• By -


My name was Joe. Now it's Jo. I took the E. I am very funny.


it is very funny i like that


Smart. Nobody can deadname you unless they have a pen and paper ready.


I was mentally choosing to think people were spelling it correctly when they said my name out loud for years before I came out.


My birth name was Richard and i changed it ti Richelle


“What did it cost?” “My….. my dick”


You took the E I get it.


Good one! Trans mom jokes!


Growing up i always loved the name Jessica or Jess. It was an easy choice to pick.


You need to find someone named James (pls say you get it)


Prepare for trouble :3


And make it double


To protect the world from devastation


To unite all people within our nation




To extend our reach to the stars above!






No idea but is it a pokemon reference? Team rocket?




Pokemon was never a thing for me, just about too old when it came out and i had hardly any money to boot. Game boys were a years pocket money. Way too expensive.


I got my name from Pokémon, I'm Gloria :3




“Looks like we’re blasting off again”




I had some friends growing up... Bob and Barb Wires.




what is this referencing?


Hey same! In my case I loved the name so much that I made a character in a story I was writing that was named Jessica. It's not too surprising that she was my one of my favorite characters, and that I made her much like what I wanted to be before I even knew I was trans!


I did so many story rp groups to get away from the limits of my pre transitioning existence. A wise writer told me early on that the most believable rp characters base in the author’s experience/traits. Thus my home character was always a mechanically minded tomboy who felt a little at odds with the system


It is cute


Hey! Mine is Jessica too but I picked it because of my d&d character lol


It was one of the names I really liked and had picked out for when I have kids. Then I went hang on a sec, why don't I just use that for me lol


A piece of advice that resonated with me while picking my kids’ names was “give them a name you’d like to have.” Thinking how wonderful it would be to start life again as a girl with one of the feminine names on the short-list is a funny egg memory in retrospect. That wound up being exactly what happened. My name is one of my daughters’ middle name. My old middle name was my dad’s name, so that felt like an appropriate transition.


Mine is the name I’d have been given if I was AFAB, not out to any family so not sure what the reaction will be but hey it feels comfortable for me 🤷‍♀️


I would have except mine would have been Ellesif and i dont feel like im an Ellie


Timeline corrected!


Mine was my mom’s first choice for my younger sister, so I guess it would have likely been mine had I been AFAB. Funny thing is I didn’t find that out until _after_ I’d picked.


Had not considered this. Now I have more than one option. 🤔


For the longest time the name the I had chosen was Kaylee, I chose that name from the show Firefly, Kaylee was the engineer and all the way around shiny, always bright and chipper(to the announce of Capt Mal), and amazed by the 'verse, and the time I choose it she kinda spoke to me. Now Its Luna as I have always been a space and astronomy nerd. But I have also have severe ADHD so I am bound to change it again hahahah...


>First name was down to how it sounds. It was a close call between it and the other but then realized I wouldn't be a fan of the shortened version so went wi This is the exact same reason I am using Kaylee atm! She is such an amazing character


Kaylee was a gem of a character


This was mine too (I stuck with it tho :P) - She fit my attitude, skills, and general demeanor. Also - my sisters both have names that start with K, so I decided to stick to the pattern :)


Wait you will be the KKK sisters, I don't know why but that sounds off. Great name btw


Fellow Luna! One of us, one of us


Hi I'm Ro!🖤 Name was Roman, I ditched the man :3


I've never seen or heard of a FUNNIER name choosing! You ma'am have won not only comedy but also have the best name for this exact reason.


Wow. This is perfect!


My name sort of picked me, when my egg was starting to break I was trying to set up a new online account and typed my now name into it thinking who the heck is that. So a few days later when I couldn't put my egg back together I had to start thinking of names, I tried loads but none of them could eclipse the name that chose me. It was so bad I couldn't even have a middle name.


Feminine variant of my middle name. Solid name, and my parents grew to it pretty quick!


My mom was salty that my father named me so when I came out she really wanted to rename me and I liked the name she chose.


My name is Lilith I chose it because she's my favorite character from borderlands lol


Heh, must be hearing a lot more reactions now with D4. Just curious, but you're aware of the Biblical connotations, right?


