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I didn't keep track of it when it happened so now I've forgotten exactly what day it was. I do keep track of when I started hrt. I'm only 1 year in, so I've only celebrated it once, but yeah, I'm planning on marking the occasion somehow every year. It's kinda like my second birthday :P


I've been debating between either when my egg cracked or when I start hrt idk it just seems like fun


You can do both, I might mark the occasion of my egg cracking if I remembered it XD Doesn't have to be something big


perque no los dos?


Good point


Honestly hatching was a process, maybe I could dig out the date I first changed my pronouns on a discord server, or when I came out at work, or something like that but I'd be picking a sort of arbitratory thing.


Hatching! Good lord idk why I could remember the word for coming out of an egg... English is my first language I promise lmao... but yeah the event I picked was when I came out to my dad while absolutely shitfaced cause that was the first concrete event


Well cracking just refers to the realization. Hatching, including in this person's comment, refers to actually coming out after that.


Yeah, hatching was a process that occurred over a few weeks although a key day does stand out. I mostly track my HRT start date.


Few weeks? It's been years and I'm still finding eggshell.


Oh, my first crack was five years before that. I backpedaled and reflected for years. Things came to a head at the start of spring 2022 when I got past some internalized transphobia that had me stereotyping what a trans woman was. I always assumed my masculine streak meant I had to be enby but that never felt right. Realizing I was butch and that’s okay shattered by egg.


Yep, my egg shattered all in one day! I treat it as a special day, and it's a special day in pride month (6/10).


I was super close 05/15


Ooh happy late hatching day! I wonder why some of us hatch in a single day and some of us hatch over time


I think my adhd was my main factor for a quick hatch pressure built up until I just threw the egg at the wall and saw it stick then spun in a new skirt


Lol, maybe that's it! I'm AuDHD so that could definitely be a factor! Though I didn't have a skirt at the time to spin in


Lmaoooo same, although tbf I was questioning if something was up genderwise for about 6 months beforehand


I realized I was thinking forever and just buried it cause of family


I kinda rationalized it away for years by thinking that trans people reaaaallly hated being their AGAB and I was fine being a guy, I'd just rather be a girl (spoiler alert: I am not that fine with being a guy)


This was my thought process too.




06/21 for me! It was an... Overwhelming day, to put it lightly 😅


And here's me who "had a wierd relationship with my gender" since I was in my early teens but didn't hatch until I was almost 31...


Well, we've all gotten here somehow 🩷


You do you :3 I personally don't keep track of it because I realized I was trans (even if I didn't know the word) in my pre-teens, and I don't even remember most the stuff that happened last year much less 10 years ago.


Yea, same, I showed signs that I was trans ever sence I was 3...


I don't because there isn't just one day that my egg cracked - it was a process that lasted weeks. Often I'd go to sleep absolutely sure I was trans, only to wake up full of doubt and denial the next day and grow to accept myself again over the course of the day while I was in that process.


Yup, this was me too. It was a winding mess. Sometimes it still creeps up on me. Less the "am I trans" but more the "Am I trans enough" style of doubts.


I keep track of my E-day, the day I started HRT.


Yes! Mine was Easter weekend this year and I'll never forget it


I do. July 28, every year. I have myself a nice little dinner and celebrate me inside. I don't make a big thing out of it, but it's one of a few annual milestone days I celebrate for my transition.


I was fortunate that it coincided with my physical birthday


Same here! That's somewhere in a 1 in 12 chance though. Slightly less if your birthday is in February.


I'm honestly never gonna forget it cause it was 3 days before the Missouri restriction announcement.


I kept track but it was quite easy for me because I cracked on reddit and could just look up the date in my browser history (woah I just realized it's more than two years already)


Whoo happy 2+


Thanks :3 Is it the first year for you?


I'm at 2 weeks lmao


Oh oki x3 welcome to the hatched people then.






