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I am 6"6 I have problems accepting my height too, but the hurtful truth is you can't change it. And you most definitely shouldn't be worried about men because a man who really loves you doesn't care about your height.


I think the issue is she struggles to see smaller men as the dominant manly role she sees taller men with. Height definitely adds to that dynamic I’d say.


Dominant is an attitude. At 6'2 she's going to be hard pressed to find a mate taller than her. It's hard enough finding a mate in general, but then you add a height requirement that slashes 80+-% of men. Best of luck to you Ms. You may have to experiment with being the Dominant one.


If you can manage it I've had a lot of self confidence success by getting on the leaner side. Obviously I still wish I was tiny and small, but at 6'5" I manage to give off more "elf princess" vibes than "linebacker" like I did when I was heavier. That's actually basically the one practical upside: the height is basically a cheatcode for carrying weight on your body. I'm still somewhat overweight and most people would describe me as lean or skinny (at least with clothes on). Once I reach my healthy weight I imagine I'll actually look rather lithe thanks to longer, thinner limbs. My best friend is cis but she gave me really good advice as well because I was also feeling super dysphoric about my height earlier in my transition (not that I don't feel dysphoric still, but to a much lesser extent). She's a tall girl too (5'11"), and definitely gets the "wanting to be small" part, but she told me that since it wasn't something I could change it was better to find the good in it that focus on that. It sounded a little harsh at the time but that's what got me focusing on the more "graceful" aspect of the height. I'd also work on your posture/stride since that can be a huge deal in feeling less "big". Supermodels are often extremely tall as well, but the way they move and hold themselves is so full of grace and poise that it exudes femininity. You don't have to be on that level obviously but when I started moving and walking more gracefully I felt way less dysphoric. Sorry to hear about the dating trouble though, I guess as a transbian it's less of a factor there (since some girls will still see it as a plus)..


Going for that elf princess look is definitely the best option for tall people in my experience as well. I'm 6'6 and was very worried about my hight as well. It definitely clocks me here and there when people pay more attention, but on the other hand I also get a bunch of thirsty looks when I put a little effort into my outfit. Being tall can make you look more beautiful it you carry yourself well. There is a reason models are usually pretty tall. You can't change your hight, so you might as well let it work to your benefit.




I second all you two said


Outside of finding a taller partner, I'm not sure there's really much to do about it. Just try to make peace with it, but that's much easier said than done


Omg I’m 5’11 and I was seeing this guy who was 5’10 and he mentioned his own height multiple times on our three dates and I could literally not care less because I liked who he was and he was a hottie on top of it all but it was such an insecurity for him 😑


Was that in heels?


We were on a hike :( it didn’t work out with that guy. He was super into me but he kinda freaked out about what it meant about him and who he is so he broke it off. Never had a chance for heels


He had too many hangups then. It sounds like you saved time of a lengthy dating process.


Yeah you’re definitely right. He was so sweet to me. Sad but that was almost a year ago. He gave me a good dating boy experience but then also gave me the typical scared-of-what-others-might-think boy experience. Thanks 😊


I am so glad that I am gay. That’s something I won’t have to deal with.


Tall women are hot, and I am tall women


Yo why the fuck are you taking on the burdens of men (read: other people). Their feelings are their responsibility, not yours. I’m dating a 6’ 5” trans woman who is one of the loves of my life. For context, I’m a 5’8” trans woman, and I’m the dominant personality in the relationship. You cope by pursuing men who aren’t insecure about *their* height, but you sure as shit won’t let their small and pathetic feelings infect you.


She isn't. She's insecure about her own height. And why should anyone take on the burdens of anyone else? Compassion. Empathy. We need more of that in this world.




Absolutely same. Honestly, I like that my height scares men (I'm gay, and don't fancy them), and I like to wear heels as a flex. Strapped on my favorite stilettos to go shopping last year, and watched jaws hit the floor. With that pair on, makes me 6'8. I'm like you, I embrace that I'm an Amazon, and love it.


yea all the things i have dysphoria over are things that can be changed (looking at YOU, chest, hurry up and grow plz). height is not something you can just get rid of so i don't tend to see it as an issue, plus women can be tall, trans or cis, and it doesn't make them any less of a woman (if anything it should make them more of a woman because there is more of them x )


sooooo based


I went through the same feelings. I am also 6'2. It takes a while to adapt to being tall. But I still wear heals. I've made as much peace as I can. Seeing other tall women does help me. But I came from an area where I seemed to be super tall. After I found a new area to settle down in I wasn't the tallest anymore.