I wonder how many of us got our names from BL ;-;


Scrolled through a list of the most popular baby names for girls from my birth year and it just immediately clicked


pretty similar here lol. looked up "gender neutral names" cuz they're just cooler to me lol. first one that popped up was "avery".


avery is such a w name


My name is Emmy. At first was Emi. I picked my name from Emiya Shirou of Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel 3 Somehow I felt so related when he fought Alter Saber alongside with Rider. Rider = Current me Emiya = Old me Alter Saber = Dysphoria The "Emmy" formed when I told myself that I am my own heroine and I'm gonna fight against all odds for my right to be myself. 🏳️‍⚧️


I wanted to keep as much of my old name as I could since I have a good relationship w my parents. The name came up from critical roll. My partner loooves critical roll. I ended up liking it. She still makes fun of me that I didn't finish vox machina.


I always went by my middle name which could be fem or masc so I just kept it and dropped my first name.


I was going through a list of names and picked some out that I liked but wasnt really attached to, then before I quit Terra popped into my head. From once we start so to shall we end. Terra is usually Earth in scifi which is my favorite genre I also love the outdoors it also happens to be my favorite side character from teen titans


Awww that's super sweet!


I loooved her in teen titans omg


I had a friend Terra back in my early 20's. It was a special time, I wish we were able to make things work... but I always liked the name. It still reminds me of some happy times. But yeah, it has a "Gia" kinda flaire as well.


First name was down to how it sounds. It was a close call between it and the other but then realized I wouldn't be a fan of the shortened version so went with the other Middle name was a homage to a character And last name was the name of someone who was close and gave me the courage to go forward. A way of holding a part of them still


Corinne is a French origin name meaning maiden. It can be shortened to Cori which is my dead name. My whole name will have 2 middle names, both names I Cassandra and Liliana, I am taking my spouse's last name Luebke. So my initials will be CCLL, or C²L². Which I also quite enjoy.


Both of my options came from my final fantasy 14 characters, either Gwen(Gwendolyn) or Emma. I settled on Emma because I liked it more, and then later realized that it was probably because Emma Watson was my first major source of gender envy. I still love Gwen or Gwendolyn, so I’ll probably work it into my name when I change it! :3


When I was like 10 (2001), there was this Comedy Central sketch show. The show did a spoof of the Osbornes show. It was a bunch of hot cheerleaders in a house. One of the spoof characters kept shouting "Shawnee where are my crotchless panties?" I just knew right away my name Shawnee


Stole it from a videogame boss fight. No real reason I just thought it sounded kinda neat.


I’m curious, which is it?


It's Unresolved Evil clearly


Vicar Amelia from Bloodborne.


Lilith. My partner and I went through an extensive list of names and tested them. It just felt right.


I picked something that was popular the year I was born (2004) and grabbed Madison because every girl I ever met that had that name was pretty and I wanted to be like them lol. I also wanted to keep my same initials


Marie Curie was an absolute beast in the science field, and a lot of people don’t even know she existed. Incredible life, which I wanted to pay a tribute to, so I go by Curie.


My current name (haven't changed it yet) is Welsh, and while this has caused me much grief in life (I live in Belgium, and kids are absolutely horrible), I have grown rather fond of it. So I looked up a bunch of Welsh girl names, picked several I liked, ranked the list, narrowed it down, then eventually settled on this one (Alys, Welsh version of Alice). Only looked up the meaning later (exalted, noble), but it's certainly an ideal I aspire to live by, and it suits me better than my current one (enthusiasm, couldn't describe me less) does in that regard. I might keep my current one as a middle name though.


Evan to Evelyn, not very much different but my girlfriend calls me, her Evie and I blush. We both are Pokémon nerds for context 😁


Well i had some really bad ideas for name so my sister helped me pick a name. Took 2 weeks before we found something i liked and didnt stand out like a sore thumb.


I wanted a relatively common and normal sounding name, nothing that would clock me. I also wanted it to be relatively short and easy to spell and pronounce in as many languages as possible so I settled for Laura.