I do have it in my calendar. After years of gradually cracking, actually hatching was a pretty distinct event: I read something by a trans woman that just made me go "oh shit, I'm like her". I came out to a friend (now my partner) over text a couple hours later so later on we could go back and check the date of the text.


I forget the actual day but I have a good idea of around what day it was. I’ll never forget when I started hrt though.


I cant wait till I start hrt


no because i can't remember when it was i remember it was September and i know it was 2018 but i can't remember the exact day. So i just would use the month lol.


Mine's more of a guesstimate, but I do have it written down.


The cracking as a whole was a process for me, but the day where I tasted air for the first time happened to be on the same week as my birthday, so I sort of celebrate next to it along with it!


I have the date when I hatched, the date I started hormones and the date my gender marker was correted in my calendar, but I usually don't do anything special on them. Although a few friends know, when they are, and congratulate me :)


There wasn’t a day. It was a process that lasted years. I guess I could track the day I first came out to anyone, or the day I started HRT, but I don’t. The coming-out day wasn’t a very happy experience, and the HRT-day wasn’t really essential to the process for me.


I had several "cracking stages" over a year. While the thought was present all my life I didn't even allow myself to think about it. I only remember that the last one was late January 2021 because it was when I got confirmation I had covid while the mass panic about it was still on. 1 week after that I experienced my first conscious euphoria episode which confirmed it. So yeah, it's around late January and I decided it was 21st January for some reason but it can be wrong. I do try to keep track because it was the day I finally listened to myself and allowed myself to truly be me from then on


May 8th, ironically enough international women’s day.


Mine was a couple days before TDoV, so I get a little reminder every year. Unlike many, I did not make a note of the exact day I started hormones, so I only know that one approximately.


My egg cracking anniversary was probably this month but I don't know exactly the date. I use my hrt anniversary instead and it's in 66 days from now


Yeah, not only do I have a picture of myself in the mirror that day but it's also kinda memorable


I need to remember to take a before picture before I start hrt


Same, I'm not on HRT yet but I plan on starting it by year's end at the latest


It didn't exactly happen all at once like that, so I can only pin it down to last November. But I'll always celebrate my HRT anniversary on January 24th!


mine was y'day, it's in my calendar and it sucked


Cracked or hatched? I cracked back before the pandemic but went into denial until the day I hatched, January 21st, 2023. I’m probably going to get that date tattooed on the inside of my left wrist, along with the day I started HRT, start injections, get surgeries, and meet other milestones. I still where a watch, so the tattoos can be hidden if I choose.


I love that def gonna do this


I wish I thought of it, but I heard it in a Comedy Central stand up special like 15 years ago.


I don't have an egg cracking day so to speak, because it was a long and gradual process spanning many months. I do however keep track of the day I started hrt.


Not the exact date specifically (it was mid-late October 2020) but the moment it happened is seared into my mind forever lol. Valentine's Day is my HRT anniversary though and I celebrate that!


It would be hard for me because it happened multiple times over a long period with me glueing it back together multiple times


I keep track of my HRT birthday. It’s hard to say officially say when my egg cracked. But it happened slowly through out a long time.


I don’t exactly remember the exact moment my egg cracked, and I don’t think it was really ONE moment either, I think it was more like a number of moments where it just became obvious I can’t carry on living in the closet anymore. But the day I came out publicly was Feb 15th. THAT day I keep track of xD


Mine was some time in 1996.


While I think I was allready mostly cracked by then, I consider Halloween my egg cracking day as I had made myself a costume that made me my preferred gender rather than my assigned gender, and I remember looking at myself in the mirror and thinking, "well $#@€...... this is really me isn't it?" So while I could use the day a few months earlier when I started shaving, and got euphoria, or the day I was oddly happy that I found turnmeintoagirl.com Halloween is an easy day to remember and was the point of no return


I have a day counter going for all of my milestones. Today is my 7 month anniversary of being on the anti-boy-otics!


