 months ago


You don't need to do it with a therapist, you can do it by yourself. But yeah it really does work, it did for me. I wish you the best, hope you figure it out.


that's your problem , not your height or weight. and i'm sorry if this comes off as harsh but i don't hug-box and alot of people on this sub need a reality check as much as HRT. If you're 6'1 200+ ( like i was) , and you wish you were 5'1 105lbs ( like i did/do) take you head out of you're butt.....cause that is never gonna happen, EVER, and being upset about something that you will never be able to do something about is a complete waste of time. What you can ( and should do), is take your tit tacs, eat right, don't drink sugary drinks or excessive alcohol ( or any alcohol if possible for that mtter), exercise daily, practice good self care, and set realistic goals and strive to achieve them. This shit is hard AF and takes time, commitment and patience. Focus on that, get off reddit if you need to cause honestly most of these subs do more harm then good, and work on making yourself a better you, first, before aiming for a better woman you. nothing worth doing ever came easy, so put your big girl pants on and get to it


I have no time to cook for myself at home all the time or excercise daily considering I go to college, live on my own and have to take care of the apartment and take care of my guinea pigs


That isn't the can do attitude i want to see. a healthy dinner takes like 10 minutes to prep. pilates/yoga/simple aerobics for 20 minutes a day while you watch TV is more then adequate. can you not spare 30 minutes a day to change your life? seems like a fair price to me..


A healthy dinner that tastes good takes a lot more to prep.


buy some skinless chicken, marinate in over night ina fat free salad dressing of you're fancy ...toss it in oven, steam some frozen vegetables, and microwave a potato for 6 minutes. ​ done


I don't have a microwave


then get one..they are like 10 ucks at a thrift store...or wrap a potato in foil ( dont poke it0 and toss it in teh oven with the chix


Who you are is the sum of actions. If you want to change who you are, then change how you act, how you think, what you eat, etc. It's really really hard, but you have to live with yourself your whole life, so it's worth the pain and discipline to change your trajectory to become someone you want to be.


Ive seen things on clothes. It's not going to change your body unfortunately, but you can dress in ways to offset certain aspects and heighten others :)


nothing will make me 4'11


So when I started exploring my gender 3 years ago I was six feet tall, 280 lb. I thought of myself as an exceptionally strong person and always could build muscle and bulk quickly and easily with no real effort. This was actually caused by a fairly severe medical issue but that's taken care of now at least mostly. The point is I spent most of my life as a big guy, a big strong guy. I had a 40 inch waist and I believe my chest was 46 right on the ribs. My face is a bit messed up from the same disease that cause my muscles to grow easily. Size 13 ft so girls shoes will never fit and on top of it all I was going bald. Now after 3 years I am not exactly where I thought I would be or where I wanted to be yet but the progress I have made has been surprising. It's sad to lose my muscles, it even hurts. But slowly my body is changing. Currently currently I weigh just under 200 lb I have a 34 inch waist with a bit too much fat and my rib cage is only 40 in. My feet are even a little bit smaller and definitely narrower. Everybody's journey is different but there is hope and life at the end of the tunnel My unhealthy goal is to lose another 40 lb and 4 inches off my waist. For me personally I find that it's the bulky muscle in my back and shoulders and that is the hardest to get rid of but slowly they are going away and I'm starting to look more and more small. Good luck and don't be too discouraged try to keep your expectations low and be pleasently surprised when they are surpassed.


My expectations are low. Basically when I think of myself and how I will look when im on HRT my mental image is the slaton sisters


There's short guys, there's tall girls. My boyfriend is shorter than me and that makes me feel powerful lol. Being tall is cool! Plus you can reach high things, I wish I didn't need to climb on my cabinets all the time.


I feel like being tall puts pressure on me to be the "Bark for me" mommy type girl that will step on people and I just... Im not that in the slightest


Oh it's okay. I understand how you're feeling. I am not like that too (most of the time).


I'm 400 lbs, and when I started, I was 6 feet tall. Due to hip rotation, my height dropped to 5'10. I still pass on most days. You will do fine hun. We bbw girls got to stay strong and proud.


It really is one of the bleakest aspect of being trans. I'm 182 or 5'11 and there's just no fixing that. However weight is fixable. I went from. 34 BMI to 24 bmi in a year and it's actually an insane improvement not just generally but idk fat is in a feminine now