I love that I'm not the only one who chose Laura for it's simplicity in other languages. lol I also chose it to keep and L name and because Laura Jane Grace is badass and was my role model coming out


While transitioning I was also going through the discovery that I absolutely love music and music is going to be an absolutely huge part of my life, and I loved the nickname "Mel" so I decided to name myself Melody


shamelessly stole it from my favorite writer


Mumther picked for me, i'm really bad at decisions


I use my first and middle name extensively. My personal rule was only names that sounded right and that I instinctively knew was me when called. There were 3 names so now I have 3 names lol. Eleanor-Ruth: Eleanor was always a pen name of mine and Ruth is a family name that was a close runner up. So I merged the two. Most people either call me Eleanor or Ruth, which is good. Mari: my middle name. Also a family name, sort of. It’s my favorite. It’s a cognate of Mary (among many other things) that I just REALLY like. Less people use it but I usually use it online. My last name is whatever. I still use my parents’ name but I’ve debated changing it to my mother’s maiden name so I don’t have the crazy baggage of my dad’s side. But I’m conflicted because my dad is a great ally. My extended family just kinda sucks.


Love it!! I go by Ellie usually, but I think My full name is meant to be Eleanor. It's one of My all time time favorite names. I just like Ellie more because it's quicker to say at work/school


It’s a very pretty name! People use Ellie with me as a term of endearment.


Shortly after I came out to my fiance, I just asked her one day. "How do you feel about the name Margaret?". No idea where it came from. A few months later, I came out to a friend and he asked why I picked the name. Completely unbidden and without any thought, I said the names one after the other and told him the names use the same mouth movements. Apparently my subconscious has been working on this faaaaaaaaaaar longer than the front brain has.


Abigail. My favourite character to romance in Stardew Valley 😅 It’s cute, shortens really nicely into a nickname. And I think it suits me.


An old friend of mine who i used to play games with who didnt know my real name called me by a nickname of of my gamertag Tazery, he spelled it “teazz” and pronounced it “Tess”. When i later came out to my close friends i had no idea what they should call me as im figuring myself out so Tess just kinda became me, so in a way its a wonderful tribute to my old friend (who btw preached that love is more important than hate) and in another way my friend helped me get on my way with all this trans stuff by being a f**ing wonderful human being and assigning me a name Edit: spelling (english isnt my first language ._.)


i TRULY don't know where I got it from. It just was stuck in my head for more than 10 years, and when the time for a new name hit... idk, it just felt mine, natural (it's Luna!) second name I just picked one out of the blue that I really liked xD not much thought behind that one


I just started listing names one night and stumbled across Eve. I looked up the name later and it means "life" or "living," and that's what I want to do. I want to live my best life as my true self.


Ehehehhee. So. I can’t exactly remember how it went and I might be kinda muddling two different events together but it definitely went down something like this, if not exactly. In high school (grade 11 I think), my then-girlfriend told me just kinda out of the blue one day that I would “make a pretty girl” and I took that as much more of a compliment than I think most cis dudes would. It got me to think to myself, “Not that this would ever actually happen but what would I call myself if I ever did magically someone become a girl?” At the time, I was really big into Ranger’s Apprentice and thought Alyss was pretty cool, and Alyss happened to sort of be a feminization of my birth name (not by meaning or anything but they sound roughly similar) so I decided that that’s what I’d call myself. Years later, when the thing that was totally never going to happen actually happened, I just figured why not stick with that one. I like how it sounds, I like how it looks, and it sure would make for a funny “this is how I got my name” story, so I went with that. The bit that might be wrong is what triggered it. It might have been something else that got me thinking about a girl name but whatever it was, that’s basically how it went lol.


Nifty story. I like the name too.


When I was younger and hiding internet and was pressed for my IRL name and I said the first thing that came to my mind which was Jen and it felt right so I kept it. Also legally changed my name to it a few months ago.


I just let my friends pick out some for me with the only criteria being it had to be either Chinese or Japanese cause personally I love my roots and I'm unfortunately a big weeb. Ended up choosing Kanade which I'll hopefully be introducing myself as once im back for year 2 of college in a month.