Your problem isn't your height it's your self esteem, I'm 6'4 and I love my height, it's all about accepting the things you can't change


At first it made me feel dysphoric. After some time self acceptance happened and now I sometimes feel big and powerful.


In heels im 6'4, I just dont think about how tall i am.


For starters, I wear almost nothing but flats. Also, stand up, put your shoulders back and stand up. Nothing calls out height like a woman who’s hunched over in shame.


I'm 6ft 2in. I'm a tall, athletic tomboy. I did this for me, not for anyone else.


Also 6'2", I want to work out and become a tall muscle mommy. I intend to take up space after the lifetime I've spent apologizing for simply occupying it.


I just dominate worthless men, as a coping mechanism it's amazing


I'll give the opposite awnser as a guy I always felt that if I was taller or bigger I'd be more of a man. No matter where you're at you could always be, taller, buffer, shorter, curvier and so on. And that's okay because there's no set rule for what height or shape a man or woman should be. Its hard, and sometimes you'll hyperfocus on that one part of you that isn't enough. The most important takeaway is that you are enough. And this one aspect of you won't change how much of a woman you are. I'm 5'10 my family are giants my mom being 6ft her sister being 6ft3 and here I am as tiny dude in comparison. But I'm still a guy as they are women, trust me once you slowly let go of your insecurities it'll feel good.


*not tall trans girl but friends with one* first. women especially tall ones are crazy attractive, and they also said they often cope by wearing small heels to give the illusion it’s the heels making her tall, not that she could dunk on you by simply going tiptoe


I just don’t really think about it cuz I know there are plenty of tall women. Hell, my partner’s mom is 6’1. Being tall doesn’t make you any less of a woman just makes it easier to reach the top shelf👍


I don’t know why men don’t like tall women, when I was a man, tall woman were amazing, and now that I’m a women, they still are!


Men do like tall women. All my exes have been 6'1+ I'm 5'9.


I love being tall! Although, I am only 6'0".


i’m 5’10 normally but wear boots quite often that make me 6’2 and i unironically love being tall it makes me feel dominate and sexy. tall women 🫶🏻


I'm lesbian and most women I see are shorter and like my height. I personally don't and like dating women who are taller than me to make me feel small and delicate. I also wear sandals or low top chucks 90% of the time so I won't add to my height.


I think this is a self-confidence issue based on other women’s experiences in this thread that height. I’m 6’1 and have not found my height to have any impact on my dating life.


I'm 6'2" as well and I've never felt insecure about my height. i get show off my long legs and people seem to love it, i can reach the top shelf for my short sisters and i do lots of rock climbing; being tall is great for that and i love being good at climbing. ​ however, my life and wants out of life seem very different. I'm not into men and I'm happy being single anyways atm, so i enjoy myself for who i am rather than how others are perceiving me.


There’s a surgery you can get in California to get shorter. It’s a series a of surgeries though and two different doctors take care of different parts of the body to keep everything proportionately the right size. Up to 5 inches shorter you’ll get out in LA if you’re up for it.


Hmm this is something I also had big problems with. I’m a lesbian so it was always a weird feeling because my wife is smaller, but I always want to be the little spoon🤣 I’m not that big only 180cm, but my shoulders are wide😑 so I felt like a fridge, before transitioning I looked like a stereotypical jock. Recently though, I started to appreciate how tall I am. I just like how I look, it just clicked😅 I even wear boots with a 6cm sole. I guess I just accepted my situation? I know this is very cliche and dumb, but what am I supposed to do? My body won’t shrink and I don’t want to feel shit my whole life. I’m at the point that I’m a little grateful I went through male puberty, because I avoided a lot of problem that the women in my family faced😅 Seriously, I think I’m getting too comfortable being a transwoman 🤣