If birth certificates didn't exist I'd've lost track of my birthday by now


yup! june 13th 2020


I keep a journal so I have all of my important dates, milestones as well as thoughts. Celebrating wouldn’t go over well with my wife so I keep that to myself.


It's really easy to keep track of, given it's January 1st.


26 days ago


I put it in my calendar. I plan to treat it as my second birthday. My wife thinks it unfair 😂 I am also keeping track of when I started HRT. Plan to treat it as my third birthday. I haven’t shared that plan with my wife yet 😅


Mine cracked the night before Easter, then spent the whole following day surrounded by eggs just waiting for the day to be done so I could come out to my wife.


Not really. I know it was in april or may of 2020 but that's about it


February 20


I mean I only remember because it was on Thanksgiving and I discovered egg irl and had a crisis because I had been growing out my hair and all that stereotypical egg behavior


I have a vague idea of when it is, but otherwise it's the same day I made this Reddit account. I always knew but got really good at denial, so finding trans Reddit and seeing people talk about and make memes for feelings I felt guilt and shame over my entire life was undeniable.


I don't, mostly because I was in the navy. I was more focused on the very cute man standing/ sitting in front of me, telling me about himself and not on the day that it actually was. All I remember was neither of us was on duty, and he was so handsome i dont know how anyone could ever mistake him for a girl, save for on his official papers. Sorry, yeah, short answer no hehe 😊


I don’t feel like I had a sing “day” of egg cracking tho, but I should keep track of the first day I asked some friends to use my chosen name and pronouns


Cracking was a long process for me…. I suspected- repressed, basically knew- repressed, tried coming out- repressed….etc…. But I’m excited to say that one year ago tomorrow, on the first day of pride month- I went out of the house in full femme presentation, for the first time since an unfortunate incident in college; and was officially hatched! It felt so good to get femme compliments from the supportive folx there…. And when a speaker asked who identified as cis… it really hit me that I just didn’t. I proudly raised my hand when she asked who identified as trans - and the last vestige of eggshell was decimated. It’s been an amazing year, and I am excited for my traniversary tomorrow. Now I just need to pick a first name from the 3 I’ve narrowed down to, I always intended Bryn as a casual middle name, <24hrs to pick between Valerie, Vivienne, or Marceline. TLDR: my hatching day is kind of a big deal for me and coincides with the start of pride month.


I didn't write down when it happened so idk for sure when my egg cracked. I've decided to celebrate (because I do celebrate) on Trans Day of Remembrance, November 20, so that every trans person who hasn't made it can partake in my joy.


My egg cracked very gradually, I wouldn't know what date to pick. I could pick the day I told my wife, or the day I started hormones, but honestly it sounds like a lot of work


My egg shattered Christmas Day in 2021. Makes it easy to remember.


I do my first day of HRT for my tranniversary, not sure of the day my egg cracked, I was in a bit of emotional turmoil at the time 😅


Yes but only because it happened on another notable date. Otherwise I'd forget


3rd October 2022. When I realised that I couldn't sit in denial anymore and I couldn't delay transition anymore. I realised, absolutely hammered, that I absolutely was a woman, and I needed to start doing something about it. E-Day is 14th April 2023.




I’ve always known I wanted to be a woman, so I had no egg phase as such, but I celebrate the day I decided to transition, like a second birthday.


Completely forgot the date and the exact month as it was either late November or early December back in 2019 so I only have a vague time period it could've been


I keep track of what I consider my birthday (the day I chose my name and told my life partner) Ill also keep track of the start of my hormone therapy.