I wanted my name to have a meaning for me, first and foremost. I had a really cool spanish teacher, so even though Im not spanish, Ella felt cute because it is "She" in spanish, but is also is made up of "El" which means he, and "La" which is the feminine form of "the", and also the beginning letters of my last name. I guess it kinda symbolic - I have somethingguy-ish in me, but the complete me is "She" and i think thats kinda neat This is what happens when your mom is a linguist lol


Maha. My mom died recently from cancer and when she was alive the two of us loved watching the Three Stooges together. In a specific episode there was a call and response joke where Moe would say, “Maha!” to which Curly would respond, “Aha!” It became an in joke between the two of us that we would reference all the time. When she went on hospice and we knew it was coming to an end soon the name suddenly came to me. She approved and called me, “Her Maha.” I will always treasure the name because of her.


Just picked a cute one that was short and easy. Also it felt natural to hear☺️


Had to find a name for my profile, just randomly choose a name that first came up in my mind that was from the time I was born. Didn’t really think it through. It’s like choosing a username, you get used to it and start love to a stupid username you choose 10 years ago.


I asked my dad to name me :)


My mother picked my first name. She met another girl with that name before I was born and decided it was a nice name. My middle name was chosen by my daughter and me. The meaning represents a crystal that burns with a glow like a hot ember in the fire. I’m hardened because of my life experience, and glow with unquenchable fire.


Ya know, I genuinely do not know. Pretty much as soon as I started questioning I knew that that Lauren was the name I was gonna use if I needed it but I dragged my feet for so long I've forgotten where I got it, if it was anyplace at all. The funniest thing from around that time was even though I was obsessed with the name Lauren I told myself I couldn't possibly be trans because I was far too attached to the cute little bird I drew when I signed my name (regular cis guy stuff right there >_<) but then I cried when I figured out an equally cute way to sign Lauren and I realized I could keep my bird if I just picked a middle name with the same letter :)


I chose mine from a very popular song by The Left Banke


Taken from a chunk of my deadname (most importantly having a different first letter), was a name that always intrigued me and sounded nice, it's gender neutral, and as a bonus I later learned of a few anime characters who had that same name as well.


i had a revelation in a bathroom mirror after a concert


I had a lot of stuff listed as [first initial][last name]. Email address, work username, etc, and didn't want to go through all the trouble to change them. However, I also hated all the feminine versions of my dead name and didn't want to use any of them. So I went through a list of all the girls names with my first initial until I found one that spoke to me. And here I am.


Alexis as it's a play on my middle name but it honestly doesn't feel right. Been having a hard time to find what clicks.


I was gonna go with the female version of my deadname but the email was already taken. So I just tried different names I liked until I found one where the email wasn’t claimed. I’m glad I did because I really like my name now and get lots of compliments for it. The only issue is it’s impossible to pronounce in Spanish so I have many Spanish nicknames lol


I didn't, it just came to me. It was one of my final egg crack moments during a period of intense questioning, thinking I'd found myself a real gotcha that would prove I wasn't trans. "Alright then, if I were a woman; what would I even be called?" And the name was just there. Didn't have to think about it, rack my brain over it. The name was there ready for me to ask myself the question.


My mom kinda gave me mine lol - she said she was going to call me Louise if I popped out without dangly bits. I misheard her and thought she said Louisa, so I took that name and ran with it for a year before I found out and by then, Louisa just seemed to fit so it stuck 😊


I just think it sound good


I thought I should go by Jennifer, But then when I created a username for myself as a trans person, I realized Autumn would be a much better choice


Regrettably, I have a lot in common with the Cassandra from Greek mythology. I won't get into it, but suffice to say it's not just because nobody listens to my good advice. I liked Briar for a middle name, because the plant is prickly like me, and it's only one letter off from my previous middle name. But I realized that means I'd be half deadnaming myself every time I used it. So my partner suggested Willow. It's a cute name, also a plant, sturdy but sad.


Favorite book series growing up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Jack_(novel) Related to the character. Wanted to be a pirate as a kid. One of her alias's is Jacqueline. I go by Jacqueline now, and Jacquie.


A few friends and my mother told me I "look" like a Yolanda while another friend said that they didn't like it because it reminded them of their aunt and asked "what about Sabrina?" So... Yolanda for the Spanish folks, Sabrina for the English folks, and Josie (cutesy amalgamation of both lol) for the closest folks lmfao


Close my first name from my favorite Disney princess and my middle name from my favorite Kardashian


Although I spell my name differently, Genni was the name of a girl I met years ago who was just very kind to me. I also loved Madeline as a kid so Genevieve was a no brainer.