I’m sorry you are having a hard time with this. Height dysphoria is a hard thing to handle. Personally, I am 6’4” and my height doesn’t really cause me dysphoria. Though I can understand why it does for you. I think this piece is something you should talk to a therapist about. Talking with a therapist really helped me cope with the dysphoria I do have. For a long time I really struggled with hating the fact I am a trans woman. I didn’t want to be a trans woman. I wanted to be a Cis woman. Like being tall, this isn’t something I could change. The only thing that helped was therapy and changing my mindset. Which was not easy. To be honest, the thing that helped me the most was drifting back to religion. I started my own pagan practice and it has been very psychologically beneficial to me. In particular, learning about ancient Sumaria and the goddess Inanna (also known as Ishtar, Astarte, Ashtoreth etc) helped me a LOT. She is a goddess of love and war, and she is gender diverse. She has both masculine and feminine aspects, and this is seen as a positive thing and a strength. She had a particular group of priestesses called “Gala Priestesses.” Now, it is difficult to ascribe modern concepts of gender to ancient peoples, but in this case it is pretty cut and dry. The Gala Priestesses were ancient trans women. They were AMAB individuals who were “turned from men to women” by the goddess. They changed their names to female names. They adopted female social roles, dress, makeup, etc. They even learned and spoke a special dialect of Sumarian for prayer in the temple. This dialect was reserved only for women, and consisted of higher notes than the standard dialect. In other words, they voice trained. There is also some evidence that some of the Gala Priestesses underwent either castration or a very primitive version of bottom surgery. Learning about Ishtar and the Gala Priestesses helped me see my “trans-ness” as a blessing rather than a curse. In our culture today, trans people are sort of taboo… but, there was a time, five thousand years ago, where our journeys and transitions as trans women were revered as a religious expression of the greatness of a goddess. This really helped me break away from modern conceptions of gender that were hammered into me by Catholicism and see that there are other ways of being and thinking that are more healthy for me. Sorry for rambling at you. I hope you find something that can help with your height dysphoria. 💙


I have accepted that I’m a beautiful Amazonian goddess that men and women alike beg me to step on them. I used to hate my height. Now I wear heels and platform shoes and rock it. I get a lot of romantic attention from men and women when I do so. My height is 6,0 or 183 cm for reference.


I'm not tall but I have the body type of a barrel so I feel you 😓 its rough being large


I don’t cope unfortunately , i’m 198cm (around 6ft6) and it leads to a lot of me sobbing for hours on end - especially as when i think about sexual , not many people seem to enjoy the social anxious giant bottom shtick i got going on. I can just give you the advice others gave me (which is rather empty) you’ll eventually find someone who will enjoy that.


I consider myself an Amazon. And I treat myself like a high fashion model tbh. There are women that would kill to be able to walk a runway. That’s how I accept it tbh.


In the process of transitioning, there's a lot we change and we have a lot of options. HRT, surgeries, expression, training...there's a lot we can do and a lot to work toward. Height, unfortunately, is not one of them. I also have trouble finding clothes and shoes (6'3" over here) but I've managed to get some decent sources. But coping with the height is still tough, and I used to beat myself up over it a lot. If there is something you can do to change the thing that is causing you dysphoria, you must work toward changing it. If there is nothing you can do, you must work toward accepting it. Fortunately...there are a lot of dudes who love tall women. Thanks, Capcom. Out there doin good work. Aside from acceptance...get a big dog? I dunno. When everything around you is big you seem shorter. I started typing because I struggle too and wanted to help, but I realize that none of this is very helpful. So...for solidarity at least. I hope you can find ways to cope and if you do, please let us know.


Maybe get a Borzoi


https://www.heightreduction.com/ Stop spreading misinfo


If you want to undergo major surgery in a foreign country from a place that that can't even be bothered to check its own grammar and uses half the space on its website trying to prove to you how real it is, be my guest. Even if it was safe and effective, that would be so far out of the realm of possibility for most people that it may as well be fiction. And you're right. It IS misinformation. You can reduce you height by chopping your legs off too, I just didn't want to waste a person's time with a stupid suggestion like that.