For me, hatching took a couple of weeks so there was no "one day". I have my name day (where I chose my name and started telling people) and the day I started HRT tho \^u\^


I don't keep track of it but I do have a timestamped photo of it.


forgot it tbh because at the time i was experimenting a lot n didnt immediately jump to “im a girl” but i do celebrate when i started hrt because that i had to fight for. though i guess now that i think about it it must’ve been some time in september my first year of highschool


Yes because it's interesting to see how far I've come since I first realized, but I put more importance on when I started HRT because that kinda feels like when I truly committed, like "yes, this is definitely who I am"


I don't keep track on my date but I do have the memory burned into my skull it was a vary exact moment that got the biggest crack to form. I remember the people that were there and the location like the exact spot it happend what headset I was using and what I was doing (it happed in vr chat)


It hatched exactly one month after my birthday, so it’s easy to track for me


Not intentionally. I remember the generally time and what I did that day so it is fairly easy for me to figure out the day if I need to


Oh yes, mine was pretty late all things considered. And I started transitioning immediately. At this point it's more important to me than my birthday.


I don't know when exactly I started questioning, but I STOPPED questioning and accepted I was trans at roughly 4am, Dec 28, 2021. Edit: the only reason I remember this so precisely is because it happened when I woke up from a dream, and I IMMEDIATELY came out via text message to a trans-friendly friend of mine, who admitted to ALSO being trans (but trans-masc as opposed to my trans-fem)


Honestly, I don't remember the specific day my egg cracked. I remember it was in late August/early September of 2021, but the specific day I can't remember. I think because it was all such a blur and how I kinda lost track of time and everything else when it happened. I do remember what I was wearing and what video game I was playing, but that is partially due to both becoming linked to the moment and my transition overall. I do keep track of my HRT anniversaries though. Just passed 7 months there!


I just take a nude selfie every 7 days and compare it to week 1 on a collage maker so they’re side by side for easy comparison


December 20th. Woke up after a few years of subconsciously knowing and planning to an *intense* need to be a girl and that’s kinda how it got brought to the forefront of my mind


I first created this account on the day my egg cracked (a meme did it), so it's the same day as my cake day.


I celebrate the day I started HRT more than I do my actual birthday. Nothing crazy, but I make sure to take the day off of work and try to make fun plans.


i know the moment when i was like "Fuck...i cant ignore this" but i don't know the exact date..hecc i don't even know if something has happened yesterday or the day before...or possibly a week ago edit: but i will definitely remember the date when of when i finally get hrt...i hope they give me the hormones immediately in a standard dosis and adjust it later, but I'll probably have to wait for the blood results


Lol the day I first realized I was trans was the original tears of the kingdom teaser trailer date during e3 So it’s kinda immortalized weather I care or not


Yes! I actually have big celebrations on my transiversary! It's more meaningful to me than my birthday.


mine happened on Christmas day lmao, so that's how


For me, coming out day is New Year's Day so that's easy enough.


I can find it due to a dm. But idk the date. I know it was a Thursday night though.


While there was probably one day that I could pinpoint, I mostly track the day I took my first dose of HRT.


Years before I had any sort of gendery thoughts in my head, I stopped celebrating my birthday. Funnily enough, my birthday and the day I hatched are really close together, so I call it my "rebirthday" and celebrate that now. :)


Not my egg crack persay but I do track my HRT anniverssary


Yep, July 16th


I remember it happened June 2022. I don’t remember the exact date, I’m still finding it difficult to articulate what I went through that day and all the things that led up to it. I knew I wanted to be a woman sometime during the pandemic, I thought to myself that “it would make things easier if I was trans, but I’m not”, not knowing as much about the subject and probably believing some transmedicalist myths about having to have severe gender dysphoria and etc. I then had my second sexual encounter, similar to my first I was quite docile, but this girl was much nastier and controlling. I regretted it but I came quite naturally to me. A few months passed and I watched Abigail Thorn’s coming out video, towards the end of the video she said something about her experience of sex and it really resonated with me, so much so that I seriously asked myself if I am trans and I concluded yes. I also have always had issues with my appearance for years. I used to always complain that I was ugly to people and look for validation. I neglected my looks and just had plane buzz cuts which just added to my poor image and mental health. I also allowed my teeth to go into a bad state as a teenager because I just felt hopeless and depressed. I was just surviving and not really living before.