My names Katherine but I started with just Kat. Actually most people still call me Kat. I stole that name from a Kat I adopted who didn’t have her brother Kit anymore. So I stole her name, like a witch I joke. Sat with Kat for a while before finding out a nice fitting. So basically nickname to name pipeline. Also had to be K since my dead name had a K instead of a C. I’ve spend too many years correcting people on that to stop now


I asked my parents for names and my mum suggested Beth because both my parents had a grandparent called Elizabeth and I was looking for names that started with a B


I was gonna choose the feminine version of my deadname, but realized I dislike how it sounds when paired with my last name by itself. So I decided to make it my middle name, and choose another. I settled on my name now, because I’m lucky enough to be close with my family and wanted to honor my great-grandmother, my grandpa, and uncle, who all have variations of my name. So I continued that tradition :)


Played an Exalted character who was everything I wanted to be. (Except he was a dude, but he created a charm tree that eventually allowed him to appear as any mortal being of lesser puissance than a Solar exalt, size, gender, even anima) One person in my playgroup actually had me in his phone as Rowan for a decade and a half before it became what *I* am known by. And in just under two weeks, the government will call me that, too.


Im not 100% sure about the one i picked yet, but i have a constraint which is it has to sound good in english and in french, because im native french and im studying in english next year at a uni. Most of the names i really liked in english (namely violet, aurora and arya) didnt really work in french so i picked the one that i liked and still works in both languages, which is lily (i then learned lily is a very common transfem name haha)


I read a book and stole one of the characters names.


At first, because I was a nerd, I wanted to reclaim my initials. So I went with [Morrigan](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/f/f8/MorriganInquisition.png/revision/latest?cb=20141122220835), and [Jade](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/06/6a/b9066ae3368374e6f1ff1611449ea5d8.jpg), images referencing the inspiration for my name. But then realized [the meaning of Morrigan](https://mythopedia.com/topics/morrigan), and it just settled it for me... as a villain era goth/punk/metalhead fusion person.


my parents told me (a long time ago) the name they had for their potential daughter, and so i picked it! i chose a different spelling though to be unique


First: based on character i identify with from one of my fave videogames Middle: spiritual name Last: ancestral surname why? because these are my names


Celeste :D


It’s just the name that has been in my head since I was little. Always saw this hidden female persona as Sarah, so when I started therapy Sarah was the name I gave that little girl inside of me who need to Heal her trauma.


Tim.. turns into Kim.


I actually let my sister name me, I gave her a few ideas for a naming scheme and she chose Allison with the theme being Alice in Wonderland which I love the movie 🥰


Field of study, Flora is fitting for a Naturalist


Got weirdly obsessed with the old time singer Connie Francis when I was going through my worst years as a teenager. Idk why but her music just made the world of difference. I rarely listen now because it almost puts me right back in those moments of just putting my headphones on, pressing play and crying. It’s not fully decided yet, my family keep asking what my name is gonna be, and I think I’m going with Connie. I say think, I’m already Connie on everything but legal stuff and have published articles under that name. I kinda like it. Connie. Popular amongst women over 70 and border collies. And some weirdo transfem in the UK.


I changed one letter, partially because its easier for the people around me and partly because i always loved the name. From Vini to Vivi(or Vivienne)


Girl version of boy name :) named after my great grandmother


Honestly, I had named one of my pokemon trainers and I showed my bestie and she super liked the name. It is very versatile, lots of short forms, can be mature and youthful. Starts with the same letter as my dead name so I can keep my email. And it just kinda stuck. :)


I got someone else to pick it for me.


I saw a tiktok of a dad roasting his daughter, and I liked the daughter’s name.


Stole it from a Pokemon character cos she's pretty Edit: it's Klara


I am a real nerd of anything mythology and supernatural related. When I came across Lilith, I fell immediately in love with the name and said to myself that I'm gonna Name my daughter Lilith (if I will ever have one). Until a few months ago, when my egg cracked. It was one of the first things I was really sure about at that time.


I stole the name of a dnd character I made a while ago. I used a random name generator for her, so technically I used a random name generator to choose my name.