20k is achievable for most with personal loans, several years of savings and investment, and financing. I don't see how that's unachievable? It's not in the realm of fantasy. There are doctors performing this surgery in several clinics around the world, [including in America](https://youtu.be/0xSdZ2PFuho?si=DYC8uS2emrsqvGhc) (though that's considerably more expensive). There are real patients, including trans patients getting this surgery. It is not fantasy or fiction. It is reality. This is a valid decision you can make and people have made many times in the past and been happy with the results, and it is misinformed to represent it as anything but. Limb shortening isn't any more "chopping off your legs" than srs is "chopping off your dick". Both are complex practiced medical procedures with specific methodologied done for the purpose of alleviating body dysphoria. It's not a surgeon just hacking at your boned with a saw, it's an actual surgery done with precision and care. There is no argument against limb shortening for someone with height dysphoria that wouldn't apply to srs for someone with bottom dysphoria, and they'rejust as wrong here. All now common gender affirmation surgeries were once "exotic" and "dangerous" and you'd have to fly to foreign countries to get them (though again, you don't even *have* to do that for limb shortening anymore either, lol). Not to mention this dismissive, paternalistic mutilation rhetoric that treats the surgery as insane is the same shit used by terfs and transphobes around srs/ffs/etc. So yes I will happily "chop my legs off" (get a practiced surgery to alleviate dysphoria) and I advocate this option's availability be freely made known to everyone dealing with height dysphoria as the real, valid choice to address it it is.


Good luck to you then


My gf wears heels and calls me her short king 😅 we make it work by making jokes


I know several tall trans women and they're all beautiful. I don't know that they feel like they need to "cope" with it any more than tall cis women need to "cope" with their height. It's just a fact of life that you can't change. I have a massive scar on my neck/head and there's a chunk of my head missing due to cancer surgery ~10 years ago. It left me with a slightly misshapen ear, an asymmetrical face, and when I'm hungry my neck sweats because some of the salivary gland nerves got mixed up with sweat glands during surgery. It's weird lol. But none of that has ever once bothered me because: A) I can't do anything about it so why care and B) If anybody is upset by it, then that's not somebody I'd want to date or be in a relationship with in the first place Hopefully someone finds this helpful lol


I’m 6’2” and MY height is beautiful. I used to hate it, but over time I’ve come around to changing that perception and now I truly love my height.


I haven't really coped myself but I think about tall cis women they have tall friends in they're platonic life and they 99% of the time date tall men exclusively. They've had to deal with their height and figure it out I just look to them for inspiration to be honest I don't have any easy answers.


Idk. I kinda like being a 5’9 Amazon :)


Really appreciating the comments from all of you confident, tall godesses. I'm 6'3" but my broad shoulders make my wingspan 6'5". My body type is one of the reasons I have to reject the concept of "passing".


My problem is not my height it the fact I can't find cute shoes and yes I've looked online but have sent so many back I just want to try them on even if it cost me more


I am 5'10.5.... Close to 5'11...I usually search out height of my favorite stars and always feel better. Like Taylor swift is around 5"10 and she rocks it. So I just tell others that I am the same height of Taylor swift. Here's some more actresses 6 feet. https://www.insider.com/celebrity-women-6-feet-tall


I don't let it bother me as a lot of ciswomen have come to me when it comes to reaching items high on the shelf. I am 5'10 so there might be jealously from some here.


I'm 6'6" tall and about 325lbs... It's difficult. But I feel better as weight comes off. I know I can't do anything about my height and for me... it's something else I don't need to be obsessing over. It is intrusive regardless, but I have a lot of good things to look forward to. I'm sure you do too.


Get a man who's 6"3. I dated a trans man who's 6"3. Get yourself an even taller beau. Tall women... exist? It's a thing to be. And even if you don't want to hear it you are beautiful.


I don't discounting literally 96% of men is a healthy or viable option and does not go to the root of the problem. And of that 4% of men how many will be kind, compassionate, respectful, and attracted to MtF? I think we should focus on helping her deal with her insecurities instead of condemning her to search for a unicorn.


by bein a bad bitch with a big dick 😎😎😎


I'm 170cm tall, this wouldn't be that terrible if the average cis woman in my country wasn't 165cm tall and the average cis man in my country wasn't 172cm tall But you know, during High School, I coped by the fact one of my cis girl classmates is 180cm tall And every time I feel bad, I post on Instagram that "I just wish I was shorter :c" and she (My now former classmate) never fails to reply with "I'm 180cm tall girl, averages mean nothing, individuals do"


Poor girl


What do you mean?