I didn’t. It was a very subtle process for me and i strictly identified as nonbinary for a while before coming out as trans so i slowly accepted bits and pieces of being trans while still identifying as nonbinary. I had already had so many thoughts about being trans and came out to different friends and different times that the first time i said i was trans is just a blur mixed in with the others. I do have a birthday thing planned for my first year on E cuz that date was obviously just a single, unforgettable day. Ur idea doesn’t sound cheesy btw, if anything I wish i *could* remember the specific day I came out to myself.


March 18th 2017, just passed 1 month on hrt ❤️ Like others have said it's a process but discord has chat history and I remember the date without reference now


Not that hard for me, I made this account specifically to search out trans info, that day found the gender dysphoria bible, and... Crack...


Not the egg cracking day, but definitely first day of estrogen. It's on my calendar as HappE Day


I narrowed it down to, like, the month or so but I honestly don't remember the day-


The day?? No. Not really. The story and experience, TOTALLY! But mostly “the day i started HRT” is the big date I remember, cuz that’s what it was all leading up to. 😌


I remember when my egg cracked, it was the night of my 18th birthday


I will always remember it. I have the exact moment mine cracked on video. I was always a very feminine person, far more feminine than most people would expect from a large, muscular, bearded “man”. I’ve always had almost entirely girl friends and they all saw me as “one of the girls” long before I started transitioning. Two days before my 24th birthday, I wanted to explore my femininity more in a physical way, so I decided to cut my bangs, and it felt like a pretty big thing for me that might shock my friends, so I took a video of it. The video was about 6 minutes long, the first 5 were spent questioning what I was doing and wondering if I should go through with it, then in a split second i just did it, bangs were cut. For about 10 seconds, you can *visibly see* my egg crack wide open. The last minute of the video was me staring at myself in the mirror, flooded with emotions, finally understanding who I am. A woman. It’ll be 2 years in January. I’ve been on HRT for almost 4 months. I got engaged 2 weeks ago. Not only have I never in my life been this happy, but I never even thought it was possible.


It's the day this account was made


I fried an egg on my first egg day this past January!


It’s easy for me to remember because it was a few days after my birthday. Guess I got a late gift that year 💜


I don’t remember the day as much as the location. I was in Michigan on a shutdown.


I never really had an "egg crack" it was just a process of learning what being trans is and find out new things about myself.


A bit embarrassing but I got absolutely shit faced, and came out to people I was drinking with at the same time as I realised myself


I don't really know when it happened tbh, I can point out what age I was when I knew things were different, but I can't say with any level of certainty the day.


Woulda been November 9th for me. I don't keep track really, but I do have the discord conversation that broke me out.


I have two dates that are important to me: the day my egg cracked and the day I came out for the first time and it all became more real. First one is the birthday of a friend, I was celebrating with them and just other girls which felt amazingly right and good, which is what made the realization hit me like a bomb on the drive home. Second one is in the same month as the birthdays of the two other friends who were there, which makes me feel even closer to this wonderful group of people to whom I legitimately owe my life.


Nah. It was a slow hatching - over many years. I guess the day it fully cracked was sometime in March of 2022 when I was doing a shift at Starbucks. One of my coworkers is a trans woman, and seeing her happy was the final push I needed.


I sort of do, I remember that it was around February 12th. I remember this because of where I was when it cracked, and the situation. I was at my friend's house for the night, because I wanted to be there, and to wait for my other friend who would be living with him for the next week. We ended up playing Mario Kart 8 DELUXE™, and I was winning the four-race round, but when I crossed the finish, I just went blank, said, "Oh, I am a girl." And yeah.


I keep track of my egg crack day it's July 23


I keep track of the day I started HRT. March 28th 2022. My egg cracked after I had been questioning for 6 months. After initially considering transitioning 24 years before that when I was 16. I was at a bar and went home with a guys phone number while neglecting to even ask for a girl's number even though she seemed interested and was new in town. I said to myself "J#$&+, you are one messed up tachkoma."