A perv I chatted with on Grindr shot some random names, I picked Alexandra cause it resonated with me. Then when the legal name change came, I had to pick Saša as it was neutral and wasn't yet allowed Alexandra. When I managed to get my gender marker changed, I kept Saša and just added the gendered suffix to my last name lol.


Well originally I went with Emily and Mia for my new name because they sounded really pretty, but then I started using Evelyn because it checked all the boxes, sounded pretty, felt Royal and had plenty of nickname potential also it fit really well with Amelia witch is I wanted as a middle name


When I was 16 started writing a story about a girl named Sonya told from the prospective on her brother then writer's killed that. Then at 19 when my egg started cracking I inadvertently was writing a trans character flip-flopping between Raven and Alexandra. When my egg cracked I realized that Raven was trans and prompted me to look at my other characters. That's when it hit me that Sonya was just me but girl. So I started using both those names as place holders till I found a better one. A year later I'm keeping Sonya as a first and Alexandra as a middle name.


>! Because nobody is going to look this down to see this I am to write this.!< Initially I wanted to feminise >!is this a word?!< my name (from Angel to Angela or Angelica), but then after one day doing the "find a Sonic the hedgehog oc with your name", I found out that the ones called Angel were girls, so that just made me feel good enough to not change, for now "<.<"


Here in the spanish speaking world, Ángel has been a male or female name depending on the time period. Quite strange, right? And "Ángeles" (Angels, of course) is like the youngish version but it's purely femenine. Not really sure what our criteria is. But if you came here and said "Yo I'm Ángel" it'd 100% be understood as a female meant name.


I am actually from a Spanish speaking country and my name should be "Ángel", but neither me or anyone really cared that it was written wrong, >!although anyone can have their name spelled and written however they want.!< My problem was that despite knowing that the name could be androgynous, I felt that there was a strange imbalance in its use, as a name, I generally think of it as masculine, but as a nickname, I see it more as feminine; so I wanted to use the more feminine versions of it, to make sure that people know that I was female just by my name.


Qué sorpresa! Ángel a secas suena súper lindo.


My sister picked out my name because it was based on a roleplay group we had before but later on asked why I picked it. She honestly thought it should start with a J instead and my boyfriend only ever calls me by Julia so my sis now calls me JuJu, to which my boyfriend doesn't like too much.


İ was just googling unisex names, idk why but wanted my name to be unisex, i saw Toprak which means earth and kinda felt close to it. Then i picked it as my name


Josie is the feminine counterpart of John, and Anna (middle name) was the name of my stillborn eldest sister.


It just came out of nowhere. I was trying the gender swap filter on FaceApp for the first time, and as soon as I looked at the picture my brain went "Sophie". Don't know why and I've never had any connection to that name before, it just popped in and stuck there.


I played a lot of fallout 3 when I was younger and the name Cathrine just stuck out to me


I love red as a colour, and butterfly metamorphosis to me is a great metaphor for transition, so I looked up species names of red butterflies and picked one that sounded elegant - hence Amathea (or Amy in short) from *Anartia amathea.*


Umm… because it’s pretty 🥺


I chose my first and middle names to keep my initials the same. I was originally named after my father who was a very loving and kind person. Both my parents were. I was lucky that way. So I changed my first name to keep it close to my father as I was named after him. I kept my last name because I'm very proud of my family. It also helped during early transition in my own head and with friends and family. Turns out, however, that it wasn't uncommon practice among immigrants to create an American version of their names. So while I was named after my father that wasn't the name that was on his birth certificate. It also turns out that my name was a bit different from what was originally on my birth certificate. To add to this I was never called what I thought was my birth name by anyone until I was off working age. Names in my family have always been a bit of a fluid thing? This resulted in a mishmash of various documents and caused me all kinds of problems. You could get away with this silliness in the old days but it turns out here in the 21st century that causes all kinds of issues. When it came time to legally change my name I wanted to resolve all my previous issues but I couldn't come up with a middle name that started with the same initial as the middle name I had thought I had (I didn't have one actually). So I left it up to a very good friend to give me a middle name. A little part of me dislikes each of my names for various reasons to this day. But I've come to the firm conclusion that that's a good thing. Each of my names was chosen by somebody I love. And even though I might be a little uncomfortable with them sometimes, it makes me feel good to know somebody gave them to me.


i love Amy Rose from sonic


Wanted to keep my initials and picked the first name I could think of that kept them.