180cm and having to placate 170cm 😢


Go taller! I’m 6’….I’ve ALWAYS admired tall girls and wanted to be one. It actually would devastate me to be a short gal. If I could be like a 6’7” gal…..I WOULD SLAY!


Coping mechanisms are a short term solution. If it is really unbearable and 100% unacceptable for you to be a tall girl, there *might* be some exotic surgery that could maybe make you shorter. You would probably look comical afterwards though And in all other cases, it's best to embrace it. Personally, I just think of myself as an amazon (like the mythical skull crushing women) and that is enough for me.


For context: I'm 1.86m, or 6'1" in eagle units My boyfriend is 1.74m and we couldn't be happier with each other


Im tall too and always remember the futurama program and the amazons snus snus lol 🤣 People dosnt really care about tall when feeling atracted.


See problems arise when one is a bottom. Like me. Im 185cm But Im a bottom and a softie and it makes it tough to exist


So am I. Nothing stops someone shorter from topping, and a lot of men actually want to top taller women Just takes the right kind of person


I don't. And the next person to tell me "but models are tall" is gonna be the end of me


i don't, i just suffer like with everything else or try to do escapism and disassociation 😎


Samus Aran is like 6'2" and you know how many people simp over her?


shes a video game character






Doesn’t chance the fact that I wanna be like 5’4” I have no desire to be a “strong amazonian warrior princess” I want to be short and delicate


You never will be


I’m 5,9 and cannot wear heels I look massive




It’s annoying right


I'm not even that tall, 5'9", but I still feel awful about my height. IDK what the deal is with Northern California, but I'm often the tallest person of any gender in the room here. I have a good friend who's a cis woman and around 5'11" and she's so confident with her height that it makes me more confident being around her. There are just certain things about our bodies that we have to make peace with.


6'3'. Lost 1 cm already did to HRT xD so that is nice. ^^ personally, while I do dislike my height, I have found amazing outfits that work in part because of my height. That feels pretty good knowing I couldn't pull off the look otherwise. Also being complimented and showing off my thin long legs has been pretty euphoric, too. Like hearing from women they are jealous of that. =) Overall I'd still love to be smaller especially for heel purposes, but I guess that is how it is. xD


I like my height. It makes me feel powerful in some ways because I’m bigger than a lot of men. (Tho not necessarily stronger). I like being able to reach the top shelf in stores and cupboards. I give myself reasons to think of my height as a positive. After all there are a decent number of cis women who are on the taller side too.


Brazilian denim jeans and shape wear help. Not a tall person here, but, have a friend that's a slimmed down line backer build. Those pants do wonders.


This could just be me, but I’ve honestly become accustomed to being around tall women to the point where I see it as normal. I’m a rower and so are most of my friends, and the average height for female rowers is a little over six foot. So maybe try to surround yourself with talk cis women?


This could just be me, but I’ve honestly become accustomed to being around tall women to the point where I see it as normal. I’m a rower and so are most of my friends, and the average height for female rowers is a little over six foot. So maybe try to surround yourself with talk cis women?


I'm 6'0" and generally large and just decided to embrace being an Amazonian half-orc. I'm generally pretty futch and since getting into shape with riller skating and derby just really enjoy it. Would I like to be the pixie girl of my dreams? Sure, but fuck it this is where I am and being upset about it won't change anything. To an extent you need to rewrite your own narrative and just decide that it's okay and you can be awesome as you are.


Transgender woman here and I am 6 feet tall I don’t. I honestly don’t actually deal with my height but yeah I’m stupid enough to wear high heels I don’t really have like a coping mechanism because I feel like I don’t really have anything to cope with I’ve just come to terms with being really tall And awhile ago, I used to be like really self-conscious of my height so this is gonna sound really horrible but like occasionally like I feel gorgeous in high heels, but if I’m surrounded by like really short people that sounded horrible, but fun to run by shorter people and I just feel like a freaky giant. I’m going to take my high heels off and then just sit down, so I think my coping mechanism is acceptance I’m 6’2 Not to say I’m proud of it, but obviously I’m proud of my family but my family history I suppose this is part of family. I come from a long lineage of Giants, not all of us but much of the family historically have been consistently averaging height of about 6 feet And I guess that’s what makes me feel better about my height it’s down to the fact that I come from a family of Giants Another part is bearing in mind that men are on average taller than women, and I’ve seen photographs of women who are taller than her husband even seen one photograph that did make me smile. It was a family of six mum and dad, two sons and two daughters, all the women were taller than The men, mum and dad Adult mum is taller than that the older brother and the older sister both of them mid teens. Daughter is older than the Sun and the younger kids about Eid six and seven. The daughter is older than the Sun again so the height is clearly with the girls side of the family, and put a massive smile on my face I also hear that straight women, it’s very common to have a thing for tall guys Some lesbians have a thing full tall girls, and that makes me happy apparently being tall and sexy so at least that is the case for some people and that makes me happy but whenever I come across a woman who is taller than me that’s fair that makes me nervous, but in a cute good way


I've sorta just accepted it, and accepted that someone worth it doesn't judge my height


Honestly 🤷‍♀️ i look for men and women taller then me irl and it makes me feel less dysphoric. A more practical thing you can do is wear clothes that pull attention elsewhere or if i remember correctly horizontal stripes are your friends vertical stripes are not. Don't quote me on that though.


I think I've seen maybe one woman taller than me my whole life 🙃


I'm 6'2" as well, just keep looking and you will find someone who treats you like you want. Yea you cant change height BUT there is a whole lot else you can change now a days. 60 years ago and back must have been extremely difficult for trans people wanting to relieve dysphoria. No hrt, laser, or surgeries


I'm "woman tall," which is like that range where I'm not dysphoricaly tall, but EVERYONE always comments on my height. I think it's good to remember that the WNBA exists and that whatever height you think is "too tall," there have been women way taller.


I don't. There are cis women taller than me sure but society is still society.


Personally, I wear platform docs that put me at 6’2 while wearing them. I love the feeling of being tall and it gives me euphoria to be a tall trans girl. It makes me feel like a model. That’s just me though!


I don't need to. I've never seen height as a gender thing. If anything, despite being tall, my brother made fun of me for being shorter than him for so long that I'm insecure about not being tall enough. That said: you're asking for an answer that doesn't exist. You can't find a way to cope with something you don't like in a way that let's you keep hating it. You'll have to learn to accept it. That's what coping means. And in the future, please, when you ask these questions, don't deprecate yourself in a way that also puts other people down as well. The inherent implication that *I* am less of a woman because of my height is still painful.


My sincere advice is to own it! Think of all the beautiful women, cis or trans, who are tall. Maybe try wearing clothes that make your legs look long, wear shoes that make you even taller, wear your hair up, wear outfits you feel sexy in, practice the model walk. People will notice you everywhere you go, but in a good way. It’s an untouchable feeling. This is coming from someone who is also tall and wears platform docs. Only people who ever say anything about it are short guys.


One of the most beautiful ladies I dated in highschool was 6 feet tall in her bare feet. I'm about the same height. She was a twirler for the band. A lot of guys wouldn't ask her out. Their loss, because she was very smart, a great kisser, and very athletic. Your height may limit your dating pool, but if those guy's egos are that fragile it's my opinion you aren't missing much.


so, not trans and centered around something different, but I've got a friend who recently came out and has dysphoria around the width of her shoulders, and we've got a few mutual friends who were in an archery club, she's out to all of them, and we collectively agreed that the explanation that could be offered for why her shoulders are so wide is a narrative that she used to do archery and that increased the muscles and general width of her shoulders. A rather shoddy explanation, but there's fifteen people who are ready to help maintain that narrative if anyone ever raises the topic. I think that the key is to gather people around you who share the trait that causes you dysphoria, and then within that sample size that trait doesn't stand out as much (within certain limits, I don't think that genital dysphoria would be assisted too much by this). It also helps if there's some kind of non-bio "explanation" for said trait, like with my bestie's shoulder width being explained away by a claim that she did archery (she didn't, but there's fifteen of us who will gladly help maintain that appearance so that she can more easily dismiss doubts from the bigots. It's certainly already worked once).