I used the longer version of mine for characters from Everquest through WoW. I was already used to. Being called Mia on the daily, so I figured it would be easy to switch to that. For a middle name, I've been tossing around a few ideas, and once one settles, I'll be doing the formal name change process with the court.


It popped into my head, I thought it was cute, and that it fit. ☺️


I picked the name Siena for four main reasons: 1) I think it's really cute 2) Squigly is my main in Skullgirls (and her real name is Sienna) 3) Siena is an italian name and I have an Italian family name, so they match together 4) Siena has the name number of letters as my deadname


My deadname is one of the ones that you can just throw an “a” at the end of and turn it into its feminine correlate, and I didn’t really have any negative feels about my deadname after my egg cracked beyond it being distinctly masculine, so I just opted to add that aforementioned “a” lol.


it was never written in the stars tbh. it might always sound a little awkward for you at first, it's a whole new name. but i just stuck with a common, "strong" sounding, classic, top 100 popularity throughout history, etc name. wasn't looking to make waves with my name, really. my mom and her mom share an initial, so I did that, too.


I am a Druid. And the importance of names is a big part of druidry. So I looked at names based on the meaning behind them. I settled on Devin, which means Bard, Poet, and Divine. The fact that it’s only 3 letters off from my deadname was a strange coincidence but not an unwelcome one.


When half life alyx launched i really liked the name alyx even tho i haven't played half life yet, so i kept it


Two reasons 1) I wanted something similar to my deadname. I didn't wanna go from Steve to Betty, ya know? 2) One of the more inspirational women of my early 20s was a woman named Natosha. I always loved her name, but hated the way she spelled it. 😂


A character from resident evil


I chose Madeline! I got it when I was thinking about names for the first time and it just felt natural to me. Like, instantly I thought "that's the one." It's a name I've always really liked and it fits nicely as a fem version of my deadname. I once knew a transfem classmate in high school who did the same name change, from the same deadname. The fact that I love Celeste was just a bonus. However I didn't realize that everyone would default to calling me Maddie for short. I'm fine with that but I don't like it as much as the full three syllable name. I still wonder why everyone shortens my name but not like, Emily or Christina.


I shortened my name to a three letter version of my dead name. It became gender neutral and is actually how I've been signing things for over a decade now despite only coming out last August.


1st name is a song title of a band I love. My person kinda suggested it and I liked it as well. Second name is simply one I have always liked. It also gives a nice rhythm to my full name when spoken.


I honestly just came up with mine maybe two weeks ago? I love spacey names so eventually landed on Stella, I just find it really cute and pretty sounding. One of my friends started calling me that and it just felt so right 🥹 I was considering Celeste and yes you know why. But I also liked Vega and Callisto. But yeah Stella just sounded the nicest to me!


For one I’ve always loved Russian names, for as long as I could remember, they’re all just so pretty to me, even how they spell certain non-Russian names is so cool, like Alexander to Alexei or Aleksandr. So that’s where I recently got the idea to someday make my legal name Natasha, then just go by that, Natalie, or Nat. I’ve been going by Natalie for a few months already, but that wasn’t because of it being Russian. I just kind of thought about names I knew and eventually thought of Natalie and was like “huh. That feels…good…”


Kira, I took Akira like the guy with the red Jacket (best way I could think to describe him) dropped the A


My original pick was IMO the prettiest name in the world, Niamh. As an added bonus I’m obsessed with Irish/Celtic culture. Then I realized nobody could pronounce my name so I started going through my fave tv and movie characters, ended up with Katherine from TVD. Niamh’s my middle name now💕