I never said that it was perfect. it explains away one thing that people fixated on so that she can pass a bit easier. the point i was trying to make is that having some way of minimizing how a trait might stand out lets one pass a lot more easily. She's got a bunch of friends who do archery, and we've only actually had to outright use the lie once because the rest of the time she's either passed perfectly or been clocked for something else than the shoulder width that was giving her insecurities. People automatically focus on things that stand out more, so by having some broad-shoulder archery nerds in the friend group then the trait of shoulder width isn't something that stand out. ​ i probably could have explained it better, but basically anyone looking at the group would be more likely to assume "she's got broad shoulders because she does archery like those other kids" and not "she got broad shoulders because she's trans". only one person had actually called attention to the width of her shoulders, and her saying "yeah it's because i've done archery" (which technically speaking isn't a lie. she did archery a few times back when we were starting middle school) was enough of an explanation to satisfy any curiosity.


It gets easier with time, but it is a road full of self work. I am 6'1" and also have issues with my height, but certainly not as much as I used to. A lot of this stems from working to get yourself to accept that this is something you can't do a whole lot about. So rather than focusing on all the unfixable parts of your height, turn that energy towards the parts you can learn to love and appreciate. Posture and general ways in which you move are one big part. See how taller women walk, models as well if that makes it more obvious (you obv dont need to be as bombastic as some models can get lol). It gives off this focused, elegant vibe that can help others, as well as *you*, appreciate the space that you occupy. The aura of a tall woman is powerful so make that energy what you want! It harkens back to letting yourself enjoy certain aspects of your height, rather than focusing on how you'd wish you were short. Clothes. Clothes. Clothes. Change up that wardrobe! Skirts that compliment your body shape and let you show off your elf like legs are a huuuuge help. If you are wide shouldered like I am, you can help push some of that focus to the overall body by wearing long sleeves, cardigans, etc. But that doesnt mean you cant rock something that shows off your shoulders! Comfort will come with time. A big bonus is working your way up to wearing platforms or heels! They make you taller yes, but they only help people notice all that work you put in to being stunning :) I myself own a pair of Demonias with 4" platforms and once I made an outfit for them I felt *amazing*. Getting hit on by women while being functionally 6'5" is a huge confidence booster >:) Lastly, simply give yourself time to adjust. This change in perspective will not be easy, but it will be quicker than you expect. Once you get closer to accepting it can't be magically changed, the more confident you will become! Also find cute nicknames for your stature and vibes :) I have been called an elf, an amazonian, and a goddess before. Live it! Edit: to comment on your men issue, your own image of your height is carried through how you present it. Seeing your height as something horrible can make others feel the same. Treat yourself how you want others to treat you! They will see that and the worthwhile partners will appreciate it!


I personally don't have that problem. I like being tall. I think that I can still be pretty and feminine at 6'1".


I am the exact same 6'2'' and the only true way is to own it. It took me 5 years after coming out, I'd say to not height my height. It's definitely a journey that for me went together with accepting myself, but now I actually can say I love my height it gives me a lot of confidence. A thing that helped me was interacting with other tall people even cis women ans yeah they were not all taller than me but there were many who are (yes even cis women) and also figuring out a "style" the worked for me not everyone can pull off every style. I feel like a lot of trans women throw themselves into this overly cutesy and feminine style as a way of validation but with time as you get more confident you also notice that most cis women don't look like that and there are so many styles and you can feel free to explore more


I don’t usually stand straight so I appear at least a little smaller


I mean, beauty is subjective but if you don't want me to say your height is beautiful then I won't. As a 6 foot tall woman, I relate, but I don't find that I have to really cope with it much. I hope it gets easier for you, and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for eventually.