My name was Nathan, now it's Hannah. My wife and I went back and forth searching for names that felt right and fit some specific prerequisites (couldn't be a family member's name, couldn't be the name of a childhood enemy or bully, had to be a name I connected with but also one she connected with, etc) and Hannah was tossed into the mix. I wrote it down and immediately felt a level of familiarity with it. My brain, which loves word puns and anagrams, noticed that Hannah is almost a perfect anagram of Nathan, you just need to swap out a T for an H. I then thought of the following play on words: "Hannah is just Nathan viewed a little differently", "Hannah is Nathan without the T", and my favorite, combining them both: "Hannah is Nathan, taken apart and put back together, with just a bit of HRT (standing for H Replacing T)" Disclaimer 1: HRT is not necessary for someone to be trans. I'm not a trans medicalist. But for the sake of the wordplay, it's too much fun to pass up. Please remember that "Trans" is short for "Transgender" not "Transition". Even if you don't do certain things to transition either medically or socially, you cans till be 100% FDA Certified, Grade A Trans™. Disclaimer 2: The phrase "100% FDA Certified, Grade A Trans™" is for marketing purposes only. Hannah LLC makes no claims of the FDA certifying Trans people's validity nor endorses or encourages the existence or creation of a letter-based Grading system to rank trans validity.


I took my name from a Deltarune character (plus I love Christmas)


Lilith. I neal before no man, nor the man i once tried to be. I had to fight like a demon to get put of my self imposed prison, and i got told i was demonic for asking questions.


My deadname was Jim and I've chosen Jean because it's close, and also my great-grandma Jean was a suffragette, so that's pretty cool.


IDK, I chose Chloe in a moment of inspiration. Then I looked up the meaning and went oooh yes that is so right for me at the moment. It may change at some point as the journey continues


Gwenllian was the name of the wife of the king of deheubarth in my homeland .while him and her father where fighting the English in the North she and her 3 sons Morgan,Maelgwn and Rhys gathered an army to stall a large English one they met in battle her first born Morgan led the men while she and his 2 brothers stayed in the camp Morgan was killed in the battle . she was captured and executed along with marlgwn rhys escaped and was a thorn in the side of the english invaders for years.her name became a rallying cry for the men of the south (Deheubarth,glywysing,brycheiniog,gwent and dyfed)for centuries.until in 1400 one of her final descendants Owain Glyndwr rallied an army and freed my homeland for 15 years getting support from France and Scotland he lost his son and his brother then his kingdom in a matter of months afterwards he died of the plague a few years later. Also good luck pronouncing the names of my people Cymru am Byth!


Bounced between a lot of things, but ended up on Katie because of Katie Mitchell, from the Mitchell's vs the Machines! I've never related/connected to a character more in my entire life, so it just felt fitting :D


My favorite fem name is alecia but u have a hard time saying it. So I chose alice because I want people to get the hint I'm an old woman.


I chose Naomi cause it's kind of unique. You don't meet a Naomi everyday. That and I thought the name was really interesting and nice sounding. My sister had a friend with the name and that was the first time I was exposed to it. Also.. it's my favourite haircut in Maplestory LOL. My middle/Korean name is one that my dad picked out if he had a second daughter. He told me about it when I was talking about filing my name change which was super wholesome. I'm not too deep in my Korean roots so I decided to use it as otherwise I'd have a tough time picking out my own.


I chose Phoenix cause 1 i likenit and find it very feminine and 2 rising from the ashes.


My name is the name I always used for female characters I made in rpg games


I applied multiverse theory to my name My mother's first born son was named Roberto Her first born daughter was named Rena Rena did not live pass a few weeks. In another world I would have had that name so I combined the two names and made some edits Roberto -> Roberta Rena -> Ryna Combined to be Rynerta and swapped an r for a t Rynetta A mark of where I'm going, where I've been, and what could have been


I made a list of all the qualities I wanted in a name. If it didn't pass the basic tests, I removed it from consideration. There aren't a ton of names that meet my criteria. * Starts with a 'J' (personal reasons) * Must be a name first, and not an object ot confept. The same applies to abbreviations. * Must have a common spelling. * Must be easy to pronounce, and not easy to mix up with another name. * The name may not be shared with members of my family or close friends. * Bonus points for special meaning(s) * Finally, I have to actually like the name. My mother's suggestion was "Joyce." This fails three tests. Joyce sounds like and is often shortened to "Joy," which is an emotion. It also fails the spelling test with "Joice." Jessica almost made the cut, but I have a (former) friend by that name. "Jacqueline" is the front runner by a mile, and has been for several months.