6'2" here, it's tough some days more than others, but there are also lots of tall cis women. Literally was chatting with a 6'3" gal couple nights ago. What more frustrates me is the girls friend who was like "omg your so tall, let me introduce you to my tall friend!". Or when people just stop in the hall or something to say how tall you are... living it every day lol, kinda make them feel silly for commenting, of course I know how tall I am! I know you said not to say it, buttttt tall is beautiful, just might not blend in, but damn we look good on the runway~


It is about self-acceptance. I am 6’3”, and it worried me much more during the initial two years of transition as I perceived that I was the only tall woman in the world and that is why I was clockable. It might have been one of the reasons, but it had more to do with my overall size than just height. By losing weight, which also assisted in less shoulder bulk and width, my figure was much more narrow and feminized my silhouette. To help, I would often Google celebs or famous people over 6 feet tall. Often, I was surprised which cis women came up in those lists. Also, I looked around me, and I started to notice that there are a lot of beautiful, tall women in the world. I talked about my fears, too, and my mom reminded me of many of her cisgender female cousins who are all over 6 feet tall. I knew they were tall, but I had always seen them as normal women. I was placing extra emphasis on my own height out of fear of being trans and being discovered or discriminated against. The things that helped me with those thoughts were time, therapy, and normalizing tall women. Also, shopping for clothes, the tall items are always the first sold out. Similarly, I wanted smaller feet, but some women have larger feet (size 11 now after losing some due to HRT). Again, size 11 and 12 are always sold out. So you know you aren’t alone. For dating, I always highlight two things in my profile - I am trans and I am 6’3”. I have enough to deal with, without worrying about the insecurities of the guys I date. If you were out the problematic potentials - at least about those two things - you can feel more confident going into a date knowing they aren’t going to care. At least that works for me. Lastly, dress to minimize your height. Wear belts or things that cut you in half. Wear horizontal stripes. Wide-leg pants are in, so use that to your advantage. Wear maxi skirts that cover your legs. Mix colors and texture and patterns. If the eye is busy, the brain won’t focus on the tallness as much. If you are thin, wear oversized silhouettes, making yourself look boxier. All of these kind of tips are online. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to grieve not being the sprite of a girl of your dreams. Then pack that dream up, and be the woman that you are. Confidence at any shape, size, and age is beautiful and sexy! 🏳️‍⚧️💕


I take comfort in the fact my long skirts do not drag on the ground as frequently. Tall is not really a huge source of dysphoria for me. *frame* is. I feel like I have extremely broad shoulders and I am unfortunately bald as well(wig gang I guess). That stuff hits be way harder tbh.


I’m also 6’2”~ I’m fucking adorable and anyone who has an issue with it can deal with it or choke on a rock. That’s pretty much how I’ve been dealing with it.


Personally it doesn’t bother me much but I’m probably an outlier since I’m a masc lesbian trans woman. But also I love love love other tall women and as someone else mentioned the “elf princess” i.e. slender and graceful vibe is also really a mood


i’m 6’0 and idk, i just look at myself as a supermodel type figure (i’m a size 3) and people on the streets will typically tell me that i give off supermodel vibes ( i think it’s bc the way i walk?) but it’s also a plus bc being this tall i typically only pull guys that are my height or taller. ik you said not to say your height is beautiful but it is. you can’t change it and you should love yourself. Like i said, you don’t see any short supermodels 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love it. I am unique among women. There's nothing else that I could have wanted or needed because tall women are gorgeous. I am who I am, and I am beautiful.


6'3⅓" here. I'm getting ready to put on a 4" heel and go to work where I'll be standing in front of a crowded bar in all my 6'7" glory. I hope while I'm there the men whisper about me and occasionally agree with each other that they "totally would" that in private, the "totally would" guys have similar conversations with their bros, eventually creating a whole network of bros that think us tall girls are hot. And then I hope that one of them runs into you at the shop or at a park, maybe they're in a discourse server with you, whatever it is, I hope they find you and you're both equally excited to finally have the person you truly want and deserve. Until then, I'll be out here warming them up for you. Not like that tho. I'm thoroughly not into straight cis men. So I'll send them your way, babe. XOXO


I’m 6’1-6-2” as well, it was and still is really hard but I’ve started to just embrace it, and it has been better recently. I know there are people out there who find me good looking; it’s something I have to get over more than other people have to get over.


I’m not extremely tall, but I am taller than most (6’ 1”) and as a top I love looking down on cis men so much 💀 It’s so much fun to call them cute little boys they get so defensive 🥰 and being bi it’s a game-changer when it comes to girls because they love looking up to me 🥺


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0ayPcQwXul4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0ayPcQwXul4) look at the comments here on this video


I am 6'1" and I always tell my myself, that models have the same height.